I was an idiot and forgot to archive the last thread, but I don’t think we’ve run the tale of Robble into the ground yet. So let’s continue!This is one of those quests like Ruby Quest and Dorf Quest. Shout out what you want the hamburglar to do and it will be done. This is my first try at one of these things, so I thought I would set myself up for a spectacular failure. So instead of a dorf or a furry, you’re a hamburglar. You’re welcome.
This... This sounds stupid. And not any sort of good stupid.
I archived it, Lord.Continue from where we were.
http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/3540843/as it were.
Stop making these. They are really overdone. Try again when the market isn't saturated.
That son of a bitch Ronald McDonald has imprisoned you on Carceri. You have broken out of your oubliette, set a FRY GUY free, gotten some reading done, and killed some demons. You now stand before a great big BOAT with a BUBBLE DOME over the deck. The HATCH to the BOAT is closed. Far behind you is the LIBRARY and some STAIRS going up. You hear the sounds of DEMONS rushing toward you. You smell HAMBURGERS nearby. Oh, snap.PAUSE BOTTONName: RobbleRace: HAMBURGLARClass: THIEF 1/BARBARIAN 1BADLY INJUREDQuests:GET FREEDOMKILL RONALDGET HAMBURGERSPossessions:HATMASKSTRIPED SUITCAPERED GLOVES (covered in FECES)HAMBURGER PRINT TIESNEAKERSMACECANE (made of BONES)SPEARS (2)DENTAL FLOSS (covered in FECES)NOVELSkills:SNEAKING (from SNEAKERS)STEALING HAMBURGERSSTEALING CHEESEBURGERSRAGERUNNING FASTParty:Crispin – Fry Guy Fighter
You have eaten nothing but FECES all day. When you smell the delicious HAMBURGERS, you are filed with burning RAFE. You bash a hole in the side of the BOAT, because doors are not for the ENRAFED. You storm into the BOAT ready to kill all within and steal their HAMBURGERS.You are RAFING.
Use DENTAL FLOSS on neck.
You try to strangle yourself with DENTAL FLOSS, but you are not proficient with it.In the BOAT's galley, you see a BIZARRO CLONE of yourself. He is holding a BAG of HAMBURGERS."It's about time you showed up!" He says. "Now we can realize my glorious plan!"
>>3546501Eat that burgar!!!!!Before our RAFE ends!
If you were more in control of yourself, you could STEAL HAMBURGERS with consummate stealth and guile, but in your RAFE you simply pounce the BAG, tear it open and consume the delicious HAMBURGERS inside.Your wounds heal somewhat!You gain quest experience!The BIZARRO CLONE guffaws. "Yes, eat them up, Is that enough to convince you to join me?"
You find that the taste of HAMBURGERS ceases your thoughts of suicide, at least for now. You find that as you were eating the HAMBURGERS, you accidentally ate part of your TIE.PAUSE BOTTONName: RobbleRace: HAMBURGLARClass: THIEF 1/BARBARIAN 1SLIGHTLY INJUREDQuests:GET FREEDOMKILL RONALDGET HAMBURGERSPossessions:HATMASKSTRIPED SUITCAPERED GLOVES (covered in FECES)HAMBURGER PRINT TIE (1/2)SNEAKERSMACECANE (made of BONES)SPEARS (2)DENTAL FLOSS (covered in FECES)NOVELSkills:SNEAKING (from SNEAKERS)STEALING HAMBURGERSSTEALING CHEESEBURGERSRAGERUNNING FASTParty:Crispin – Fry Guy Fighter
>>3546918Ask BIZARRO CLONE about PLANS.
The BIZARRO CLONE smiles wickedly at you as you ask him about his plans. "I'm glad you asked! My name is Elbbor, the Ham-Usurer, and I come from the plane of Bizarro McDonaldland. I am raising an army to destroy Regular McDonaldland. Be my spy, and you shall have all the hamburgers you desire! We have no time to lose! Follow me to the bridge!"Crispin enters the BOAT. "Hello, Robble. Hey, who's that other hamburglar, and why is he all photonegative?"Your RAFE fades away.
Get some fried chicken.
Punch BOATPunching things is always a good idea
"Fuck the bridge," you say. "I want some fried chicken."Elbbor chuckles to himself. "Hamburglars are such interesting creatures! You can learn all there is to know about them in a month, and after a hundred years, they can still surprise you. Fine, you can stay down here in the galley and fry up some chicken, for all I care. Just hold onto your ass when we take off!"Elbbor goes up to the BRIDGE, leaving you to wander around freely. You see that the GALLEY does not have the right supplies to make FRIED CHICKEN. When you realize this, you punch the BOAT in anger. You are no longer RAFING, so you do no damage. Outside, you hear several DEMONS running toward you.
>>3548948Go to WORKSHOPExpress your cholerical mood through modern art
The WORKSHOP is full of TOOLS and SPELL COMPONENTS and MAPS of the multiverse and shit. You find a SPELLBOOK and draw non-representational pictures all over the pages. You feel much better.