Want frames back? http://www.4chan.org/frames/. Dislike the new design?
Get used to it, or access the boards directly through a bookmark (most users do!). REALLY don't like the new design?
Leave—seriously ("And nothing of value was lost"). God forbid there be a front page actually worth visiting!
A few notes: The new Yotsuba/leaf logo is a place-holder. Mac is designing a new one.
To those whining about /b/ and a potential "newfag" invasion: the cat has been out of the bag for a while you idiots.
If anything, its placement on the new front page is more inconspicuous and less prominent than ever.
For those having trouble with the Firefox extension: DamageInc has been notified of the issues and a fix should be issued fairly soon. Also, the "new" FAQ has been
around since February. DURR.
Expect some sort of a news post in the next few days/week.