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02/20/09(Fri)17:21 No.3772832 File :1235168517.jpg-(75 KB, 952x843, Tiers.jpg)
 Basic diagram of a tier system, integrated into a single network.
Your Core is the heart of your programming, the shit you do not meddle with, on pain of death.
In tier 0, you have your stat values, and the defining values for whatever powersets you invest in.
In tier 1, you have a mixture of skills, derived from your stats, and powers & special skills, derived from your powerset stats.
In each further tier (I'd draw them in, but I didn't see the point and I'm lazy) you'd have further specialised skills, and more powerful powers etc. Plugins would attach to the connections between tiers, where they were representing what they did.
A plugin between your core and a stat is raw personal boost, no skill or power directly related.
A plugin between a stat and a skill is a physical augmentation or script which helps you perform that specific task.
A plugin between a powerset and a power or special skill is the same as a plugin between a stat and a skill.
A plugin between two stats increases the synergy between them, further enhancing the specialised nature.
Plugins can be virtually anything. Rules-wise, there's no need to keep enhancment scripts different from augmentations etc.
Attacks first hit an outermost firewall. If they penetrate that, they do damage to your outer tier of skills and powers, possibly disabling some. Then there's another firewall, between the two tiers, etc etc. If something manages to penetrate all your firewalls, and hit your core, you're pretty much dead or corrupted instantly. |