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07/17/09(Fri)02:06 No.5183111 File1247810782.gif-(57 KB, 250x370, disney-mary-poppins.gif)
 A Chaos psyker masquerades as a nanny in order to infiltrate the home of a high ranking member of Hive London's central banking establishment. After using her powers to first rid herself of potential rivals, she then turns her nefarious gifts upon the hapless children in her care. After contacting a sleeper cultist within the Hive, she transports the children to the Warp, where they are shown sights which finally drive their minds insane. Their father begins to suspect trouble and decides to take the children to work with him in a desperate attempt to shield them, but all he succeeds in doing is playing right into the pysker's hands by taking the corruption exactly where she wants it to be. The insane children almost immediately cause havok in the Hive's primary bank, leading to civilian rioting on the streets and mass hysteria. Unable to shield his mind, the father too loses his grip on sanity and returns to the bank to finish what his children started. His words twist the Chief Financial Administrator's mind beyond reason, and soon the man lies dead amongst the ashes of his monetary empire.
As the psyker flies off into the sky, her mission complete, her cultist agent on the ground co-ordinates a massive public spectacle where hive citizens fly kites upon which are scrawled blasphemous symbols of Chaos. This is the signal to the orbiting Chaos warships that the Hive's capacity to resist has been broken, and as the psyker disappears into the clouds, the faint outlines of dropships can be seen in the distance. |