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08/10/09(Mon)18:12 No.5408005 File1249942360.jpg-(44 KB, 400x348, Custom - Holden ute bonnet Dra(...).jpg)
 >>5407822 I don't really know. I hadn't thoroughly investigated them based on my personal conviction that dragons are kind of lame. Let's discover it together.
DRAKE You’re a drake, proud kin to dragons. Physically, you fit the classic depiction; you possess scaly skin, a serpentine body, wicked talons, destructive breath, and massive wings. Your hide may be red or brown and your scales might be black, blue, green, or gold, depending on your birthplace and ancestry. Your early life was in all likelihood a solitary existence, spent carving out territory and mastering anything that caught your fleeting interest. You might bear a name granted for notable deeds or traits, or command a title of appropriate stature — for you are due respect and awe. Yours is a cunning and sometimes cruel species, with little patience for those who fail to recognize your greatness, or worse, interfere with your many plans. You regard precious few as allies and still fewer as friends, but for them you harbor deep, enduring affection. They are to be afforded the same rights and privileges as you, for they stand beside legend. Common Personality Traits: Aloof, greedy, proud, self-centered, wise Common Physical Traits: Hissing voice, shimmering scales, darting eyes, dagger-like teeth Example Names: Icebite, Wrathbane, Deathwing, Sunscale, Nighteye Splinter Race Feats: Elemental Heritage (fire drake, ice drake, wind drake, or other elemental drake), Truescale (cloud drake, mountain drake, swamp drake, or other terrain drake). Unless you choose one of these, you’re a ‘lesser drake.’ |