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    43 KB Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)19:12 No.4185088  
    Whats the saddest thing that ever happened to you or one of your characters while gaming?
    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)19:15 No.4185103
    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)19:16 No.4185108
    Nothing too terrible. Back in Second Edition D&D, my wild mage had a Wild Surge turn a Knock spell into a Lightning Bolt which bounced off a stone door and burned almost all his magic items off his body. Including the Helm of Telepathy which he used to pick up barmaids and which housed his spider collection. *Sigh*
    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)19:16 No.4185109
    Fatal heart attack right there at the table.

    23 years old.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)19:17 No.4185117
    A retarded child finds a broken egg and tries to keep it warm so it will hatch.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)19:20 No.4185138
    I got nuked by magic after triple critfailing.

    That was a pretty amazing session.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)19:20 No.4185139
    Manly tears, manly tears.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)19:21 No.4185149
    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)19:22 No.4185156
    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)19:23 No.4185161
    Why is that sad?

    The dude must've been in amazingly horrible shape.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)19:23 No.4185162
    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)19:24 No.4185167
    i lost my leg on my first night of dark heresy, and it was my first time doing role playing games ever :(

    but a good end to the story, i got a metal leg and in my 3rd session i got a heavy stubber
    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)19:24 No.4185168

    No, he was a rather skinny fellow.

    Had one of those difficult to pick up heart defects that suddenly announced itself.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)19:25 No.4185177
    Ah my future, so bright. At least I'll be at a table with other people... so ronery ;_;
    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)19:27 No.4185193
    broke a glass on the gaming table, there was no drink in it any longer but I cut my forearm and didn't notice a thing... until half of my sheet was stained with blood.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)19:27 No.4185195
    It's always sad when a devou/tg/uardsman dies.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)19:27 No.4185197
    We came upon a ruined farmhouse and noticed a couple mostly eaten human corpses.
    We entered and were attacked by an Owlbear.
    We killed the Owlbear. We heard some quacking noise from under a table.
    Baby Owlbear. It saw me first.
    The human bodies weren't half eaten, they were half decomposed. Some ledgers dated about 10-20 years back.
    Owlbear baby followed me around back into town. It got hungry and started eating stray cats.
    People in town starting getting worried, it was growing quickly.
    We brought it to a high powered mage to have it Awakened. He told us it would take time, so we left for a while.
    While we were gone, he thought better off it and decided to put the poor beast to sleep.
    After killing a certain amount of cats, the beast had grown to the point of being immune to the Sleep spell, and the mage didn't want to be responsible for its death.
    My character specifically, was called back. I had to forcibly bludgeon my baby to unconsciousness.
    It wouldn't fight back. It ran to the corner and curled in a ball. It squealed and squeaked and I broke its bones with a hammer, bawling like a child. I wasn't strong enough to do it in one or two hits.
    I was a Neutral Good Druid.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)19:27 No.4185200
    wow 2e really bleauxes
    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)19:29 No.4185210
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    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)19:30 No.4185216
    some shithead psyker jinxed my rocket launcher, resulting in the frag missile going off NEXT TO MY HEAD

    my guardsman survived, but at what cost? the rocket launcher was dead...
    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)19:30 No.4185221
    manly tears man
    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)19:31 No.4185226
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    Damn, man. Talk about manly tears.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)19:41 No.4185281
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    >> Mr. Bubbles !!DLJ3bQ7yunJ 04/04/09(Sat)19:43 No.4185298
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    >> Lazy DM V !vONhvIg88o 04/04/09(Sat)19:47 No.4185318
    ... That's retarded.

    What were you paying him for? Why did you even listen to him?
    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)19:48 No.4185323
    Kidnapped by demon to his fortress. Kept as a lowly slave. Constantly got his moral beliefs questioned at every turn by everyone in the keep. Had a choker that resurrected him if he died.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)19:48 No.4185324
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    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)19:50 No.4185335
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    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)19:51 No.4185344
    not D&D, IRC based quest.

    innocent girl as protagonist.
    lost her friends, her foot, slipped because of the blood and fell down an airduct and almost lost her hand to a riddle.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)19:51 No.4185345
    So, wait... Did you actually kill it, or just make a hash of beating into unconsciousness?
    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)19:52 No.4185352
    Well, it was like this: The guy decided he was gonna Sleep Owlbear instead of Awakening him, and just give us the money back. He ended up refunding us in total.
    But when he tried to use Sleep and it didn't work, my Owlbear got mad and attacked him.
    He called me back in a panic, and when I came back the thing was enraged until I started hitting it.
    I won't say I didn't have any other option whatsoever, but I'm just saying, that's what happened.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)19:52 No.4185353
    Super hero game, fighting a tough baddie, and I was the only one with the sufficient firepower to put his ass down.

    all of my teammates surround him to limit his movement, I shoot rockets, only weapon that can harm him effectively, after 3 shots I'm the last living thing in the room.
    >> anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)19:53 No.4185357
    :< /thread.

    Goddamnit /tg/!
    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)19:54 No.4185366
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    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)19:55 No.4185371
    If you do nonlethal damage to the point of doubling a creature's maximum hit points it dies anyway.
    On the last hit before I would have knocked it out, I critical'd. And I was using a Warhammer, hence the bludgeoning...So, x3...
    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)19:58 No.4185390
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    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)20:02 No.4185423
    His fiance' was sucked into an alternate reality, while he had to watch. He thinks she might be dead right now, but is having trouble accepting it and moving on.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)20:03 No.4185439
    Both, then? That's rough, man.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)20:06 No.4185472
    What a dick you are. Not to mention a terrible druid....druids don't use hammers.
    Owlbears are aberrations anyway, you should have killed the baby right off , it would have been more merciful than what eneded up happening.
    >> Nasdaq !3LrT5NRVks 04/04/09(Sat)20:11 No.4185508
    Owlbears are magical beasts.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)20:18 No.4185553
    Just because he doesn't have proficiency in it doesn't mean he can't use it. It'll deal better damage than most of the other druid weapons, thus speeding the entire process, and against a cowering opponent he's not likely to miss anyway.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)20:19 No.4185564
    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)20:21 No.4185571
    My character (Zathras, a merchant) was the 10th son of his family, and was pretty much shit on.
    He gets sent to another country with Zathras, first son of the house of Zathras (a great warrior) and Zathras, second son of the house of Zathras (a great mage). During the voyage, a storm strikes and Zathras the tenth son is the only survivor, and the entire cargo hold of wares is lost as well.

    He becomes convinced that the ship sank because there was "Too much greatness" on one ship and the spirits of the sea took it, and the only reason he was spared was because no one wants him because he is not worthy. So he starts adventuring in the hopes that he will become WORTHY TO DROWN (And he can't just drown himself, because that's suicide and the spirits of the water would not take him).

    After a half a year of roleplay, he finally makes it back home, and finds that a great shrine has been built to commemorate him and his brothers, because they think he died too. So he can;t even tell his family he is alive, because he can't stand the shame that he did not drown as well.

    When the campaign ended, as each player gave their character an epilogue, Zathras the 10th son used his acquired wealth to build a cabin by the sea, and every day he paddled out in a boat a few miles offshore, and spent the day hoping the spirits of the water would take him. He did this every day for the rest of his life.
    He died of old age in his own bed.

    Such is the sad, sad story of Zathras, tenth son of the house of Zathras.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)20:27 No.4185613
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    Your story has depressed The One Free Man.

    Not even the subjugation of humanity to alien overlords did that. Well played.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)20:37 No.4185686
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    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)20:37 No.4185695
    That hurts my soul a little...
    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)20:38 No.4185707
    This thread is awesome.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)20:39 No.4185714
    I'm statting an NPC called Zathras the Owlbear right now.
    >> TIRED DRAWFAG aka MAtt 04/04/09(Sat)20:40 No.4185728
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    Give the son the respect he deserves you- you.

    Ah you made me angry. I'll draw him.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)20:40 No.4185730
    Not me, friend played fighter with a family, sister was recovering drug addict, and the BBEG found out about it and got her hooked back on the shit. Suddenly, for this character, defeating BBEG wasn't just about saving the kingdom, but saving his sister. Lots of good RPing about trying to wean her off the shit again and one of the other PCs, a bard, fell hard for the sister, and even thought about marrying her. They hoped they'd be able to make a family after the BBEG finally kicked it.

    Sister didn't make it.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)20:47 No.4185793
    custom world, very loose rules, mostly taken from dnd...saddest (and later happiest)moment

    Accompaning a godchild on her mission to save the world (my char + 6 others: ). Mission is almost complete, the cave starts to collapse we run and everyone barely makes it out of the cave. A few minutes pass untill he noticed that his pet dog (white bullterrier-likish,) isn't there. Character gets all all run here run there, then gets a breakdown and goes apathetic. (I have to say here that my char had been a pretty chaotic-evil guy who could kill kids if they as much as looked funny at him, untill he met the dog, who somehow made him more of a human than he ever was)
    After a while on the trip back, he snaps out of the apathy state, accuses godchild of basically killing his dog, packs his stuff and leaves.
    (epilogue: character searches for ways to rivive/necrovive his dog, but can't find anything. finally gets into shamanism (the xena-style-shamanishm) and makes contact with his dog. spends a few hours with his dog in spirit-plane then leaves and starts his old life again (old= after he met dog) )
    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)21:35 No.4186226
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    Saddest thing that ever happened to me was getting excited to play table-top games for the first time in along time instead of WoW, showing up to the game, and then spending literally half our playing time listening to the two Warhammer fags at the table argue about Warhammer fluff instead of playing the D&D game right in front of us.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)21:43 No.4186291
    I once played a character with the leadership feat, and had a cohort (a kobold warrior) who was, as a joke, totally gay for my actual character. My bard was NOT for it.
    Anyway, we get jumped by the bad guys, and the bard takes a bunch of arrows to the chest and dies. My Kobold just stops fighting and stares. He runs over and spends the next two rounds craddleing the corpse and WEEPING. As the last of the bad guys in melee drops, the archer at the back just yells out "Later, fags" and runs off.
    The Kobold, tears in eyes, runs off yelling in rage and chases that sonovabitch down and beats him to death. And just keeps hitting him until there is nothing but a pile of guts. And just WONT STOP HITTING THE BODY.
    From that point on in the campaign, I was a gay Kobold who started taking levels in barbarian and had a MAJOR bone to pick with the bad guys. He died in the final session with his hands around the BBEG's throat.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)21:59 No.4186407
    We have an female NPC who's become the unofficial mascot of the party. We crash at her place, use it as a planning area, and give her more then a fair share of the loot, thus ensuring she'll never have to work again.

    Eventually, somehow, the BBEG of our campaign finds out about the safehouse, and raids it while we're away dungeon delving for magical weapons. We don't know until we get back to find the house completely burned down. My character passes a Search check, and we find out that it was the BBEG who had done it.

    This spurs us on, and we negate about two session's worth of planning and gathering magic weapons to attack his hold in one massive zerg rush.

    We clear the first level of his keep, and about half of the second when a troll knocks our party's paladin unconscious. Suddenly, boom! GOBLINS! Lotsa little goblins! We start fighting them, but eight drag off the paladin, and we're not killing them fast enough to get to them.

    This continues for a while, until our wizard gets knocked unconscious, and we beat a hasty retreat, making sure to grab the wizzy.

    We end the session there. Next session has us encountering the BBEG just outside the keep doors, with the NPC mascot hanging from a noose, standing on the shoulders of our now naked pally. He's conscious. The BBEG engages us in combat, and the pally has to roll against his constitution at the start of every round with a negative modifier to bear the weight of the NPC on his shoulder. He passes the first three rounds of checks, while we're barely holding our own against the BBEG.

    The fourth round, the pally rolls poorly, and fails his con check. He searches frantically in the player's handbook to find something to help him, but the DM is having none of it.

    The pally collapses, and the NPC is hung, right in front of us.

    Two of the guys haven't come back to play for a couple of months after that....
    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)22:01 No.4186423
    That actually sounds rather badass.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)22:01 No.4186430
    >Two of the guys haven't come back to play for a couple of months after that....

    The GM in me thinks it was wonderfully sadistic but I guess I can understand how it could be a buzzkill if you were one of the PCs...
    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)22:03 No.4186439

    Harsh. Someone should have tried to shoot out the rope.

    I hope you gave the BBEG a proper beat down after that. Or at least got the poor girl raised.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)22:03 No.4186441

    Whoops, was pointing at >>4186291
    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)22:04 No.4186453
    Wait a minute. I remember this. The DM posted here asking how to inflict maximum emotional damage on his players. Nice to see our ideas worked.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)22:11 No.4186502
    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)22:11 No.4186505
    DM of the year.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)22:43 No.4186775
    Well, this can't really compare with the other stories here, but I'll give it a shot.

    The party I was in was with hunting down a number of fugitives who had once been agents of the crown until they learned to much. Most of them had already been killed by the king's men, but the remainder had scattered and gone deep into hiding, each finding methods to shield themselves from divination. A bounty was put on their heads, and our party aimed to collect.

    The first was a human fighter hiding out in an oasis in the middle of a desert who just wanted to be left alone. We killed him in a straight up fight.

    The second was an elf druid hiding in a forest in hawk form. She was a bitch to find, and even harder to catch, but in the end we got her by burning down the forest to drive her out into the open and then killing her when she tried to fight.

    The third was a Yuan-ti pureblood rogue who had infiltrated a merchant ship's crew to lie low by staying out at sea for long periods of time. We killed him by blowing up the ship and shooting him when he tried to swim away.

    The fourth, a half elf cleric, was a bit more complicated. We tracked him to a village out in the middle of nowhere. Once we got there we started noticing some odd things. First off the reason no one had settled their other than this one village was because the soil was rather poor, but the village was bizarrely well fed and raking in a bountiful harvest. The second was that pretty much no one would talk to us. There was one drunk in the tavern who had started to blab, but his buddies quickly shut him up and refused to talk to us.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)22:44 No.4186779
    Continued from >>4186775

    The party wizard even tried a few suggestion spells, but most of the townsfolk we tried that on were able to resist it. Eventually we did a dispel magic and then suggestion combination to get whatever was protecting their minds off, but the guy we did it on wasn't able to tell us any more than that yes, the guy we were looking for was somewhere in the town and helped out with the harvest, healed the injured, and cured the sick.

    The only other person who would talk to us was a little kid, who said that she wasn't supposed to talk to us. My character asked why, and she said that her parents had told her not to. I asked if it was because we were strangers, but she said no, so I asked why they would do that, and she said that they had said it was because "if she told anyone about the nice man who helped them then bad men would come and take him away." She then asked "but you're not bad men, are you?"

    Hell of a time to roll a 1 on a bluff check.

    So I guess the saddest thing that happened to one of my characters was trying to explain to a little girl that I wasn't there to completely ruin the town and the lives of everyone in it and failing miserably. The girl started to cry after that.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)22:44 No.4186782

    We pieced together that the cleric had fled to the town to try and lie low, but in the end couldn't just sit by and watch other people suffer, so ultimately he had to help the town even if it would completely blow his cover. The towns people, for their part, tried to help him remain hidden by cutting themselves off from the outside world and refusing to talk to strangers. That's when the resident evil member of the party hit upon an idea to find him. If the cleric cared about the people in the town enough to risk blowing his cover to help them then he would come out to fight if they were threatened. He grabbed the little girl, carried her into the middle of the town market, and shouted that he would kill her if the cleric didn't step forward. A group of townsfolk rushed him to try and save the girl. He shot a fireball at them.

    It got dispel magic counterspelled by the cleric, who stepped out of the crowd to fight us. And then we killed him. That was probably the second saddest thing that happened to me.

    Of course it didn't help that he was the last guy left to kill, and the king's men decided to finish the job by killing us when we got back to collect the bounty. I think the cleric was the DM's way of hinting that we were on the wrong side. Or maybe he had been doing that all along, and the cleric was just the most blatant one. Anyway, a few of us survived, but from then on we were hunted by mercs out to collect the price on our heads and every town we tried to hide out in sold us out.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)22:53 No.4186832
    Oh my. The DM sure knows his movies.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)22:55 No.4186851
    Our party was a group of sixteen year old adventurers. Our party cleric was a dedicated priest of a goddess of vision and prophesy who saw a vision of the lost heir to our kingdom, which had fallen into a cutthroat bureaucracy since the succession disputes had started.

    We traveled for almost a full in-game year. Our Wizard fell in love with our Priest, but they had taken vows that wouldn't allow for it and had to settle for a very tense, platonic friendship.

    When we finally fought our way through jungles, a desert, and an extremely dangerous mountain pass; we found the lost heir to our kingdom's throne. We declared ourselves peace emissaries, and formally invited our prince to return home, and told him that all of his loyal subjects were waiting for him.

    He had grown up to be a Paladin, and said that if we represented his loyal subjects, then we would honor the old laws and serve him until he retook his throne.

    We agreed.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)22:56 No.4186856

    Immediately he imprisoned us, all in separate cells in different corners of his fortress. Under the "old laws" he punished us for our parents' and grandparents' disloyalty, for not coming to find him when he had been driven out as a child by a war.

    Our party Wizard tried to escape. She got caught. As punishment, the Prince commanded his high priestess to put a curse on her that would erase her from the sight of the goddess of Prophesy that our party Priest, who she was in love with, worshipped. What they didn't tell her is that it meant that no worshipper of that goddess could detect her with any sense ever again.

    The guards tortured her down to 1 HP, raped her, and then threw her in the Priest's cell. He never knew she was there, and she had to lie there, bones broken and barely able to move, while he apparently ignored her.

    As for the Priest, he saw the guards take his friend away, and he never saw her again. He tried to escape a few times, but was beaten to 1 HP and then left in his cell.

    Months later, the Paladin came and said that he was ready to take back his throne-- by conquering our home kingdom. He force-marched his army, and with it our party, back home over the same long, treacherous route we managed to take to get there. Our party members deserted the army and escaped and met back up. Our Wizard sent a Sending to her mother -- "We found the missing heir to the throne. He has brought an entire army with him, try to get everyone ready as quickly as possible."
    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)22:57 No.4186861
    We had just gotten in sight of the main gate when the Paladin and his honor guard caught up with us. He charged us with treason and desertion, and had his honor guard of ten 12th level Fighters kill four 7th-level adventurers. Toward the end of the battle, our Priest declared his love for our Wizard and asked her to marry him-- he instantly lost all of his Cleric powers and spells for going against his vows, but as he was no longer a follower of his goddess, he was able to see her again. She was the last thing he ever saw.

    Our Wizard managed to kill the last of the honor guard, after our Fighter and Ranger had gone down. As she was kneeling to take our Priest's ring off of his finger and put it on her own, the Paladin came behind her and-- for mercy's sake, he said-- stabbed her in the back, and took the ring.

    When he marched up to the gates with his army, the whole city turned out, and gave him a hero's welcome. He took back his throne and his country.

    And I, our party Rogue, who ran from that last battle like a coward, Sneak Attacked him to death in one round, with a well-timed critical, on the night of his coronation. Not even ten rounds afterward, I was lynched and killed.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)23:06 No.4186930
    >Anyway, a few of us survived, but from then on we were hunted by mercs out to collect the price on our heads and every town we tried to hide out in sold us out.

    And I hope you all died horribly.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)23:07 No.4186946

    Never. Let. The rogue. Get away.

    That is all.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)23:09 No.4186966
    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)23:10 No.4186972
    I... I have no picture to describe how this makes me feel.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)23:10 No.4186976
    >Lawful Evil Paladin
    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)23:10 No.4186982
    Uhm... did you all have fun?
    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)23:12 No.4187001
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    Seriously. While these are the high points of it, this salute goes out to this whole goddamn thread.

    The Emperor be with you all, /tg/.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)23:16 No.4187028
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    Thats what you get, jackass. Any time your hunting someone for "Knowing too much" your on the wrong fucking side.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)23:17 No.4187041
    While playing RQ, Chaos Runelord was single-handedly whooping the whole party. I went in with my wizard and with my last power points overexerted myself - so that the points drop to negatives and I fall unconscious - to get a paralysis spell through his xbox hueg resistance. It goes through and hits his left arm, rendering him incapable of using the greatsword he had, leaving him only a dagger and thus a more or less guaranteed defeat. He didn't approve of it at all, and responded with a coup de grace.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)23:22 No.4187080
    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)23:24 No.4187102
    Our party had gone into this one plane that was basically an affectionate pastiche of Lovecraft's stories. One inhabitant was a lovely, if somewhat scatterbrained succubus. Turned out there was some PIME TARADOX stuff going on; Basically, everybody but me and one other party member had died. I, the Dwarven Monk, had turned into an old soak. Not exactly a bad guy, but not the kind of guy you'd trust that much. The other survivor was a githzerai fighter, who had turned cannibal.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)23:28 No.4187144

    This story literally made me cry.
    >> Shinkozu the Twilight Wanderer 04/04/09(Sat)23:30 No.4187158

    manly tears
    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)23:32 No.4187181
    In fact, the future githzerai had turned into two different people (leaving three githzerai in total, for those of you keeping score); one a cannibal, and one nihilist who just wanted to let the Bbeg BLOW IT ALL UP.

    Also, it turned out that after the party died in the first time loop, I had wandered throughout the plane a broken man, eventually finding the love of a good woman. Specifically, the succbus who had greeted us when we first came in.

    The nihilist soon killed future me, although neither future me nor my sort-of bride-to-be seemed too bothered about this (it was inferred that this happened every now and then).

    Long story short, crazy future nihilist githzerai and BBEG got their arses handed to them, but the entire plane went ka-blooey. We managed to bring the succubus with us.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)23:32 No.4187194
    Our campaign setting was particularly rife with genasi, including positive- and negative-energy based ones that our DM had dreamed up. One of the PC's was a positive genasi bard, and my mystic theurge and her fell instantly in love, although due to adventuring circumstances it wasn't acted on in some time (it took my character making a day trip to the Nine Hells to convince her it might be time to get hitched).

    The campaign ended with her sacrificing herself so that her elemental tie could destroy a major undead-producing artifact. My character burnt through turn undead attempts after the final battle, each one giving them one more round together until she finally died--and since part of her soul went into destroying that artifact, there was no resurrection afterward.

    Most bittersweet ending to a campaign I've experienced.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)23:36 No.4187220

    And our whole party was Neutral Good, except the rogue; I was Chaotic Good.

    DM justified it by saying everything he did was Lawful according to the "old laws".
    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)23:37 No.4187233
    I woke up naked, with the succubus washing my clothes and calling me various pet names. I popped outside to have a quick chat with the party leader (who happened to be the GM's PC) to discuss what the hell we were going to do about this woman who believed I was her husband.

    After a brief discussion with most of the party which consisted mostly of my character freaking out a bit, it turned out the succubus was standing behind me the whole time.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)23:38 No.4187243

    Lawful? Yes. However, ordering torture and rape are hardly good. Even if he believes it to be for the good of the land, he isn't Good anymore. Period.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)23:41 No.4187267
    Was doing a homebrew RP with my fellow neckbeards, the point of the story was some evil old gods were returning to power and with them came their minions, basically werewolves, vampires, and angels and shit. Over the course of the game my character has fallen for and angel NPC (can't remember her name :'( ) anyways, final battles going down in the pits of hell, lots of lava pools everywere, and my character gets a chance to ascend to some god fucking powerhouse but it knocks him out for a few seconds. As he's waking up, he sees the current god we were fighting, and he's got the angel chick held up by the throat. As soon as the big bad guy see's me stand up, he says something along the lines of "Say goodbye to your bitch." and thows her into a fucking lava pool. (I'm horrible at retelling stories. I'm no DM)
    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)23:41 No.4187269

    He didn't order that part, just the curse. Of course, he KNEW they were going to beat and rape her and didn't do anything, but he didn't have anything to do with it personally.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)23:42 No.4187279
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    Fuck that shit. Bad DM is bad. Lynch the nigger.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)23:43 No.4187281
    Goddammit, at first I found it sad, but then I read your post and I started laughing too.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)23:45 No.4187298

    The curse is pretty fucking evil, too. So is ordering the rape of a helpless prisoner who meant you no harm in the first place.

    'He knew it was going to happen but didn't actually stick his dong in it' isn't a justification.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)23:46 No.4187313

    Just as bad, if not worse. Falls like a motherfucker.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)23:48 No.4187329
    Guys, you're missing the point here. Don't debate over what the asshole prince's alignment should or should not be. Just take the story for what it is.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)23:50 No.4187343

    Yeah... we don't let him DM anymore. His thoughts on the subject were that a Paladin's actions have to be Lawful OR Good, and don't need to be both. The argument we had over it basically stopped us from playing 3.5e ever again just so we wouldn't have to deal with alignment. We might try again if any of us feels like shelling out the money for 4e.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)23:50 No.4187345
    Wait, seriously? You think this man is a bad GM for spinning an awesome tale that happened to break DnD's bullshit alignment rules?
    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)23:51 No.4187348
    I've never been stuck in any really sad situations, more like abundantly pathetic ones.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)23:51 No.4187355

    The problem becomes shitty DMing overriding the sadness. It pollutes the entire anecdote.

    If the guy hadn't included the 'he was a paladin' line and then immediately contradicted it, it would've been ham-fisted but at least the DMing wouldn't stand out more than the story.

    Especially when there are more legitimately sad stories here like
    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)23:54 No.4187373

    Dear god, that's almost as bad as my first DM, who somehow became convinced that Law = Good and Chaos= Evil, so that an axiomatic sword = holy sword for overcoming DR/holy.

    We were all: WTF? Slaad, dude.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)23:58 No.4187410
    All but one. The cave the group was hiding out in got buried by an avalanche that the mercs hunting us started. We managed to find another passage out, but the mercs were waiting for us there and slaughtered us. The only person who survived was the party fighter, who after the the fight with the cleric essentially said "hell with you guys, no amount of money is worth this" and left.

    He came back in a later campaign as an NPC trying to bring down the monarchy as a way of atoning.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)00:06 No.4187482
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    If this DM ever, EVER, pulls somthing like this agane, pull one of thees.

    "The cleric can no longer see.."
    Kicks down door, breaks the paladin over her skinny ass wizard knee.
    "BUT YOU CAN'T DO.."
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)00:07 No.4187499
    Cyberpunk GURPS. We were riding out to our latest mission for our biggest client. Actually, he was our only client. But he was a big fish anyway, and he paid well.

    Anyway, we were meeting a guy on snowmobiles with an escort, when suddenyl we were attacked by snow bandits.

    Things went from bad to worse, when half our party fell off their snowmobiles trying some action movie shit. One guy just kept on riding, but I turned back. We just managed to fend off our attackers, but the guys that were hurt went crazy. One punched the ice so hard that it broke up. I nearly drowned. Fortunately, I made it just in time to get betaen to death by the other idiot, who soon died along with the third member of the party.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)00:23 No.4187651
    In an IK game I was in, my gun mage was recovering in a chapel after getting unbound from an evil artifact. While I'm there, I meet and make friends with one of the nurse type people there, named Melissa I think. She told me a bunch about herself, including the fact that her sister was a paladin.

    We leave, and head up north to another town. There, I meet the sister, and tell her how her sister is doing, and where she is. Later, we find the real sister tied up in a warehouse somewhere. After finding out I told her where her sister was, she takes off, riding hard back to the town where we had come from. Me and another member of the party follow her, and it turns out the evil dude that had impersonated her waited until she got there, so she could watch her sister die.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)00:28 No.4187701
    Got two from the same campaign, but they're not earth-shattering.

    Pretty early in our campaign, we were heading up to some mountains to find a mage that lived there. Our initial plot hook was that the small village we were all from's (except one character who just wanted to make a quick buck) water supply had been poisoned, and the only skilled magic user (besides our party Druid) in the village couldn't keep up with purifying it enough to keep the village stable. There were rumors that a crazy awesome mage lived nearby, so we figured we'd ask him if he could get us an antidote.

    That's kind of needless backstory, sorry. Anyway so we're heading through the mountains when we notice a wrecked caravan that fell off the main road and is barely hanging on to an outcropping below. We shout down and a Halfling yells up to us. We manage to lower some rope to him and help him up, but before he even gets to the top he immediately starts yelling at us to save his wife.

    Our rogue heads back down the rope (with a second one tied around her waist) and finds the wife in the caravan. Just as soon as the rogue picks up the wife, we hear an ominous cracking, and the outcropping gives way! Thankfully, our rogue was okay with the waist-rope. Unfortunately, our rogue is a halfling herself and can't both carry and climb. Being the party tank, I start hoisting the two up... When the rope breaks.

    Thankfully, our Sorc-for-hire had a web spell prepared and they landed safely. I used the other rope to pull them up one at a time.

    Naturally the merchant had been freaking out this entire time, but was relieved to see his wife... But she wasn't moving. Upon closer inspection, one of the boxes in their caravan must have smashed her head before we even got there. And after all we went through...
    >> / !/////m/ShI 04/05/09(Sun)00:29 No.4187711
    When I, a Lasombra knight (on the Road of Kings, so chivalry was more important than anything to him), snapped the neck of the witch I loved because the king who I had dreamed of serving for years ordered me to feed her my blood so her powers would be sapped, so he could then torture her to death for treason. The rest of the party was on the king's side. I was in a "Paladin falls either way" situation, and... I chose to sacrifice the person I loved rather than defy my king.

    It's a very, very long story, but that's the short of it.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)00:29 No.4187713
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    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)00:37 No.4187773
    Cont'd, second story.

    So my DM pretty notoriously HATED psions in 3.5, but decided to have one of the big bads (we didn't even know who the true BBEG was until the end, since nobody ever gave him a specific name and we never saw him, only his council of lesser boss bads), known within the evil enemy cult (who was responsible for manufacturing the poison in our village we went to cure earlier, along with practically every other water source to every civilized city in that continent) as The Mind. He was the only psion in the game and in that campaign's world, and hooked up to a giant machine, running the poison manufacturing plant and all of the security systems (steampunk era game). Our DM is a huge Earthbound fanatic so it was basically the thing Giegue is in at the end of Mother. He was really powerful, but we managed to take him down. Since we play by the Rule of Cool, he got a death monologue despite the fact that the last blow was actually a crit from my Greataxe.

    Only his monologue wasn't so much of a monologue besides a weak, pathetic sobbing and a motioning to our party Wiz (who, incidentally, was the apprentice of that mage we were seeking and decided to come with us for revenge after the cult killed him). In his dying breath, he basically just gave our Wiz a vision of his entire life, about how he was ostracized and feared as a child, but that the BBEG saw he had potential and was the only person to ever be kind to him and not fear him. As a parting gift and in an attempt to make up for his sins, he teleported our Wiz to another plane and back temporarily (there's some awesome prestige class dealing with planes that I can't remember the name of, but anyway one of the prereqs is that you have to have been to a plane other than your native one at least once and that's not easy to do if you can't already).

    The Wiz carved a slash onto the mask he always wore and didn't speak for a week.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)00:44 No.4187818
    Our DM let the rule of cool prevail in this one.

    It wasn't even a big boss- we confronted the "Queen of Spiders" in a hidden cave- basically the grunt of the BBEG. We had to make it through her cavern in order to "blindside" the BBEG- he didn't know we knew about it, and she didn't know we would be there when we were so she didn't have time to warn him.

    However, she pretty much fucked our party in the ass- the first thing she did was knock me unconcious.

    The cleric hits my ninja/shadowdancer with a cure moderate wounds to get me back up, and the first thing I do on my turn is tell everyone to run past her when they can.

    With semi-DM intervention, I was able to use my Kusari-Gama (inb4 weeaboo fag- shit was pro) to lodge itself between a loose rock and I pulled myself up- dislodging the rock, thus beggining a cave-in.

    My party ran to door and blocked it before she could really do anything- she tried to cast but failed her concentration check due to HUGE ROCKS FALLING EVERYWHERE.

    Just as I was about to shadowstep (is that what the skill is called? I forget, haven't played ninja in a while) ...I roll a fucking one on my reflex save and get my leg crushed by a falling rock before I can start the manuever.

    Before the boss can act again, the cavern collapses, taking her and me with it.

    The DM then informs us that the cave-in I started to save the party alerted the BBEG who was able to flee before the group could get there- making my death in vain (kinda- still killed the boss, i guess.)

    Not really sad, but it was amazing to see how the other players reacted to the event- I eventually got a statue built in town for my character after the BBEG was defeated that said "While not there in form, there forever in spirit."

    Shit was awesome.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)00:46 No.4187831

    That WAS a fucking epic sneak attack; would have been amazingly awesome if you'd actually managed to escape.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)00:49 No.4187849
    No, he pretty much acted like a model paladin.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)00:51 No.4187866
    Man, it's the threads like these that inspires.

    I love you, /tg/.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)00:52 No.4187872
    Dark Heresy. The noble guardswoman had adopted this cute little girl we rescued whose family was killed by cultist. Know she was bad news my mind cleansed guardsman kept telling the party to kill her but no one trusted him because he blew a bunch of thrones we found on a badass new arm.

    One night the guardswoman, the little girl, and the female adept were in the room adjacent to where the guardsman was staying. Since he was kinda marginalized by the group he left to go drinking.

    While he was out, the little girl was possessed. She ended up biting the adept to death and disemboweling the guardswoman who refused to act out of disbelief (not even bothering to spend or burn fate points).

    The guardsman returns to the guardswoman with her guts strewn about crying and begging him to save her little girl. The possessed little girl is standing on a table. She just looks at him and says, "You should have done something. You should have been here." and then just vanishes into the warp.

    The assassin, arbiter, and tech priest then burst into the room. The assassin who had a thing for the adept starts crying and screaming.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)00:53 No.4187878
    >>Our Wizard sent a Sending to her mother -- "We found the missing heir to the throne. He has brought an entire army with him, try to get everyone ready as quickly as possible."

    Cool story, but you can see the ending coming with a message like that.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)00:53 No.4187879
    Not at all, silly troll. He was just a model asshole.

    ...And no, not all paladins are assholes. Just the greater majority of those created by DMs.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)00:56 No.4187905

    And i am sure the players loved being tortured, tricked, raped and lynched.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)00:56 No.4187907
    He was pretty much the model paladin that players emulate. And DMs. And everyone.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)00:59 No.4187920
    What kind of crazy game are you playing?

    Am I the only one who has a group where paladins are actually punished when they actually violate their self-imposed morality?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)00:59 No.4187926
    And all without any (apparent from the story as told) way to break free, or even properly resist. DM was just a gigantic douche, end of story.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)01:01 No.4187948
    Being an asshole does not violate a paladin's morality. Not being an asshole, on the other hand...
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)01:03 No.4187960
    Apparently yes.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)01:03 No.4187962
    No, that campaign was fucking epic. Particularly since the rogue managed to actually kill the paladin in the end. Sure, the party got screwed hard, but it's the sort of getting screwed hard that evokes manly tears and makes for a memorable story.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)01:09 No.4188006
    Willingly allowing other people to be raped and tortured, even without directly participating, definately violates paladin morality.

    Paladins function on a very zealous moral system. If something is against a paladin's code, he or she has to take an active stance against it (even if that stance is simply saying "Please don't do that) or risk losing their position as paladin. The more it violates the Paladin's code (i.e. the more evil it is), the more powerful the response must be.

    As such, a paladin cannot knowingly allow a group of people who work for him (and thereby both associate with him and he is responsible for the actions of) to commit such an overtly evil act as horribly torturing and raping a woman--especially given that there is no indication that her alignment is Evil. Hell, she's Good, for crying out loud. Good is usually considered the more important component of Paladin alignment.

    Willingly allowing the action is the same as performing the action himself. If he actually was a Paladin, he would have fallen instantly for that action. Thread derailment over.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)01:11 No.4188018

    Prison scenarios are on of the main reasons I love being psionic.No one EVER prepares for psionics.

    When everyone else has their stuff taken away, you still have your goddamn brain.

    "Fuck this, I blow out the door."

    "There is an antimagic field over the cell, you didn;t think they would you and the wizard in a normal cell, did you?"

    "That's just dandy. I'll let you know when I start using magic. Sonic Energy push on the door."
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)01:11 No.4188020
    Depends on his god.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)01:14 No.4188047
    Ah, the psionic-magic transparency rules. Things of beauty, really.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)01:15 No.4188063
    Fuck that mess. He still has to follow the alignment system. And the Paladin Code. God of preference is not involved in the Paladin Code.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)01:16 No.4188072
    Threads like this show me why these kind of games are more appealing to me than videogames.
    Well done, /tg/
    >> SageHoge !!mp3WVEd4fDm 04/05/09(Sun)01:18 No.4188081
    I don't think I compare to these but that saddest thing that happened to me happened when I was playing a joke of a character.

    I wanted to play a small character and the GM made me be an orc. I wanted to be a sorceror but he wanted me to play a combat class.

    So my revenge was to play a half orc paladin raised by dwarfs named Nikole. But the more I developed him the more I liked him. He became the youngest member of the town guard to make his father love him. He had a girls name because he couldn't grow a proper beard. He was naive about the ways of the world having only known dwarfs. All this and alot more added up to a really good character.

    The saddest moment followed a victory. We had just rescued the mayor's son. Kobolds had surendered to us and I stopped the rest of the party from killing them. They told us that they didn't want to kidnap the child but if they didn't they would be killed if they didn't. I promised them that they all would get a fair and just trial with a fair punishment.

    I went ahead of the party with the son and the kobolds in tow. The townsfolk spit in my face and called me a pig nose. The kid told them that I had saved him as the rest of my party arrived. I turned the rest of the kobolds over to the city militia. They killed them all in front of me. No trial. Just brutal exacution. I know its stupid but I really wanted them to stand trial. I felt bad for the rest of the day.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)01:19 No.4188089
    Antimagic Fields affect psionics, and Null Psionics Fields affect magic according to the magic-psionics transparency rules.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)01:22 No.4188122

    That's how DRIMANDARKAN is supposed to look like.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)01:24 No.4188139
    >>4188089 only in retardo land. Some of us keep them at least marginally seperate even with gm's that consider them the same.

    then again, gm's do love the "nothing works stop trying till the plot lets you out" approach till they've been chaired (over head or in the back) over it once or twice
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)01:24 No.4188144
    Dude, that's always harsh, when not only do the NPCs stereotype characters/races, but when it's obvious the DM and players do, too. They play up the hate but then to them it's still just lulz. D:
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)01:42 No.4188287
    Attitudes like this are why I don't even muck about with psionics in my games. I mean, it's all well and good for the players to outsmart the GM (tends to lead to some great sessions), but the whole "I want to use magic except it ISN'T magic, but rather something way specialer, and also fuck year crystals EVERYWHERE" thing grows, to put it mildly, tiresome.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)01:45 No.4188314
    Unforunately, none of us were equipped for long-range attacks. We had opted for close-range weapons.
    After a few more round, we were able to give the BBEG a sound thrashing, and those of us that remained had opted to give the NPC a burial, mostly to prevent our GM from doing something like this again.

    Yeah. It was highly dickish. But, it was also at the same time really interesting.

    Oh, so he's not as original as he wants us to think! HA! I kinda always had a haunch he was a fa/tg/uy.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)01:49 No.4188341
    >> That Guy !!MTGPgc3pXGA 04/05/09(Sun)01:52 No.4188364
    This is in the PC's favor. Not having the magic-psionic transparency rule in place is a really bad plan.

    Although I prefer to use the semi-transparent rules so that it isn't SAME SHIT DIFFERENT NAME.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)01:58 No.4188424
    The torture and rape might not have been ordered directly from him, but from whomever commands the guards, or who ever manages the dungeons.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)01:58 No.4188425
    I have to agree with others. The main thing that I dislike about this story is that he was a paladin that did not fall, even though he did all of this. If had just been a high level fighter, it would have been okay. But a paladin? That... that would only make sense in 4E, where paladins aren't followers of GOOD and LAW, just followers of a god. And his god was a god of... not justice, but maybe an 'eye for an eye' type law god.

    Glad you killed him in one round, though. Best sort of revenge. ...only made better is if you could have shouted out the names of your party members with each stab.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)02:12 No.4188562

    To contribute:
    So you're playing a paladin of freedom.
    And you get the choice to A) save the world from a terrible machine monster/god (this is level seven, by the way, and there's almost no chance we're going to win) or help save your kingdom (of which you personally know the king) from an unrelated threat.
    The DM was very nice about it, and told me I wasn't going to fall either way, but damn if that wasn't one of the most difficult choices that character had to make.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)02:18 No.4188613
    He could have been a paladin of tyranny
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)02:18 No.4188622
    Was doing a homebrew RP with my fellow neckbeards, the point of the story was some evil old gods were returning to power and with them came their minions, basically werewolves, vampires, and angels and shit. Over the course of the game my character has fallen for and angel NPC (can't remember her name :'( ) anyways, final battles going down in the pits of hell, lots of lava pools everywere, and my character gets a chance to ascend to some god fucking powerhouse but it knocks him out for a few seconds. As he's waking up, he sees the current god we were fighting, and he's got the angel chick held up by the throat. As soon as the big bad guy see's me stand up, he says something along the lines of "Say goodbye to your bitch." and thows her into a fucking lava pool. (I'm horrible at retelling stories. I'm no DM)
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)02:21 No.4188635
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)02:41 No.4188783
    Why post it twice? I think we all saw it the first time.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)02:43 No.4188796

    Unless the woman was very heavyset or the paladin was very tall (above Medium size) she would've been strangling. Any one of you could've run over there and cut the rope hanging her at any time while she slowly suffocated, watching you take revenge over her death while hope was still there.


    You could've Sneak Attacked the heir during the trip back, since he was evil as all hell. That would have assured that the line of heirs was severed and a new, non-tyrannical government could be put in place.


    If you blew up your future then wouldn't your present be bleak and meaningless since your entire world ends and you, presumably, can't escape the fate?


    Cool story, Frodo. Also if you were a 10th level Ninja you could've phased through that rock and possibly made it to safety enough to Shadow Jump out of the cavern.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)02:46 No.4188825
    wasn't posted twice by the same person, I would know since I wrote the first one.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)02:48 No.4188841
    They weren't royalty being raped, so they weren't human. He's following the "old rules", remember?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)02:53 No.4188874
    Thank you for bringing logic into realms where it has no place.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)02:56 No.4188907
    You're an ass.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)03:03 No.4188971

    I live to point out how either the DM being a dick and denying them a fair chance or the player's own inaction brought them their character's greatest sorrow.


    3rd Edition has an objective alignment system that objectively says that a Paladin that, by their own action or knowing inaction, commits an action that is either Chaotic, Evil, or against the Paladin Code of Conduct falls. Allowing a character to be raped is evil and against the code. Cursing is evil and probably also against the code. Paladin falls.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)03:05 No.4188997
    Hmm...then i'm confused.
    >> MonkeyToho 04/05/09(Sun)03:09 No.4189034
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    rolled 68 = 68

    3.5 game. The DM was hell-bent on doing a horror game with the system, and with his past experiences with WoD games, we were pretty confident he could pull it off. Our group was the kind of people who could really just sort of immerse ourselves in both our characters and the setting itself, so a good deal of the atmosphere sunk into our heads and really freaked us out.

    The first half of the game consisted of events within the Shuddering Valley, a dark woods where ancient spirits lay and mist creeps along the floors. We started off in Still Hollow, a small town, quiet and content with it's lot in life.

    I'm playing Gregory Iams, a troubled young man of sixteen years, who wishes his lot in life was a simple thing. Him and his family are not really ostracized by the rest of the town--every hand is needed here, after all--but are considered...weird. His parents are distant, his sister perpetually drunk, and by simple proxy he's lumped with the rest of them. Outwardly he seems a normal person, a fisher primarily, but he hides his faults well; in truth he has been cursed with what he thinks is a ghost, plaguing him since childhood and haunting his dreams with odd, frightening imagery.

    Through slowly unfolding events, he finds himself accompanied (and befriending) a local druid and her young child, the ranger Donovan in search of his own lost son, and a scout about Gregory's age. Their investigations lead them to battling thorn-blinded beastmen, a living evil tree, and fae creatures too horrible to behold.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)03:15 No.4189079
    Sounds like a pretty BAMF game but I fail to see the sad.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)03:18 No.4189098

    In the last session some evil thorns kill an evil chick leading a cult that live only to destroy the young child and the local druid for defiling the purity of their town. Then they all go back to their homes only to realize they're stuck in the ethereal plane forever.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)03:20 No.4189115
    I can't say "Silent Hill" enough
    >> MonkeyToho 04/05/09(Sun)03:22 No.4189124
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    During an outing, the other three head off to contact another ranger within the valley to answer a few questions, whereas Gregory wanders off to see his parents. Along the way, he's accousted by two clerics of a hitherto-unknown god, Xidgiel, and knock him out.

    When he wakes, he finds himself strapped to a table with a blanket thrown over him, ready to be sacrificed for this god so that Still Hollow can yet again have another bountiful harvest--with his parents leading the procession. Gregory's older sister, Joy, is shocked to find out who is under the blanket and is having none of it--and in a fit of rage, slays all in the room but herself and her brother with a terrible teeth-filled sword.

    Both physically and emotionally wounded beyond limits, the two siblings wander out of the mansion of which the ritual was taking place, and back into the town--which had, over the course of the evening, been raided and burnt to the ground by the aforementioned beastmen. None survived but the druid and the ranger, waking up in the town not knowing how they got there and fearful of the blood on their hands.

    We wander the town, shellshocked and hoping in vain for any survivors. Gregory finds the body of a young girl, Fionna, perhaps the only other person beyond his immediate family who showed him any kindness--indeed, a sort of childish unconditional love, who simply enjoyed being in his company despite her father's wishes.

    Clutched within her small hands was a note and a ring, crafted of intertwined briarwood. Upon the letter were the following words.

    "I love you Gregory, and I hope we can get married some day."
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)03:25 No.4189145
    The thread *is* archived, for those of you who know nothing about nothing...


    inb4 faggotry over sup/tg/
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)03:29 No.4189166
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    I guess it was equal parts Wicker Man and Silent Hill, minus the bees.
    >> Irrelevant 04/05/09(Sun)03:34 No.4189209
    We killed Edward Cullen and Bella during a story, ripped bella's torso to pieces while she was crying.

    Oh, you said saddest thing, not happiest. My bad.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)03:34 No.4189210
    Treant bard forced to burn down his forest to avenge the death of his nymph gf.
    >> MonkeyToho 04/05/09(Sun)03:34 No.4189216
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    rolled 29 = 29


    Mostly us fucking bawling at the table. Even the DM.

    Which I suppose is saying something of his ability to spin a tale when even HE is shedding a couple tears.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)03:36 No.4189226
    I must possess details of this hallowed event, good sir.
    >> Lady Bard 04/05/09(Sun)03:40 No.4189264
    My Lirina (homebrew race) bard had two twin daughters to look after, sired by the party wizard (who was ONCE human but too much dabbling in chaos had by this point turned him nearly into a yuan-ti).

    Anyway he was always a bit of an aloof bastard but he seemed to soften up after he fell in love with the bard. (If people are wondering how they could have had kids, the party got entrenched for a good YEAR because of a massive research project. We just sorta glossed over it.)

    Anyway one day after a close call battle he realizes "HMM, I probably shouldn't let my family go adventuring with me" so he tells the bard to take her kids and hit the road. She's like "But I love you... come with us!"

    And he goes on about his destiny and needing to finish the quest and it's better if she goes, that he'll catch up blah blah.

    So she bundles up her daughters and is about to leave and says to him, "I love you." (which is not something they verbally expressed much in the campaign)

    And he just gave her the cold shoulder. She left in tears.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)03:46 No.4189310
    Playing a 0th level character in a 0-level campaign, first battle we were near, I crit-fumbled and stabbed myself in the femoral artery. Rolled up a new character after the hour-long fight. First battle we get in, and I crit-fumble and chop my own arm off. Nobody can heal me in time, I bleed to death. Rolled up new character and the DM let me join the fight because he took pity on me. Just as we're wrapping up the last enemy when I . . . crit-fumble and stab myself in the neck.

    I was so pissed off I threw the damn dice at the wall, where it embedded. Then the DM punched me in the sternum because he said he could lose his security deposit for shit like that. We get into a shouting match that ends with the neighbors calling the cops and everyone sides with the DM who says I threatened to kill him. Go to lock-up for a night, worst fucking night of my life.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)03:47 No.4189316
    Got one from Dark Heresy:


    A noble house on an Imperial World is suspected to have insurrectionist plans. Our party goes in with two other kill teams to try to KO the power in the facility spanning several city blocks prior to a planned assault by ten thousand Imperial Navy Shipmen. The players are going around the outside, trying to sneak in away from the gates. Another team is infiltrating through the sewers. One of our party members (Scum), who had previously infiltrated into a position of a little influence, was horrified when the Big Bad KNEW, for reasons unknown, the planned entry points for the 3 teams. He managed to convince the BB that two of them were diversions, but the BB's right-hand was so sure that the sewers were going to be attacked that he couldn't change his mind. He alerts us, but the other two teams get static from being underground. With no time, the Scum asks for the right to be present at the sewer exit ambush. Sure enough, the Inquisitorial team climbs up out of the sewers, and in the gantries around the exit there are a dozen heavy weapon nests pointing down at them. Our Scum, trying desperately to save their lives, orders them to surrender. The acolyte's leader refuses. It turns into that scene from The Rock where the leaders are shouting, the Scum trying to convince the other party leader (Female Arbite) not to die in vain
    "For throne's sake, throw down your weapons!"
    "I cannot give that order!"
    "Throw down your weapons and surrender! This is not a request!"
    "Damn you, heretic, I CAN NOT GIVE THAT ORDER!"
    "In the name of the God-Emp-"
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)03:48 No.4189323
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    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)03:48 No.4189326
    With them finally in vox-range, our Techpriest and Adept begin frantically filling the other team in, telling them to surrender and how we had a man inside... and then a jumpy guard hired by said noble family slips his finger on the trigger of his autogun. The rest of the mercs do what they're paid to do - 6 tripod-mounted heavy stubbers and an autocannon against four human-sized targets with no cover whatsoever.

    Our party hears the entirety over their vox-beads. Our guardsman player looks like he wants to throw up and the adept excuses herself from the table. When they finally recover the Scum player inside huddled in a corner, he tries to blow off his head with a laspistol but the techpriest rips it from his hands with that magnetism skill.

    During the time between the missions, while our characters went off and did whatever, the Scum went and asked the Inquisitor for the funds to visit the other team's respective homeworlds so he could apologize in person to their families. When he wasn't authorized enough, he ended up borrowing from us and selling off all his extra equipment (as my Cleric was noble-born, the GM allowed me to ask my family for the money).
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)03:50 No.4189337

    Fucking lol'd
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)03:52 No.4189349
    In 3.0 I had a high level sorcerer that built a tower in a small village to train sorcerers and wizards. This caused him to become friendly with the citizens of that village and I brought into the tower and town an orphan from a large town that was being mistreated. Well after a while he became happy and I was enjoying bringing back rare items and monster parts for him. At the time we were fighting Orcus and working to keep him from entering the world and defeating his evil clerics left and right. One night while I was adventuring I decided to contact my new orphan friend through a magic mirror I had and what do I see but Orcus laughing as it cracks, he kidnapped and enslaved the Orphan. On top of that a few days later a fight between my group and a Balor spilt over into an ancient blue dragons lair nearby pissing him off. Due to time sensitive needs we were unable to deal with him and he ended up destroying 90% of the small town that built up around my tower killing most of the citizens. There was never any revenge or reparations either, my entire group was ambushed by several Illithads soon after resulting in a brain eating wipe.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)03:57 No.4189374
    Meepo got killed in The Sunless Citadel... he never got to know his true potential...

    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)03:57 No.4189377
    My character fell down some stairs, so his legs were broken.

    Unfortunately I always play as a cheap human conscript every time sent by the nobles to help the party do X, and they decided that even though they could of just put me down and get a new guy in a week, they would try and keep me around.

    During a fight with bandits, a large tree fell on my legs in the cart I was being dragged in. The party was forced to hide behind some rocks on the opposite side for cover, and the bandits rushed to side of the tree where my guy was, being stepped on, kicked, ect.

    Keep in mind he was crying and screaming throughout the whole process.

    My chacter died when the bandits just got tired of my crying, and decided to cut off my head and throw it at the adventurers. In 2 minutes I wrote up the new conscript's name and handed it to the GM.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)04:07 No.4189409
    >It turns into that scene from The Rock where the leaders are shouting

    Oh god that scene gets me every time.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)04:10 No.4189432
    Failed will save to avoid eating my own shadow...;_;
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)04:12 No.4189445
    W- what?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)04:38 No.4189613

    Un-manly tears were shed.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)04:38 No.4189615
    My contribution.

    My character was the sixth son of a powerful merchant family. A good-hearted kid, he saw the kinds of things his family did and was disgusted by the kinds of things that his family did to ensure that they remained on top. He married early, essentially to his highschool sweetheart. Still, while he kept his nose clean, he eventually couldn't stand to be part of his family any more. As the country was at war, he asked them to fund his military education, so that he might join in the effort. His family, seeing the PR potential of an otherwise worthless son becoming a great officer, agreed.

    Sadly, just as he graduated, the war came to an end and the military quit taking officers. Instead, he tried to find some sort of mercenary work that would hold to a higher moral standard, IE the start of game. After he was hired, he made one promise to his wife: that when he came home, she'd see his unblemished face.

    He wore leather armor, but still wore a proper helm so that he might keep his promise. This caused a bit of a problem with the rest of the party. First, he was still wet behind the ears and a little too idealistic. Secondly, he was so obsessed with keeping his promise that the rest of the party, since they never inquired about his home life and he was the kind of guy who didn't talk about it unless asked, took it that he was vainglorious.

    In a pick-up session while we waited for the rest of the players to arrive, the priest asked him in private. After learning about the promise, he vowed to help my character keep it. Which was good -- the rest of the party seemed to delight in trying to mess up his features and grew more and more aggrivated as the priest "wasted" spells to heal scratches and scrapes. More than once they'd twist or yank off the helmet just to mess up the pretty boy's face a little.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)04:39 No.4189622
    Halfway through the campaign, we ended up getting one wish each, so long as it only applied to us. My character wished that he could keep his promise to his wife, which was granted. This made everybody else curious as to what the promise was, as they didn't even know he was married, but by that point he'd calmed down a great deal and had become pretty battle-hardened. The way that they'd treated him had pretty much ensured that he rarely spoke more than monosyllabic sentences to all but the priest and their employer any more. He got to the point where he dispatched enemies without mercy, and developed an attitude that made the paladin tell him to lighten up. Sadly, this did nothing to abate the torment they heaped upon him.

    Near the end of the campaign, we ended up going to my character's home city. It was going to be the final epic battle -- protect the city from an attack. We got there fairly early; my character rode extra hard, and the rest of the party didn't want to be left in the dust. When we arrived, the conversation went something like this. "So what now?" "I'm going home." "...Mikhail?" "I'm seeing my wife." "...I gotta see this."

    So they followed me home. My character's wife was outside tending the garden. They talked for a while, within earshot of the rest of the party. Finally, she told him "You're not the man I married. You look nothing like him now." Whereas at the start of the campaign my character would have burst into tears over that, now he just recoiled, stared at her in silence for a moment, then walked away, heading for the nearest inn to rent a room. He didn't come out until it was time. Didn't even order any food. The only time that he dealt with the rest of the party is when he called the mage into the room.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)04:40 No.4189624
    STAND DOWN, CAPTAIN! *his breaks, every so slightly*

    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)04:43 No.4189635
    When the attack finally came, it wasn't pretty. The military didn't get there in time, so it was only us and the standing militia, which wasn't as much as you'd think. Most of the people who could fight in town were part of the private militias that the wealthy merchants had amassed, and those were only going to protect the merchants.

    As things started to look bad and we were starting to run low on HP, my character pulled out an enchanted pouch and a flask. Downing the potion of healing, he charged out of the city. The GM had previously ruled that you could drink and run at the same time, so he pretty much charged through the enemy forces as fast as he could, drinking as he went to heal as much damage as possible. Just before he hit zero, he opened the bag and dumped it onto the ground. In the middle of all the enemy forces, with enough HP that a cat could kill him, he was at the center of multiple delayed blast fireballs. (The pouch had extended the delay.) All of his magic items were destroyed, making it even more impressive. Took out a majority of the enemy forces in one go.

    We did a follow-up a few years after the campaign ended, just to see what our characters had all done with themselves. They all met up to reminisce. They'd all done well, all things considered. Finally, a young boy entered; the priest had let my character's wife know about the reunion, since he'd kept in touch with her. The boy walked up to the table and demanded with as much hate and loathing as I could muster, "I want to know how you killed the man that was my father."

    The reactions from the other characters, as they realized that they'd been partially to blame for his suicide, was kind of interesting.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)04:50 No.4189656
    Played a ranger who hated yuan-ti because they caused his father's death. Spent his youth hearing stories of his father's adventures and getting more and more pissed off at the damn snake-heads and how they took daddy away. So when the call to adventure came, he answered and hoped to find the yuan-ti wizard who killed his father and lay some righteous murder on his scaly hide. This started out as a 1st-level character. Didn't face any yuan-ti for 5 levels, but when I did, I went apeshit on every one of them, so much so the DM suggested I might multi-class to barb, but I was always stealthy hunter in all other situations, so it was okay. Anyway, after 3 years real-time of playing this ranger, growing his personality and developing him into the sort of grizzled veteran that rangers lend themselves to so well, the party gets involved in a plot by evil cultists trying to overthrow the kingdom. We do some digging, and learn that there's a bloodfeud between the current royal family and a former royal family of a neighboring kingdom, who, because of politics blah blah blah lost their throne and figure maybe they can't get it back, but they sure as fuck CAN discredit our king's family and cause a revolution, and hey. Maybe they can sneak themselves onto the throne of a new kingdom. LOL, royalty, right?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)04:51 No.4189661
    So once we learn this, we discover, because of an epic battle with some vampires were we almost tpk, that the ebil former royals have allied themselves with some serious necromantic power. We have a few horror themed adventures as we track down the necromancer to try to kill him (we figure, if we can take away the ebil royal's magic, they'll be that much easier to defeat).

    SO, after another 8 months realtime of adventuring and putting the pieces together, we learn where the necromancer will be at a certain, and set up our ambush, Mission: Impossible style. The time comes, we launch our attack . . . and the necromancer is a lich. A yuan-ti lich. And his bodyguard? A death knight. Who looks exactly like my character's father. Fact, he is my father. Bitch killed my daddy and stole his body to make an undead bodyguard.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)04:52 No.4189665
    So, we're fucked. It's me, a swordmage, a warlock, a rogue/arcane trickster, a cleric of Yondalla of all things, and sorcerer with a couple levels of barbarian, versus a high level yuan-ti lich, his personal bodyguard deathknight, and a couple dozen yuan-ti abominations to round out the fight. Whatever, the swordmage and warlock pretty much make short work of them, and so everyone else goes after the lich . . . except me. My ranger, with a mad-on for all yuan-ti everywhere doesn't go after the scaleskin, and instead faces off against my deathknight father.

    Epic roleplaying commences in the middle of the bossfight, I manage to hold my ground as I try to hind out if there's anything of my father left in this vile undead abomination. I try to describe my earliest childhood, back when he was still alive, I try to explain about my family, and what it became after his death, I do everything I can think of to provoke a human response out of it, even try singing a lullaby (extemporaneously at the table, and fucking lousy because I didn't know how to create a lullaby, and because I can't sing IRL), and it convinces the DM that I actually manage to get through to him, but it will be for a limited time only. "Merrick?" the deathknight croaks, as it realizes he's seeing his grown son for the first time in ages. He even hug in the middle of the battlefield.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)04:52 No.4189668
    Meanwhile, the rest of the party is having their asses handed to them by the lich. Well, they're mostly surviving, but they're not dinging the bitch a bit. Me and my father join the fray, and we begin to lay a beat-down on that reptile motherfucker the likes of which he has not seen since my father was alive! We start wailing on him (father-son flanking, the DM rules it grants a teamwork bonus because although we've never fought together, we had pretty much the same training, plus my favored enemy bonuses, plus the buffs and shit from magic and magic items. Oh, yeah, we were finally starting to hurt the bastard). He tries to flee, but we've got him surrounded. He tries to massive damage us, but he's used his most powerful spell slots already, and the other members of the party survived that, we're not falling to his bush league antics, now. He tries to Dominate me, but with a morale bonus because I've found my father, I resist.

    Finally, the damn lich falls, shatters. We are victorious, we are bloody and we can barely stand, but we're victorious.

    And my father tells us two things. 1) He can feel the evil of the deathknight coming back, and 2) the lich will regen unless we destroy the phylactery, which just happens to be . . . my father.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)04:53 No.4189672
    Fucking flood detection, goddamn.

    I'm giving the DM the stinkeye, because that's just manipulative, but it's working, too, because I can't actually say "I kill my father." I was given the opportunity to meet my dead father, the man I idolized, the man I dedicated my adventuring career to avenge, and now I've got to kill him, or he'll turn evil again and take me out, and my party. Motherfucking DMs, man.

    So I sit at the table, just staring at nothing for a full minute, and then I pick up my die, ask my father to kneel . . .

    And begin to sing the lullaby (I can barely remember it, and I'm starting to cry a little bit, too, because shit. This is suck of the highest order). I just repeat the chorus over and over again, and the group picks up on it and starts singing along, and drop my dice and say "I swing my axe at my father's neck, 17" + bonuses and I decapitate the deathknight that once was my father to the poorly done rendition of a just made up lullaby that even I couldn't remember.

    "The night has come, and with it soon the day will come again
    "But now is the time to sleep, my son, now is the time to sleep."
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)04:57 No.4189696
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    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)04:59 No.4189711
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)04:59 No.4189713
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    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)05:00 No.4189718
    holy shit, i acctually teared up there.
    it was the song that did it, fuck man...
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)05:00 No.4189721
    holy shit man. just...


    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)05:09 No.4189773
    During my current campain, I'm playing a Con-Man Rouge. Ths story is mostly political fighting. The kingdoms ruling princess is in our party and the country's been taken over by conspirators and thieves.
    I recently found 4 baby Kobolds, orphaned of course. I've been raising them, and they're just about ready for class levels. I was out walking with my children and answering questions when Layanna (the oldest and bravest) runs ahead out of sight.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)05:16 No.4189810
    Suddenly she screams and I rush to her. Holding up is BBEG's #2 (LE Knight). He says, "I'd heard of some troubles with beasts out here. Thanks for rangling it for me, Markson." Layanna screams for me to help, and I beg him not to, but it doesn't stop him. Knight-boy runs a Bastard Sword through her, tosses her body at my feet and says, "take care of that for me!" as he rides off.

    I watch her grow from babe to then, taught her the best I could. She was so brave, and she loved nature. She was gonna be a ranger.

    This happened yesterday.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)05:17 No.4189822
    oh hey, i missed seeing the names u chose. What were they?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)05:21 No.4189844
    ahhhhh! Noooo! I loved the kobold i raised in mu campaign, and i freaked the fuck out when i lost track of him for a second...
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)05:24 No.4189863
    I want to join your group.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)05:29 No.4189893
    I don't get it, did he break his promise or not?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)05:35 No.4189923
    Different guy, but
    Gold with black features: Alayanna. Brave, but slow witted.Murdered.

    Rust Colored: Brandon "the builder". Smart, and a little charming. Loves watching our party's wizard. Youngest

    Dark Green: El'nora. Quick and Calm. Watches the Swordsage school visble from our HQ. Current Oldest.

    Grey: Blue. Nimble. Quick to laugh.

    Descriptions the DM (bastard) gave me.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)05:35 No.4189924
    From what I can tell while his face was unblemished, all the harassment and mistreatment by the rest of the party translated into anger and bitterness, which "changed" his features for the worse.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)05:50 No.4189995
    If you look to >>4189924
    you will find his answer is correct.

    My character had pretty much become an angry, embittered soldier whose only thoughts were "I want this to be done so I can go home and leave these assholes behind." Unfortunately, when he saw his wife, the attitude he'd fostered over two years of adventuring didn't mesh with her memories of him. His attitude and personality had taken a drastic shift.

    He lived only to go home and be with his wife again. That was his only purpose. And then she rejected him. Alone and without purpose, having even had his sense of justice ground down to nothing, what else did he have to live for beyond the mission?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)05:54 No.4190009
    Oh, man. If drawfags weren't banned for drawfaggotry, this thread would need it soo baaad.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)05:59 No.4190029
    What edition are you playing?
    Re-read the druid class section. All of it.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)06:03 No.4190046
    Relax, as far as I know, no one is banned. Except for SDF, and that was for another reason.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)06:05 No.4190059

    Reason being?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)06:05 No.4190060
    Wait, what? Why would Drawfriends be banned?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)06:08 No.4190074
    Bullshit posting, I hear. It's a shitty reason, when there were like three other spammers in the same thread, one of whom posting bestiality, and none of them got the axe.

    About a year back, this mod called ALTERNATIVE went and banned every drawfag on /v/. With SDF gone, people put the pieces in the puzzle together a bit wrong, concluding that all drawfaggotry was suddenly banned here, even though it isn't.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)06:09 No.4190079
    By now we've had about FIVE full threads about something that never really happened. That mod was a master troll.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)06:11 No.4190097
    Forgive my lack of lurking, but I never used to pay attention to the drawfiends. Who is SDK/please provide a sample of his/her work.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)06:19 No.4190140
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)06:20 No.4190144
    Interesting. Thread autosaging despite having less than 200 posts. I wonder why.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)06:28 No.4190190
    You forgot to count the non-hidden replies.

    Anyways, OP here. I made this thread right before I went to D&D tonight and I read the entire thing when I got back. I thank you all for your excellent stories.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)06:29 No.4190199
    4chan was not made to handle to epic?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)06:35 No.4190237
    I've hidden nothing.

    Apparently so.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)07:02 No.4190377
    Man, his wife was an asshole.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)07:18 No.4190427
    Manly gay rage, you say?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)11:53 No.4191682
    Man, this thread is the shit.

    I wish my group could handle this kind of awesome.

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