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    File :1220191821.jpg-(69 KB, 495x700, ashleywood_bertie.jpg)
    69 KB Anonymous 08/31/08(Sun)10:10 No.2472537  
    I thought I'd make my own thread, as I was wondering if /tg/'d like to play.

    I've just finished a setting wherein Love and Strife are very real elemental forces of the universe (fuck you Søren) and the players either act as Agents for one side or the other, or act for the more existentially-themed realpolitik Cosmic-Government.
    A bitter war has broken out between two factions of the aforementioned Cosmic Government, The Parliament of Stars and the Galactic Witenagemot. The two sides have forwarded vast trans-dimensional ships to wage war in S.P Space; a condensed reality that sits over the top of real-space.
    If the players choose to fight for the forces of Love, they're essentially a cross between Power Rangers and Spiral Knights - Firing rainbow-beams from megaman-style arm cannons in the name of Truth, Freedom and Joy in an attempt to end the war and bring about a new age of love.
    If they choose Strife, love's counterpart, they'd be the bizzaro-world opposites of what they could be. Anywhere between Saturday-Morning-Cartoon-Villainism to outright Nihilism, wearing dark shades and blasting away what's good in the world with Void-Launchers in the name of Entropy and Hatred.
    Alternatively, choosing either side of the Cosmic Government means that, while powers are curtailed, you'd get some of the best military equipment in all the dimensions, including Robots. You must try not to be subverted by the Agents of Love or Strife (who can be equally cunning) and win the war for the good of the people!

    Interesting or crap?
    >> Anonymous 08/31/08(Sun)10:11 No.2472545
    You've caught my attention.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/08(Sun)10:15 No.2472561

    What do the two factions of government represent? What sort of theme and mood are you going for here? Is this a galactic game? Is this post-scarcity? Some other relevant question?
    >> Marca Reg !!XL717J3DDe9 08/31/08(Sun)10:15 No.2472563

    Awesome idea is awesome.

    I don't know if i'd have time to play it but i expect you'll be bombarded with requests to join before long anyway!
    >> Anonymous 08/31/08(Sun)10:19 No.2472586
    love/emotion vs logic/science
    >> Anonymous 08/31/08(Sun)10:36 No.2472645
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    Both sides claim to be the elected representative body of the Universe. It is, in essence, a civil war. Ideologically they are both democratic republics, however P.o.S is more Socialist whereas the W.G is more Conservative however this currently represents voting trends and, if pushed, these subtle inflections could become more extreme.

    The game spans the entire universe; or as it's colloquially know 'The Cosmos' The advent of S.P Space, however, facilitates travel and communications with greater ease, essentially condensing real-space into more reasonable proportions.

    It's almost post-scarcity: industry, while largely done by non-sentient automations still requires personal direction and design to be maximumly efficient and pleasing. Further, the amount of Paperwork having to be undertaken to run industry and supply the populace of the Cosmos is vast and billions are employed as civil servants. Military needs and production are a major source of economic return.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/08(Sun)10:40 No.2472672
    Love versus Strife against an Existential backdrop?
    >> Anonymous 08/31/08(Sun)10:40 No.2472673
    An excuse for a ripping good space opera yarn then, eh?

    Well, despite the vastness of scale here, make sure you DON'T emphasize that- the characters should always have meaning. Their actions shouldn't be swallowed up against the background of the inevitable, ala 40k- you have guys who are working on the behalf of abstract forces for God's sakes, shooting rainbows of love and hate!

    So, make sure there is a small cast, and that the characters are able to get into the notice of The Big People fairly easily- at least, those are my thoughts.

    You DID mention realpolitik for if you're involved with the governments, so maybe you'll want to emphasize isolation for those. But I can't see you doing that for characters playing as agents of love and strife.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/08(Sun)10:44 No.2472691
    He said existentialism.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/08(Sun)10:45 No.2472699
    He said power rangers!
    >> Anonymous 08/31/08(Sun)10:57 No.2472746
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    There are three parties involved. Love and Strife and the two sides to the civil war.
    To be an Agent of Love or Strife is essentially to be a Crusading sci-fi Knight of sorts - you'll equal to all others of your cause and potentially immensely powerful. Cutting a battle-ship in half with a sword isn't beyond you. Being subtle and covering your infinity armour with a cloak and wandering Odin-like through the PoS S.P-docks is sometimes necessary, but it's for the sake of the universe, right? Flash-freekin'-Gordon.
    To fight in the civil war is slightly more down to earth, but players can still expect important things to happen to them. To be diplomats, or captains - to be entrusted with increasingly crucial missions.

    As you said, it's Space Opera; the action is always going to follow the players about.

    (Pictured: An Agent of Strife)
    >> Anonymous 08/31/08(Sun)11:08 No.2472787
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    Top-level agent of Love?
    >> Anonymous 08/31/08(Sun)11:33 No.2472890
    >> The Former CC !KV3AHi5DOQ 08/31/08(Sun)11:43 No.2472913


    NIKOPOL Trilogy?
    >> Anonymous 08/31/08(Sun)12:14 No.2472998
    Yes. But with less fascism and Egyptian Gods.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/08(Sun)12:14 No.2473003
    Oh, and limited amounts of chess-boxing.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/08(Sun)12:33 No.2473101
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    Anyone in /tg/ interested in playing?
    >> Anonymous 08/31/08(Sun)12:42 No.2473152
    Yeah, sounds pretty cool and funky. I'd like to know more, but I'm unsure of what questions to ask.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/08(Sun)12:47 No.2473174
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    >> Anonymous 08/31/08(Sun)13:07 No.2473286
    >r and bring about a new age of love.
    If they choose Strife, love's counterpart, they'd be the bizzaro-world opposites of what they could be. Anywhere between Saturday-Morning-Cartoon-Villainism to outright Nihilism.
    Or both, both is good.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/08(Sun)13:11 No.2473300
    I don't know whether I'd want to be justice and light or grimdark? Maybe the human side is best. Wait, this is the entire universe right? Is everyone human?
    >> Anonymous 08/31/08(Sun)13:34 No.2473386
    The cosmos is filled with every type of creature imaginable. As far as sentient species go, to avoid massive confusion as to rights, everyone is referred to as 'Human', but Homo Sapiens are by no means a majority. The squid-like Caijuu are also a prime space-faring species, as are Robots - mechanical, sentient constructs who value a self-contained sense of person above a mental collective.
    Each separate sentient Human receives one vote on issues that effect them. A major decision in the Universe split the Cosmic Government as argument arose as to who exactly would be effected by the outcome; and thus who could vote.

    All this, of course, is meant to play up the existential absurdity of the setting.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/08(Sun)13:50 No.2473455
    >existential absurdity
    You have my attention.

    Why do I get the feeling that there's some deeper philosophic meanings to this other than just blasting people with brightly-colored lasers. Empedocles would be proud.. or worried.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/08(Sun)13:54 No.2473487
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    >>I've just finished a setting wherein Love and Strife are very real elemental forces of the universe

    >> Anonymous 08/31/08(Sun)14:06 No.2473560
    I think I'd actually prefer to play as one of the normal people. The lives of average heroes in a universe where avatars of love and hate stalk the stars doing battle seems quite interesting. Normal humans have to act smart, not strong.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/08(Sun)14:07 No.2473575
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    i played it, it was good
    >> Devil !GQUOsC9mgk 08/31/08(Sun)14:12 No.2473594
    You're approaching Douglas Adams absurdity here.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/08(Sun)14:18 No.2473614
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    >> Anonymous 08/31/08(Sun)14:19 No.2473619
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    >> Anonymous 08/31/08(Sun)14:20 No.2473622
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    The Cosmic Government.

    Pick your side, /tg/
    >> Anonymous 08/31/08(Sun)14:24 No.2473631
    Strife because im lonely and beardy
    >> Anonymous 08/31/08(Sun)14:26 No.2473639
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    >> Devil !GQUOsC9mgk 08/31/08(Sun)15:03 No.2473801
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    Our women are hotter.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/08(Sun)15:05 No.2473815
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    Governmental. Because robots are fucking awesome.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/08(Sun)15:36 No.2473996
    OP here. Just thinking that players and NPCs could uphold the different ideologies, but yet outwardly appear to be another solider in the war; keeping any powers secret and covertly influencing events to further either love or strife.

    So who'd be an honest-to-god servant of the government and who would be a devious ideologue of (potential) immense power would be something that'd have to be resolved both regarding NPCs and within the player party itself. The final boss of a champaign actually being a trusted team-mate.. TPK anyone?
    >> Anonymous 08/31/08(Sun)16:00 No.2474182
    Sounds cool. So the entire party can either be straight-cut Love or Strife and fly around having exalted-style adventures, or can play as cosmic soldiers in a more DH-style war fiction or investigative champaign.
    Or be low-powered agents, or be a mix. Ultimate customization!
    >> Anonymous 08/31/08(Sun)16:18 No.2474327
    Right, there is now a chat-channel open at http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/chat.html
    on the Love_and_Strife channel.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/08(Sun)16:26 No.2474386
    BUMP, damnit! Best thread on /tg/
    >> Anonymous 08/31/08(Sun)16:37 No.2474448
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    >> Anonymous 08/31/08(Sun)17:11 No.2474686
    Bump for awesome.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/08(Sun)17:38 No.2474952
    Time to pack away the toys for tonight. I'll just archive this in case anyone wants it again to actually play with.
    >> Lazyfag 08/31/08(Sun)17:40 No.2474971
    Color me extremely-fucking-interested.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/08(Sun)17:43 No.2474998
    I want, I enjoy- but you need SOME specifics.

    Describe for me space ships, weapons, planets, religions, alien species, etcetera- abstract generalizations can only go so far.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/08(Sun)17:45 No.2475016
    Vague esotericism no good then?
    >> Anonymous 08/31/08(Sun)17:50 No.2475067
    Well- as much as the sweeping generalizations are cool, I just can't stand having space opera without details. Y'know, "Archbishop of the Cosmos Jarrick, ascended on Villarhen, the most faithful of planets, is neutral in this action- he is profoundly frustrated in not being chosen as an agent for Love, and as of such is attempting to act in such a manner that he feels befits one chosen by Love. Therefore, his neutrality in the civil war. He is blind to the fact that his zealous, untempered prosecution and firebrand hate speech to the Consortium of Corat (The effects of which can still be felt in the Perdido Cults that infest every hab from Terra to Lo Edge Research Station) is what is impairing him, not just mere politics."
    >> Anonymous 08/31/08(Sun)17:58 No.2475138
    Nice! Now official cannon.

    Let me make it clear - while I have some vague ideas as to the themes, aesthetics and generals principals of the setting it's very much an open project and I'd love some creative cooperation from /tg/.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/08(Sun)18:18 No.2475326
    >space ships
    S.P Space is a vastly different place to Real-Space, however, traveling through it remains largely the same. Passage through the glistening vortexes and dazzling energies of the S.P are forged on vast craft, capable of sustaining a passenger contingent of at least one million. The current trend of design in the Cosmic Government learns towards organical cone structures there are many variations in the private sector in accordance with taste and cultural fashion. While battleships tend to be smaller and sleeker the same minimal cone format is retained.
    Lasers, Solid Slugs and Phase weaponry are still in use. In fact, considering the vastness of the universe, if something has the potential to hurt someone, it's probably in use. In order; Nuclear, Biological, S.P Focused, Love and Strife-based weaponry are still the most vastly destructive forces known to the C.G
    >> Anonymous 08/31/08(Sun)18:29 No.2475405

    Alright. Love and Strife partially originate in S.P. space- probably want parallel drive systems for agents of Strife and Love- but Love and Strife don't originate there. Rather, somehow, after humanity had made good, primitive use of S.P. space, Love and Strife recognized their agents, and bade them to spread this. So far, popular theory is that these are extra-dimensional alien gods that see kinship in man, and would see them spread their dictum of choice. Popular theory is not necessarily the correct one though. Most who study S.P. space state that if there is something out there, it is slow and impressionable. Of course, knowledge that Love and Strife are acting in the universe isn't common- people bemoan the villainy that life holds, and pine for better days, and sometimes attribute this to the conscious work of forces beyond their control, but don't grasp the true picture that agents of Love and Strife hold.

    Which of course is "My side good, their side bad."

    All Agents of Love and Strife are picked within S.P. space. Those aware of Love and Strife then have a terrible habit of flinging themselves from airlocks in S.P. space in an attempt to be chosen- sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Usually though, Agents are chosen when S.P. Space is brought to THEM, scientific experiments gone wrong, isolated cosmic flukes, and moments on the verge of death are all popular. To be sure, there have been Agents chosen on warp ships, but most of the time the Agent has to do something extraordinary to bridge S.P. Space and realspace to deserve the power that can be brought to them.

    The Parliament of Stars favored food across the universe is usually rice. This has lead to a copious amount of jokes and slurs from the Galactic Witenagemot, neutral parties, and comedians much to the exasperation of the Parliament. The abortive campaign of "Rice is Nice" from their Propaganda Department only cemented the joke.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/08(Sun)18:32 No.2475422
    While appearing to be ghost-like, miniature points of light that sparkle and fall like snow in S.P Space, the planets of the Republic of the Cosmos are excessive in number and sort. The majority are sparsely inhabited industrialized complexes where massive construction or agriculture automations continually churn out their much needed produce which are swiftly organized and shipped to the Megalopolises; city-states capable of covering entire systems, sometimes half-existing in S.P Space. The Republic constitutionally promised a certain amount of living space per Sentience, hence the enormity of urban areas. Of course, many member-states of the Cosmos are content to organise their own citizens in whatever manner suits them regardless of stature.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/08(Sun)18:37 No.2475450
    The Parliament of Stars and the Galactic Witenagemot both hold bans against slavery, though the Galactic hold no bars on indentured servitude and forced prison labor and the Parliament allows prostitution (With vigorous government check ups) and as a punishment for heinous, galactic level crimes, lobotomies with mind control.

    Both sides take these policies as excuses to decry the other as hypocrites.

    However, considering that little labor NEEDS to be done in the far future that can't be done by robots, the average life of a citizen (At least on Grade 3 Cosmic Goverment worlds) is relaxed.

    The latest Cosmic Census revealed that there are only 433, 653, 921 souls in the empire. The worrying state of affairs has incited some policy to encourage breeding to correct the shrinking population.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/08(Sun)18:42 No.2475475
    Oh, wow, this's stunning.
    I've been up far too long to write coherently and you've out-shone me by a couple of thousand candles...
    Good to know at least someone has a firm grasp on the humanitarian side of my setting.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/08(Sun)18:50 No.2475511
    Have to make up for writing 40k fanfiction somehow...

    Must chow. Will hopefully have more ideas when I return.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/08(Sun)18:51 No.2475518
    This setting had always struck me as a 'Here are the basics, now run with it!' affair. Like Paranoia, where neither the size, shape or aesthetics of Alpha Complex are discussed, you still gain a definite sense of what is and is not suitable. E
    ssentially, with the right mind-frame and key descriptors, multiple players would get the same mental image of the Cosmos and could build on it from there; each player group having their own version of events.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/08(Sun)18:53 No.2475527
    Nice to have some talent around. Must sleep. I'll be back in a while and read through - I hope it'll revitalize my creatively.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/08(Sun)18:54 No.2475538
    ANON, please post all and any ideas!
    >> Anonymous 08/31/08(Sun)18:58 No.2475559
    This may need to be archived soon. If nothing new shows up before the end of my shift, I'll submit it to Suptg.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/08(Sun)19:10 No.2475641
    I've made one archive. I don't know if it updates.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/08(Sun)19:32 No.2475762
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    Is this some sort of epic thread?
    >> Anonymous 08/31/08(Sun)19:42 No.2475810
    Project "Blue Sky"
    >> Anonymous 08/31/08(Sun)19:54 No.2475878
    So wait...

    Parliament of Stars, Cosmic Government, and Galactic Win...german word. They represent love, neutral, and strife; respectively?

    And each of them have regular government troops, as well as crusading power ranger knight types obeying their force, not their government?
    >> Anonymous 08/31/08(Sun)19:59 No.2475910

    And if the Love and Strife guys each have their power rangers but the neutral Cosmic Government doesn't, I propose in addition to their normal military, there be some sort of scientific inquisition or something. The proponents of Reason or some such.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/08(Sun)20:02 No.2475933

    Actually, i think Love and Strife are above the governemental agencies, and that they have no actual relationship to them; you might have Strife agents from the Galactic Witenagemot fighting with Agents of Love from the Parliament of Stars, while Agents of Love from the Witenagemot sabotauge efforts of the Parlimentary Agents of Strife to influence the politics of the Cosmic Government.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/08(Sun)20:22 No.2476050
    The Parliament of Stars and the Galactic Witenagemot are two sides of a universal government that is now churning in civil war. A while ago they had been two parties within the same democratic republic but this state has since fractured into these two warring states.
    The forces of Love and of Strife are not associated with either side, being more cosmic-energy than political end. However, those who would call themselves agents of Love or Strife (who are occasionally imbued with immense mystical power) seek to use the current Cosmic upheaval to unseat human autonomy and place the population of the universe under their control - lead either by notions of authoritarian justice and truth or anarchic entropy and greed.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/08(Sun)20:28 No.2476078
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    >>fuck you Søren

    Well hey, I just wanted to ensure organic life would have a place in a biomechanically dominated galaxy, but that's your opinion and all. Sounds like someone has some growing up to do.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/08(Sun)20:34 No.2476102
    The University of Cosmos would like to remind you that the Church of Reason is the new path for a new and harmonious reunified Cosmic Government.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/08(Sun)20:35 No.2476109
    >What sort of theme and mood are you going for here?

    A quietly dark epic in a misgivingly toy-like Sci-fi shell. While there may be deeper philosphical, social political considerations, I'd still want the players to experience a run-n-gun Space Opera.
    As a rule of thumb, technology should appear as if it was conceived in the 1970s, mixed a little with Ashley Wood, art deco and pulpy comics.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/08(Sun)20:46 No.2476167
    Yeah, a place on a spike. Amirite? Eh? Amirite?
    >> Anonymous 08/31/08(Sun)21:03 No.2476277
    Archive this win!

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