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06/06/09(Sat)14:06 No.4788872 File :1244311590.jpg-(19 KB, 200x350, 1244038122189.jpg)
 >>4788619 This is awesome, and terrifying.
This requires a bit of explanation, please bear with me.
Not a Dark Heresy game I DM'd, but rather one I participated in. The DM said that, because the campaign was apparently going to be very difficult, we all could take one item, in excess of our usual equipment, that could be anything our character wanted/needed, including power armor, lost tech, etc.
This was a very bad idea.
What we ended up with was a Sanctioned Psyker in Power armor, going crazy on everyone, a Techpriest with a giant drill who failed at everything, and me, a guardsmen with a rather unique weapon. I was feeling nostalgic during character creation, thinking about westerns and shit, and thought "Well hey, if I can have any piece of tech I want, in-game or made up on the fly..." I decided to take a plasma pistol. A Six-shooter, plasma pistol. DM said it was fine, and we ended up using the profile for a high-end pistol (name escapes me) and gave it semi-auto(3), to represent my guardsmen slamming the hammer down, Eastwood style. Course, as a downside, if I rolled shittily, it would explode; DM liked to add rules, for shits and giggles.
Well...game goes on for a bit, Im itching to try this thing out. We end up fighting some cultists holding hostages. Techpriest runs up, trying to drill them to death, apparently. I thought HELL YEAH EASTWOOD TIME and fired off three shots. First shot kills the cultist, he explodes, second shit hits the techpriest in the face, kills him, third shot explodes my gun and kills me, and the hostage sheltering next to me.
DM laughed his ass off, and I dont play with Plasma anymore. |