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05/13/08(Tue)19:07 No.1728739 File :1210720038.jpg-(268 KB, 450x629, 1195434331262.jpg)
 >>1728637 I linked where you can get the rulebook and character generator earlier in the thread. >>1728187
But, to give a basic rundown: Characters are defined by three stats, Body, Mind and Soul. Each one covers very broad categories of actions, as one might guess. The system uses character points for everything, and you need to buy up a character's stats from zero (I might change this). Stats themselves are pretty cheap, though. The rest of a character's points goes to giving them attributes, which are things like special attacks, or other advantages as in GURPS. Generally, the higher the rating in an attribute, the better it gets and the more it can do. Some attributes can be further modified to have specific ranges, areas of effect, or numbers of targets. Most attributes can also be given drawbacks to lower their point costs, and it can be very hard to resist at least a little min-maxing in this regard. The "dX" comes from the fact that the game intends the use of different base die sizes for the basic rolls, depending on the general power scale of the game. So, it could be anything from a d4 to a d20, I think. I'll probably be setting character power in the d6 to d10 range, which is around 100-200 character points or so, if I remember.
For the setting, I'd probably set it in something vaguely similar to modern Japan rather than a generic fantasyland. It might be a magical world sort of like Mid-Childa from Nanoha StrikerS, in which case, magic and magical powers are nothing new, or it might be earth, which makes things a little different. Either way, unless a character makes an effort to hide their appearance, there won't be rules to conceal a magical girl's true identity. It's more fun that way. |