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I write slow guys, sorry. I always write on a whim without prewriting.
06/01/08(Sun)03:37 No.1873348 File :1212305858.jpg-(442 KB, 1279x1023, BorealeScreamingMoron.jpg)
 "Ave, Brother Scipio! Ready for the drop today, brother?" the sergeant shuffled along the table to join the other figurines grouped around the drop pod.
It was all so fast. Too many clustered into one pod, the failure of the atmospheric breaks to ignite, dashing on the concrete floor, and it was all over in a million shards.
Tears flowed freely, as Boreale fell to his hands and knees, bent over the ruined remnants of Sergeant Vita's squad, of the second company of Blood Ravens, and screamed at the top of his lungs in anguish and grief for the lives of men lost futilely due to their inability to properly enact Operation Steel Rain.
"What the fuck was that?" Asked Khârn, turning to look over his shoulder at the dreaded back room of Eliphas' store. "I TOLD you, healing surge, so realistically speaking that causes the flesh to wrap around your greatsword and-"
"Now, Boreale- that was a single tactical squad," from beyond the commander's vision, he heard the scrape of plastic being shifted, "How about a dreadnought?"
"No, no, please," Boreale shook his head, bitter regret flowing through him, "I'll tell you what I know." "Hmph," Eliphas kneeled down, victory writ across his face as he had not felt since he had successfully managed to sniper bid a Wallhammer original figurine of Mai-chan in a maid's outfit for only fifty dollars, "Now you break- so tell me, what did you do?" "I ahsked fohr spehss mehreens," a pause, "Then she told me no and left."
"That's it." "Yehs." "No kidnapping, no location where she might be, nothing else?" "Yehs." Eliphas sighed, standing up, "Well then I'm fucked," he paused, "Epic level fucked, to be specific." |