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    File :1233252771.png-(56 KB, 350x350, 5001.png)
    56 KB Joan's 11th Suffering Sir Double-Faggot !!8AFJ0v9DBJj 01/29/09(Thu)13:12 No.3554280  
    You have challenged the Robutt. There's no turning back now.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)13:13 No.3554284
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)13:13 No.3554286
    Oh great, Ruby Quest!
    >> Sir Double-Faggot !!8AFJ0v9DBJj 01/29/09(Thu)13:13 No.3554287
         File :1233252815.png-(32 KB, 350x350, 5002.png)
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    SAPPAH versus BEAM.

    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)13:13 No.3554288
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)13:13 No.3554289
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)13:14 No.3554295
    Well it better be SAPPAH because the adventures of dead Joan don't sound very exciting. Unless we become a zombie.
    >> Sir Double-Faggot !!8AFJ0v9DBJj 01/29/09(Thu)13:14 No.3554296
         File :1233252892.png-(65 KB, 350x350, 5003.png)
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    Your body is FLOODED with stress!
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)13:15 No.3554303

    Again, offer SAPPAH as HAT for FUNDRAISER. it costs 2d lollars, and he can try it on first.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)13:16 No.3554305
    Ask John to massage us.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)13:16 No.3554306
    Ala Bearbeard?
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)13:16 No.3554307
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)13:16 No.3554308
    Call for John to help, hope she hear's you.
    >> Sir Double-Faggot !!8AFJ0v9DBJj 01/29/09(Thu)13:16 No.3554310
         File :1233253007.png-(2 KB, 350x350, 5004.png)
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    The question is: dare you open your eyes, Joan?
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)13:17 No.3554320
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)13:18 No.3554327
    How about we use our nose and ears first. If we have them still.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)13:18 No.3554329
    slowly open, barely peeking
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)13:19 No.3554331
    Grope tits to see if still there
    Then open
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)13:19 No.3554332
    Keep them closed.

    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)13:20 No.3554340
    Open eyes 7-15. Keep others closed.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)13:20 No.3554341
    Did our tits grow again? We have to find the cause of this.
    >> Sir Double-Faggot !!8AFJ0v9DBJj 01/29/09(Thu)13:21 No.3554346
         File :1233253282.png-(24 KB, 350x350, 5005.png)
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    You open your eyes.

    The ROBUTT is right infront of you!
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)13:21 No.3554350
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)13:22 No.3554355
    We appear relatively unharmed. Although our tits seem to have got even bigger. Beg the ROBUTT to spare our life.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)13:23 No.3554358
    Robutt on head
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)13:23 No.3554359
    does the robutt apear to be theatening us? If so, scream for help and use sappah.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)13:24 No.3554364
    We are really close to the ROBUTT. Quickly press the button we saw on it's groin in that picture! It must be the self-destruct!
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)13:24 No.3554366
         File :1233253481.jpg-(84 KB, 623x513, aah.jpg)
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    >> Sir Double-Faggot !!8AFJ0v9DBJj 01/29/09(Thu)13:25 No.3554369
         File :1233253518.png-(21 KB, 350x350, 5006.png)
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    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)13:25 No.3554375
    I think
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)13:26 No.3554376
    Observe ROBUTT's BUTT.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)13:26 No.3554382
    I didn't want to open my eyes!

    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)13:27 No.3554383

    steal coin and other possessions
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)13:28 No.3554394
    You were outvoted sir, and someone posted before you. This is how the game works. It is usually the first suggestion that gets done. If one suggestion is really popular and SDF notices it in time he will do it.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)13:29 No.3554402
    Find a way to fundamentally disable Robutt. I don't want that thing coming after us again.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)13:30 No.3554404
    Remove Robutt head.
    Use as hat/LAZOR
    >> Sir Double-Faggot !!8AFJ0v9DBJj 01/29/09(Thu)13:31 No.3554417
         File :1233253899.png-(24 KB, 350x350, 5007.png)
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    >>Observe ROBUTT's BUTT.
    There is a ELEKTRO SAPPAH 1000 securely attached to the ROBUTT's BUTT. The ROBUTT is entirely sapped and hopefully terminated for good!

    You also accidentally observe that your breasts have not changed size, but that the drawfag is too incompetent to draw your breasts in the correct size every single time.

    The ROBUTT'S BUTT also does not seem to be attempting to steal your possessions.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)13:32 No.3554421
    Victory dance! Vengeance is served!
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)13:32 No.3554422
    Attempt to locate groin button we saw in picture.

    Remove ROBUTT's head and use as hat.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)13:32 No.3554426
    Disassemble Robutt. Make a hat. Use legs as weapons for John.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)13:33 No.3554430
    Observe Robutt's head, remove the third eye on his forehead if possible.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)13:35 No.3554444
    Graft Robutt arms to self to overcome -10 STR
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)13:36 No.3554445
    Robutt Power Armor!
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)13:36 No.3554446
    Slap ROBUTT around with your ginormous breasts.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)13:38 No.3554450
         File :1233254284.jpg-(198 KB, 700x525, parrotorange.jpg)
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    >You also accidentally observe that your breasts have not changed size, but that the drawfag is too incompetent to draw your breasts in the correct size every single time.

    I personally think you're just a gigantic pervert.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)13:39 No.3554456
    >>You also accidentally observe that your breasts have not changed size, but that the drawfag is too incompetent to draw your breasts in the correct size every single time.

    More like breast expansion. And I doubt any of us mind, even with how fucked up Joan has got to be by now.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)13:39 No.3554457
    >> Sir Double-Faggot !!8AFJ0v9DBJj 01/29/09(Thu)13:39 No.3554461
         File :1233254384.png-(32 KB, 350x350, 5008.png)
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    >>Victory dance!
    Oh Joan! Yet another CRITICAL DANCE FAILURE! Will you ever learn?
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)13:39 No.3554463
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)13:40 No.3554468
    Attempt to locate groin button we saw in picture.

    Remove ROBUTT's head and use as hat.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)13:41 No.3554474
    Graft Arms
    LAZOR hat
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)13:43 No.3554484
    Check inside Robutt's body for your ball-hat thing.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)13:43 No.3554489
    Eat the ROBUTT.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)13:44 No.3554496
    Robutt head with built in laser is the superior headware. If the Robutt has the other hat, give it to John. She needs a hat too.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)13:50 No.3554541
    Assumming we can shoot the hardware, and Joan doesn't just fall over from the weight. -10 str and all...

    We should also go back to the room with the safe and take the non-revolver pistol later, i guess Joan has a better chance of shooting that one.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)13:50 No.3554544
    Salvage Robutt.
    >> Sir Double-Faggot !!8AFJ0v9DBJj 01/29/09(Thu)13:52 No.3554554
         File :1233255145.png-(20 KB, 350x350, 5009.png)
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    Your punch severely lacks falcons and you only manage to hurt your hand.
    >>Attempt to locate groin button we saw in picture.
    You find no button. A square hole is located in the Robutt's groin, having previously held a metal panel of matching shape and size.
    >>Graft Arms LAZOR hat etc.
    You don't know how to do that.
    >>Check inside Robutt's body for your ball-hat thing.
    There is nothing inside the Robutt aside from burned and useless robutt-parts.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)13:53 No.3554561
    Add ROBUTT's BUTT to your BREASTS.

    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)13:55 No.3554569
    Use ROBUTT to make a hat already!
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)13:57 No.3554590
    Grab the COIN and an ARM for further use
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)13:59 No.3554598
    Attempt to distract the ROBUTT with a sensual dance.
    >> Sir Double-Faggot !!8AFJ0v9DBJj 01/29/09(Thu)14:01 No.3554622
         File :1233255672.png-(29 KB, 350x350, 5010.png)
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    >>Add ROBUTT's BUTT to your BREASTS.
    CHAOS THEORY does not agree with your hypothesis. Your clothing suffers serious injuries.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)14:02 No.3554623
    Use ROBUTT to make hat.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)14:02 No.3554627
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)14:03 No.3554633
    Shit just got real.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)14:03 No.3554635
    Y'know.... I think folks want her to make a hat....
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)14:04 No.3554636
         File :1233255846.jpg-(61 KB, 768x576, parrotwet.jpg)
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    I do believe this campaign needs some equipment updates.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)14:06 No.3554649
    search for a new bra, leave the area if none is found
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)14:09 No.3554663
    Pick up 2 D coin.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)14:09 No.3554664
    ...Well then. We better find some clothes. Can we make us a suit Tony Stark style out of the ROBUTT?
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)14:09 No.3554666
    tie your suspenders back together
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)14:10 No.3554677
    Will you people stop doing stuff that ends up injuring Joan or wrecking clothing? We have a quest to complete.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)14:11 No.3554683
    Her breasts are clearly a gauge of her power!
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)14:12 No.3554685
    Discard robot ass.

    Attempt repair of clothing.

    Check inventory.

    Find John and update each other.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)14:12 No.3554686
    ....what IS that quest?
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)14:12 No.3554688
    Poor girl has a permanent "WHY U DO DIS" face by now.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)14:12 No.3554693
    I thought our quest was to destroy the ROBUTT and regain our box. That's half of it done. And since the only thing of value in the box was the coin and the ROBUTT had the coin on him we must now loot the coin and be done to seek out a new quest.
    >> Sir Double-Faggot !!8AFJ0v9DBJj 01/29/09(Thu)14:12 No.3554694
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    >>Behave rationally and advance the story
    >>Behave rationally
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)14:13 No.3554701

    The quest to get rid of all clothing and incite rape again, yes indeed.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)14:13 No.3554702
         File :1233256415.jpg-(47 KB, 339x300, tonberry2.jpg)
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    Search for John.

    Keep an eye out for wandering Tonberries.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)14:14 No.3554708
    Aw fuck yeah. Attempt to use hat to shoot lazor beam. Also, where's John? Makeshift some clothes from our broken ones and call her over.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)14:14 No.3554710

    I'm guessing it involves learing about our past and the state of the world. We seem to be in the middle of a zombie apocalypse.

    Possibly also interspecies lesbianism.
    >> Major Maxillary !!eorO1kqUwyR 01/29/09(Thu)14:16 No.3554724
    rhat poor girl. you can tell by her face she has no clue what she's doing, and is desperately trying to sort out why there are people yelling inside her head about rape and hats.

    poor girl, makes me want to give her a hug.

    and then put things inside her.

    like love.

    and my penis.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)14:17 No.3554730
    Nah, we're in the middle of weird combination of all source engine games. With a sergal.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)14:18 No.3554736
    Completely agreed.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)14:18 No.3554741
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)14:20 No.3554758
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    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)14:21 No.3554762
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    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)14:23 No.3554774
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    Use the experience gained from defeating Robutt and level up in a combat class.
    >> Moron Brigade !Yf8mZVPoBs 01/29/09(Thu)14:26 No.3554788
    Attempt to make ripped clothing into bra.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)14:29 No.3554805
    Xzibit is very proud of his heirloom matryoshka doll.
    >> Sir Double-Faggot !!8AFJ0v9DBJj 01/29/09(Thu)14:31 No.3554813
         File :1233257470.png-(17 KB, 350x350, 5012.png)
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    >>Search for John.
    You cannot locate John from where you stand. You see the three doors, two of which you know to be unlocked (Blue Oyster and SEC II), the ventilation duct which you are quite sure was unoccupied except by yourself, and hear the racket from the direction of the elevator.

    You also try to fix your clothing as best you can, but you can only cover your lower half without occupying your much-needed hands.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)14:33 No.3554820
    Can we fashion a metal bra made of any parts of the Robutt? If not then just carry on to the elevator half naked.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)14:33 No.3554822
    Cautiously head towards elevator. If 404:John not found, go back to SEC II and finish examining the room and desk.
    >> Moron Brigade !Yf8mZVPoBs 01/29/09(Thu)14:34 No.3554824
    Enter ventilation duct
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)14:34 No.3554829
    No matter where Joan turns... Robutt's head is always looking at us.

    I'm scared.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)14:35 No.3554835
    Realize that there is no need to cover your hands, no one is watching. Besides, I would feel proud to show off my breasts. It would give a critical +10 to my pride.

    And my hands are much-needed.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)14:36 No.3554838
    Go back to SEC II, there was a pistol and ammo in the safe, grab those.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)14:37 No.3554842
    Damn you. I hadn't noticed until now...
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)14:37 No.3554844
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)14:37 No.3554845
    >>Realize that there is no need to cover your hands, no one is watching. Besides, I would feel proud to show off my breasts. It would give a critical +10 to my pride.

    >>And my hands are much-needed.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)14:40 No.3554857
         File :1233258053.jpg-(34 KB, 600x600, 20080619-awesomehuge.jpg)
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    >>Realize that there is no need to cover your hands, no one is watching. Besides, I would feel proud to show off my breasts. It would give a critical +10 to my pride.

    >>And my hands are much-needed.

    I CONCUR!!!
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)14:47 No.3554890

    Locate John Locate John Locate John Locate John!
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)14:48 No.3554893
         File :1233258484.jpg-(98 KB, 750x507, 1214412264297.jpg)
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    John is probably busy mucking about again
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)14:48 No.3554898
         File :1233258509.jpg-(839 KB, 750x3000, Angry Marine Ruby.jpg)
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    Joan locates the FUCK out of John.

    They HUG.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)14:48 No.3554899
    You want us to locate John. While topless. Do you not see the problem here?
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)14:49 No.3554905
    John's likely uninterested anyways. You saw how he was uninterested in the porno mag, however?

    She took a bite out of it and threw it away.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)14:49 No.3554906
    No. No I don't.

    >>Realize that there is no need to cover your hands, no one is watching. Besides, I would feel proud to show off my breasts. It would give a critical +10 to my pride.

    >>And my hands are much-needed.

    I CONCUR!!!
    >> Sir Double-Faggot !!8AFJ0v9DBJj 01/29/09(Thu)14:49 No.3554908
         File :1233258587.png-(23 KB, 350x350, 5013.png)
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    >>Can we fashion a metal bra made of any parts of the Robutt?
    You can only fashion heavy SCRAP METAL from the dead Robutt. It is quite too heavy for you to carry efficiently.
    >>If not then just carry on to the elevator half naked.
    John is perhaps a bit too happy to see you. You also notice that she was clearly the source of the noise, as there are pieces of concrete all over the elevator and hallway. Having noticed you, John stops using the elevator as a percussion instrument.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)14:51 No.3554917
    I see where this is going... fire lazer hat at John!
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)14:52 No.3554923
    Wave "Hi!" to John.

    Do so Cheerfully. Like you're happy to see her.

    Goddammit Joan appreciate your protector!
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)14:52 No.3554925
    Yeah, no. That would be stupid.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)14:53 No.3554927
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)14:53 No.3554928
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)14:54 No.3554933
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)14:54 No.3554935
    Wave "Hi!" to John.

    Do so Cheerfully. Like you're happy to see her.

    Goddammit Joan appreciate your protector!
    ^^^^ Do that. It needs to be done. Poor John needs appreciation.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)14:54 No.3554939
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)14:54 No.3554940
         File :1233258887.png-(19 KB, 350x350, sergal sad.png)
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    That would not be very productive.

    That would not be very productive at all.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)14:55 No.3554942
    I undress for John in a hopes to get John to come to me and help me make a metal bra.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)14:55 No.3554943
    Tell her about your heroic deeds, then get to SEC II and grab the gun and ammo already.

    ...also ask where she got that bone.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)14:55 No.3554945
    post 41 post 40 post 39 post 38 post 37 post 36 post 35 post 34 post 33 post 32 post 31 post 30 post 29 post 28 post 27 post 26 post 25 post 24 post 23 post 22 post 21 post 20 post 19 post 18 post 17 post 16 post 15 post 14 post 13 post 12 post 11 post 10 post 9 post 8 post 7 post 6 post 5 post 4 post 3 post 2 post 1
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)14:55 No.3554949
    Compliment John on her drumming skills. Sounded like the drum beat to ZZ Top's Velcro Fly.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)14:55 No.3554950
    Joan has never once hugged John.

    Now is the time, even if it means smooshing your bare boobs against her.

    Which is kind of hot.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)14:56 No.3554954
    post 42 post 41 post 40 post 39 post 38 post 37 post 36 post 35 post 34 post 33 post 32 post 31 post 30 post 29 post 28 post 27 post 26 post 25 post 24 post 23 post 22 post 21 post 20 post 19 post 18 post 17 post 16 post 15 post 14 post 13 post 12 post 11 post 10 post 9 post 8 post 7 post 6 post 5 post 4 post 3 post 2 post 1
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)14:56 No.3554957
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)14:56 No.3554958
    She got it from the dwarf skeleton
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)14:56 No.3554961
    post 43 post 42 post 41 post 40 post 39 post 38 post 37 post 36 post 35 post 34 post 33 post 32 post 31 post 30 post 29 post 28 post 27 post 26 post 25 post 24 post 23 post 22 post 21 post 20 post 19 post 18 post 17 post 16 post 15 post 14 post 13 post 12 post 11 post 10 post 9 post 8 post 7 post 6 post 5 post 4 post 3 post 2 post 1
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)14:57 No.3554964
    Run up to John and hug her, Joan needs to show gratitude to her protector!

    Perhaps John will have a solution if you hug?
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)14:57 No.3554968
    post 44 post 43 post 42 post 41 post 40 post 39 post 38 post 37 post 36 post 35 post 34 post 33 post 32 post 31 post 30 post 29 post 28 post 27 post 26 post 25 post 24 post 23 post 22 post 21 post 20 post 19 post 18 post 17 post 16 post 15 post 14 post 13 post 12 post 11 post 10 post 9 post 8 post 7 post 6 post 5 post 4 post 3 post 2 post 1
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)14:58 No.3554971

    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)14:58 No.3554973
    It's hilarious seeing all the porn requests, when it's immediatly complained about and called shit after it's been done by the OP.

    Don't cave in, SDF.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)14:58 No.3554974
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)14:58 No.3554975
    post 45 post 44 post 43 post 42 post 41 post 40 post 39 post 38 post 37 post 36 post 35 post 34 post 33 post 32 post 31 post 30 post 29 post 28 post 27 post 26 post 25 post 24 post 23 post 22 post 21 post 20 post 19 post 18 post 17 post 16 post 15 post 14 post 13 post 12 post 11 post 10 post 9 post 8 post 7 post 6 post 5 post 4 post 3 post 2 post 1
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)14:58 No.3554978
    Attempt to take bone from John. While topless.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)14:59 No.3554982
    post 46 post 45 post 44 post 43 post 42 post 41 post 40 post 39 post 38 post 37 post 36 post 35 post 34 post 33 post 32 post 31 post 30 post 29 post 28 post 27 post 26 post 25 post 24 post 23 post 22 post 21 post 20 post 19 post 18 post 17 post 16 post 15 post 14 post 13 post 12 post 11 post 10 post 9 post 8 post 7 post 6 post 5 post 4 post 3 post 2 post 1
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)14:59 No.3554987

    Hey guy. Stop that.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)14:59 No.3554990
    It's not a porn request to hug!
    >> Sir Double-Faggot !!8AFJ0v9DBJj 01/29/09(Thu)15:00 No.3554991
         File :1233259205.png-(29 KB, 350x350, 5014.png)
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    >>fire lazer hat
    Your hat has no lazer. Any functions the Robutt may have had were destroyed by the SAPPAH, leaving the remains of the Robutt nothing but deteriorated scrap.
    >>Wave "Hi!" to John. Do so Cheerfully. Like you're happy to see her.
    John is... very, VERY happy to see you too...
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)15:00 No.3554998
    He's not your buddy, guy.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)15:00 No.3554999
    The scriptkiddie will be banned soon
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)15:01 No.3555002
         File :1233259294.png-(34 KB, 350x350, hug sergal.png)
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    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)15:02 No.3555009

    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)15:02 No.3555011
    Oh god.

    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)15:02 No.3555014
    "I'm happy to see you too, John..."

    Enjoy warm and tender embrace.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)15:03 No.3555017

    Hug John.

    Enjoy what happens next.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)15:03 No.3555018
    post 51 post 50 post 49 post 48 post 47 post 46 post 45 post 44 post 43 post 42 post 41 post 40 post 39 post 38 post 37 post 36 post 35 post 34 post 33 post 32 post 31 post 30 post 29 post 28 post 27 post 26 post 25 post 24 post 23 post 22 post 21 post 20 post 19 post 18 post 17 post 16 post 15 post 14 post 13 post 12 post 11 post 10 post 9 post 8 post 7 post 6 post 5 post 4 post 3 post 2 post 1
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)15:04 No.3555020
    Ponder how one would kiss a sergal, then do so.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)15:04 No.3555023
    Take it like a bitch, try to enjoy it.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)15:05 No.3555026
    post 52 post 51 post 50 post 49 post 48 post 47 post 46 post 45 post 44 post 43 post 42 post 41 post 40 post 39 post 38 post 37 post 36 post 35 post 34 post 33 post 32 post 31 post 30 post 29 post 28 post 27 post 26 post 25 post 24 post 23 post 22 post 21 post 20 post 19 post 18 post 17 post 16 post 15 post 14 post 13 post 12 post 11 post 10 post 9 post 8 post 7 post 6 post 5 post 4 post 3 post 2 post 1
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)15:05 No.3555030

    "You smell nice."
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)15:05 No.3555031
    post 53 post 52 post 51 post 50 post 49 post 48 post 47 post 46 post 45 post 44 post 43 post 42 post 41 post 40 post 39 post 38 post 37 post 36 post 35 post 34 post 33 post 32 post 31 post 30 post 29 post 28 post 27 post 26 post 25 post 24 post 23 post 22 post 21 post 20 post 19 post 18 post 17 post 16 post 15 post 14 post 13 post 12 post 11 post 10 post 9 post 8 post 7 post 6 post 5 post 4 post 3 post 2 post 1
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)15:06 No.3555033
    Kiss John!
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)15:06 No.3555037
    Head back to the end of the hall, try and open the center door.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)15:06 No.3555039
    Hug John.

    Enjoy what happens no matter what.

    It doesn't HAVE to be Rape, Joan! You can enjoy this! IF it happens!

    When you hug, try to do it innocently, but if John moves forward, ENJOY IT!
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)15:07 No.3555046
    Make love to John! John deserves it! Its not rape if you both enjoy it!
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)15:08 No.3555050

    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)15:08 No.3555053
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)15:08 No.3555055
    I think I'd prefer it if we keep John as a protector. I mean... that's kind of weird. Yeah.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)15:09 No.3555061

    That said, hug John, if it leads to sex, let it happen and enjoy it.
    >> Sir Double-Faggot !!8AFJ0v9DBJj 01/29/09(Thu)15:10 No.3555062
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    >>HUG JOHN
    John may need to be taught correct hugging technique.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)15:10 No.3555064
    Fuck yes!

    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)15:11 No.3555066
    No, thats how ya do it.
    >> Arcbound 01/29/09(Thu)15:11 No.3555067
    I think I missed something...

    Last I saw Joan was about to royally fuck some shit up with a powerdrill.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)15:11 No.3555069
    The Robutt head is happy
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)15:11 No.3555070
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)15:11 No.3555072
    Back away from John. No. We aren't going to become her lover. Inform him we have slain the ROBUTT.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)15:11 No.3555073
    oh that rascally devil

    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)15:11 No.3555075
    Blush, enjoy it, wait to see what John does next, if nothing, pull away and try out that center door.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)15:11 No.3555077

    I laughed.

    Didn't see that one comming, good job.

    Now stroke John's bone.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)15:11 No.3555078
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)15:12 No.3555083
    Hey, you against interracial couples or something?
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)15:12 No.3555086
    Tease the sergal with your boobies! Then attempt to kiss it!
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)15:12 No.3555087
    The ROBUTT's head is alive. It must be.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)15:13 No.3555089
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)15:13 No.3555091
    >Blush, enjoy it, wait to see what John does next, if nothing, pull away and try out that center door.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)15:13 No.3555092
    Tease the sergal with your boobies! Then attempt to kiss John because you are so happy that ROBUTT is dead and that you found John!
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)15:13 No.3555095
    The Robutt, The Girl or The Puppy?
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)15:14 No.3555096
    you mean her

    john is a girl. remeber that everyone
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)15:14 No.3555098

    The puppy
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)15:14 No.3555100
    Become John's Lover!
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)15:15 No.3555103
    HAH! Are we really doing this?


    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)15:15 No.3555104
    I think we must have that syndrome. Y'know the one where you fall for your rapist/captor? Yeah. We should probablly avoid doing that.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)15:15 No.3555106

    >Blush, enjoy it, wait to see what John does next, if nothing, pull away and try out that center door.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)15:15 No.3555107
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    I agree.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)15:15 No.3555109
    I don't think they're lovers quite yet, let's say friends with benefits.

    It doesn't mean Joan can't enjoy herself, though.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)15:16 No.3555110
    Fuck you. Your one person not agreeing with 10 others. Fuck you.

    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)15:16 No.3555111
    Yeah. I said her first and then he. This is because goddamn John is a boy name and I can't help it.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)15:16 No.3555112

    Stockholm Syndrome
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)15:16 No.3555113
    Why, when our rapist/captor is the only reason we're still alive?

    And, she'll prove handy in the future, at any rate.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)15:17 No.3555115

    Stockholm Syndrome. It deals more with the ranting of the captor and his captives grows sympathetic with him/his cause then actual affection.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)15:17 No.3555116
    Sure is interracial lesbians in here
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)15:17 No.3555121
    >Blush, enjoy it, wait to see what John does next, if nothing, pull away and try out that center door.

    This is probably the best answer, and then continue the "Enjoy it" part if John continues.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)15:17 No.3555123
    Grope John back.

    Clear it is you who knows not how to hug right.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)15:17 No.3555125
    But the Puppy is the best character in the game far better than the Girl and Robutt combined
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)15:18 No.3555129
    Damn it SDF if you're going to go with the make love option remember to fade to black. I don't want to see it.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)15:18 No.3555133
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    I wouldn't say that, Joan is my favorite, but puppy is AWESOME in an AWESOMEFACE way.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)15:19 No.3555137
    >Blush, enjoy it, wait to see what John does next, if nothing, pull away and try out that center door.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)15:19 No.3555138
    What, are you gay or something? A little coward? A kid? You need underage b& then.

    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)15:20 No.3555142
    I've gotta head to class, OP, just make sure we don't do anything that would make John leave the party while I'm out.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)15:20 No.3555143


    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)15:20 No.3555147
    >Blush, enjoy it, wait to see what John does next,
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)15:21 No.3555152


    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)15:21 No.3555154
    also remeber john isn't the one that raped joan. that was the sergal with the weird toung and was creepy looking
    >> trolltroll 01/29/09(Thu)15:21 No.3555157
    clearly John doesn't know her place. establish dominance by energetically humping her leg
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)15:22 No.3555160
    Do you not remember the trolling that was caused by the rape scene, which was entirely our stupidity's fault and faded to black caused? How much trolling do you think is going to happen if we choose it and he actually shows us it? FADE. TO. BLACK.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)15:24 No.3555173
    >Blush, enjoy it, wait to see what John does next!!!!
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)15:24 No.3555177
    But that was because RAPE from what i recall.
    >> Sir Double-Faggot !!8AFJ0v9DBJj 01/29/09(Thu)15:25 No.3555181
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    Suddenly, a porn-preventing explosion occurs somewhere at the opposite end of the corridor! The blastwave is strong enough to knock you and John down even from behind the curve!

    John isn't entirely displeased.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)15:26 No.3555187
    Explore opposite end of Corridor.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)15:27 No.3555188


    Seriously, good job avoiding the "LOL FUCK JOHN" comments.

    Also, Go searching for what caused the massive explosion, have John follow you.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)15:27 No.3555193
    Here Comes FapTau... Or Koolaid Man
    >> Tzeentch 01/29/09(Thu)15:27 No.3555196

    Just as planned
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)15:28 No.3555197
    Grow boobies bigger
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)15:29 No.3555202
    John you lucky sergal!
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)15:30 No.3555208
    So....wait a few minutes?
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)15:32 No.3555216
    We need a new thread
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)15:32 No.3555217

    You are in a perfect position to continue with porn!

    Boobie snuggle John!
    >> Moron Brigade !Yf8mZVPoBs 01/29/09(Thu)15:32 No.3555223
    Head towards SEC 2 With John.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)15:33 No.3555231
    Ask John if she's okay.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)15:35 No.3555239
    And check and see if you're hurt.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)15:35 No.3555243
    Check out the explosion and make a mental note to ask John if their are laundry facilities somewhere. Joan seriously needs to get some decent clothes.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)15:36 No.3555249
    Grab Robutt Hat.

    Explore explodiness with john in the front.

    Find clothes, somehow.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)15:36 No.3555251
    And John needs a hat. And our hat needs a hat.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)15:38 No.3555258
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    Sergals with hats fuck yeah
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)15:39 No.3555267

    Awesome drawfag is awesome. He evades the pr0n suggestions and still delivers fanservice.
    >> Sir Double-Faggot !!8AFJ0v9DBJj 01/29/09(Thu)15:44 No.3555306

    ..Is where this shit is continued.

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