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05/28/08(Wed)13:56 No.1840707 File :1211997374.jpg-(46 KB, 320x550, Marduk-1.jpg)
 The people of Termagant are probably squished between the Sarakene and Magog- if not already conquered, and practicing their religion in secret mountains and temple complexes far across the region. Their magic is not without danger; for like Lot's Wife, if they gaze at the Sacred Fires they draw down, they are in danger of being turned to the base materials from which all are sprung, and having their names erased from memory- whether or not the name erasure is due to the proper Faithful refusing to speak the name of one so capricious with divine might from the heavens, or intercession of the Ahura Mazda himself, is uncertain. Panayim consider the Termagant People of the Book, and so do not condemn them as infidels; followers of the Lamb however, might well see things differently, if they were to bear witness to the near blasphemy that the Termagant magicians engage in.
For the most part, the Termagant were content to probe the mysteries of the universe, and act righteously within their own communities, until the Divine Fire at Yazd started to gutter. Afraid and uncertain, they set to a fever pace of prayer and preparation for the Final Judgement, until, miraculously, the Holy Land reappeared.
Now, those most courageous of their magicians must set forth through lands strange and terrible, braving all manner of horror and terror to set up to the Holy Land, and beg Ahura Mazda for another spark to spare their worthless world for just a time longer. More must know of the Righteous Way first. |