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  • File : 1245651500.gif-(4 KB, 96x96, Buck-a-fuffalo.gif)
    4 KB Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)02:18 No.4958780  

    We're going to make a campaign setting. each poster can contribute one (1) fact about the setting. you are limited only by your creativity. You do not need to adhere to any tolkeinesque cliche`s. Elves can be ravenous barbarians, dwarves can live in the air and absolutely hate being on the ground, etc. I shall begin:

    The world's most powerful kingdom spans half of the continent, and is ruled by malevolent gold dragons who pretend to be people. Only the highest of the bureaucracy knows what they truly are, though there are occasional whispers.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)02:19 No.4958789
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    >> Shas'o R'myr !!TZikiEEr0tg 06/22/09(Mon)02:19 No.4958791
    All kingdoms and empires are in fact democratically elected by their citizens. There is no communism.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)02:20 No.4958799
    All humans are male and all nonhuman human-like species are entirely female.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)02:21 No.4958811
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    Bump Diesel
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)02:22 No.4958819
    The concept of helmets is alien to all.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)02:22 No.4958825
    Remnants of an ancient, super-advanced species are scattered throughout the world.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)02:22 No.4958829
    I see where this is going.

    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)02:23 No.4958832
    the primary means of transportation is giant turtles.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)02:24 No.4958837
    All kingdoms and empires are in fact communist. There is no democracy.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)02:24 No.4958839
    Magic is believed to be a product & tool of the unholy and is feared by the vast majority of the people.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)02:24 No.4958840
    There is no night, just a regular period of intense cloudiness.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)02:25 No.4958846
    Humans are the vast minority, meaning a drow like Feminist rule across the world.
    >> Young Gentleman with the Eyebrows 06/22/09(Mon)02:26 No.4958855
    Magic in all forms leave the user in a trance like state not unlike an LSD trip.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)02:26 No.4958861
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    The only elves are a straight-up Dunmer ripoff - biology, culture, etc.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)02:27 No.4958871
    Swords are outlawed. Only weapons with practical uses outside of warfare are permitted.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)02:27 No.4958873
    As a tradition, all elves paint themselves in ash and carry two scimitars into battle.

    Most are knowledgeable about the land and it's creatures.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)02:29 No.4958890
    These swords are purely ornamental. They actually fight with their fists and pommels.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)02:29 No.4958893
    Female dwarves have beards, but male dwarves do not. Because of this, like the seahorse, it is the male dwarf that carries the child.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)02:29 No.4958894

    These two together could produce a giant part of a lot of plots.
    >> Muon 06/22/09(Mon)02:31 No.4958903
    The myconids have "reverse-children" -- the babies are larger than a giant and the oldest of the elders are shorter than gnomes.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)02:32 No.4958912
    The only divine forces are the celestial bureaucracy.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)02:32 No.4958913
    Hedonistic pleasure cults devoted to the shamanistic worship of animals are a constant problem. They are routed out and burned at the stake with increasing regularity
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)02:35 No.4958940
    There is a hole in the moon. A perfect cylinder that stretches straight through to the other side.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)02:35 No.4958947
    Elves are pale and beautiful. They live in magic sky castles and research spells undreamed of by arcanists of other races.

    Because elves are a spawn of chaos and ancient abominations from beyond, and can tap the weave without having to face sanity checks. They like milk and little kids.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)02:37 No.4958957
    cockfighting is a common recreation in most heavily populated areas.

    I dont mean chickens fighting, I mean men slapping their cocks together for tournament winnings.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)02:38 No.4958971
    Beavers are sentient and are well versed in the arts of jungle warfare.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)02:38 No.4958973
    While humans are outnumbered, they are the only race group to truly band together despite differences - the other races constantly feud amongst themselves, and even (perhaps in some cases especially!) within themselves.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)02:39 No.4958981
    Guinea pigs have a separatist movement.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)02:40 No.4958983
    Cockfighting has been expressly forbidden amongst most races, only the elves participate and losers forfeit their genitalia by way of scimitar.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)02:40 No.4958987
    1 in every 1000 trees is both sentient and psionic.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)02:40 No.4958988
    Some gnomish cultures breed and raise various insects. These are crushed and processed to create chitinous buildings and armor.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)02:41 No.4958993
    The world's second post powerful kingdom is ruled by the benevolent Faerie Tarrasque. He makes no attempts to conceal his true nature. Though he has made social reforms that are wildly popular with humans and dwarves, he IS a Tarrasque, and requires that meat be supplied to him regularly, in large amounts. He likes the taste of elves, which has resulted in elves being "dehumanized" and being treated by humans and dwarves as livestock. Sexual congress with an elf is akin to fucking a sheep. Half-elves are traditionally put out of their misery as soon as they are discovered.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)02:41 No.4958997
    >Guinea pigs have an army of droids.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)02:41 No.4958999

    just curious how do they determine the winner?
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)02:42 No.4959007
    Cockfighting is conducted in a manner similar to boxing and continues until one man loses consciousness.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)02:43 No.4959022
    Some other anon already defined that only humans were male, but elves cockfight, so female elves have dicks.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)02:44 No.4959034
    The major religion of the continent is dedicated to the worship of a clever evil god, who uses good PR to trick the not-evil worshippers into continuing to worship and do its bidding. It is considered good luck for beginning do-gooders to complete a small task given to them by a priest of said religion.

    The god's name is Malchior.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)02:44 No.4959035
    Yes, all elves are dickgirls.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)02:45 No.4959036
    At midnight on the darkest and longest night of the year, an infinite number of ghosts, devils, demons, and necromantic horrors emerge from the deepest abysses of the ocean, from the calderas of smoking volcanos, and from the twisted nightmarish dreams of a million sleeping children.

    And then, under the reflected moon- and starlight scintillating from the planetary rings at anywhere from 60 to 600 BPM, the infernal and abyssal DJs throw down the most epic and awesome rave in all of creation.

    On the shortest night of the year, they do the same thing, but then they've got more stamina left for the afterparty the next day.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)02:45 No.4959038
    The warhammer dark gods exist but as opposites to themselves in this world. Khorne is the god of peace, Nurgle the god of health, Slaanesh the god of chastity and abstinence, and Tzeentch the god of consistency. FLOWERS FOR THE FLOWER THRONE!
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)02:45 No.4959044
    >All kingdoms and empires are in fact communist. There is no democracy.
    Everyone is confused about economic systems and forms of government.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)02:46 No.4959049
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    That's not a Buffalo, bro. That is an American Bison.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)02:46 No.4959052
    If elves can knock each other out by hitting each other with their cocks, they either need a more severe CON penalty or a massive CHA boost.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)02:47 No.4959065
    Kobolds are a race of technologically advanced scavengers who sell their services off to the highest bidder in exchange for slaves. No one knows what they do with the slaves, but the disturbing value placed on males leads to many rumors...
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)02:50 No.4959097
    Kobolds are among some of the more vile and disgusting aberrations resulting from sexually transmitted diseases and leprosy among them is common at birth and rabidly infectious, so much so that kobolds have found refuge in technology to ease their horrible lives - all hopes for a cure have long since been lost.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)02:50 No.4959107
    Bearded cave-dwelling platipi spend most of their days harvesting crystallized bananas from their catacombs underneath the largest mountain in all the land. Hording the bananas from the screaming turtle beasts in an attempt to starve them to death and silence the cacophonous sound heard throughout the mountain range.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)02:51 No.4959116
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    At first I was like that's fucking stupid then I kept reading and, fucking hell pic related.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)02:51 No.4959119

    -6 CON
    +6 CHA
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)02:53 No.4959134

    The legends say that when this silence finally comes, the world will end.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)02:56 No.4959168
    There is an active and successful space program, things are launched into orbit by giant planet based cannons that literally shoot the vessel out of the atmosphere where it will stabilize it's orbit by venting gasses to correct it's course. These corrections are performed by dedicated numeromancers, spell casters that deal solely in the realm of numbers, as they are the only people alive capable of calculating the corrections fast enough. To avoid being squished by the pressure from being shot out of a cannon a handy numeromancer spell, Tafbert's comfortable average, is used to counteract the enormous forces involved. When cast inside the vessel, it will create a bubble of neutral gravity roughly equal to that of the planet it's cast on. This spell also makes orbital habitation and deep space travel possible.

    An entire nation has been formed in orbit of the planet who trade star metals and exquisite sculptures made in zero gravity for food and water, the air supply is provided through a bag of winds. When the oxygen content of the air becomes too "dirty" it's sealed into pressurized tanks to be used for propulsion and new air is filtered in from the bag of winds.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)02:59 No.4959185
    Elves and Humans have long been at war. The origins are hazy, but lie in the fact that humans, being the only true males on the planet, view the elves and their dicks as abominations.

    The elves on the other hand, believe that the humans started the war because not only is the average elf dick much larger than a human one, but because the elves refuse to wear pants as well. Logically, the humans are just insanely jealous, and not only try to hide their pathetic dicks, but seek to lash out against the superior elves as well.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)03:01 No.4959208
    At least one out of every four humans, male or female, is actually a Ridiculously Human Robot.

    These were created by one species, now long dead, basically for shits and giggles. You really don't want to know what happened to the people they replaced.

    And 1/4 of all humanity is born with the robot gene, activating at puberty and turning them into the next generation of Ridiculously Human Robots.

    Then there are the more recent and slightly more obviously robotic Whoreforged, androids created by a species of amphibious cybersquid to mate with humans, thus depressing the birth rate and ensuring that humanity will die out, leaving more room for cybersquid to colonize the land.

    Unfortunately for everybody, the Ridiculously Human Robots also have sex with the Whoreforged. And both sides of that one are fertile.

    The resulting Alchemical Exalted knockoffs are, needless to say, unexpected.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)03:02 No.4959212
    >While humans are outnumbered, they are the only race group to truly band together despite differences - the other races constantly feud amongst themselves, and even (perhaps in some cases especially!) within themselves.

    Hohoho. Well played.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)03:07 No.4959246
    The primary diet of the Elf consists of Elfen dongs, making cockfighting a necessity among their kind and the social outcasting and very obvious branding of the loser tends to cause them to bleed to death resulting in a marked dwindling of the Elf population as it constantly reduces itself.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)03:14 No.4959306
    Despite the constant decemation of their race, elves continue to exist as a major political power because the average elf will produce ten children each year of their exceptionally long lives. The fact that their race is still dwindling is quite telling.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)03:15 No.4959313
    How did this descend into dickgirlery?
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)03:17 No.4959334

    It was inevitable, really.
    >> Muon 06/22/09(Mon)03:17 No.4959335
    Late night 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)03:18 No.4959348
    A taller breed of female kobold with barely scaled skin and mammalian eyes called Ktolds has been starting to settle in the poorer areas of the nations, trading, forming houses of prostitution and attempting to sell off their virgin daughters as wives to other races.

    The prevailing attitude is to hate them, but in private it's a different matter.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)03:21 No.4959369
    A small number of the platipi have broken away from the hive and now pledge allegiance to the gods of law. In a show of subservience to their new masters these rogue platipi have shaved the beards from their faces. This shaving is strongly looked down upon in Platiputian society due to the fact that these glorious beards were a gift given to the cave dwellers by Cthulhu as payment to destroy the screaming turtle beasts by famine. Cthulhu asked of this from the platipi because the turtle beasts incessant howling and screeching kept him from his eternal slumber.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)03:22 No.4959378
    Blue, Green, Purple and Pink are all common human hair and eye colors. Blonde, Brown and Black is unheard of.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)03:25 No.4959402
    The strongest and longest of the elvish cock warriors always goes by the title "Manhattan"

    S/he glowes blue with psionic powers but by oath may never intentionally cover the lower half of his person ever again.

    Many 'Manhattans' in the past have gone out of their way to present their genitals to as many people as possible.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)03:25 No.4959404
    the elves are a degenerate form of the worker drones of the ancient and lost race that made toe Robots

    the Space progaram is run by the dragons in an attempt to find and loot the lat outposts of said race.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)03:29 No.4959435
    the punctured moon keeps a stable orbit (though it is to be noted it spins slightly) over a large cluster of ancient ruins and some connection has been suspected by local archeologists and technologists working out of them
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)03:29 No.4959442
    This thread is an abomination.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)03:30 No.4959443
    I would play a campaign in this word, it would be amazing.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)03:31 No.4959456
    Humans have natural necromatic powers and countless undead servants. Ancestor worship is quite common, as often your ancestors will have helped raise you, in zombie form. The more ancient families have the most servants, and are therefore the wealthiest.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)03:32 No.4959466
    Sergals are the master race. All others are descendants of them.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)03:34 No.4959477
    The concept of mining is unknown except to the dwarfs. All metal comes from either them or exposed deposits.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)03:38 No.4959510
    sergals is the name of the long dead hyper advanced species
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)03:38 No.4959512
    All the races make and use black powder. None have thought to weaponize it.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)03:41 No.4959522
    someone cap this
    this would be an outstanding campaign
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)03:43 No.4959540
    Every single race is completely illiterate.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)03:45 No.4959550
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)03:50 No.4959579

    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)03:55 No.4959605
    Lizardmen are hunted to near-extinction for their tasty tasty frogs legs
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)04:00 No.4959637
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)04:06 No.4959667
    Coastal cities are constantly dealing with polution caused by nearby underwater merfolk cities. They pollute coastal land like we pollute the sea.

    I'm totally snagging select parts of this for my next campaign.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)04:13 No.4959703
    Merfolk actually run a huge industry powered by geothermal vents. Kelp farms feed a goodly portion of coastal kingdoms.

    Merfolk biosculpt coral and reforge fish to create material goods and beasts of burden.

    Much of the pollution produced is alchemical and in gas form. It tends to blow over coastal regions, killing people, plants and animals while causing random unexpected events in areas of high concentration.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)05:43 No.4960149
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)06:31 No.4960401
    Drow are the primary slave race, enslaved by the Elves.

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