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11/27/08(Thu)03:28 No.3071466 File :1227774493.gif-(62 KB, 575x575, w1.gif)
 You (or according to the map, U) are Ajax*. You are pretty big and you like hitting people. This has caused you to rise to a position of moderate importance in the Warriors.
You are in an alley with your good friend Warrior Windowsmasher** (W). You are talking about all the ladies you have had sex with. He has relatively little to contribute to this conversation, but you don't care because that makes you seem more awesome.
You look out onto the street to see if there are any ladies you might bone, but it is three in the damn morning and the answer is no. But there are three Jones Street Boy Headkickers (J)! They are on your turf openly! This is unacceptable.
To your right is a waist high fence, the sidewalk, a car, and the street, in that order. Up the sidewalk there are three JSBs, a pay phone, and another parking meter.
The Jones Street Boys have not seen you yet, but they are walking towards your alley. Still, you do have many options.
*Ajax: STR (ability to lift/move stuff, melee damage increaser): 6 BIG (size, resistance to getting thrown/knocked around/poisoned): 5 INT (all mental abilities): 3 SP (hexes moved per turn): 4
Punchan: 6 Grapplan: 5 Intimidatan: 5 Sneakan: 4 Acrobatican: 3
**Warrior Windowsmasher STR: 4 BIG: 4 INT: 3 SP: 5
Vandalizan: 5 Small Clubban: 4 Big Clubban: 4 |