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07/23/09(Thu)17:35 No.5239414 File1248384955.jpg-(86 KB, 1024x768, 1246206809473.jpg)
So, we perform. 50 Copper starts to perform a stunning bard retake of "In Da Club". You can see the understanding and horror dawning on the DM's face, the other players struggling to keep straight faces. The true blow, didn't come, however, until a few moments after In Thou Club. It came around to my turn.
I figured, given all that we'd gone through, it was only appropriate to find the most ill-suited song for the setting. The one I had decided to save for any attack I could make with "Push" ability. For the next two or so minutes, in all my skinny white glory, I did a Ye Olde Musical version of one of the most popular Ludi'drizz't epics.
"Move, Bitch" I began, "Get out the way."
The players broke into laughter. Something between Horror and "oh god what" has settled on the DM's face. I make the next two minutes the most awkward oh both our nerdy lives.
Finally, the 'song', comes to a halt, and my good companion, 50 Copper, loudly announces: "Aight. We 50 Coper and Ludi'drizz't. We own you now."
This seemed to jerk the DM out of his stupor. He must've still been in a state of shock, as lightning hadn't killed our characters where they stood.
"Roll for it," he croaked, warming to the idea. I guess he thought no matter what we rolled, it wouldn't be enough. "Roll for it!" He declared again, seeming much more confident.
Now, we were pretty sure what would happen if we botched this roll. We were almost certain that the shining careers of 50 Copper and Ludi'drizz't would end at the hands of a pack of enraged hookers. So, with a sigh, I let 50 Copper do the honors of rolling the dice.
Twenty. |