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11/28/08(Fri)08:06 No.3077061 File :1227877579.jpg-(188 KB, 743x923, 1222591973527.jpg)
 >>3077040 As to game mechanics, I want a compromise between the rules-heavy nature of early editions of Epic and the abstraction of 3rd and 4th edition. I'll probably keep standardised "Anti-Infantry/Anti-Tank/Anti-Air" values, and then add on top of that individual rules for units in the form of passive bonuses or one-shot weapons.
For example, a 3rd Generation (high-tech, 2nd being basic and 4th being experimental) AA mech may make "chained" attacks, because it's armed with 8 flak cannons. If it hits, regardless of if it damages the target, it may attack another valid target (so if it starts firing at aircraft it can only "chain" aircraft) within the control group and within range, until it misses or 4 hits have been allocated.
The 2nd Generation AA mech doesn't have that rule, but instead may make a special missile attack, done like a Cyclone Missile in old 40k - it has 8 shots, and may fire as many in one round as it likes.
By giving each unit a special rule or two, I'm trying to get a sense of the variety of old Epic without the complexity. There will also be, thus, a reason to field a mix of units (the 3G AA unit can suppress or break up formations easily, while the 2G one is better against large air targets with its missiles) and there will be EXCITEMENT AND GAMBLE.
For group activations, I'm thinking groups have no coherency per se, but some synergies will have range limitations. That way you can have artillery attached to an infantry group, and the infantry can move ahead and spot for it. |