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07/18/09(Sat)10:29 No.5191172 File1247927376.jpg-(134 KB, 426x605, failnocle.jpg)
 Alan Merrick's Troll Cuisine weblog: Quickfire Chapter - Rolleyes Chain Restaurant
This is unprecedented on my part. Due to reader recommendation and request, I am about to review a representive of the populist 'fast-troll' establishment Rolleyes. Details to follow.
"HEYA! Welcome to Rolleyes, what'll it be?" (passable smirk. Rolling of eyes upon my approach and observation of combover well done, as expected.)
Number three, please.
"That's a trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls comin' right up! Like some circular reasonin' seasonin' with that?"
Very well.
"Two gold pieces, sir!"
I pay. I do not expect much. My thoughts drift to Grav Tellark's heady blend of animal rights rhetoric and militant feminism...if I only were expecting such a feast.
If only- ah. Ah.
The mascot is a fat elf with feline ears. His expression, I...it's, here, a sketch.
My mood stirs. Could this be acceptance?
I begin the meal.
Characteristics: Borderline enraging, superficial subject matter, easily absorbed tidbits and portions, yet sizable as a whole.
In summary: I could see why this has caught on with the younger races. If I have to, recommended as a gateway troll source.
Three out of Five stars. |