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06/25/09(Thu)14:48 No.4996133 File : 1245955688.jpg-(20 KB, 350x350, A6123ED4D2B31D72C2F5BC8E3A25.jpg)
 Oh dear! As soon as nanny turns away for a moment, the naughty kids go to 4chan and make bad threads and posts! Well, children, listen for a moment while the nanny explains something for you:
While posting in the Internet, you have a responsibility to create good and relevant content, as well as support other such content while ignoring entirely the trolls and other assholes. By doing so, you will help it to stay alive and healthy, allowing everybody to have wonderful time in the Internets! This thread is a troll thread (spell it with me: T-R-O-L-L- T-H-R-E-A-D), and should therefore be ignored so that it may die away. Otherwise it will learn a very bad lesson: That in here, trolls gain attention. It will come back, over and over again. It will bring friends. Eventually, it will turn the board to another /b/, which would be horrible.
Only you have the power to stop this! The only thing you can do is to Report the thread, then Ignore it entirely! You must not post in it, even while saging, even while technically ignoring the troll and posting something more relevant to the thread! It will only encourage the troll nonetheless. It does not make the slightest of a difference between the kind of attention it gets: Whether it's "FFFUUUU" or "0/10, troll harder" or "Let's turn this thread to something better", it's all attention to the troll, all bad.
Also, some of you may disregard the nanny's advice, thinking that you somehow know better than her, or even bump the thread specifically because you're told not to! Well, if you do that, you're only proving yourself to be ignorant and/or spiteful children. Once you grow up, you will understand that the nanny is always right! Won't that be just wonderful!
Learned your lesson? Nanny hopes so. She will now hide this thread from her sight, trusting in you wonderful children that you will do your part for the good of the board. Toodles! |