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07/22/09(Wed)00:37 No.5222500 File1248237435.jpg-(61 KB, 480x337, 1245978223778.jpg)
 So we're an all-devine party (Cleric, Paladin, guard of the temple, Bard-prophet dude, and a barbarian convert) of Kord, hunting down and tracking a God-killer. All of us except the Barbarian run off devine power, even the bard. (DM fiat) Everything goes great until we catch up to the bastard, who is a Anti-theist ur-priest. We lose rather quickly, but are kept alive. He opens a portal of some sort with a weirdass ritual, pulling a big heart out and shrinking it. At this point, he begins to "warp with divine power" as it becomes clear he's eating God-meat. Then the paladin and cleric both feel incredible pain. Turns out he's eaqting Kord's heart. The barbarian figures this out on his own and rages. Since the barbarian is the only one not powered by divine energy, the BBEG's main power fails to work on him. He is however, buffed insanely by being half-god by now, so we all assume our barbarian friend is going to ggo down fighting.
We're wrong. The DM grins, says that red armor appears on the barbarian, and his axe turns into a greatsword. In his dying moments, Kord had shoved his soul into the Barbarian, which was why he could rage despite spending them all anyway. And since the Anti-theist didn't know about it, his ability failed.
The Kordbarian then hews off the mans arms and heals them, taking back his heart entirely, launching it out of the man's chest like a chestburster. The barbarian gained a level in favoured soul after Kord took his soul back. |