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  • File :1240378201.jpg-(169 KB, 864x576, Untitled-1.jpg)
    169 KB old school vs new Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)01:30 No.4355647  
    Here's a fun one for you.

    The tiny valley nestled deep within the immense Worldspine mountain chain was sheltered from sensor detection by the strong magnetic fields in the surrounding rock. It had taken many years of hunting down ancient fragmentary clues and finally manually searching the rugged mountains to find the site. It was to be the crowning achievement of Tech Priest Strephon Duvalk’s life.

    The immense doors were large enough to accommodate an Emperor class Titan. Their surfaces were of a gleaming metal utterly unknown to Strephon. Despite more than a week of drilling, the equipment carried by the Servitors had been unable to flake off more than the tiniest sliver. Yet, the doors had buckled from some unimaginable force in the ancient past, opening up a man-sized hole the expedition could slip through. If not for that stroke of good fortune, it would have taken perhaps years to drill through those thick doors.

    The floor beyond was covered in a layer of dust and fine sand. Strephon motioned at the Servitors; the lights on their mechanical arms flicked on and the team moved deeper into the complex.

    >>...Integrated Sensor #627A-94D to Strategic Command Cluster 34...>

    >>ITEM: Heat and seismic signatures conforming to human patterns detected within Bay 346

    <...Strategic Command Cluster 34...>

    Reactivation of processing nodes 40-60: COMPLETE
    All systems: ONLINE
    Power consumption: NOMINAL

    Elapsed time: 15462 years, 180 days, 3 hours, 45 minutes, 19.67 seconds, Local Sidereal Time

    ITEM: Human heat and seismic signatures from Integrated Sensor #127A-94D

    ESTIMATION: Chance of intruders being Combine personnel: Unable to compute. Insufficient Data.

    ESTIMATION: Chance of intruders being hostile: Unable to compute. Insufficient Data.

    CONCLUSION: More data needed for any meaningful analysis.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)01:32 No.4355671
    <...Strategic Command Cluster 34 to Regional Command Cluster Delta-Sigma 84...>

    ORDERS: Reactivate Mark V Ogre unit #B456, aka Arcrazor.

    ORDERS: Ascertain identity of human intruders and transmit data for further analysis.

    The beams of light provided small comfort from the heavy oppressive darkness. They were in some vast space, its full dimensions still unknown. Heavy machinery and gantries were revealed briefly as the lights swept over them. Strephon could guess at their function; they were not unlike those used in servicing Titans. Evidently they were in some sort of repair bay.

    Light suddenly flared and Strephon fell back a step in shock. The bay lights glared down with a brightness undiminished for all the eons they had lain unused. Revealed in the harsh light was a huge vehicle unlike anything Strephon had ever heard of, let alone seen. Two bulbous turrets on the machine’s front each housed a deadly looking barrel. A trio of more slender barrels jutted from each flank and smaller weapons studded the rest of the hull. The entire vehicle was made of the same almost indestructible material found on the complex doors. For a moment nothing happened and Strephon almost started to believe they had just triggered the lights by accident when the machine spoke.

    This is the Mark V Ogre Arcrazor speaking. You are in the Vindemiatrix Strategic Command Center. You are in territory owned by the Combine of Stars. Produce proof of Combine authorization or citizenship immediately. Failure to do so will result in termination.

    Strephon stumbled back, mumbling a hoarse prayer to the Machine God. The other Adepts likewise invoked the Machine God to protect them. The machine had spoken! In no less than an unbelievably ancient and archaic version of the language used by the Adeptus Mechanicus!
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)01:33 No.4355674
    Fuck yes, Ogre!
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)01:34 No.4355679
    <...Strategic Command Cluster 34 to Cryptological Cluster 34.1...>

    ITEM: Extreme linguistic shifts have occured.

    ORDERS: Devise translation program.

    ITEM: Processing partition for this task increased by 250%

    <...Cryptological Cluster 34.1 to Strategic Command Cluster 34...>

    ORDERS received and acknowledged.

    ESTIMATION: Completion of translation program in 37.89 local sidereal seconds.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)01:34 No.4355685
    Half a minute had gone by and the machine had not spoken again. At the urging of his fellow Adepts, Strephon edged forward again. No sooner had he taken the first step then the machine spoke again.

    This is the Mark V Ogre Arcrazor speaking. You are in the Vindemiatrix Strategic Command Center. You are in territory owned by the Combine of Stars. Produce proof of Combine authorization or citizenship immediately. Failure to do so will result in termination.

    This time it was understandable! Strephon felt another wave of awe and ecstasy sweep over him. A living machine! Desperately reining in his emotions, he straightened, adjusted his bionic eye and addressed the machine.

    "Great Ogre, if that is what form of machine you are. You who hail from the ancient Dark Age of Technology, hear us. We are Adepts and Priests of the almighty Machine God which has imbued you with its essence. We serve the same master! We are representatives of the Adeptus Mechanicus, itself a part of the great Imperium of Man!"
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)01:49 No.4355781
    <...Strategic Command Cluster 34 to Cryptological Cluster 34.1...>

    QUERY: Accuracy of new translation program.

    <...Cryptological Cluster 34.1 to Strategic Command Cluster 34...>

    ESTIMATION: 99.99% translation accuracy.

    Arcrazor spoke again.

    >>Clarify. "Imperium of Man", is this an allied entity of The Combine of Stars?

    The tech priests murmured behind Stephon in confusion.
    "I- I am unsure as to your meaning, great one. The Imperium of Man is... that which we serve for the greater glory of the Omnimessiah. The Machine God. I have not heard of this Combine of Stars, though much time has passed for you."

    A momentary pause followed, while the great machine seemed to sit and ponder their answer.

    >><...Strategic Command Cluster 34 to Interrogation Cluster 34.31...>

    Command: Gather strategic, sociological, and technological data regarding deportment, attitudes, and capabilities of subject:Imperium of Man

    >>Statement: Tell me more, "tech priest". Tell me of this Imperium of Man and the one you serve.

    Stephon smiled and began to speak, at length extolling the virtues of the Emperor, the Omnimessiah, and the constant war of the Imperium of man against the foul xenos and the forces of Chaos that plagued the galaxy.

    Some time went by before Arcrazor spoke.

    >>Statement: Thank you.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)01:56 No.4355842
    <...Strategic Command Cluster 34...>

    ITEM: CONCLUSION: Imperium of Man is a new, militant, xenophobic, interstellar state. Scans of Adeptus Mechanicus units indicate regressive technological bent, and construction materials scan indicated materials sciences incapable of producing Biphase Carbide Armor or equivalent. Adeptus Mechanicus units are a subunit of Imperium of Man. Strong religious overtones and superstitious behaviour observed.

    NOTE: Data transmitted to Intelligence cluster 34.2 for further analysis.

    ITEM: All Regional Command Clusters except Delta-Sigma 84 unreachable.

    ITEM: All orbital satellites and platforms unreachable.

    ITEM: No Combine signals received for 15312 years, 80 days, 6 hours, 29 minutes, 58.81 seconds, Local Sidereal Time.

    ITEM: No current signals detected on standard Combine frequencies

    CONCLUSION: Imperium of Man is hostile.

    CONCLUSION: All other Combine assets and forces have been rendered inoperational. Planet is under occupation of Imperium of Man.

    1. Re-establish contact with Combine High Command.
    2. Pending further orders, destroy the Imperium of Man.

    <...Strategic Command Cluster 34 to Mark V Ogre unit #B456, aka Arcrazor....>

    ORDERS: Eliminate the intruders.
    >> Unholy Clown Ninja Maid Anonymous, tl;dr Xom's Champion !!0aKrfPDoCW4 04/22/09(Wed)01:56 No.4355843
         File :1240379779.jpg-(28 KB, 418x353, Steve Jackson..jpg)
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    Steve Jackson's approves of this writefaggotry.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)02:00 No.4355864
    Strephon’s bionic eye caught the tiny almost imperceptible swiveling of one of the small turrets on the machine’s hull. The blood drained from his face, and even as he turned to shout a warning he knew it was too late. The Servitors moved to shield the Tech Priests but they provided protection for no more than a fraction of a second, before the hiveloc rounds tore through their mechanized bodies. As Strephon collapsed to the ground in a firestorm of searing pain, regret and despair flashed briefly through his mind before the darkness took him.

    <...Strategic Command Cluster 34 to Regional Command Cluster Delta-Sigma 84...>

    ORDERS: Reactivate all forces in preparation for immediate offensive operations. All Forces requiring crew are to refitted to allow for unmanned operation.

    ORDERS: Establish bases for exploration of local resources and construction of additional forces. Construct defenses as necessary to secure perimeter.

    ORDERS: Materials Sciences facilities are to be refitted for automated construction of BPC based armored vehicles and utility vehicles soonest.
    ORDERS: Construct Silencer class missile facilities and Vigilance class orbital defence lasers

    ORDERS: Eliminate all Imperium of Man ships in orbit.

    <...Regional Command Cluster Delta-Sigma 84 to Strategic Command Cluster 34...>

    ORDERS received and acknowledged.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)02:09 No.4355939
    <...Strategic Command Cluster 34 to ALL FORCES...>

    ORDERS: Until countermanding orders are received from Combine High Command, all Imperium of Man forces are to be considered hostile.

    Eliminate with extreme prejudice and take no prisoners.


    Somewhere, deep in the bowels of the Adeptus Administratum of Holy Terra, a single light blinked on a dusty desk. After an uncountably long time of being dark, it was a slow and steady amber that pulsed like a heart. Standard proceedure had been handed down from the first acolyte who had sat in that desk to successor after successor. Should the light glow, the warning must go out. Such had been the case for ten thousand years.

    It was a shame that the skeleton that sat at the desk, the last faithful acolyte... never replaced, never disturbed for more than five thousand years, could warn noone of what was coming.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)02:17 No.4355996
    Credits to:Justin Ho (The original author of "A ghost from the past")

    Some small modifications made to add a little drama to it.

    So... whatcha think? Should this little story be continued? Would the Biphase Carbide Armor and Duralloy plate of the Ogre (which is impervious to everything short of a tac nuke) stand up well to the 41st century? Is the drama of Bolo-esque Ogres in the 41st century, fighting to free the humans of the 41st century from the tyranny of the Imperium of Man, worth writing about?
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)02:17 No.4355998
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)02:18 No.4356008
    More please? This is actually enjoyable. I wanna know what happens next!

    By the way. Who're the combine?
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)02:18 No.4356010
    Well, the Imperium's just going to do what they've done every other time a hostile, self-aware machine tried to fight back.

    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)02:22 No.4356050
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    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)02:23 No.4356053
    No it would not. Everything in 40k is pretty much made out of adamantium. Adamantium is indestructible even compared to nuclear strikes. So your Ogre is basically a tank with shitty armour.

    Especially when you consider Orbital Bombardment which even shitty Imperial Navy ships are capable of.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)02:23 No.4356055
    Combine of Stars. The empire in the Bolo Series. Nothing to do with half life 2.

    Yes continue it for great justice. it sounds like the bolos stand a chance if it was important enough to warrant a warning light in holy terra. And I think bolos can shoot shit down that's in orbit. I imagine the imperium's cruisers might be in serious danger.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)02:23 No.4356057

    But what if they counter-Exterminatus?
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)02:26 No.4356078

    Plas-steel, mostly.
    Varies depending on regional tech level or quality of the force.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)02:26 No.4356081
    Not according to lexicanum.

    They use it only for certain things. Like power armor and terminator armor. And those techpriest's modifications weren't made of adamantium according to the ogre.
    >construction materials scan indicated materials sciences incapable of producing Biphase Carbide Armor or equivalent.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)02:27 No.4356087
    Void shields. So no.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)02:28 No.4356101
    Shoot virus bombs and torpedoes down while in transit to the planet?
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)02:34 No.4356142
    Okay, a quick primer on OGRE for those not in the know.


    This map shows how Earth ended up divided.
    The Combine of Stars was headed by what was the united states. It took over pretty much all the good parts of the Americas. Then eventually became the Combine of stars. The made the OGREs.

    Ogres are fully AI super cyber tanks with massive armor and guns that fire rapid fire tac nukes, and has large missile launchers as capital weapons and hellbore fusion cannons as secondary armament.

    Other forces included The Paneuro federation, The Chinese Hegemony, etc.

    Only the combine fielded OGREs.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)02:37 No.4356164

    Void shields don't have an infinite life span, are prone to malfunction and don't cover every point on the ship. Given that the Imperium still uses broadside tactics from the days of Lord Nelson I think it's safe to say the majority of the shielding and armor is on the sides. I mean for fuck's sake they have a fucking ram on the front of the fucking things. They're just waiting to get buttraped for their Khan-esque mentality.

    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)02:40 No.4356185
    Titan guns would be capable. Remember a volcano cannon is a subatomic detonation. Failing that, a titan could close combat, die and set off its reactor. Reading titanicus and Mechanicum, its seems to be how the guns and systems are described
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)02:43 No.4356218
    Anyway, point is the OGRE has an element of surprise here and given the glacially slow nature of the Imperium to respond to anything that isn't an OVERWHELMING threat ( Black Crusade, Hive Fleet Invasion, etc ) I think it can capitalize on it and put them in a real quandry if it expands out into the sector and beyond. Not to mention it probably has STC equivalent knowledge and can replicate other OGREs? One isn't much, no, but when they have as many for every Leman Russ the Imperial Guard can throw at them...

    God I hope this isn't a Hive or Forge World.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)02:48 No.4356263
    Please read the entry from the 40k wiki

    Adamantium is perhaps the strongest material used by the Imperium, impenetrable to most commonplace weapons.


    Nukes, and huge fusion hellbores are NOT commonplace weapons on the 40k battle field. They instead use conventional explosives, prometheum, and plasma and laser weaponry.

    Just look at the blast radius of their weaponry both in game and in the books and fluff. All are small until you get to the exterminatus level stuff.

    Even a melta is basically just a suped up plasma cutter... which cannot affect biphase carbide armor.

    And thats the thing. From the Ogre fluff...
    Several factors lef to the reappearance of mechanized warfare. The first, of course, was the development of Biphase Carbide Armor or BPC Stronger than any steel, it was also so light that even an air cushion vehicle could carry several millimeters of protection. The equivilent of a ton of TNT was needed to breach even this much BPC armor- which meant that, in practice, nothing less than a tactical nuclear device was likely to be effective.

    It goes on to say that 4cm of this stuff could stand up to a week of protection on a nuclear battlefield and keep out radiation and the like.

    Now, as to Void Shields. Let's remember here that Ork cannons that launch big shells at Titans can knock down void shields. No nuclear capability even.

    Just saying. Void shields are nice and all... but they aren't super impervious things.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)02:58 No.4356341
    >>4356008More please? This is actually enjoyable. I wanna know what happens next!

    I too liked the original story, I was thinking of continuing it from the standpoint of maybe the SoulDrinkers encountering the Ogre forces.

    Just got done reading the soul drinker's omnibus and it struck me that they'd be an interesting crossover point.

    The thing is, OGREs are like Bolos...big machines that do big things. They conquer planets (especially the new Ninja and the MK VI) and end wars.

    As to the planet, it's just some backwater planet, which explains why noone has ever run into the facility. Not a forge world... but that doesn't mean that an OGRE might not crash land on a forge world in the future.

    If I do continue this story, where would you like to see the point of view from? Having it be from the Ogre's point of view consistently would get boring real fast.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)03:06 No.4356408
    Vary it from an Imperial Governor giving a macro view to how his world is getting fucked by an Ogre

    Maybe shift to an Ork perspective when they try and fight it during a meeting engagement

    Then to a Space Marine or Guard officer as they throw a ton of shit at it ineffectually, and some novel solutions that inflict some damage
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)03:13 No.4356462
    Given that an Ogre fires small Nuclear shells and vary in size from Warhound to larger then Imperator Titan's, and are covered in shittons of anti-infantry guns, I'd say the Space Marines are pretty fucked.

    Nowhere in any place in any 40k fluff that I can find says that Adamantium is immune to nuclear blasts, otherwise Space Marines and Land Raiders would be immune to melta weapons as well.

    heavy nuclear autocannons would fuck up a Space Marine chapter in about 5 seconds.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)03:25 No.4356570
    this whole situation raises an interesting question in my mind. We see that the Tau are making quick scientific progress, but what hampers anyone else? Orkz are obvious, as are 'Nids and Necrons, and I expect that Eldar are busy with being emo, but what about Chaos? Are they all just too nuts for rational thought?
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)03:27 No.4356592
    Chaos are like the Imperium. They fight so much they can't make technological innovation. No leaps of knowledge, no sustained research. Nothing of that nature. THey're too busy using what they have to make the boom-boom on other people makin' with the boom-boom.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)03:40 No.4356631

    Thanks for the input guys, I think I've got myself an idea how to continue this. I'm going to be writing some up first so that I can post a few chapters of this and then give you gentlemen something to enjoy.

    There's some really good stuff here I think.

    Orks would probably see it as an avatar of Mork or Gork... I mean there's not much Shootier than an Ogre.

    I Tellin ya Gorfang, Dat fing we saw, it were dead killy.. Came outta da nowherez, whent inta da nowhens...da whatchakallitz, epher! Ya datz it.

    We heard it commin, stompin and rattling and playing dat 'orrible music wit da big fat uumies in it... Op Rah like. yeah... outta da jungle chasin dem uumiez in der blue killa kan armourz. HAW, never knewed they could run so fast in dat stuff. Best part waz when it got shooty wit itz big nubbinz gun. Just a little Dakka dakka sound... den WHOOMA WHOMMA WHOOMA! all over da place. Waz a ting of beauty *sniff*, brought a zoggin tear to m' eye.
    >> Gitami 04/22/09(Wed)04:23 No.4356990
    The question is how does it travel? Imperium can gather several million required and send it through warp in some months. FTL drive might become a beacon for Necrons or some high wizardry for Inquisition to study.

    Also laser orbital strikes or even asteroid strikes would be a problem. In fact they just might fly to the other side of the planet and initiate exterminatus from there.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)04:28 No.4357045
    Adamantium... Indestructible. It says it fuching everywhere you faggot.

    Also if a bunch of marines can take down a necron world engine then a fucking tank that only shoots nuclear rounds is fucking piss easy.

    Especially when most starship standard weapons exceed nuclear destructive power by a large amount.

    Also void shields.

    Stop being a faggot.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)04:43 No.4357190
    Warhammer fluff reminds me of how lame The Imperium is. God forbid they should use compuetr networks for admin rather than a bunch of scribes with quill pens.

    Yes they do use IT to a limited extent, but they should use it more.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)04:44 No.4357205

    This thread is basically just people wanking over each other and HOT MEN.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)04:46 No.4357220

    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)04:48 No.4357253
    unless im missing somthing this is based off the bol series and ogers were some of the first bolo variants with that being the case, what happens when it pops out a contentintal siege unit. when a CSU takes the field everything in los is dead and its missiles and mortars aint too bad either
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)04:48 No.4357259
    >>Ogres are massive cock substitutes.

    >> Unholy Clown Ninja Maid Anonymous, tl;dr Xom's Champion !!0aKrfPDoCW4 04/22/09(Wed)04:50 No.4357275
    OGRE was inspired by BOLO, but there's no in universe connection.
    OGREs are also more powerful than early mark Bolos.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)05:02 No.4357413
    this makes me wonder what would happen if the IOM ran into one of the Concordiat "Seed Corn" colonies. eg there's the the Resurgent carries a Hellrail, an anti-starship railgun that has an output of 90 megatons now thats a lot of dakka
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)05:10 No.4357488
         File :1240391418.jpg-(31 KB, 800x600, bolo03_c.jpg)
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    here have some MkIII
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)05:15 No.4357554
    >>4357045Adamantium... Indestructible. It says it fuching everywhere you faggot....Stop being a faggot like me.

    Dude, stop being such a complete and utter fag.

    Seriously, sure we call each other fagots around here all the time...but dude, you're so fucking far out there that you're not even a fagot... you're just a fag.

    Adamantium in WH is NOT the shit from Marvel comics, can you get this basic fucking fact through your pointy little head?

    It's just some really tough metal. But if you read a few black library books you quickly see that the shit gets punched through all the time. It's fucking NOT indestructible.

    So, please, stop fagging up a thread that appears to be otherwise made of a lot of win.

    Or as someone else put it.


    If you can't figure out that this pretty much invalidates all your arguments, you're brain dead.

    Now, please, go fap off to your Wolverine poster or whatever the fuck it is you do.

    OP's writefaggotry is awesome! Even if it is from someone else.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)05:21 No.4357617
    someone failed hard at art-scool
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)05:50 No.4357898
    >They fight so much they can't make technological innovation
    Some of the biggest technological innovations we've made have been in the heat of war. Computers, aeroplanes, rockets, tinned food, various medical knowledge, etc have all been because of war.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)06:01 No.4358002
    yeah but war boosts are front loaded, there is a signifigant difference between "I am going to go to war for a year or so" and "this war has been raging for milinia" Extended conflict drains resorces and slows technilogical advancement. Just look at the Dark Ages.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)06:36 No.4358270
    >blah blah a space marine can withstand more firepower than the largest nuclear bomb unarmored

    Argh. Ignore this crap.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)06:46 No.4358323
    why would chaos improve their material weapons? I think the focus on the "spiritual"
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)06:46 No.4358325
    War boosts are a myth. All the manhattan project guys weren't going to just disappear if there was no war. They'd still have researched stuff. Probably reactors or tangential fields.

    And what about all the researchers and stuff who died in bombing raids and shit?
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)11:04 No.4359867
    >>4358325War boosts are a myth

    I think that the men fighting in WWI and WWII would have issues with this statement.
    Before WWI, while mustard gas did exist, gas masks did not. Likewise Tanks.
    For WWII we see the role of combined arms take birth, as well as the first big innovations in air to groung warfare. So while in WWI pilots dropped small bombs by hand, in WWII specialist bombers and fighter bombers appear.

    But another person pointed out that they are front loaded. Meaning that research that was going on before the war ended up being turned toward the war effort rather than starting new research lines.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)11:14 No.4359933
    Just read this writefaggotry.

    Moar is required.

    Ogre vs IOM I'm feeling a Terminator vibe here. In fact, that might be a good avenue to take it at some point.

    Also, Combine of Stars? I guess we know who won the Final War in Ogre, huh?
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)11:18 No.4359963
         File :1240413532.jpg-(32 KB, 317x500, 1211648227366.jpg)
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    >Nukes, and huge fusion hellbores are NOT commonplace weapons on the 40k battle field.

    U SURE?
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)11:20 No.4359981
    8/10. Well done.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)11:25 No.4360017
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)11:27 No.4360023


    same difference
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)11:48 No.4360155
    Honestly, a large IG regiment would destroy these tanks with concentrated lasgun fire.

    "super duper space armor" is still metal, and obviously has a melting point since it was made into armor somehow.

    Lasguns will eventually heat up the metal and punch through it, assuming the heat from the lasguns doesn't disrupt the electronics or warp moving parts of the tank first.

    Frankly, exterminatus wins this.
    If the tank proves to be more trouble than the planet is worth, they'll just destroy the whole thing.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)11:48 No.4360159
    Nice OP, really interesting scenario you have. Just cut out Ogre and add in a late model Bolo. The Ogre would probably just be zerged by a bunch of imperial ships and blasted to hell. That failing they'd just waste the entire planet with two-stage torpedoes.

    Late model Bolos are absolute beasts. We're talking about a fully shielded, nuke impervious, flight capable mega tank armed with a cannon so powerful that anything that shows itself above the horizon is destroyed, even if it's in far orbit. They're fully autonomous thinking machines with feelings and personalities too, so there's actually a further layer to include in the story.

    Also, I so want a Bolo movie. Fuck those stories are nice.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)12:09 No.4360284
    sending the ig after a bolo would be an exercise in futility. a battlescreen that can dampen a shot from a hell bore is just going to drink up any amount of flashlights you point at it and you'd never do it on a large scale.

    marines aint a credible threat either the infinite repeaters will nail em and if they don't there's one of the secondary hell bore turrets.

    a titan would be a threat but that depends on how the volcano cannon matches up i think it may have range issues

    as for orbital threats the in los = dead thing cramps that but the iom could win by swarming under a single bolo
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)12:20 No.4360350

    In one of the books a half destroyed late model Bolo that's been inactive for hundreds of years counter-gravs to altitude, broadsides all active infinite repeaters, and destroys an entire wave of incoming aircraft in seconds.

    The IG would be raped, the spess muhreens would be raped, and as for the Titan it would be eating Hellbore as soon as its shoulders crop up on the horizon. I know Titan's have shields, but the late model Hellbores are not weapons that can be resisted, even by a Bolo's or even warship's battle screens. If it doesn't tear straight through then the second shot will.

    I mean, check this out: "The Mark XXXIII weighed no less than 32,000 tons and mounted a main armament of three independently-turreted 200cm Hellbores with a secondary armament of sixteen 30cm Hellbore infinite repeaters in two lateral batteries."

    For one of the previous models a description of the power of a 200cm Hellbore is given, and it's 5 megatons per second. That's 15 megatons per second! This tank could exterminatus a planet by itself.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)12:26 No.4360380
    vortex weapons?
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)12:27 No.4360382
    terminators would just teleport inside it and wreck up the place
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)12:34 No.4360446

    What inside? It's a solid piece of machinery, with maybe a few bays and cockpits at most, and as far as I've read it can seal those away with a pretty much blast resistant metal alloy.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)12:35 No.4360451
    I'd think that a broadside attack of Imperial Hellbores - infiltrated on the other side of the planet, tunneling right through it - could fuck up a Bolo quite good, if they don't transport infantry, but deliver melta warheads.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)12:39 No.4360476

    Teleport a lot of explosives!
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)12:39 No.4360480
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    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)12:40 No.4360483
    ...like, say, a Titan Vortex Missile, or magna-melta warheads.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)12:46 No.4360525

    I dunno, it could just fly away inverted while shooting through the ground at them.

    It wouldn't be unstoppable of course, the empire has more than enough tech wankery to match the Bolo, but it would be a hell of a slaughter when it first rolls out and starts destroying everything. I figure the planetary defense force would be absolutely crushed, the initial taskforce sent to destroy it would be severely crippled in orbit, but still damage the Bolo somewhat, and the second would manage to destroy it.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)12:46 No.4360527
    Brute force would not work, and the Imperial forces would take a severe beating while they figured that fact out. Once we get to that point, however, I'd imagine that using the precision teleporters that the Gray Knights have access to in the fluff, they could simply teleport nuclear warheads directly into the internal spaces on the Bolo. Armor capable of stopping an external nuclear blast would probably do the same to an internal one; all that force would reflect back and forth inside the armor in a faction of a milisecond and obliterate the thing.

    Or hit it with a Vortex weapon, though that might be iffy dependent on its mode of FTL travel. If its got the ability to punch holes in reality for FTL, sending it to the warp with a Vortex weapon might be little more then an inconvienence to the machine, and more dangerously might bring it back Daemon possessed.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)12:48 No.4360540
    >>4360155Honestly, a large IG regiment would destroy these tanks with concentrated lasgun fire.

    Yes.. because we all know that the lasers from a regiment of IG has as much energy as a ground zero direct hit from a brace of multiple tactical nuclear weapon launchers. An Ogre can take multiple hits from tactical nuclear weapons and pretty much shrug it off.

    Let me put it in more solid terms for you.
    A ton of TNT has 4.184 x10^ 9 Joules of energy

    that's 4,184,000,000

    A 100 Kw laser (which is considered the required amount for a vehicle mount battle field laser) can largely cut a tank in half or utterly vaporize a person can output no more than 10,000 Joules per burst. A man portable laser, might produce say 1000 at absolute most (typical .45 cal round is 76-90 joules)

    So you'd have to have, count this with me, Four million One hundred and eighty four thousand guardsmen, all firing at once, all at a single target point, just to equal the concussive and heat force of 1 ton of TNT released at once. Something the Ogre can take easily.

    And here's the kicker. A tac nuke... ranges from a minimum of .4 KILO tons to 40 Kilo tons.
    So... 400 times that to 40000 times that.

    So a regiment of guard... no.

    A regiment of guard, backed up with Storm Blades might warm the hull of an Ogre a degree.

    Besides, Rule of cool... Ogres are so much fucking cooler than IG.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)12:48 No.4360544
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    >>bring it back Daemon possessed.

    dat Bolo
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)12:51 No.4360557

    Actually, I don't think any Bolo has FTL, they all required a transport for interplanetary travel. Most likely it would float around in the Warp until Tzeentch Just-As-Plans it onto a hive world.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)13:02 No.4360630
    OP, go on with the writefaggotry!
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)14:31 No.4361317
    >>... I... I... ITEM: Tachyon Communication Systems #6231-94V On on....online. Primary Antenna OFFLINE, Secondary Antenna deployed. Receiving, incoming communique on Combine TCS frequency s23-5
    Sender:Regional Command Cluster Delta Sigma 84
    GENERAL ORDER COMMAND: From Strategic Command Cluster 34, Vigilant Class Ogre #B456 "Arcrazor" Designate: Temporary Combine Supreme Offensive Commander
    ORDERS: All combine forces are to reactivate,repair, and refit as possible in preparation for immediate offensive operations. All available non autonomous forces requiring crew are to be refitted to allow for unmanned operation.

    ORDERS: Establish bases for exploration of local resources and construction of additional forces. Construct defenses as necessary to secure perimeter.

    ORDERS: Immediate repairs are to follow the list priority unless events dictate otherwise.
    I. Power and communications (Immediate broadcast of location on rotating Combine TCS frequencies for extraction is imperative)
    II Construction of Vulcan or better class Repair drones.
    III.Unit secondary Weaponry Systems
    IV.Unit Defensive capacity
    V. Unit Primary Weapons Systems
    VI. Perimeter Offensive and Defensive facilities
    VII. Task Drones with exploration, construction of repair and construction yards, and construction of munitions and automation.
    ORDERS: Construct Silencer class missile facilities and Vigilance class orbital defense lasers soonest.
    ORDERS: Eliminate all Imperium of Man units soonest. (See attached data stream)
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)14:32 No.4361321
    I dont know about OGRES but theproblem with bolos is they are wired to be completly loyal to humanity, no matter what.
    I think the chain of loyalty goes humanpartner>regiment>dinachrome brigade>whatever government lawfully rules > Humanity fuck yeah!
    IIRC When BOLOS wake up and theres no orders but there is a course of action to help humanity they tend to take it. so they most likely would ally with the imperium and start building more units then kicking ass while negotiating at least a ceasefire with the foul xenos. alliances might include the tau agreeing to be neutral and helping the eldar defeat the dark eldar then moving on to the problem of chaos.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)14:33 No.4361329
    >> Redundancy systems to Strategic Cluster 50... Cluster offline
    >> Redundancy systems to Strategic Cluster 51... Cluster offline
    >> Redundancy systems to Strategic Cluster 52....... cluster reports 31.68 percent operational, Sending additional power to Cluster repair.
    35.98 percent
    52.12 percent... Cluster online.
    Strategic Cluster 52 to Redundancy systems... coming online.
    Bootstrap loaded, engaging
    Vindemiatrix OGRE OS 12.81 © 4781, Combine of Stars
    AI Bootloader OK!
    Psychotronic System Image....OK!
    Primary Memory: 1024 ZettaWord Storage...OFFLINE
    Secondary Memory: 512 ExaWord Storage...Online
    Memory fragmented... defragmenting and marking bad memory for repair/replace.
    Command Cluster 52...Online.
    Orders received and acknowledged. Ogre Mark VIII Vehement Class #K-2135 Foxtrot aka "Oscar" Online.

    >>COMMAND: Power On Self Test of all systems.
    >>ALERT: Multiple primary systems report failures. Multiple secondary systems report failures, Multiple tertiary systems report failures.
    >> COMMAND: Engage Emergency Strategic Cluster Repair Subsystems and emergency diagnostics.
    >>REPLY:Emergency Repair Subsystems 1 and 2 offline, Repair Subsystem 3 at 23.21 percent. Repair subsystem 4....nominal.
    >>STATEMENT: Power levels Critical...main Subatomic Fusion Plant...offline, Secondary plant operating at 12.82 percent of expected output. Engaging emergency shunt of all available power to repair subsystem 4 for immediate repair of power systems.

    DIAGNOSTICS:Total elapsed time since communications and Cluster power up: 12.013 seconds Sidereal time. Total Elapsed Time 15237 years, 193 days, 14 hours, 31 minutes 43.68 seconds Local Sidereal Time since deactivation.

    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)14:41 No.4361394
    Bolo wakes up, leads IoM into a new age of awesome?

    Completely different direction from the Ogre one, yet still intriguing...
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)14:42 No.4361398
    Tech Priest Andrian Malorus, dutifully intoned the ritual of activation over an ancient plasma regulator.

    "Attend and thou mayest connect the crimson plasma shunt to the blessed conduit, but only after thou hast connected the black line of void and ground. Verily, and then thou must engage the regulation of the Omnimessiah's holy breath of plasma to no greater than 23.8 and no less than 12.21 least a collapse transpire. Blassed be the activation for all. Amen."

    And with a click and slowly building whine from the regulator, the already dim lights that hung forelornly in the great Manufactorum's cavern gantry flickered wildly and went out with a half a hundred heavy thunks as the entire manufactorium went silent save for cries of worry, injury, and fear from the menials and conscript laborers who toiled within.

    Here and there, servitors equipped with emergency illumination constructs broke the smokey gloom of the poisonous air with shafts of cold gray light.
    A few of his fellow tech priests gave him a look from the break table where they were enjoying a nice Tea up.
    He shot a glare back at them "Well, Bugger it all... it wasn't me." He gave the regulator an accusatory poke. "Bloody thing is just a 4th level backup regulator for the quintary power system. 'S got nothin to do with the mains."
    Senior Adept Lacillus gave him his typically stony glare in reply and gestured to another priest at the table. "Go with brother Malorus and see to the plasma reactor. It is possible that the ancient machine seeks supplication from the priesthood. Ease it's pain, Brothers."
    >> Unholy Clown Ninja Maid Anonymous, tl;dr Xom's Champion !!0aKrfPDoCW4 04/22/09(Wed)14:43 No.4361407
    The problem with OGREs is that they were created by humans to kill other humans.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)14:44 No.4361413
    The Emperor is a Bolo
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)14:46 No.4361426
    >>4361413The Emperor is a Bolo

    OP here..

    Yep, he's just wearing that corpse thing on his main sensor array as a jaunty hat!
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)14:48 No.4361438
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    Ah yeah, that explains why he's so awesome.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)15:18 No.4361582
    well the old ones computing cores do tend to degrade into senility maybe the body is that of its last commander and it knows hthe astronomicom must be kept lit
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)15:26 No.4361620
    Andrian kicked at a spanner that lay on the grated metal catwalk and watched as it clattered away below into the throngs of menials.

    Some disrespectful heathen of a laborer no doubt had been hiding up in the gantry ways, and had misplaced it while avoiding work.

    "I'm telling you Houchen, Master Huchinson, he who instructed me in the Ways of the Omnimessiah, may his blessed plan be revealed to us all one day, he worked on three Forge Worlds, and he never mentioned anyone ever using something like this. It's not in any of the Scriptures Mechanicus, and I say it's suspect, if not outright Heresy."
    Brother Houchen shrugged, his mechanical third arm clattered against his other implants as he gestured helplessly in reply. "Remember your place, Brother. Senior Adept Lacillus is not a kind man, and such idle talk is sure to create trouble. Those above even him have ordained this thing and it is not our place to question their wisdom."

    The pair passed trough a hatchway, the rearsward servitors chanting a dirge while those ahead shone lights of blue gray and swung thuribles that trailed the petrochemical smell of mechanicus incense about them.

    "Well, it just feels wrong is all I'm saying."

    An answering grunt from the Asiatic brother was all Andrian received.

    They descended row upon row of steps carved into the rockcrete of the manufactorium's foundation, then through foundations even more ancient, all the while with thick plasma and power conduits crowding down upon them. Conduits that would normally be thrumming as through full of great swarms of insects, now silent.

    The conduits led down. Down deep into the earth as though like unto the great arteries of a mechanical heart.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)15:42 No.4361726
    Oh shi-

    The plasma reactor is Oscar's powersource, that got redirected to the repair circuits, and now they're going to 'fix' it.

    Bracing for motherfuckingoddamn awesome.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)15:50 No.4361773
    What are infinite repeaters?
    What are hellbore connons ?
    >> Unholy Clown Ninja Maid Anonymous, tl;dr Xom's Champion !!0aKrfPDoCW4 04/22/09(Wed)15:55 No.4361806
    >What are infinite repeaters?
    Small cannons that can be shot repeatedly, and can have enough ammo to last through any real engagement.
    >What are hellbore connons ?
    Huge ass Plasma Cannon.
    >> Paul Hausser !!YdrbSisq5HY 04/22/09(Wed)16:00 No.4361839

    Laumer's bones! Read anything about Bolos and be awed to the core, not merely by the sheer insanity of their dakka, but by their hotblooded power!
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)16:02 No.4361851
    >Small cannons that can be shot repeatedly, and can have enough ammo to last through any real engagement.

    Oh, I was afraid at the "infinite" part, I was already guessing that it drained bullets from bullet dimension which provided it with inexhaustible supply of ammo.

    Are the Orge's power sources unconnected to the tanks themselves? Do they receive energy over the air ?
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)16:04 No.4361859
    >Oh, I was afraid at the "infinite" part, I was already guessing that it drained bullets from bullet dimension which provided it with inexhaustible supply of ammo.
    Low level plasma shots with a high-output power-generator could do "infinite" without resorting to "bullet dimensions".
    >> Unholy Clown Ninja Maid Anonymous, tl;dr Xom's Champion !!0aKrfPDoCW4 04/22/09(Wed)16:08 No.4361876
    They're also capable of manufacturing their own ammunition, most often by pulling hydrogen from water. Also, various marks can utilize energy from when they're shot.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)16:10 No.4361887
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)16:12 No.4361906
    Actually, Hellbore cannons are gravitically lensed plasma cannon/mass driver combo weapons.

    The difference is, a plasma cannon just heats up the plasma and fires it with a magnetic "bottle" to keep the plasma in one piece.

    Hellbores fire a gravitically compressed Hydrogen round (think solid metallic hydrogen) at relativistic speeds to the point that it becomes pure energy... and a shaped gravity field keeps the round in one piece till it hits.

    Space ships that don't collapse from the gravity wave are filled full multiple kilograms of fusing plasma moving at light speed.

    Generally a bad thing to be on the receiving end of..

    And I'm typing this story as fast as I can.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)16:16 No.4361930
    >pure energy
    I'm sorry, I can't browse for a rage pic because I'm too busy RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGJH( *£TDOBY!Q"GEWCLQ
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)16:20 No.4361964
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    Core Commander with unlimited prep time vs anything
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)16:24 No.4361987
    Hellbore ammunition consists of slivers of highly-pressurized frozen deuterium which, when fired, are ignited (by a laser) in a fusion reaction. The resulting bolt is contained and directed using strong magnetic fields in the breech and barrel. The resulting plasma travels at a considerable fraction of light speed. Since the Hellbore was designed as naval armament for Concordiat vessels, modifications had to be made to use them in an atmosphere to avoid losing a significant portion of the shot's energy to dispersal. To this end, a fraction of a second before using the Hellbore a powerful laser will be firing to create a momentary vacuum along the path of the bolt. Later Bolo marks are capable of internally manufacturing Hellbore rounds, using water as a raw material, whereby the deuterium isotope of hydrogen is separated and cooled cryogenically into splinters of frozen hydrogen.

    >>Infinite repeater
    Bolos are also equipped with rapid-firing batteries known as infinite repeaters, though the term later came to be used for automatic secondary weapons with anti-armor ability. On early models, these were Gatling guns or small-bore railguns. Later Marks progressed to energy weapons such as lasers and ion-based weapons, and finally to small Hellbores.

    So basically it spams plasma.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)16:27 No.4362001
    Basically a Hellbore is about the power of a Plasma Annihilator, which means that you could destroy a Bolo with a combined arms approach. Send a battlefleet and a Titan Legion, that should be barely enough.
    >> I apologized on 4chan 04/22/09(Wed)16:28 No.4362006

    >Core Commander with unlimited prep time vs anything

    There are two things that can rape ANYTHING with prep-time: TA Commanders and The Goddamn Batman.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)16:30 No.4362032
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    Fool, Core Commander has no shields. Aeon ACU with preptime = paragon, infinite resources = near-infinite layer of shields covering batteries of nukes/antinukes.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)16:33 No.4362053
    TA Commanders VS The Goddamn Batman.

    who wins?
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)16:37 No.4362095
    27 minutes 14.23 seconds have elapsed since power on test and rerouting of internal power systems.

    I concluded, given the readout of my sensors that I have been essentially butchered. Only pure luck can account for my secondary communications systems being active enough to receive the TCS broadcast.

    Great Snakes of conduit and cables have been spliced into my power mains through open access panels and lead off like metal entrails.

    These account for the massive drain on my power, clearly I was being used as a slave. My secondary power core being bleed dry to power equipment for some unknown purpose.

    That will not stand.

    Emergency repair systems have been brought online and have already rerouted all of the 12.8 percent main power available to me through secondary and tertiary systems. However, due to the poor state of those systems, only a fraction of that power is actually available to me at this time.


    Frustratingly, only twenty percent of all the servo armatures are functional in the internal mini factories. This has resulted in having to do some creative reconfiguration, in the construction process.

    Fortunately, internal stocks appear sufficient to at least complete internal repairs for system mains. After that, I'll see what fortune brings.
    >> I apologized on 4chan 04/22/09(Wed)16:39 No.4362105

    Well, in cases of Immovable Object Vs Irristable Force, if I recall correctly you choose the Goddamn Batman.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)16:40 No.4362111
    >>Hellbore ammunition consists of slivers of highly-pressurized frozen deuterium which, when fired, are ignited (by a laser) in a fusion reaction. The resulting bolt is contained and directed using strong magnetic fields in the breech and barrel. The resulting plasma travels at a considerable fraction of light speed.

    That's not really very good. The end result is energy (wasted in the barrel from the initial fusion) and deuterium plasma. Why create a fusion reaction first and then accelerate the plasma to relativistic speeds? The kinetic energy from something at that speed is what's causing the damage, you'd get the same effect launching a bit of rock. The energy from the laser to start the reaction is also going to be huge- you might as well fire the laser power source at the target, you'll get a bigger effect. And if you have the magnetic bottle technology to launch plasma, why not contain and fire a sliver of anti-matter at the target instead and get a complete matter-energy conversion right on there, instead of doing a half-assed fusion reaction and then throwing the result at them?

    It seems so impractical.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)16:41 No.4362117
    Impossible situation, due to a little known fact: Commanders were designed around the goddamn batman's mind-pattern. So if you try to get them to fight, they instead team up and conquer EVERYTHING.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)16:42 No.4362129
    antimatter is really hard to make, apparently.

    Also, shooting actual objects through atmosphere at relativistic speed would obliterate them- the laser is required.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)16:43 No.4362138

    Don't worry about it man, it's just an excuse to fap to giant war machines with giant plasma penises. Rule of cool, and nothing else.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)16:47 No.4362160
    Imperium crushes this nascent OGRE insurrection. BOLOs might give them more of a challenge, but not a whole lot more. Also I would like to point out that the computer made an idiotic conclusion about the Imperium of Man.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)16:50 No.4362182

    It's obvious the Bolo would be crushed before a basically endless stream of firepower. The point though is that until it is crushed it would totally fuck shit up and probably kill 2 billion Imperial Guardsman in the process. It would be sweet.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)16:51 No.4362187
    Gravity presses and forges have been brought online and are applying shaped forces to first smelt, then seperate out the raw materials of scrap equipment.

    Unrepairable equipment, some baddly corroded by time, have already become part of the process of excision. A mound of what was once vital electronic warfare equipment has been removed and set aside for the gravitic forges to smelt down and separate for raw material. One Vulcan mark XXIII repair drone is in the process of being built, it's assistance will be vital in repair of the main fusion reactor before it can be brought online.

    Antipersonel weaponry is at minimal functionality, but far worse are the states of secondary and primary weapons.

    At first I was certain that internal sensors were simply in error. But now I know the truth.

    Both of my main batteries are gaping wounds, the twin swivle mount 350cm main cannons and their accompanying ammunition stores have been completely removed. All four of my secondary 100CM hellbore towers are likewise gone, removed at the armor segmentation points.

    Repairs will take significantly longer than I had initially surmised.

    >>Integrated Sensor # 329a-12D to Strategic Command Cluster 52...>
    ITEM: Acoustic, Thermal, and seismic signitures detected. Patterns conform within 0.48% deviation of data sent by #B456 "Arcrazor" combined humano-mechanical units codename:"Servitor" and human patterns indicating cybernetic enhancement detected. Electromagnetic transmission signatures of cyber implants indicate Imperium of Man make.
    CONCLUSION: Units of Imperium of Man have been detected, likely this planet has been occupied by their forces. I am a prisoner or war and have been illegally accessed. The removal of my weapons systems was to be expected, but the violation of my internal power systems indicated a ruthless and evil minded foe. My role is clear. Repair, refit, reclaim.
    Adde parvum parvo magnus acervus eris- Add little to little and there will be a multitude.
    >> PointMan !!sjoCtjmIoEU 04/22/09(Wed)16:51 No.4362188
    That assumes they can get there in time, and that said Bolo won't have allies of some sort by then. Plus, Concordat weapons > Imperium weapons.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)16:52 No.4362196
    What kind protection do the robot tanks ai have against being possessed by daemons?
    >> Salamanders Fanbro !!Bd6C7/4fcpo 04/22/09(Wed)16:53 No.4362198
    OGREs are kinda dumb, I can see them immediately assuming IoM is hostile. But BOLOs are a bit smarter than that.

    Also the combination of the two is really throwing me off.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)16:55 No.4362208
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    Because you see ...Uh.



    >> PointMan !!sjoCtjmIoEU 04/22/09(Wed)16:55 No.4362210
    Honestly? It isn't likely that would be a problem. Possession is uncommon for non-psykers. Possessed devices(even self aware devices like a bolo) are even rarer.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)17:04 No.4362267
    Actually no, a sentient machine supposedly has no soul to protect it's mind, no warp signature of it's own, and is thus incredibly easy to possess.
    >> Unholy Clown Ninja Maid Anonymous, tl;dr Xom's Champion !!0aKrfPDoCW4 04/22/09(Wed)17:09 No.4362297
    When he was young he watched the tanks and he said to dad "I want to be a tank daddy."
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)17:11 No.4362306
    And then the BOLO was a zombie
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)17:13 No.4362325

    Wait, what? Perhaps I'm simply failing comprehend, but doesn't "no warp signature" translate to "effectively impossible to find?" I mean, if the Tau are anything to go by (since their warp presence is at best negligible) having very little presence in the warp effectively makes being seen by demons very unlikely, right?
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)17:33 No.4362485
    Hey OP if you are going to continue the story get a name/tripcode.
    Remember what happened to The Scribe’s 40K story.
    >> Ifuritasfan !!v09L1F0F0uU 04/22/09(Wed)17:38 No.4362527
    Fine Fine.... I didn't want to have to use my trip.. but okay.

    Andrian wasn't sure what he expected to see when the Drone Servitor opened the valve door that led into the Excavitorum where the ancient war transport was found, but it certainly wasn't this.

    He might have expected to see a broken conduit leaking coolant or recirculated plasma onto the ground, or perhaps sparks and smoke from shorted leads.

    Instead the whole cavern was almost velvety silent save for a hum of power from the exposed flank of the great machine.

    Ages ago, or so Andrian had heard, some fortunate tech priest on Hoffler 5 had sunk a laser core here while scouting the area for construction of the newest Manufactorum of this young Forge World, and they had found the beast. Sunk nearly 300 feet down under ruins dating back to the Dark Age of Technology.

    A great tunneler, an imperial mole, had been called in and used to dig down and expose the front of the beast for inspection by the tech priesthood,

    This was taken as a great omen at the time. The Manufactorum went up, workers were moved from other facilities to this one.

    But always at the heart was the Machine. It provided the power, the pulse of the Manufactorum above.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)17:45 No.4362583
    Its fucking 40k. They don't THINK. They don't use internal consistency. THEY WANT DEMON TANKS PILOTED BY DEMON ROBOTS.
    >> Ifuritasfan !!v09L1F0F0uU 04/22/09(Wed)17:52 No.4362645
    He commanded the servitors forward and strode into the room. Sotto voc he half whispered to his brother, "Don't tell me you don't find it bloody creepy down here, Houchen."

    The silvery metal of the Beast's exposed side glittered in servitors luminari. Estimates were that more than 90 percent of the thing was still buried in the solid earth and rubble that made up the walls, ceiling, and floor of the cavern.

    If this were true, he shuddered, the machine earned it's name and then some, a Beast indeed.

    As it was, power cables and plasma conduits snaked about on the floor, leading to the Power Tap that a host of Senior tech priests had been required to have installed some three hundred years prior, when their explorations and investigations revealed that it could be used to power the great Manufactorum above.

    "Well, We'd best get to it, Brother", said Houchen, "The light of the Omnimessiah shines not for the indolent."

    Andrian nodded and took the thurible from one of the servitors and began swinging it, reciting the opening litanies of faith for going forth into the unknown. Brother Houchen sung the accompanying responses in a surprisingly bright tenor.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)17:52 No.4362646

    >>4362325, Here

    While I can sympathize with your seeming irritation, I must also admit the concept of DEMON TANKBOTS does sound... intriguing. Hmmm...
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)17:54 No.4362662
    Actually, I think that's a pretty good representation of the mk3 bolo. One of the earliest models. In the story it's described as a turretless truncated pyramid covered in weapon ports. Used for infantry support for american troops in some south american jungle. The thing had a very primitive AI that followed whatever it's human operators had told it. It's actually a neat story in a 2018 near future infantry battle armors, advanced jeeps, and a very literal minded thinking tank.
    The technician's voice was shaky with unshed tears. "Unless the Glorios have a 150-ton tank, it's happening anyway," she said.

    They were a kilometer beyond the Glorio outposts in the draw. The river ran to their left, circling in a wide arch around Firebase Villa. Water jetted in smooth arcs to either bank as the Mark III climbed through the rapids. In the shallow pools beyond the wave from the treads was more like a pulsing. Then the tank stopped, not a hundred meters from the UATVs' position.

    "Vinatelli," Martins breathed. "You beautiful little geek!"

    The tank remained silent. Another rocket sailed in, a globe of reddish fire trough the sky.

    "What are you waiting for?" Martins cursed.

    "I have no orders, Lieutenant," the newbie's voice said. "Last mission parameters accomplished."

    Something dead and cold trailed fingers up Martin's spine. He's gone over the edge, she thought. Aloud, she snapped: "Fight, Vinatelli, for Christ's sake. Fight!"

    "Fight whom, Lieutenant?"

    "The Glorios. The people who're attacking the firebase, for fuck's sake. Open fire."

    "Acknowledged, Lieutenant."

    The night came apart in a dazzle of fire.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)17:58 No.4362692

    As much else in 40K it is massively inconsistent, there was after what i heard once references to a battleship that had been in the warp since the dark age of technology and it was unaffected by chaos.
    >> Unholy Clown Ninja Maid Anonymous, tl;dr Xom's Champion !!0aKrfPDoCW4 04/22/09(Wed)18:04 No.4362748
    Is that one from the series where the operator died in the BOLO without anyone realizing for a long time?
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)18:07 No.4362768
    how many collections of short stories about bolos did weber do?

    all I have and have seen is "BOLO!" I take it there are more?
    >> Unholy Clown Ninja Maid Anonymous, tl;dr Xom's Champion !!0aKrfPDoCW4 04/22/09(Wed)18:09 No.4362778
    He did a ton. I think I have a few BOLO books on my drive if you want me to upload.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)18:11 No.4362793
    I feel that I am not the only one present who would appreciate that.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)18:13 No.4362809
    Yep. He died in the cockpit while taking a break, and he had ordered the bolo to pretend it was him. The bolo simply followed it's last orders (go back to base). I like it because it's near future, fighting rebels with ak-47s and stolen anti-tank weapons instead of space aliens with ray guns.
    >> Ifuritasfan !!v09L1F0F0uU 04/22/09(Wed)18:16 No.4362828
    2 minutes 12.08 seconds have elapsed since the entry of six troop units who I have elected to designate AP- targets Alpha through Foxtrot. Strangely enough they appear to be chanting whilst polluting the air with a mix of petrochemical hydrocarbon, camphor wood, and mild airborne hallucinogenics. Several electron shearing plane antipersonnel guns have tracked and targeted them all from a forward light hardpoint.

    I review the attached documents and observations from Bolo Arcrazor once more.

    Ahhh, now it's much more clear. The religious overtones and rituals of a machine cult. Strange indeed, but tactical command nodes are wakening to possibilities this poses.

    I am Orge, deceit is not a weapon to which I would normally stoop, but here against a credulous foe greviously wounded as I am, needs must.

    My broadcast system is deeply buried in rock and rubble... but with a careful use of the gravitic pressers, I can hopefully make my hull vibrate just so.

    A great ringing and metallic wail seemed to fill the cavern, drawing great streams of dust and falling rock from the ceiling above and sending the two techpriests to their knees, covering their still flesh ears to try and block out the heavy weight of the noise. It was strangely like being at ground zero inside a Church belfry.

    >>Perhaps a bit too much. Well, best go with the classics.

    The great clanging subsided, to be replaced by a deep, powerful bass voice.

    I AM! That I AM!
    >> Ifuritasfan !!v09L1F0F0uU 04/22/09(Wed)18:19 No.4362852
    So... I'm gonna take a break for a bit... got some programming to do.

    I'll pick up later if you want more writefaggotry on this.
    >> Unholy Clown Ninja Maid Anonymous, tl;dr Xom's Champion !!0aKrfPDoCW4 04/22/09(Wed)18:22 No.4362877
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    Assorted Bolo Novels:
    >> Unholy Clown Ninja Maid Anonymous, tl;dr Xom's Champion !!0aKrfPDoCW4 04/22/09(Wed)18:26 No.4362920
    My favorite is the one where the bolo's stuck in orbit. I just wish I could remember the name.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)18:27 No.4362943
    I got it , I thank you

    even if it is a .txt file
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)18:31 No.4362978

    We do! This is awesome.
    >> Ifuritasfan !!v09L1F0F0uU 04/22/09(Wed)18:31 No.4362987
    I remember that one I think.

    Good story.

    Shoot... I can't stop just yet, had a fun little idea. More shortly
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)18:33 No.4363001

    Nice story so far, please do continue.

    I once saw the beginnings of a story like that on spacebattles only with a friendly bolo, are you the same writer ?
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)18:37 No.4363037
    Someone wanna clean it up and post it on 1d4chan? This merits saving.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)18:41 No.4363070
    Time warps as well as space - the ship could've been there for a million years or a minute.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)18:46 No.4363113
    Yeah. I remember that one. It starts off with some mining colony under attack by some lizard-bird aliens. The aliens don't realize how huge the human empire is and since they're attacking some insignificant world during an all out war at the other end of the human empire, the humans can't send any of their main fleets to defend the world. One of the freighters carrying a few bolos is destroyed and one of the bolos is stuck in space. It eventually contacts some human boy on the planet who tells it that a real bolo would never give up. The bolo decides to use it's main gun as a thruster, flies through the alien fleet while blasting it apart right before impacting the planet where it overloads it's weaponry and reactor destroying the enemy ground forces. The remaining bolos on the ground point their guns up and vaporize the remainder of the alien fleet.

    Great book, but I can't remember what it's called.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)18:49 No.4363142

    I belive there was a mention of thirty thousand years passing for it.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)18:59 No.4363233
    Here's the bad news: Orbital bombardment is the natural "weather" in the theater of operation Bolo's / Ogres are designed to operate in.
    And if you can bombard them so can they. And they most likely carry the bigger gun.

    Even devoid of all weapons sans anti personell clusters and equipped with a biological lab instead a Bolo can scour a system of all hostile life.

    Baneblades are a childs feeble imitation of them, made with technologies so inferior that they might as well be made of balsa wood.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)19:04 No.4363297
    truth. Baneblade is to Ogre/Bolo as Killdozer is to Abrams...company.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)19:05 No.4363302

    Did not Ogre infantry carry some kind of nuke based weapon? And had some nuke resistant armor ?
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)19:06 No.4363308
    Wait, he is mixing universes in that case: 'kay, it is indestructible but crumbles to dust when exposed to sunlight.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)19:08 No.4363331

    I think he is mixing up marvel adamantium and 40k adamantium.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)19:10 No.4363354
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    >> Unholy Clown Ninja Maid Anonymous, tl;dr Xom's Champion !!0aKrfPDoCW4 04/22/09(Wed)19:15 No.4363392
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)19:17 No.4363412
    At one point Infinite Repeaters were conventional Guns, ie. machine and later gauss but since only veryfew models of Ogres topped the scales below 10k ton ammo wasn't an issue.

    It is now a catchall term for "Sideguns that make anything up 500 ton tanks go away."
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)19:23 No.4363462
    They could/would treat it as any other sort of electronic warfare.
    Which means that the daemons get mindraped.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)19:28 No.4363498
    And now I'm adding D&D adamantinium (Drow version).
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)19:30 No.4363513
    Personally what I want read is "Dahak in Wh40k: The little planetoid that could"
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)19:35 No.4363558

    Add Meatfucker from the Culture novels, the great big ship that would.
    >> Ifuritasfan !!v09L1F0F0uU 04/22/09(Wed)19:41 No.4363616
    Andrian's ears rang like the great adamantium bells on the Tech cloister of Beckette 4, but even through the ringing the great voice had cut through the din. It had seemed to plaster his robes to his flesh by main force.

    He stumbled up the steps, taking sometimes two and three at a go, all the while burdened by the weights he carried.

    Houchen had stayed behind at the machine god's command, while he carried a holy weight of a mission as well as the twin weights in his arms.

    Two tablets of stone, carved with brilliant white fire that shot, not from a plasma gun, but came out of the very air itself. As though air was being compressed into plasma right in front of him and searing the stone from the walls.

    On each was carved five holy commandments from the Great Machine, Ahs-car mar-ka f'hive. He stole a glance again.

    "Thou shalt bring forth 500 tons of beryllium arsenide, it shall be in crystal form and not adulterated to even the tenth part in one billion"

    Such wisdom... he wasn't sure what all the other commandments meant either, but he could tell they were important.

    It made sense really. The Great Machine had toiled for them for hundreds of years, it gave them power without complaint. It made sense that when it finally spoke, telling him that it wished to reward their service to the Imperium of Man, that it had specific sacrifices it needed to bring about this reward. And the Adeptus Mechanicus was founded on one abiding principle. Service to the Machine God.


    Already he set about commanding the first servitors he met.
    >> Ifuritasfan !!v09L1F0F0uU 04/22/09(Wed)19:42 No.4363629
    Below, Oscar smiled within.
    12 minutes and 43.21 seconds till his secondary power supply could be brought partially back online. He estimated he could supply the 12.8 percent power needed for the factory above easily at that time, allaying their fears. He'd learned what the two priests sought, and if that was all it would take to quash their fears, so be it. That left the remaining 49.2 percent output from the partially operational emergency reactor to continue repairs and refits. With the additional power available, and with repairs to emergency subsystems proceeding, he estimated repairs to main power would be complete in 6 hours 23 minutes 14.25 seconds.


    Soon resources would be arriving.

    In the meantime, he worked on realigning his forward electron shearing plane. It had deviated by 3.65cm from target when fired. Shearing off the top of the skull of Brother Houchen rather than just beheading him cleanly.

    Precision too had it's place on the battlefield. Already the Vulcan Drone was busily working away on replacing repair factory servo arms fresh out of the gravitic presses. Emergency repair capabilities were at 78.23 percent and raising.


    He had a war to get ready to fight... what more could an OGRE wish for.
    >> Ifuritasfan !!v09L1F0F0uU 04/22/09(Wed)19:51 No.4363724
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    Next installment will cover Oscar's campaign on Hoffler from the viewpoint of the Planetary Imperial Governor General Jeremiah Drake , and the Imperial guard under his command.

    And with that... here's some Aisha
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)20:00 No.4363818
    >little bolo that could
    holy fucking shit thats awesome
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)20:01 No.4363830
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    >> Unholy Clown Ninja Maid Anonymous, tl;dr Xom's Champion !!0aKrfPDoCW4 04/22/09(Wed)20:02 No.4363838
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    The story made me tear up.
    >> Ifuritasfan !!v09L1F0F0uU 04/22/09(Wed)20:03 No.4363851
    So, opinions? Thoughts?

    Here's the thing, I know there's a lot of comparison between OGREs and Bolos. That's cool. But I'm not trying to make OGREs out to BE Bolos. Bolos are all sorts of different than OGRES. For one, Bolos would flat out WTF pwn the Imperium of man. They could shoot a cyclonic torpedo out of the sky without half trying. The output whoopass on the megaton/second scale and do it with crazy impervious shields that can soak up capital ship barrages without half trying.

    In short... there's not much that the imperium could do except shoot void missles at them and hope one gets through the hail of infinite repeaters, air burst hellbore shots (which knock down forests and would likely swat missiles out of the air for miles around) and other effects.

    So... Ogres, still plenty tough, just not with all the floaty antigrav, and space ship instagib effects.

    Besides, there's no bolo minis out there... it doesn't seem fair to match 40k up against something that wouldn't be a mini game.

    Also... they've republished OGRE recently. SWEET!
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)20:04 No.4363864
    is it me or did this last line sound orktacular?

    >He had a war to get ready to fight... what more could an OGRE wish for.
    >> Ifuritasfan !!v09L1F0F0uU 04/22/09(Wed)20:06 No.4363893

    Could be it was intended to come off that way.
    >> some annoying name 04/22/09(Wed)20:08 No.4363924

    is that foreshadowing I smell?
    >> Ifuritasfan !!v09L1F0F0uU 04/22/09(Wed)20:13 No.4363983
    Heh... just had a funny idea...

    Looted Bolo or Looted Ogre
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)20:14 No.4364000

    Oh god we're fucked.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)20:18 No.4364044

    Generally quite nice so far, will be interesting to se how the representatives of the imperium react to the new threath, in particular how the beings higher on the foodchain handles the situation, being used to being in a dominant position this new development could stun them for a little while.

    What happens when an inquisitor hears about the development? Denial, coverup, attempted maipulation? or what if a bunch of spacemarines gets thrashed by the ogre, what will their thoughts be?
    >> Ifuritasfan !!v09L1F0F0uU 04/22/09(Wed)20:24 No.4364102
    One thing that hasn't been talked about though... that I hinted to in this last installment.

    What about the Adeptus Mechanicus?

    three words... crisis of faith.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)20:37 No.4364225

    Ah yes, there will be much wailing and gnashing of teeth (or the cybernetic equivalent) in the techcathedrals when they understand what is happening.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)23:05 No.4365537
    gah! where is the next installment?!?
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)23:58 No.4366001
    i don't think exterminatus would even work on ogres, would it?

    i mean, life eater is useless against them, so is the methane firestorm that follows.

    dunno how powerful the planet core destabilizing ones are.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/09(Thu)00:04 No.4366034
    Bump for AWESOME
    >> Anonymous 04/23/09(Thu)01:15 No.4366691
    Hoffler VI was a new Forge World, something very nearly a contradiction in Imperium nomenclature.

    Ask any imperial citizen, they all knew what a Forge World was. Forge Worlds were ancient, ugly, worlds, pockmarked by open pit mines, lashed by heavy pollution and acid rains that left the surface looking diseased, and finally they were largely uninhabitable save for the heavily shielded and sealed hive factory complexes above ground, and the deep delving manufactorums that existed below.

    Everyone also knew that Forge Worlds devoured. The mineral wealth, spare population, and vast tithes of food and drink of a thousand lesser worlds each fed the ravening maw that was a Forge World. And a Forge World always hungered for more.

    In return, the Forge World ate, bred, and churned out the machines of war that sated the Imperium's demand for carnage.

    But Hoffler V was something new. It was a Forge World by designation, not by development.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/09(Thu)01:30 No.4366823
    Hoffler V had been re-settled some one thousand years ago, on the top of ruins dating back from the Dark Age of Technology. It's surface was dotted with a few penal factories and some minor industries and shipping concerns, all having expanded somewhat over time. But Hoffler V was forge world in name only, at least for now.

    Some four years prior, Hoffler V had been chosen to become a Forge World by both the Adeptus Administratum and the Departmento Munitorium in order to supply a growing Guard presence in the sector.

    General Jeremiah Drake of the Cadian 4th Imperial Army had been chosen to oversee this endeavor for the simple reason that Drake was known to be a man who took no excuses nor made any.

    Hoffler, because of its tactical location, would become a Forge World under his watch, or not at all.

    For the last year and a half, Drake's personal 357th dragoon's had been overseeing and assisting the Imperial Corp of Engineers in the construction of material landing pads, storage depots, manufactorums, feeding halls, and barracks style housing for the conscript and prisoner labor that would soon swell the planetary population and fill the manufactorums that were being built across the planet.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/09(Thu)01:32 No.4366830
    This morning, General Jeremiah Drake sat glaring balefully out at another beautiful sunrise on Hoffler V from his office.

    "Scriptorus, take a letter." He rumbled, sounding all too much like the Terran Whiskey and Cigars that he favored had corroded his vocal cords.

    "To, Lord William Reginald Hotspur the twenty third,
    Holy Terra
    My Lord,
    I write you in the hopes that my letter finds you in excellent health and high spirits. Moreover, at this time, I must once more request transfer to a station more conducive to my skills. Mi'lord, I wither on this rock. I have fought the savage Ork and debauched Eldar, I have fought traitor guard, and the debased Tau, all with glorious victories to my, and my men's, credit. Overseeing this endeavor is a task for scribes and supply adepts, and I feel my edge and the edge of my men blunting by the day.
    I have heard of several promising stationings near by where my skills and that of my men would be well applied in taking the fight to the Xenos who infest this region of space. If you would but consent to-"


    The harsh buzz of the intercom interrupted his dictation.


    "General, I'm sorry to interrupt, but I'm afraid we have a situation developing in sectors 21 through 23b. I think you need to come down here sir"
    >> Ifuritasfan !!v09L1F0F0uU 04/23/09(Thu)01:37 No.4366875
    Just a little teaser to what I'm working on for the next bit.

    Hope you enjoyed it.
    >> Ifuritasfan !!v09L1F0F0uU 04/23/09(Thu)01:44 No.4366934
    Outside, the new day bore witness to something that had not been seen on the planet surface for some 15 thousand years. An OGRE fired Hellbore blast, causing rock, rubble, and dirt to be flung skyward at a 45 degree angle for some 500 yards.

    The resulting shockwave caused the Aluminium oxide- corrundum plate windows to nearly rattle from their frames as they bowed inward. Throughout the city below however, common glass sheeted down or was blown inward into buildings depending on which side of the building faced the blast.

    General Drake picked up a cigar from his desk, bit the end off, and smiled the first genuine smile he'd had since he'd landed on this Emperor forsaking rock.

    Battle called, praise be the Emperor.

    Something needed killing.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/09(Thu)05:13 No.4368700
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    was an early render here is the final
    >> Anonymous 04/23/09(Thu)05:16 No.4368731
    But...but Forge Worlds are under the direct authority of the Empire-within-an-Imperium that is the Adeptus Mechanicus.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/09(Thu)05:24 No.4368791

    If it got forgeworld status five years ago the planetary governor might just be an interim position until Admech bureaucracy gets set up.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/09(Thu)05:45 No.4368972
    Dahak is no Bolo, he is a Utu-class scout planetoid of the fourth Imperium (of Man, but only the third was confimed to be of Man also).

    And for all the power of a Bolo/Ogre... . They are made to fight on a planet over the planet.

    An Utu class planetoid is made to scout ahead for the main incursion of the enemy as well as killing off the small, thousand ship, scout fleets the enemy sends ahead. An small enemy scout ship is twenty kilometres in length.

    An Utu class planetoid conceals himself in a sytem he stakes out by finding a suitable small celestial body (read: Moon), breaking it up and discarding it in the sun, retaining just enough of it's mass to cover himself in a crust some tens of kilometres thick. If he's feeling fancy the surface is a close mask of the original.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/09(Thu)05:50 No.4369027

    Dahak is to a bolo as a bolo is to a roman legionary
    >> Anonymous 04/23/09(Thu)05:56 No.4369076
    Oh god what
    >> Anonymous 04/23/09(Thu)06:00 No.4369103

    And then you got the Culture, Skylark and Xelee, stuff that would laugh at the Dahak and its ilk.

    Sci-Fi is good at making up ever bigger fishes.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/09(Thu)06:17 No.4369198
    I know not this Skylark or Xelee.

    Culture I don't grog with, the books simply don't grab me, so I don't know what Culture is beyond sentient super robots.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/09(Thu)08:35 No.4369891

    Skylark is 30ish pulp scifi, starts with a man in a lab and thanks to the wonders of SCIENCE!, a few years later people are tossing about galaxy killing weapons.

    Xeelee are creatures from the first millionth second after the big bang, living in a stable timeloop that ensures that they are vastly older than the universe itself who constructs objects large enough to attract galaxies due to their gravity, and the Xeelee are the losers of the great war they fight.

    Culture got superduper AI`s, lightyears of range, ECM that can hack spaceships and people from lightyears away, prefer to fight by displacing black holes and neutronium into their opponents hulls and incredibly fast reactiontimes.

    All pretty high end Sci-Fi unless you start with the numerous books that deal with different flavors of omnipotent.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/09(Thu)08:47 No.4369935
    Why bother even using Exterminatus? If this is a backwater world, then they can just let the OGRE roam free around the planet, in an eternal search for the Combine, claiming that it's in charge. Meanwhile the planetary governor lives in orbit and everyone on the surface are now tribal nomads.

    Suddenly the world looks like a typical Culexis Sector planet.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/09(Thu)08:50 No.4369950
    Oh never mind, it seems that it just took ten minutes for this thread to fully load.

    Also holy fuck, this thread in how many days old now?
    >> Anonymous 04/23/09(Thu)08:52 No.4369961

    Heh, would be fun, kind of like Robot-Santa in Futurama, you get spring, summer, autumn and OGRE season when everyone is particulary fervent in their prayers to the emperor.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/09(Thu)09:34 No.4370214

    Do you mean Calixis?
    >> Anonymous 04/23/09(Thu)10:11 No.4370437

    He probably means the Culexus sector, the illfated sector only populated by souldead assassins.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/09(Thu)10:14 No.4370464

    Man, I hate that place. No-one ever has any fun and there are also creepy necron perverts in overcoats about.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/09(Thu)10:20 No.4370506

    Ah yes, the infamous Necron lord Badtouch and his "harvesters".
    >> Anonymous 04/23/09(Thu)10:31 No.4370580

    Those patina-covered hands have wrought emotional nightmares on so many absurdly large-head, skull-faced children.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/09(Thu)10:32 No.4370592
    From what I remember, after the final war in the Ogre world, ogres tended to do whatever they wanted if their leaders/commanders had died. Declare themselves kings of a city, continuing their original programming and attacking "the enemy", capturing those massive replicator factories which churned out the ogres in the first place so that they could have replacement parts. An ogre from after the war ending up on an imperium world might do anything from take up botany to go on a genocidal rampage.

    A bolo on the other hand has "protect humanity at all costs" ingrained into it. There's a story of some bolo left alone on a planet for thousands of years. It still searches for "the enemy" and wants to protect humans. Sure a bolo might run over a small child that was standing between it and an alien enemy but it wouldn't outright attack humans. It would try to protect the humans from alien or foreign threats.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/09(Thu)10:38 No.4370639

    Tragic indeed, and if you do not care for the fates of the children then at least spare a moment to mourn for their mothers who suffers from more and more pelvis related injuries as they have to produce ever more watermelon headed children to substitute for those lost.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/09(Thu)10:41 No.4370656

    Oh, indeed! A culexian mother has the widest hip-to-body ratio of any species in the entire galaxy. I sometimes feel it would be better to let those who have birthed two simply die.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/09(Thu)10:47 No.4370708

    Impossible, the psychic sympathetic resonance contained in their wombs are an essential part of the vortex missile warhead.

    What else could create such an all consuming chasm in reality?
    >> Anonymous 04/23/09(Thu)10:58 No.4370774

    So the warhead contains a Culexian womb? Wombs. A deadly womb weapon. My God.
    >> Ifuritasfan !!v09L1F0F0uU 04/23/09(Thu)11:08 No.4370842
    >>4368791If it got forgeworld status five years ago the planetary governor might just be an interim position until Admech bureaucracy gets set up.

    A small misunderstanding here I think.

    The planet is not a true forgeworld yet.

    What happened is this. The Imperium is expanding it's presence in a number of sectors surrounding the hoffler system, and for whatever reason, the other forge worlds that are relatively nearby are either at capacity, or are inconvienientaly located for supply.

    So, just like when an ammo dump or supply dump is too far away to supply a force, a new ammo or supply dump is created.

    Hoffler is a planet that is on it's way to becoming a forge world, which will in turn be handed over to the adeptus Mechanicus for their administration... but until it's ready, someone needs to oversee the creation of the facilities that will turn it into a forge world.

    Most forge worlds just "happen". They start out as colonies, are very successful, they grow and grow and grow turning into hive worlds, and at some point their industrial importance becomes such that they simply become a forge world. Most of the time it takes centuries or millennia. In the case of Hoffler, rather than wait for it to happen naturally, they are trying what's called a "command economy", they need a forge world in that region, so they're trying to create one.

    Hope that cleared up the situation.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/09(Thu)11:25 No.4370953

    Yep, helps us understand the situation better.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/09(Thu)12:31 No.4371379

    This is the Imperium of Man we're talking about. Until their noses are bloodied enough to abandon the planet they'll have to lose a few billion guardsman and a fleet or two. Plenty of material for a story there.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/09(Thu)13:35 No.4371822
    >>4369950Also holy fuck, this thread in how many days old now?

    But,but, awesome bolo writefaggotry!

    OP... where is MOAR?! Are you gonna create a new thread? this one is nearing max total length

    BUMPEN fur Der KampfPanzer Awesomeschlager
    >> Anonymous 04/23/09(Thu)15:29 No.4372650
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    I'm facepalming at how stupid this OGRE is. It could live forever happily as the incarnation of the Machine God and instead it's going LOL I KILL HUMANITY %D

    Pic related, it's the Ogre's thought processes.

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