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!vONhvIg88o 08/14/09(Fri)12:00 No.5452179 File1250265617.png-(73 KB, 640x480, doom_troopers_-_the_mutant_chr(...).png)
 >>5452029 Odds are, if you're above 20, you've probably seen Mutant Chronicles SOMEWHERE. It spawned at least three boardgames in its old incarnation (two of them good), at least one CCG (Doomtrooper, I think there was another) and even a SNES game where you kill the Apostle of War himself, Algeroth.
In recent days you might've seen the movie(which had familiar names but not a single one of the fun monsters or giant shoulderpads), the new miniature game(which, IMHO, seems pretty cool) or the news about the new RPG which COG is supposedly working on.
Now, stylistically it was pretty cool - yes, there are similarities to 40k (shoulderpadsshoulderpadsshoulderpads) but visually it was pretty distinct. Settingwise, it was simple to explain to a newcomer. There's really only one problem with MC: ruleswise, it's kind of shitty. Now, it's not that different from ol' DoD or D&D with dice. No, the problem lies elsewhere: Scaling.
Releasing the core, they had a pretty decent game balance. Sure, monsters were tough, but that made sense. What made less sense was that every single splat book released made the weapons and armour bigger and more powerful than the last, to the point where poor Capitol had an airplane which had armour which was slightly less good than a Brotherhood armour. Cybertronic had some weapon which did something like 90d6 in damage, with a normal gun doing around 2d6. People could also become ludicrously sturdy - but mostly heretics and brotherhood characters. You could make a brotherhood character that, if you had some luck with the rolls, could take tank shells to the body with no ill effect (HP was calculated from Psychic Strength+Stamina. It made some sense, but when you can get like 90 in Psychic power without too much trouble...) Oh, and the core books fell apart. Shoddy binding.
Yeah. So the RPG never seemed to catch on in Sweden, though it'll certainly be remembered. Some years later, a new company got the license for Mutant... (cont) |