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!94Ud9yTfxQ 03/15/09(Sun)01:33 No.3978294 File :1237095234.png-(45 KB, 600x400, 15.png)
Aldwin drops in on Goldmoon and asks where Finlay is. She tells him due to his broken arm, the priest has disallowed him from leaving his room except for meals. So, he should be there. Goldmoon asks what the problem is.
>>3978182 Aldwin would actually be more of the Inigo Montoya persuasion.
>>3978194 Like Lily said, Aldwin needs to work on his SRS BIZNIS face.
>>3978208 Now, I don't get worked up much, BUT SOME THINGS YOU JUST NEVER SAY MAN. NEVER.
>>3978271 >>3978270 >>3978200 Oh c'mon guys. A miscarriage would be too easy mode. If I'm going to jerk your chain around about things, there are MUCH more effective ways to do it. Something like that, completely beyond your control, is just a stupid attempt at pity garnering. |