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10/18/08(Sat)21:36 No.2831974 File :1224380166.png-(263 KB, 310x540, sirbrianconsumptingtonsigh.png)
Oh, sure. Everyone always looks to time travel to solve their problems.
Believe me, lad, it's not worth it. You make ONE little alteration just so one little date with a charming elf woman ends up well and suddenly you're being followed by overweight fellow hominids with red shirts and strange ideas about what constitutes a proper beard, ranting and raving about "canon" and reality falling apart. The next thing you know, you're knee-deep in entrails and balor bollocks on the 73rd layer of the Abyss and you've forgotten what this had to do with your timeline-restoring adventure in the first place.
Then when you finally set things "right", all the flumph mysteriously disappear, you need to hire a new maid and your pillow is gone. |