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!!2CLiR1sdk0K 07/03/09(Fri)05:27 No.5079214 File1246613279.gif-(1 KB, 45x100, 9.gif)
 If not, prod the stragglers until they conform, then do as above. With them through the hole, describe this scene to them.
They fall into a dark tunnel, pitch black and cold. It's difficult to tell how long they fall, as it feels like an eternity passes. Abruptly, they are lying on the ground. There was no impact, just falling sensation followed by an immediate sense of being on solid ground. They stand, and find themselves in what seems to be the ship's mess hall. The are a lot of overturned tables and benches here, along with lots of blood and weapon scoring. Another site of a large battle, with heavy losses on both sides, judging by the amount of blood.
Have them roll initiative, but do not say what for. Let them investigate around. Once they try to leave, via a door on the opposite side of the mess hall away from the tables and benches, announce that they stumble upon a large (30+) group of cultists (Like, one second there was nothing, then BAM! Cultist Convention... CultiCon?), mulling about as if in a daze. They seem to be not paying attention to anything around them. If the Acolytes attack, they may use their initiative they rolled earlier or re-roll and keep the new result. The entire convention goes apeshit. For each cultist's turn, flip a coin. On heads, they attack a fellow cultist. On tails, they attack the nearest acolyte. |