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I have had way too many typoes tonight, its ludicrous.
!94Ud9yTfxQ 06/27/09(Sat)05:34 No.5015549 File : 1246095283.png-(71 KB, 600x400, End.png)
 /end Aldwinside.
Thank you for playing! Next week Monday, Dorf Quest will continue once more, in Dorfside. I will be moving off of the weekends due to constantly being scheduled for work on them, and will start doing Monday or Tuesday, every week. It will usually be Tuesday, but it looks like I might occasionally work Tuesday, so next week is Monday.
Also, in addition to Dorf Quest, I am running another quest on /tg/chan called Nevermore. It should update at least once a day, unlike the session based Dorf Quest.
>>5015499 She's a boy. |