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05/05/09(Tue)16:44 No.4474231 File :1241556258.png-(71 KB, 1194x850, 1241148992521.png)
 The battle of Moscow had dragged on for weeks, even with the army of the unliving, but progress was steady. With its ranks swollen by the harvest at Leningrad and Stalingrad, and every Red Army army soldier that fell became a new recruit. Sometimes, the DA/S department wouldn't fully program the newly dead, and would simply unleash the mindless, hungering fiend on the populace of Moscow. Many reports were taken by Commissars of men screaming and raving about dead brothers and friends coming back to eat them before finally shooting themselves. Himmler took particular pleasure upon hearing such dispatches.
The Allies, desperate for a countermeasure, had pooled their resources to develop a weapon against the undead legion. Stalin gathered every Gypsy, palm reader, fortune teller, and tested them ruthlessly to find those who were truly gifted, and those who were not. The psychics who succeeded, went on to further training, those that did not, were shot to preserve secrecy. The survivors were put through rigorous training that enabled them to sever the energy linking the Dark Knights from their soldiers, and in some cases, free the tormented souls of their undead shells completely. The Dark Knights however, had joined willingly, and so were much more difficult to spiritually removed, all alone however, they could finally be destroyed with overwhelming firepower. Further, the psychic weapons provided some shielding against the darker powers wielded by the Knights, and the Cultists which had joined the ranks. |