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03/24/09(Tue)03:57 No.4067998 File :1237881426.jpg-(73 KB, 516x428, 1221778990186.jpg)
 So we have how things will be decided. Opposed rolls. Either against another creature or a set amount. Depending on the limb or ability being used it is a different die.
To jump a cliff you would roll your leg dice for strong legs maybe 2d6 for weaker legs 1d4.
Or should we do a dice pool? This leg is worth 4d10's and you need so many success to cross the gap? Or you need to reach a set number and depending on the leg you get so many of a dice.
Depending on how we do it combat could be easier.
We also have to figure out damage after we confirm hits.
The system itself will be point buy. The first thing to make a creature would to be its size. We have small medium and large.
After that we have its diet. Carnivore, Herbivore, Omnivore, or Photosythetic.
After that we may or may not have a body style. I vote for. Just to make thing easier. But make it simple. Bipedal, quadruped, avian, serpentine, and maybe aquatic.
Then we should devise how Appetite works. Obviously the larger the creature the more it has to eat. But also the diet also comes into play. Carnies must eat the most, then Omnies, then Herbies and Photos can only make food during the day but are constantly making it.
We could even scrape the appetite and jsut use it as a means to regain HP. Speaking of which.
How are we going to figure HP? Choose a body size, type and an actual frame? Or have a set of bodies, like Large Quadruped (Herbivore) and it would be worth so many dice? Or depending on the body, all associated limbs attached, abilities and there after should the total HP be settled?
I think I talked in circles there for a while...but any impute would be nice. |