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  • File :1220675796.jpg-(66 KB, 500x400, Science.jpg)
    66 KB Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)00:36 No.2513823  
    So I heard about Science: The Hypothesis the other day, and thought I'd get into it. What's a good deck for beginners?
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)00:37 No.2513830
    Biological Anomaly.
    >> LogicNinja !X/WncDCXNA 09/06/08(Sat)00:38 No.2513836
    A defensive Evolution deck. Evolution decks can deal with basically anything out there, and if you can stall when someone gets an advantage, you're pretty much guaranteed to win.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)00:44 No.2513863
    Pure Atomic Power never let anyone down.

    Admittedly, it won't give you many games, but it's fun.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)00:44 No.2513864
    You can never go wrong with Geology tbh
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)00:48 No.2513876
    What exactly is S:TH?
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)00:49 No.2513885

    stop making up games that I want to play. It's bad enough escaping to a fantasy world using tabletop games, it's jut terrible when I escape to a fantasy world OF GAMES THAT DON'T EXIST.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)00:49 No.2513886
    Tourneyfag here, running Clockwork. No one likes to play me so as of late I've mixed in a bit of Psychology.
    >> LogicNinja !X/WncDCXNA 09/06/08(Sat)00:49 No.2513887
    Are you kidding me? Shit is slow, dull to play, and behind the power curve. Only reason it ever wins is obscure shit players aren't expecting.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)00:50 No.2513894

    wait, no one likes your fucking synergistic kill-you-on-turn-4 CW deck so you put in fucking control? FUCK YOU
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)00:50 No.2513898
    Y'know, toss in applied botany and you've got some nastiness there.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)00:51 No.2513899

    Fucker. I bet you don't even look at the artwork of the cards when you buy them.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)00:51 No.2513902

    As that pic clearly demonstrates, on the subatomic level balls are touching.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)00:52 No.2513909

    Tourneyfag here. I was actually using an Applied Botany/Kinetic Energy deck before I ran into Clockwork. Shit came out like a lightning bolt, but I was getting fucking OWNED by Ballistics.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)00:52 No.2513910
    The preconstructed Spelunker deck is a blast to play, though.
    >> LogicNinja !X/WncDCXNA 09/06/08(Sat)00:56 No.2513930
    Evolution deals with clockwork very well, incidentally, as long as you're running enough plant life. Having a sideboard means your evolution deck can always lean in whatever direction you need, so it's great for tourneys.
    >> LogicNinja !X/WncDCXNA 09/06/08(Sat)00:57 No.2513935
    More like Anal Spelunker, amirite.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)00:57 No.2513937
    "Science: The Hypothesis "

    Sounds like a game WW would make.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)00:57 No.2513940
    Oh, the wit.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)00:57 No.2513941
    Those balls are actually mostly nothing. Despite appearing to touch, they aren't. Blows your mind doesn't it.

    On topic, Math decks are pure win. Sure they are complicated and you have to work to set it up right but they will beat EVERYTHING.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)01:01 No.2513960

    Evolution takes too long to build up, though. I got freaking owned when this Chemfag threw a Chemical Fire and killed all my labs.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)01:01 No.2513961
    Am I the only one who is extremely underwhelmed by the microbiology archetype? It seems so powerful at first, but just about nobody runs decks vulnerable to microbes...
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)01:02 No.2513968
    Evolution and Paleontology sync really well together, throw in some Field Geology to boost your paleo cards and you can steamroll anyone. Except those faggots who use Theoretical Particle Physics cards. Shit is ridiculously overpowered considering the effects of the cards are so fucking vague and Ive seen people bullshit through even tourneys with em
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)01:04 No.2513979
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    >bullshit through even tourneys with [Theoretical Particle Physics]

    quick, someone write something about string theory.
    >> LogicNinja !X/WncDCXNA 09/06/08(Sat)01:04 No.2513984
    Math decks are a newbie trap. Applied Math is a little better, but still not great. Math has a lot of things that look good and important, but to be able to do anything useful with them your deck needs to be so Physics-heavy you're playing a Physics deck with a little top-of-the-line Math, not a Math deck.

    Microbes haven't been good since Medicine immediates hit the scene. gb2/1800s/.

    That's why you play defensively. You can stall Chem decks easily, unless you get a really shit hand, and by the time you can't stall anymore they can't hurt you.
    >> Oracle Knights Fon Master Guardian Anise Tatlin !KpwfxjunhY 09/06/08(Sat)01:05 No.2513987
    What, no one plays intelligent design decks? Sure, they were the joke set, but they're surprisingly fun to play once you get the hang of the mechanics.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)01:06 No.2513992
    Hey, those String Theory decks look awesome on paper.
    >> LogicNinja !X/WncDCXNA 09/06/08(Sat)01:06 No.2513993
    Yeah, sure. If you, y'know, ignore the RULES.
    >> Dawgas !P6pMZ.8ybs 09/06/08(Sat)01:06 No.2513995
    >> LogicNinja !X/WncDCXNA 09/06/08(Sat)01:07 No.2513996
    Not bad. Works best on the American tourney scene.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)01:07 No.2514001
    fuck your game breaking shit. Like I said I run an Evo deck and fucking "Teach the Controversy" basically fucks up my entire hand one turn
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)01:08 No.2514005

    Like that one card that removes all Evolution cards from the game?

    Or the one that allows you to grab a piece of paper, draw a card, and play it?
    >> Oracle Knights Fon Master Guardian Anise Tatlin !KpwfxjunhY 09/06/08(Sat)01:09 No.2514010
    It's not my fault you take these games so seriously.

    Bawwww more, evofag.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)01:10 No.2514016
    You should alway think about splashing astronomy they got the best mass destroy of the game.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)01:12 No.2514021
    fuckoff it's getting nerfed next block
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)01:13 No.2514028
    Astronomy is pretty great. It's a good addition to just about any deck.

    A little expensive to get some of their cards going though.
    >> Oracle Knights Fon Master Guardian Anise Tatlin !KpwfxjunhY 09/06/08(Sat)01:14 No.2514030
    Evolution? 'Bout time.

    ID? Why would they nerf the joke set?
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)01:14 No.2514031
    'Nerfed'? As in, they'll reduce ID's power and make it a part of Standard?

    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)01:14 No.2514033

    Asteroid Impact is on the same level as some of those Geology mass destroys at best, and that's if it even hits.
    >> Dawgas !P6pMZ.8ybs 09/06/08(Sat)01:16 No.2514045
    Man, you guys all suck

    my gun deck is best
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)01:17 No.2514047
    Well Big Bang is kinda uber imo.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)01:17 No.2514049
    I loved playing the Minus joke card I once made when people used that card. Only two people got it.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)01:18 No.2514056

    Aren't they banned from pretty much everywhere?
    >> Oracle Knights Fon Master Guardian Anise Tatlin !KpwfxjunhY 09/06/08(Sat)01:19 No.2514060
    As a fellow joke card player, I sure appreciate it.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)01:20 No.2514066
    I play casual multyplayer with friend you know the math guy play divide by zero...
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)01:21 No.2514069
    Horray for casual.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)01:22 No.2514074
    pssh thats only because noobs drool over Supernova being the most powerful non theoretical card in the game (exept the banned from tourney big-bang). When any and every player with any amount of experience knows how easy it is to fuck shit up with more common and versatile cards while the poor fool tries to make his core totally iron. Seriously the fusion energy cost for activating that would have won you the game a billion times over if you went with conventional Nuclear Physics
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)01:25 No.2514091
    Well most evolution deck use comet fall as a soon game accelerator. Meteorology on the other hand is totaly dependent on the sun card this is why it's so bad.
    >> Dwarffag Stoutlager !fefZkq6YmQ 09/06/08(Sat)01:28 No.2514100
    Psychometry is the name of my game. My deck operates on making sure I'm a step ahead of your plan. Call me crazy, but I run Engineering with it. It's sort of like classic R/B burn/control in M:tG.

    Use Psyche Bomb to bounce a few of your creatures off and draw out my four Steamtanks as quick as possible, then blast the shit at you while Memory Loss does its work. That enchant should be illegal.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)01:30 No.2514120
    Nuclear Winter will pretty well fuck over any non-Ice Age build Meteorology deck (and Agriculture decks but who uses those lol), but it's so specific that it's not really worth including, even if you can get it super cheap in your Nuclear Physics fissionspam deck.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)01:35 No.2514148
    Hey dudes, Meteorology isn't that bad. You just need to splash something that can cover its weaknesses and a little deck searching. (everyone seems to forget this, but fucking RED SPOT is meteorology)

    Like I said though, deck searching. early game cheap fuel cards (and Sun) + Red Spot is pretty hard to counter. It's mostly luck though, so the rest of your deck needs to be devoted to shutting down enemy shit until you can get it out.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)01:36 No.2514157

    Only good thing about Agri decks are the locust swarms and famines. Really not worth it tbh.
    >> LogicNinja !X/WncDCXNA 09/06/08(Sat)01:37 No.2514160
    ...and the best shutdown is psychology. At which point you're running a Psychology deck with Red Spot, not a meteorology deck.
    >> Commissar Iratus 09/06/08(Sat)01:39 No.2514175
    I'm running a Psychology/Psychiatry deck that tries to combo out with a Subconsciousness/Collective Unconsciousness/Psychobabble/Applied Pharmaceuticals, but it's slow and unreliable. Pretty much anything in the Call for Proof cycle fucks my shit up royally. I've been thinking of splashing Religion for Divine Revelation so I search out my combo pieces, and Armor of Faith to shut down evidence removal. What are your thoughts, /tg/?
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)01:42 No.2514199
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    Did any of you guys try those two non-tourney legal sets they put out as a joke, Pseudo-Science and Fringe Science? Fucking hilarious. I ran a wacky Bio-Magnetism deck, but I kept getting trumped by my friend's Flat Earth strategy.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)01:44 No.2514215
    Religion is a joke set, dammit. Why do people refuse to accept that? It's all in the goddamn website, for Christ's sake (pun intended) The game is called Science for a reason.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)01:45 No.2514226
    ive just started playing a few weeks ago trying to run robotics/bio deck, i like the synergy and i use tesla as my unique, but i cant realy do anything major because as soon as i get alot of labs going urist mccardplayer hits me with "improper procedures" causing all my fuck to get shited up,

    grah dont mind me, just newb whining
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)01:46 No.2514236
    Three words: Square Flat Earth.

    Man, I would actually run an RPG in that setting. The fluff text was cool.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)01:46 No.2514237
    In fact I won a game with buterfly effect and got to kill the guy when he used a laser gun.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)01:46 No.2514239

    join the club, ip has been broken since 2 ed
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)01:49 No.2514256
    Hey, I loved 2e. I still fondly remember my Humorism deck, with the one-two sanguine/choleric punch. Of course, that's long since fallen out of style. I'm not even sure it's legal, even.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)01:53 No.2514266
    Humorism is awesome and anyone that says otherwise is a stupid newbie.

    Well, yeah, that's true.
    Meteorology is fucked on its own. I guess it's more of a Psych deck with a Meteo splash than a Meteo deck with card search/shutdowns.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)01:53 No.2514268
    geez, am i the only one willing to run a Schrodinger?
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)01:53 No.2514272
    I move Mornington Crescent.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)01:54 No.2514275
    Does anyone play a Quantum physics deck? Shit is insanely hard to learn at first but once you get an idea of how to use it right it becomes stupid powerful, the shit Ive been able to pull off makes it almost broken.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)01:56 No.2514287
    Sorry, fag, but Gaming: the Simulation uses an entirely different set of rules. Even if they are similar, they're DEFINITELY not compatible.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)01:57 No.2514292
    quantum entanglement and superconductors bitches
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)01:57 No.2514293
    This is like trying to play M:tG with Pokemon cards.

    Jesus Christ
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)01:58 No.2514304
    but still they need to unban Fact or False since it's the only thing that can stop those quantum deck
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)02:00 No.2514311
    just play Heisenberg Uncertainty principle like everybody else and stop whining
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)02:11 No.2514352
    and if you're really angry use virtual particle and force them to pay out their ass for their cards though you better pray they weren't prepared with a Zero-point field
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)02:14 No.2514367
    Shroedinger's Cat Box is worthless. Quantum Indeterminacy seems all well and good until you take into account that you're helping pure biology decks more than quantum mechanics decks.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)02:17 No.2514379
    good god this game needs to exist
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)02:18 No.2514388
    it does in /tg/ head
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)02:19 No.2514394
    Yes. Yes it does.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)02:21 No.2514400
    anyone here play gravity and astrophysics?

    I keep trying to work my way up to supermassive black hole but its just so fucking hard to get there
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)02:22 No.2514403
    There's no way any company would be able to pull of the kind of correlation between card interactions and real science that this thread simulates. Even M:tG fails at translating card interactions into fantasy interactions most of the time, and in fantasy you can just make stuff up.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)02:22 No.2514405
    THAT SAID, this game does need to exist.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)02:24 No.2514414
    Have you tried running a Chandrasekhar limit game? It's not as potent, but it's easy to get in play and once it goes off it KEEPS going off.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)02:29 No.2514433
    That said, is it impossible that people could actually use their usually random and pointless M:tG card editing skills for a good cause?
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)02:31 No.2514441

    Shit takes too long to build up. By that time biology either overrun the game or nuclear physics starts becoming unstoppable. However if you can couple in theory of relativity and speed things up, you might just be able to control the end game.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)02:34 No.2514456
    Most card edits suck, and this is outside of Magic Set Editor's abilities. Actually growing this game from grassroots would require that it captures the interest of several talented people with free time and FURTHERMORE requires that these people realize each other's existence and somehow mange to work together.

    The idea of a science M:tG is pretty old, and it's apparently still strong. I'm confident that at least an attempt will be made at some point, but most people fear to attempt the project lest they fuck it up, it's too cool to fuck up.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)02:34 No.2514457
    Genetic Mutation decks can completely screw up every other build if played properly. All you need to do is get a Hiro Nakamura or Sylar as quickly as possible.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)02:36 No.2514459
    if you can, play two preon stars and then play stellar collision and you'll have your supermassive blackhole out in no time
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)02:40 No.2514473
    yes but if anyone even looks at you funny with gamma radiation your plans will spiral out of control
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)02:42 No.2514479
    Have fun keeping Sylar alive long enough to get the boulder that he is rolling.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)02:44 No.2514489
    relatavistic journey takes care of that if you can afford to play it, and assuming you aren't against someone with a special relativity based deck
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)02:46 No.2514493
    Science: The Hypothesis

    If any game should exist, this is it.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)02:46 No.2514494
    I play subatomic particles and physics, myself. Hard as fuck to work with, but among the best if you do it right.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)02:49 No.2514501
    I don't know how you're doing it, but if you can mix Genetic Mutation and Relativity, you deserve Sylar and how ungodly retarded he can be.
    >> Paul 09/06/08(Sat)03:05 No.2514568
    Right now I've got this Quantum deck I got from my older brother Paul when he got tired of it. I learned the game from watching him, and there's a few winning strategies I can pull off.
    If I get the right cards in my Lab, then I can basically take my turn over and over, provided I play the deck in the same order.
    It's got some decent cards. My Own Grandpa or Uncle Brother can let me double my health, provided I play it along with Prodigy Child and link them to Casimir Effect. As long as I have the Filtered Genepool (the only Bio card in the deck) I can avoid suffering from Paradox Plague. Most opponents will quit from frustration unless they have a Temporal Backlash or Destabilize Wormhole.
    I'll eventually get tired of it and find some other decent combination. Maybe I'll give it to my little brother Paul, since he seems interested in the game. He's been watching me play since my Mom made me start taking him to the local tourneys.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)03:08 No.2514585
    I fucking love you guys
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)03:09 No.2514590
    I play my Social Science Deck.
    I tap three Seminal Monographs and play Popper, smashing your hypotheses to the extent they are non-falsifiable and using Popper's "Social-controversy" power play Kuhn whose paradigmatic analysis wipes out all the remains of your hypotheses as "socially constructed epistemologies."

    Enjoy that, hard science decks. And I've still got an array of Cog Science theorists to play.

    Social Science deck: few experiments, but plenty of monographs and epic-level hypothesis destroyers.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)03:09 No.2514595
    Fallout Vaults Pwns Nuclear Winter and most of the powerhouse geology cards to boot, not to mention making my technology cards indestructible. not to mention that if I have them in play and you Do play something like Nuclear Winter I can play Rise from the Past three turns later with a +5/+5 on Everything.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)03:15 No.2514623
    Why no love for Medicine? Sure its mostly support based but if you can go for Accelerated Mutation and Gene Splitting, you got yourself an unstoppable army right there. Even better if you attempt Nuclear Fallout which will kill almost everything but a part of your miniature terrors will survive.
    >> LogicNinja !X/WncDCXNA 09/06/08(Sat)03:17 No.2514635
    You're thinking of Philosophy, the precursor to Science. They're technically compatible if you tweak a little, but Philosophy cards just plain don't work anymore, basically.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)03:17 No.2514637
    Sorry guys, but Physics is fucking awesome.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)03:20 No.2514658

    Electrical Fire for the tech and Incongruency for the Vaults. Nuff said.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)03:30 No.2514709
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    I used to run a straight Programming deck. After tapping a couple Processors, dropping a little Surge Protection and Shielded Case Mods, and then following through with Redundant Circuits I have plenty of power and if my Hackers don't stop you in your tracks, they'd clear your Database and render your Research rounds useless.

    But I just got the new AI release, and after flipping through them I found that I could make some pretty sweet combos with Robotics and even Biology cards as well. 'Strong AI' lets you hit Technological Singularity in five rounds! If I'm reading the cards right, that means unless someone plays a Synthetic Uprising I'll be getting Research for every Programming card in play.

    They're prolly gonna errata the shit out of it before the next round of tourneys.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)03:34 No.2514728
    EMP should be enough to stop your technology
    Nuclear winter is played after Tactical ICBM Strike so will mostly destroy the vault otherwise you can just go and nuke again when the +5/+5 kick in
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)03:35 No.2514734
    You've never played against a bug deck, have you?

    You can play 'Fallout Vault'.
    Then I'll play 'Just a Cold' with 'Superflu'.

    Enjoy spraying your brains out through your nose.
    >> LogicNinja !X/WncDCXNA 09/06/08(Sat)03:38 No.2514749
    That shit right there is why I run Evo.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)03:41 No.2514762

    having a Fallout Vaults in play lets you play Backups and Rubberized Hardware for free, and as long as you have Well Kept Secret in play the Vaults are immune to ICBMs.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)03:42 No.2514765


    =one dead Evo deck.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)03:42 No.2514768
    good luck getting that shit out.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)03:43 No.2514773
    Man, has anyone tried out anything from the Xeno expansion? I hear Von Neumann machines work well in a Xenopsych/robotics deck.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)03:44 No.2514781
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)03:56 No.2514819
    If the spoilers are correct, Behavioural Analysis is getting a reprint, and has excellent synergy with Goal-Agent Programming (despite being slightly off-field). You'll give your robotics a boost AND be able to remove Synthetic Uprising before it can take effect.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)05:07 No.2515098
    Lasers are also fairly straightforward to play, but they don't have much in terms of mass destroys.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)11:57 No.2516361
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)12:04 No.2516389
    /tg/, I suspect I shall make this game a part of my quest.

    It shall be made some day.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)12:23 No.2516469
    Why no love for Theoretical Thermodynamics? Throw in some Applied Science and you've got some nice loops for massive energy. Super Nova isn't so hard to play then is it? Remember that Explosive Implosion everyone wrote off? Fucking insane in a good thermo deck.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)12:24 No.2516470
    I wish /tg/ could have such heated discussions about existing card games. :(
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)13:53 No.2516942
    That would require existing card games to be worth talking about.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)14:16 No.2517073
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)14:18 No.2517083
    I like my Cosmology deck. Sure, you have to turtle like crazy, but as long as I can stay alive long enough the Big Chill effect from Universal Expansion comes into play and I automatically win.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)14:33 No.2517161
    My favorite deck right now runs a few breeds of paradox (Zeno's Arrow, Einstein's Clocks) and follows up with Inevitability or Mortal Coil for the win. It can be a real bitch to get the right resources in play (especially for casualfags like me who can't afford to drop 200 bucks on a playset of Subliminal Ennui) but when this deck works, it works hard.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)14:54 No.2517265
    someone needs to screencap this whole thing
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)14:59 No.2517288
    We have archives sites ya know
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)15:01 No.2517292
    Ok, sending it to suptg.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)15:06 No.2517316
    I wish this game existed.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)15:08 No.2517325

    I was vaguely aware of that.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)15:12 No.2517344
    It's a shame that fantasy is about 10x more popular than SF, let alone "SCIENCE!"
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)15:24 No.2517400
    Dammit, this game needs to be real.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)15:25 No.2517404
    ok, I just looked all over google and ebay for this shit and couldn't find it, either it's sme top secret game or I'm getting megatrolled.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)15:28 No.2517425
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    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)15:29 No.2517429

    S: TH is primarily an underground game that I've only seen played in card shops on the west coast.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)15:30 No.2517436

    I heard the guys who created the game were German.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)15:32 No.2517444

    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)15:34 No.2517455

    Yeah, I got my starter deck in LA when I went there on a vacation, I've been trying to get my friends back home here in Boston into it, though. They're kinda resisting but they'll eventually come around.
    >> Juba, The Baghdad Sniper !1EVr3uyPJI 09/06/08(Sat)15:37 No.2517466
    I run a religion deck.

    I can beat pretty much anything, it's so fucking broken. Guess that's why it's banned in tourneys.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)16:07 No.2517695
    The Cosmology deck is very nice. I'm amazed almost nobody plays it. Every time I show someone what this deck does goes "Whoa! Amazing!". My favorite is "Interstellar void".
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)16:15 No.2517737
    I traded a kid two spare black holes for an intergalactic gulf the other day. Poor guy didn't know what he had.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)16:17 No.2517750
    Great, you play religion decks?

    Enjoy being hated for playing a joke deck.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)16:32 No.2517853
    Yeah, the scope of some of those cards is huge. Most people have trouble wrapping their mind about the scale of some cards. Personally, I'm waiting for the first reviews of the new "Higgs boson". If they get around releasing it, that is. Shit's going to have massive impact but not the kind most people think it will.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)17:04 No.2518010
    The only problem is that using Red Shift to aim at something light years away can be kind of difficult.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)17:07 No.2518019

    Seriously, Ignore the Evidence is so fucking overpowered it's not funny.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)17:08 No.2518026
    Speaking of joke/casual decks, anyone heard anything about the proposed "fiction" set? Man, i can't wait to whip out a screaming hot Asimov or a Herbert on my buddy Stephen. Fucker won't know what hit him.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)17:24 No.2518127

    Just another joke deck with retardedly overpowered cards like "Handwave" and "Unobtainium". Do we really need another one of those?
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)17:27 No.2518138
    Weak. Try getting a Halo Array built. Then Blind Devotion to fire it.

    Not so much a joke deck now, is it?
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)17:35 No.2518184
    pfft, one Temporal Irrelevance and the seeming advantage of that card goes away. Relativity decks pwn Cosmology fairly consistently. (bad initial hands or lab/energy shortages notwithstanding)
    >> Gazing !l2U/kbqqhs 09/06/08(Sat)17:41 No.2518224
    I play Game Theory deck. First you figure out how to defeat your opponent, and then you bend the rules just enough for your plan to work. Gödel's incompleteness theorems are literally broken cards.

    OOC: how/where can I find archived threads (this one for example)?
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)17:45 No.2518245
    Oh shit, Shai'hulud x 3, 10 key flips from an evo deck... all land units decimated. Also, that jihad card from the Herbert deck is SICK. Herbert deck > clockwork/robotics on that card alone. Good thing its not gonna be tourney-legal.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)17:59 No.2518305
    guy makes a point. 4chanarchive has 1 request, anyone have it on any other sites?
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)19:15 No.2518738
    FYI 4chanarchive has archive directly option so you don't have to vote.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)19:34 No.2518876
    >>2514765 Madagascar = one dead Evo deck.
    Only if you're playing a straight Epidemiology deck with no Genetic Engineering; it doesn't matter if you close off all ports if your opponent can just add the Amphibious trait to an infected Average White Lab Mouse.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)19:36 No.2518889
    I am totally going to try and work this up with a friend. Rules, anyway, prettiful cards would take forever as both of us have Is Not Drawfag (+5) Flaws.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)19:46 No.2518952
    Theoretical Physics deck: Should I go with a Stephen Hawking or an Albert Einstein?
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)19:49 No.2518974
    If you plan on facing a Linear Accelerator deck or an Astrophysics deck, go with Hawking. Hawking Radiation will be your best damn friend, let me tell you.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)20:05 No.2519077
    swedfag reporting, cant get the game here in elk-land so I searched Ebay and found some of that old Philsophy set, and dudes, calling it underpowered and outdated is the last I would say. sure it doesn't have much power in it self but throw in some Psychology and MetaPhysics and you got one hard motherfucking deck.

    the only real problem after that is a strong Evo-deck, but you can prevent most of the damage by using Aristotle and the like
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)20:14 No.2519133
    Aristotle looks good on paper, but most of his theories get superceeded by later scientists. You can't try to use his theory on the classification of animals against an Evolution deck, for example, since any player worth their salt is going to at least have Carl Linnaeus for access to Modern Taxonomy. Aristotle is really more valuable for rounding out your deck, since he provides support on such a wide range of topics. (Philosophy, Physics, Engineering, Biology, Medicine...)
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)20:20 No.2519170
    Einstein; you might be tempted to take Hawking since he counts as a Tech 1 Mecha, but you need to remember that Einstein has a bicycle that can travel at the speed of light.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)20:29 No.2519206
    I've only seen a few mentions of the Robotics decks which makes me both happy and sad.

    I'm going to clean up at regionals in the valley but as soon as I do I know you fuckers going to be copying the shit out of my deck.

    ProTip: Robotics + Global Support w/Turn The Tables in the side.

    Suck it.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)20:35 No.2519231

    Nicola Tesla all the way. The ability to tap him for huge amounts of electricity speeds up my deck considerably.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)20:39 No.2519244
    bump for moar
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)20:44 No.2519272
    The one main problem Robotics has is an inability to deal with targeted damage. Destroy a single support or component before endgame and your entire machine comes crashing down. And if you mix in enough control (say, using Information Tech) to reliably block Chemistry reactions then you'll have even fewer opportunities to finish the main work of winning.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)21:32 No.2519578

    If you are running a strong Robotic Tech type deck, it doesn't hurt to branch into Industrial Engineering and Corporate Takeovers. Accelerates your deck and allows flexibility in the component choice. Yes its not as strong late game but you can get an early or mid game victory instead of waiting for the big guys to come out.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)21:33 No.2519585
    Oh god. Wishthiswererealfag reporting, you guys are giving me multiple ideagasms. It's like an orgasm, but not as messy. Keep it coming.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)21:45 No.2519650
    I personally like the Entropy cards that Physics give, they take a while to act so the game is usually lost by the time they are useful but it's awesome to wipe out half your opponents cards just before the end of the game.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)21:53 No.2519700
    A good Robotics deck should have plenty of Redundency and Spare Parts / Component Upgrades anyways, so it's not such a big problem. Alternatively you can go with a Nano-Robotics deck and just pump out Grey Goo faster than your opponent can it; it's hard to get to get your Manufacturing Science and Miniturization Tech high enough to reach that point against a player that knows what he's doing, though.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)21:54 No.2519708
    I accidentally the whole Grey Goo; is this bad?
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)22:01 No.2519743
    I hate, hate, hate the double edged victory condition on Grey Goo. Either you make just enough of it to keep it in line and you win, or it starts replicating beyond control and the game's an "Everybody Loses" draw.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)22:02 No.2519748

    Here's the thing, do you guys remember when The Industrial Revolution came out a few cycles back, and that Karl Marx card came in like, in the middle of the cycle?

    Well some friends of mine have been throwing together Robotics/Pscyhology decks with a Karl Marx, and it's fucking crazy. The game tends to stall later on, but that's only if it lasts that long.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)22:04 No.2519762
    My friend runs a Kinsey Level 6 deck, but in my opinion it's pretty gay.
    The Awkward Survey Question card shuts it down pretty quick, but I would recommend not using Pavlov's dog, shit gets weird.
    >> Murmur !eBcz2IT0Gk 09/06/08(Sat)22:06 No.2519787
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    My decks usually revolve around victory through Unified Theory. Yes, it's hard, but not that much if you know how to play your scientists. Also, once you get a Technological Singularity on the board, things go FAST.

    Barring that, I usually play Topology control. Physics players cry each time I propose a paradigm change.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)22:07 No.2519791
    Oh man, I just figured a sick combo. You play a gravity manipulator on a local comet, then you combo that with a doppler effect.
    Your poor opponent gets hit in his weak point for massive damage, and he doesn't know anything about it till it's too late!
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)22:17 No.2519855
    I don't know how, but the other day I lost to a fucking Humanistic Psychology deck, and that shit helps its opponents more than it helps the guy using it. The thing I really don't get is that I was using an Irrational Phobias deck.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)22:22 No.2519876
    I'm really excited about the next set, but the Hadron Supercollider looks overpowered.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)22:23 No.2519881
    /tg/ *would* put flashiness above actual solid deck construction...

    Sure people, Economics may not have the classic Paradigm Shift power model but if I call pull an Adam Smith within two mulligans I can 'Cut the Funding' on turn two and ruin anything tourney legal.

    ('Cept ontological commitment I guess and, well... come one...)
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)22:23 No.2519882
    I run an Islam/Applied Explosives deck. Shit is so cash.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)22:24 No.2519884
    By the way, are the Buddhism cards considered Religion or Philosophy?
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)22:25 No.2519893
    Both, dumbass. read the fucking flavor text
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)22:29 No.2519912
    I guess what I'm asking is, are they tourney legal?
    >> Murmur !eBcz2IT0Gk 09/06/08(Sat)22:31 No.2519925
    But Statistics players can counter that easily with Improbable Event.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)22:33 No.2519933

    Doesn't matter, the popular culture tourney doesn't see a difference between the two.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)22:35 No.2519940
    >> Anonymous 09/06/08(Sat)22:35 No.2519942

    they discused robitics decks in the other thread too, in short:

    >logic error+spaggeti code

    >hillarity ensues
    >> Anonymous 09/07/08(Sun)00:29 No.2520531
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    This thread is bad and you should feel bad.
    >> Anonymous 09/07/08(Sun)00:34 No.2520550
    So, what's the general take on the Fortean deck?
    >> Anonymous 09/07/08(Sun)00:42 No.2520581
    Fuck you and your suppliments. Fucking Cryptotechnology letting you sidestep some of the Clockwork decks. Don't even get me started on what OOPAs do to Anthropology, which had enough issues to start with.
    >> Anonymous 09/07/08(Sun)00:46 No.2520600
    All of which can be avoided by adding in a few Skeptic cards to your build. You should have a few in case someone plays Psuedo-Science anyway.
    >> Anonymous 09/07/08(Sun)00:55 No.2520633
    Have they banned the end of the universe cards yet? those things were the most broken cards in the entire game. I use to own heat death but I lost it some years ago.
    >> Anonymous 09/07/08(Sun)01:36 No.2520812

    They are illegal in tournaments now.
    >> Anonymous 09/07/08(Sun)01:47 No.2520889
    How do you guys take to the third-party suppliments out there? Alchemy, Astrology, Creationism and the like
    >> Anonymous 09/07/08(Sun)01:48 No.2520894


    >> Anonymous 09/07/08(Sun)02:05 No.2520958
    >> Anonymous 09/07/08(Sun)02:07 No.2520965
    Yes, but oddly enough Millyway's is still allowed.
    >> Anonymous 09/07/08(Sun)02:13 No.2520986
    If building an applied science type deck. Take Nietzsche from Modern Philosophy. "Beyond Morality" fucks people over hardcore.
    >> Anonymous 09/07/08(Sun)02:25 No.2521035
    My favorite non-tourney deck is one I nicknamed "Roadside Picnic." Throw out a few Empties to soak up energy attack cards, and play a couple Mosquito Manges and Meat Grinders to thwart physical attack cards from pretty much any stage of play. Tap a Stalker to play Witch's Jelly and watch the chain effect. If the game goes on long enough, eventually the Golden Orb will turn up in your hand, and while I'm not very imaginative (I tend to simply wish a full Jelly assault on all enemies), there are probably some other game-winning combos you can think up using that card.

    It's not invincible, but with the way this deck resists Kinetic and other Physics decks, I can understand why they made it illegal for tourney play right from the start.
    >> Anonymous 09/07/08(Sun)02:31 No.2521059

    Aristotle makes a good early game powerhouse however. A lot of long-game decks can be completely trumped by tapping Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle in rapid succession. There are several builds that get dominated during the midgame by this tactic if they don't know how to defend against it.
    >> Anonymous 09/07/08(Sun)02:34 No.2521066
    So, does anyone remember the string theory joke set?

    Dude tried to run it like it was serious one day, got all the way to the bottom of his deck on this terrible astrophysicsfag, and still hadn't pulled off a game winner.
    >> Anonymous 09/07/08(Sun)02:48 No.2521124
    I picked up a bunch of cards on Ebay not too long ago. According to the seller they were getting rid of cards they couldn't use in their decks.

    However, I managed to find a few neat combo in it: Fallout Vault + Cryogenic Vault + Optimism
    I know, mixing Chemistry and Philosophy? Who'd have thought it. Combining the vaults allows my scientists to survive just about anything short of a high cosmology endgame, and Optimism means I don't have to flip a coin to determine the Cryogenic survival rate. This also works with Cryocranial Storage, but I don't like paying for Cloning.
    >> Anonymous 09/07/08(Sun)02:48 No.2521125
    Basic phsics always works well for me.
    Then again, I'm really lucky and I always pull off the Alternate Dimension combo.
    >> Anonymous 09/07/08(Sun)02:51 No.2521139
    How does one request archive?
    >> Anonymous 09/07/08(Sun)03:24 No.2521335
    Theory/Paradox fag here. Two words. Time Cube.

    here's the 3 pages of errata on the card. I'll be gone to get a coke while you realize how I just won.
    >> Anonymous 09/07/08(Sun)04:07 No.2521526

    That's pretty damn effective, since no one uses Cosmology.
    >> Anonymous 09/07/08(Sun)08:54 No.2522323
    and dont forget that if you use Psychology, you can always fuck up evo-players Linneaus or even Darwin by using Meglaomania and Power of Doubt. sure, it might not stop them in the long run, but it often is enough to make it to the endgame
    >> Anonymous 09/07/08(Sun)10:16 No.2522668


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