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05/28/09(Thu)03:12 No.4686471 File :1243494748.jpg-(206 KB, 757x1000, 1242636190577.jpg)
 You can choose to accomplish any number of these tasks, or just focus explicitly on survival, which will bring you to one of the endings:
- The ship gets out of the Warp after you survived enough things are fixed/reactivated. - You survived long enough, and also fought back long enough, and you ended up becoming a demon of Khorne. - You survived long enough, and hid long enough, saw enough horrors, buried yourself under enough minced meat that used to be your comrades, neighbors, childhood heroes... that you lost all hope, and became a demon of Nurgle. - You did a lot of good things during your run, you rescued a few people even, and kept them in a safe hiding spot somewhere with you. You closed the door. Then one of the people you helped told you that everyone will die, so might as well experience all the carnal pleasure that they could before dying. You can choose to succumb to this or shoot them all. If you succumb, you become a demon of Slaanesh. - You managed to kill all the tech priests on the bridge, and through "divine guidance" in your head, turned the ship deeper into the Warp, toward a planet of a billion colored lights, you become a demon of Tzeench. - You aided the mad preachers in self-destructing the ship, you are reborn later as a demon of Chaos Undivided.
Apart from these 5 main endings, the other endings are several thousands death scenes.
Oh, and "boss battles" in this game will be encounters with greater demons and instead of killing them, simply coming out alive. |