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!CW6LlqZOVU 07/02/09(Thu)18:31 No.5073975 File1246573918.jpg-(29 KB, 570x327, MANTHEHARPOONS.jpg)
 <Radio001> Move to side of door opposite hinges, prepare for stealthly escape. <OP> You hear the jingling of physical keys as the human designated R.A. prepares to OPen the door lock. The door swings open. <Radio001> Attempt to leave room without drawing attention. <OP> The humans are immediately befuddled as they enter the room, finding neither the Hipster nor broken glass, as your sound-performance promised. "What the fuck?" <Radio001> Enter hallway. <OP> The source of the second waveform, a titanic, trunk-legged female, notices you as you attempt to sneak past. "Hey, isn't that Vince's radiobot?" <OP> The first waveform, a male, regards you with disdain. "Pick it up." <Radio001> Evade! <Radio001> Execute Feedack.mp3 at max volume! <Radio001> (Feedback*) <OP> You play Feedback.mp3 at maximum volume, stunning the humans and forcing them to cover their inferior sound inputs. <Radio001> Flee the scene, <OP> With the humans distracted, you dash down the hall towards a left turn! <Radio001> Locate adequate hiding area. <OP> Current valid OPtions: 0. All doors are closed. <Radio001> Continue down hallway. <OP> Behind you, the thundering of female-trunk-legs follows. <OP> You continue down the hallway. A door approaches, as well as a left turn down a second hall. <OP> "Come back here, you little shit!" <Radio001> Is the door open? <OP> Negative. <Radio001> Continue running, attempt to break Chopstick in order to acquire some form of piercing iimplement. <OP> You are almost to the left turn. The Chopstick has been splintered into two jagged, short implements. |