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  • File : 1250560764.jpg-(161 KB, 600x600, Time For Some Bad Guy Quest.jpg)
    161 KB Bad Guy Quest 12 The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/17/09(Mon)21:59 No.5495170  
    The mystery of the Loch Ness.

    Well where were we? Oh yes. While the scientist you had been looking for had not been at the Highland Games, one of his subordinates had. Your newly made Lolibot based loosely off of the Highlander competed and was defeated in a test of strength by none other than Patrick McGruffin.

    The fiery bearded fellow quickly won the respect of the Loli-bot you had sent there and they both proceeded to get completely drunk while causing mayhem all over the Scottish country-side.

    After failing to drug his resilient senses with Truth Serum, you had your Highlander-Loli continue to hangout with him until eventually he gave in to telling you the whereabouts of scientist number 4's secret lair.

    Discovering one of your nemesis was located in a secret base near the Loch Ness, you find yourself girding your evil self for battle.

    Cosa fare?
    >> Anonymous 08/17/09(Mon)22:00 No.5495186
    Suck your own dick.
    >> Vector !NEy29ODpvs 08/17/09(Mon)22:01 No.5495193
    rolled 7 = 7

    I wonder why he didn't build it IN the loch ness.
    >> Vector !NEy29ODpvs 08/17/09(Mon)22:01 No.5495199
    rolled 11 = 11

    Also, what does he specialize in?
    >> Anonymous 08/17/09(Mon)22:03 No.5495215
    Have your laser-loli upgrade your laser-monocle.

    Add a chemical to the water to make it into beer; get the Scots to drink it for you.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/09(Mon)22:03 No.5495218
    Define "near Loch Ness".
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/17/09(Mon)22:05 No.5495227
         File1250561107.jpg-(133 KB, 600x600, An X-Ray Of Patrick McGruffin.jpg)
    133 KB
    Nice try Self-Fellatio man. I saw through your clever ruse.
    It will forever be a mystery.
    Bio-mechanic design.

    He actually did a bit of work on Patrick.
    >> Tzeentch 08/17/09(Mon)22:05 No.5495233
    Eh, I think I'll just sit and watch this quest as this is, naturally, just as planned.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/09(Mon)22:06 No.5495250
    Locate David Tennant.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/09(Mon)22:06 No.5495251
    Alright. First thing we'll need to do is flood the area with monster hunters. Go doctor up some photos and spread through our media connectiosn that new proof shows nessie may be real.

    That'll put him off guard.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/09(Mon)22:08 No.5495266
    Get more detailed info from our scottsman friend. See if we can locate the base's primary entrance.
    >> Pyro Minion 08/17/09(Mon)22:10 No.5495275
    Mrrph Mmmh Mp mmhphhpp mhhrmph.
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/17/09(Mon)22:12 No.5495288
         File1250561541.jpg-(116 KB, 600x600, A Clever Gambit Later.jpg)
    116 KB
    You get the normal die-hard Nessie Hunters swarming the Loch within a few days of the photo releases.
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/17/09(Mon)22:13 No.5495294
    Are you the same Pyro I spoke to before?
    >> Pyro Minion 08/17/09(Mon)22:13 No.5495301
    `Shakes his head` Mph.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/09(Mon)22:14 No.5495304
    I want to let you know, The Scientist, that because of this thread I've been getting back into Evil Genius. If you haven't played it, you should. Also, it forced me to get out my guide on "How to be a Villain." I think I found it in a Japanese department store.
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/17/09(Mon)22:15 No.5495311
    Heard about it. Never played it. Wish I did.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/09(Mon)22:16 No.5495325
    Now lets send some minions down there, disguised as nessie-hunters, to see if we can infiltrate the base.
    Ask the scottsman about the base entrance, that'll be where we'll want to direct most of the hunters.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/09(Mon)22:18 No.5495337
         File1250561898.jpg-(31 KB, 500x371, anal_cancer_2.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/17/09(Mon)22:18 No.5495342

    It's pretty awesome. It's about the campiest, tongue-in-cheekiest game I've ever played. You are an Evil Genius in the distant year 1960, and your goal is to build a Doomsday Device to Conquer the World. It's kinda like Dungeon Keeper, if you've ever played it.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/09(Mon)22:19 No.5495347
    Use the strike force we sent out with Highloli and drop them some an EMP field. Then use our death satellite to strike the fear of science into him and flush him out. When he comes to fight whatever he attached to himself will be useless.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/09(Mon)22:21 No.5495361
    This is too obvius. plus all of our current equipment is also disabled by EMPs.

    Lets send Highloli-der to go hunt for Nessie. We'll have her dive right in and investigate the lake until she finds something.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/09(Mon)22:23 No.5495377
    Dude, we had a rock battle on the Eiffel Tower nothing is too obvious. Besides the only thing that would be disabled would be our lolis and we can send them back for this one.
    >> Pyro Minion 08/17/09(Mon)22:25 No.5495382

    Mphhph mhphphh?
    >> Anonymous 08/17/09(Mon)22:26 No.5495389
         File1250562390.jpg-(25 KB, 240x317, genital-warts-female.jpg)
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    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/17/09(Mon)22:27 No.5495392
         File1250562423.jpg-(145 KB, 600x600, Guess Who.jpg)
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    You send a squad of your minions. You also make sure a certain minion is there to make sure things go smoothly.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/09(Mon)22:27 No.5495395
    Yeah, a "rock battle." Not a "Blow shit up battle." To the rest of the world we look like a good guy. We've been earning their trust... waiting... waiting for that day...

    but until then we must remain "the good guy"
    >> Anonymous 08/17/09(Mon)22:29 No.5495408
    Use our orbital sciencings to scan for the base.

    Consider designing dorfbots to do subterrainian searches.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/09(Mon)22:30 No.5495422
    What number are we up against again?
    >> Anonymous 08/17/09(Mon)22:31 No.5495427

    We have enough media resources to spin anything we do. Hell we built a satellite in the shape of a skull that's equipped with weaponry without permission, the plan wasn't bad.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/09(Mon)22:32 No.5495428
         File1250562722.jpg-(70 KB, 480x358, SOA-Herpes-genitalis-female.jpg)
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    >> The Spy 08/17/09(Mon)22:33 No.5495436

    A unauthorized weapons platform in orbit you say?
    >> Anonymous 08/17/09(Mon)22:33 No.5495438
    I just dont know how EMPs work against bio-mechanical nonsense. Whats Word of God on this, Sci? Does the plan seem like it'll work?
    >> Anonymous 08/17/09(Mon)22:34 No.5495441

    Determined minion, fuck yeah! Sounds like he found the base, now all we need to do is bust it open or find a way to make him come out.
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/17/09(Mon)22:35 No.5495447
         File1250562902.jpg-(106 KB, 600x600, Deep Scans FROM SPACE.jpg)
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    Well so far you've only been able to find a denser area than normal on the north western lake side of the Loch. it could be a base.
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/17/09(Mon)22:37 No.5495467
    I'm trying to wrap my mind around this whole anal cancer and genital herpes picture dump going on. Some of the images are mind boggling ugly. The fact the person has a folder probably full of this stuff just amazes me further...
    >> Anonymous 08/17/09(Mon)22:39 No.5495475
    I just hope he enjoys his ban.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/09(Mon)22:39 No.5495476
         File1250563150.jpg-(46 KB, 476x725, herpes.jpg)
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    >> The Spy 08/17/09(Mon)22:39 No.5495477

    I must agree with you on that.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/09(Mon)22:41 No.5495491
         File1250563265.jpg-(32 KB, 333x500, herpes3.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/17/09(Mon)22:41 No.5495496
    Tunnel from Loch Ness to his base in order to flood it. He'll have to come out sooner or later.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/09(Mon)22:41 No.5495498
    Have scuba-minions go in and investigate for secret openings. Keep an eye out for nessie. Have live feeds of their visual sightings going.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/09(Mon)22:42 No.5495499
    Wrap your mind around the fact that said person probably keeps these pictures for masturbatory purposes. Enjoy your brainfart burrito.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/09(Mon)22:42 No.5495501
         File1250563337.jpg-(28 KB, 512x339, herpes (1).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/17/09(Mon)22:42 No.5495504
    Quest threads suck
    >> Anonymous 08/17/09(Mon)22:43 No.5495518
         File1250563420.jpg-(60 KB, 422x600, herpes (2).jpg)
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    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/17/09(Mon)22:43 No.5495519
         File1250563431.jpg-(75 KB, 600x600, Good Attempt Troll But I Am In(...).jpg)
    75 KB
    I remember way back when these things used to disgust and horrify me. My god 4chan has desensitized the hell out of me.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/09(Mon)22:44 No.5495526

    I knew a guy in elementary school whose mom was a doctor specialized in venereal diseases. She didn't want to be bothered learning how to make slideshows, so she just got him to do it instead. I was suddenly reminded of him because of this picture dump.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/09(Mon)22:45 No.5495527
    Yet it will live on regardless of your sage or herpes, what you're doing is incredibly pointless.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/09(Mon)22:47 No.5495539
    Build digger bots. send them into the lake to "Search for nessie" Try digging through that mysterious wall. Maybe we'll end up flooding him out.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/09(Mon)22:48 No.5495544
    I'm guessing he didn't turn out well.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/09(Mon)22:48 No.5495547
         File1250563719.jpg-(7 KB, 198x237, wat.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/17/09(Mon)22:49 No.5495554
    the real life equivalents of guro posters are the hillbilly Republicans trying to shout down their local representatives at the US town hall meetings.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/09(Mon)22:49 No.5495556
         File1250563787.jpg-(26 KB, 389x311, jawz.jpg)
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    We're gonna need a bigger boat.
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/17/09(Mon)22:50 No.5495558
         File1250563821.jpg-(109 KB, 600x600, Submerssible Minions No Way.jpg)
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    I've been waiting to rip off Johny Quest for a decade.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/09(Mon)22:50 No.5495561

    This seems as good a plan as any. Do this. Your minions are just independent treasure hunters trying to find Nessie, and how shocking it would be if they were to accidentally stumble across a den of evil.
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/17/09(Mon)22:51 No.5495566
    Digger bots? Anyone else up for this idea?
    >> Anonymous 08/17/09(Mon)22:52 No.5495572
    Doesn't Ivan have subs?

    Can't we borrow one for a little while, being the big hero & all?
    >> Anonymous 08/17/09(Mon)22:53 No.5495581
    A horde of clam diggers?

    Can we recruit them from Barnegat bay?
    >> Anonymous 08/17/09(Mon)22:53 No.5495582

    Nah. Digger bots are would blow our alibi of Nessie seekers, because Nessie seekers don't have access to that kind of money.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/09(Mon)22:54 No.5495593
    Whoa, hey now.

    I don't like /b/tarded sagers any more than you do, but "representatives" are supposed to "represent" their constituents.

    Not that I care one way or the other about bickering over health care reform, but if the people that live in the district that elected you make it clear they're unhappy with your political decisions, that seems pretty straighforward to me.

    We don't get that riled up where I live, though. We're pretty chill out here.
    >> Pyro Minion 08/17/09(Mon)22:57 No.5495613
    Mpmhph mhphh....Mhhhhhhph.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/09(Mon)22:57 No.5495614
    Make the digger bots, just disguise them as high tech underwater video cameras and our cover is safe.
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/17/09(Mon)23:01 No.5495634
         File1250564487.jpg-(154 KB, 600x600, ANGRY Drill-Bots.jpg)
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    Well that answers that question.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/09(Mon)23:07 No.5495670
    Follow the drills into the base, we can get a peak at what kind of tech he's got in there before he the place floods.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/09(Mon)23:13 No.5495709
    Follow them with cameras, not in person, of course.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/09(Mon)23:17 No.5495748
    Did that wall kill the drill's father or something?
    >> Anonymous 08/17/09(Mon)23:18 No.5495753
    Your minions have hidden cameras concealed about them. Sit back and watch what happens.
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/17/09(Mon)23:18 No.5495758
         File1250565506.jpg-(220 KB, 900x600, Down The Rabbit's Hole.jpg)
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    Time to see what's up for where you are digging.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/09(Mon)23:25 No.5495805

    That drill has a grudge. He is an avenging angel of all robot-dom, righting wrongs wherever he sees them. But this time, it's personal.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/09(Mon)23:28 No.5495835
    This summer one drill will take the law into his own hands ... err drill bit. It's Judge Drill.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/09(Mon)23:31 No.5495869

    And his sidekick, inquisitive minion.
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/17/09(Mon)23:34 No.5495888
         File1250566444.gif-(36 KB, 600x600, Oh-Shit-You-Found-The-Secret-B(...).gif)
    36 KB
    Well what the flying fuck do we have here? Looks like a secret room that isn't on any registered lists you would know of. It also appears to be located scenic-secret fucking place. You found a hidden base.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/09(Mon)23:37 No.5495918
    Examine the room, if there's nothing of any interest hit that door switch.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/09(Mon)23:41 No.5495951
    Look around. Check inventory. Examine switch.

    This going to be awesome minions time to shine. He's gonna take this dude down one-on-one.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/09(Mon)23:46 No.5495993
    Quick cursor glance around the room then ready our weapon and open the door. Also send our a signal to base and tell them what we've found.
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/17/09(Mon)23:56 No.5496068
         File1250567760.gif-(43 KB, 600x600, IT'S-GO-TIME.gif)
    43 KB
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/18/09(Tue)00:11 No.5496178
         File1250568673.gif-(17 KB, 600x600, Calling-In-Back-Up.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)00:13 No.5496201
    Our Minions are fucking awesome.
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/18/09(Tue)00:17 No.5496238
         File1250569024.jpg-(78 KB, 600x600, SUDDENLY.jpg)
    78 KB
    As you admire the actual professional ability of your minions, the competition enters the room. You can't see any arms on the(what you assume might be) human. The jaw on the face of it though looks different.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)00:19 No.5496267
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)00:23 No.5496295
    Perform a scan on the target. Relay information to the minions let them know what their fighting against
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)00:27 No.5496327
    order your minions to fire at its mouth, and to prepare for things to be shot out of its mouth.
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/18/09(Tue)00:36 No.5496409
         File1250570199.gif-(54 KB, 600x600, Ready.gif)
    54 KB
    You have no time to scan and barely enough time to deploy the shields. opening it's impressive maw, the abomination releases an unbelievably powerful blast of air.

    The minions holding the shield is slowly forced back as another attempts to flank.
    >> metalmetroid 08/18/09(Tue)00:38 No.5496426
    order the minions to use lazers if they have 'em, lazers wont be pushed back by the airblast
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)00:39 No.5496435
         File1250570399.jpg-(112 KB, 430x353, falcon-punch-super-smash-bros-(...).jpg)
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    >> metalmetroid 08/18/09(Tue)00:44 No.5496475
    get 3 to spam GODAWFUL music in the base, while playing music that gets the minions to RIP N TEAR, and MAIMBURNKILL
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/18/09(Tue)00:48 No.5496526
         File1250570916.gif-(14 KB, 600x600, Count-How-Many-Bullets-He-Shoo(...).gif)
    14 KB
    Determined Minion only uses machine guns because I get to draw something like this.
    >> metalmetroid 08/18/09(Tue)00:50 No.5496550
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJgB8b-0aLg&fmt=18 this is playing in my mind while i watch this
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)00:52 No.5496562
    Shoot faster! Shoot harder! Yours is the gun that will pierce the armor!

    I wonder if we gave him dual-weildin' rights
    Cause man... the only thing better than one gun is two guns.
    >> metalmetroid 08/18/09(Tue)00:53 No.5496567
    when he gets back we need to give him more dakka.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)00:53 No.5496572
    Get 3 to hack into the bases security systems. If she can't shut the abomination down herself she can at least see whats going on through security camera's and advise the minions in the base. Make sure she makes a direct line of communication to determined minion. He'll need continuous situation updates from 3 to make informed command desicions and vise versa. The more we know the less risk involved with our actions.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)00:57 No.5496613
    While we do this we should see about making direct contact with our current enemy. That'll keep him distracted while we assault his base.

    I propose we open communications immediatly - using our nameless loli mouthpiece, of course.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)01:02 No.5496681
    We're still planning to turn this guy into loli-walter, right?
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)01:04 No.5496697
    Loli in a snappy suit. So yes.

    Also polite sage.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)01:05 No.5496712
    So... what's the overall plan here? We're just going to assault him with minions, in his own base?

    I dont know how determined our minion may be... but we might need a better plan than that.

    Can we have our minions escort the digbots as they work their way poking holes into the major thuroughfare of the base? That'll allow us to flood the dude out and capture him as he tries to escape.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)01:08 No.5496749
    Exactly why 3 should be in contact with determined minion. We don't want to risk drowning our only capable minion.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)01:08 No.5496762
    I wish to begin a slightly long term plan. We're a master of atomics, right? We also have most of the world's nuclear capable superpowers feeling high regards toward us.

    I propose sending at least 200 (the more the merrier) nuclear missiles into space, without 3's knowledge. Set to detonate in a precise pattern upon distance best suited to our goal. Then, at the appropriate time (precalculated to ensure good weather, unless we want to make the weather obey us), we ask 3 if she'd stargaze with us for the night.

    Cue the nukes going off thousands of miles away in a pattern spelling out "3, will you marry me?"
    >> metalmetroid 08/18/09(Tue)01:10 No.5496770
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)01:11 No.5496782
    Let's not get distracted, here.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)01:12 No.5496788
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)01:13 No.5496801
    Focus on the mission at hand here people. Start making plans when we get home.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)01:14 No.5496817
    I think this is probably the best bet. Headshoots has recently taught me that no matter how powerful a dorf, unless he has ranks in swim, he's more than capable of drowning. We'll flood his throne room and catch him in his escape pod.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)01:14 No.5496818

    n-th. And here I remember how The Scientist was saying we were being a real douchebag, just casually manipulating her feelings to beat her and enlist her in an earlier thread.

    How you misjudge us, sir.
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/18/09(Tue)01:16 No.5496829
         File1250572573.gif-(29 KB, 600x600, SAY-IT-AIN'T-SO.gif)
    29 KB

    Who would have thought that number 4 would have more than one abomination?
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/18/09(Tue)01:16 No.5496837
    Well shit, I honestly thought you guys were.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)01:17 No.5496841
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)01:19 No.5496868

    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)01:22 No.5496896
         File1250572973.jpg-(157 KB, 800x1200, 690543-odst1.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)01:23 No.5496903
    Hey guys! Guess who's getting a shiny new body!?
    >> Shas'o R'myr !!TZikiEEr0tg 08/18/09(Tue)01:25 No.5496928

    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)01:27 No.5496954
    Wait, are you propsing crashing our giant fortress into Loch Ness using our giant oil/magma drill to pierce his defences and then unleashing swarm after swarm of minion from every available opening in a despirate hope that if we send enough men at the problem we will eventually be victorius?

    I'm in full support of this plan.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)01:29 No.5496977


    Nothing could possibly go wrong.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)01:30 No.5496991
    We really should have gotten stormtrooper minions. Don't we have really good relations with powerful countries? Surely we could have leased some of their soldiers for this.

    But yeah, enemy needs to be taught a HARSH LESSON.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)01:31 No.5496995
    If we're doing this, we should ready all of our defences and prepare for a direct counter-assualt.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)01:31 No.5496996
         File1250573465.jpg-(30 KB, 400x236, black-hawk-15.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)01:31 No.5496998
    This. And make clones of the dead determined minion. Our minions need to be determined and awesome. And give them TWO guns instead of one.
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/18/09(Tue)01:31 No.5496999
         File1250573472.jpg-(161 KB, 600x600, Get That Bastard On The Line 3.jpg)
    161 KB
    "It looks like it's one for you and one for me eh?" The pompous smirk of your enemy's only helps to raise your utter rage.

    It was easy for three to send a communication once you knew where he was. Even as he speaks to you confidently, 3 starts virus bombing his tech back to the stone ages.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)01:32 No.5497010
    Don't do that. We need a plan to fight 4's minions.

    Use 6's genetic engineering knowledge to create a virus that will attack the connection between their organic and mechanical parts.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)01:33 No.5497025
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)01:35 No.5497040
    Tell him he will pay for what he's done!

    Then get ready for >>5496954 unless he surrenders immediatly.

    Alternate plan: have 3 open every door in his base and flood the place as soon as we have determined minion rescued.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)01:36 No.5497050
    Second. Also prepare a lab to keep Determined minion as alive as we can keep him until this bastard gets lolified. Then use his knowledge to rebuild Determined minion's body and give him some upgrades.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)01:37 No.5497056

    Remember to congratulate 3 on a job well done.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)01:37 No.5497057
    Do both. Crash the fortress into his, send our guys out to recover DM, then flood that fucker.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)01:40 No.5497089
    If we move our fortress we might loss our hold on the oil market. Hold position and move in a heavy minion transport. Lets get some reinforcements in there.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)01:40 No.5497090
    No! Going in angry will only waste more resources.
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/18/09(Tue)01:42 No.5497103
         File1250574175.jpg-(144 KB, 600x600, Oh Wow She's Useful.jpg)
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    "This virus, is the best virus. Ever."
    Proving that even furries can be useful, 6 whips up a virus that starts, enhances, and speeds up the rejection rate for skin to any form of unnatural enhancements.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)01:43 No.5497106

    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)01:44 No.5497120
    "Good job, my pet. I shall un-"leash"' this upon our enemies at once"

    Then start fucking unleashing it.
    >> metalmetroid 08/18/09(Tue)01:45 No.5497136
    exactly right, thats why we are going in FURIOUS.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)01:46 No.5497148
    Load up another squad of minions armed with shields and our new experimental virus preferably in a way that can be fired from a gun. Get them in position fast and fight of the abominations. MAKE SURE TO RECOVER DM FROM THE FIRE ZONE. We must rebuild him.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)01:46 No.5497150
    Good, now send in Starshine and Moonbeam with the virus. They should be able to do something.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)01:47 No.5497159
    Crash our fortress into his, use that to hook our systems into his. Use that to spread the virus through his base. That'll soften up his minions enough for ours to overpower his as they flood out of the base like a swarm of angry hornets.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)01:49 No.5497178
    How ironic that the one he faught against so determinedly shall be the manufacturer of his rescue.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)01:51 No.5497195
    Launch minions from a Higgins landing craft style "crash pod" named so since it slams into the enemy fortress before unleashing a wave of pissed of motherfuckers who rip shit apart with their CROTCH STOMPING RAGE!
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)01:54 No.5497222
    use EPIC SLOW MOTION CHARGE to deploy the minions with operatic music in the background. Like those scenes out of WW2 movies.
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/18/09(Tue)02:02 No.5497309
         File1250575346.jpg-(323 KB, 1200x900, You Send In Two Angry Scots Wi(...).jpg)
    323 KB
    This will be a short fight.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)02:04 No.5497328
    Excellent. Remember, their first priority is Determined Minion.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)02:05 No.5497343
    Twenty kegs of the finest ale to however rescues DM first!
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)02:06 No.5497348
    Just make sure they don't rip him in half during their competition to get the alcohol.
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/18/09(Tue)02:12 No.5497407
         File1250575971.jpg-(141 KB, 600x600, He'll Get Better Or Something.jpg)
    141 KB
    Jesus. He's Just a minion.
    >> metalmetroid 08/18/09(Tue)02:15 No.5497432
    no he isnt, hes a DETERMINED MINION and thats better than the regular kind
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)02:15 No.5497439
    Well yeah but he's like the only good one we have.

    Besides despite essentially being some nameless and until recently faceless guy everyone likes him.
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/18/09(Tue)02:17 No.5497452
         File1250576250.jpg-(73 KB, 600x600, The Virus Is Super Effective!.jpg)
    73 KB
    Oh by the way, the virus works.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)02:17 No.5497454
    Ok now that we have the one useful guy out let's SEND IN THE MOTHERFUCKING HOARD! Let's rack up a body count this mission eh?
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/18/09(Tue)02:20 No.5497497
         File1250576457.jpg-(121 KB, 600x600, OH GOD EVERYTHING HURTS.jpg)
    121 KB
    It works really good.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)02:21 No.5497502
    You know how the Monarch always uses 21 & 24, and they're like his best minions. That's this guy for us.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)02:22 No.5497511
    Right! Send in everything we got. Lets capture this fucker and show him why you do not piss of a hornets nest.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)02:24 No.5497531
         File1250576640.jpg-(231 KB, 681x479, rape time.jpg)
    231 KB
    Time for Highlolider, Patrick and their minion back-up to rape some face.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)02:24 No.5497532
    Send in the giant hornets. With lazers.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)02:25 No.5497553
    That enemy minion that took out Determined minion? Is it still alive? Maybe we should turn it into some sort of assistant-minion for DM. You know, as a get well soon gift.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)02:26 No.5497563
    Actually I have an idea I'd like to propose. Instead of a loli-butler we should make him into a little loli-docter like in >>5497407 we need an active infirmary in our base. Not too big since the list of people of importance that aren't bots is pretty short.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)02:28 No.5497577
    We definately need to upgrade our minions. Especially DM. And he should be promoted to Captain or general or something.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)02:28 No.5497582
    wait wait, if their minion beat our minion, then forget our lousy minion, let's take that one.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)02:29 No.5497587
    We're evil, not heartless. Besides, we gave them health benefits when we hired them, didn't we?
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)02:29 No.5497590
    Hmm... maybe. I kinda had my heart set on butler though...
    Still, this is a pretty good idea... I just dont know how humiliating it is. I mean, its a subservient position, but it's still a trusted position. This man is our enemy. We want to put him in his place.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)02:30 No.5497603
    How about we turn the minion who took out DM into the nurse loli?
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)02:31 No.5497608
    Make him a Loli-Nurse and build a Doctorbot?
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)02:31 No.5497609
    than make him a nurse never a full fledged docter. he worked all his life to reach being a genius scientist now he will be stuck as our nurse.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)02:31 No.5497613
    Then we can design her like a nurse instead.

    Make sure to keep the scar on 4's right eye, though.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)02:32 No.5497619
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/18/09(Tue)02:32 No.5497623
         File1250577157.jpg-(154 KB, 600x600, Putting On The Pressure.jpg)
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    It's melting and in horrible spirit breaking agony.

    Actually, their seems to be a large amount of howls of pain. Obviously they're accompanied by sporadic gunfire and what sounds like metal groaning and breaking. You get the distinct impression number 4 is pretty much running out of his expendable minions.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)02:33 No.5497631
    Hey Sci, quick request. When we're all done here at loch ness, how about we project a holographic image of Ness doing a huge flip over us in a boat, or us helping her fly off to her home world or us hugging her or something like that. It would make some great publicity, and we have all those nessie spotters nearby.
    >> metalmetroid 08/18/09(Tue)02:34 No.5497644
    get the namelessloli to laugh UNGODLY and then end transmission.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)02:37 No.5497676
    "See how weak your constructs are? Join me, and I can make you something far superior."
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)02:37 No.5497679
    "Surrender to me and tell me the location of any other members of the nine and I'll let you live."

    He doesnt know we plan on letting him live anyway.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)02:38 No.5497693
         File1250577504.jpg-(39 KB, 640x480, 423464198LGxEdY_ph.jpg)
    39 KB
    Break into his inner sanctum and capture him. Keep his attention anyway you can. Perhaps a ruse to draw his attention back to you. Make it appear as something has gone horribly wrong in your fortress. Make him overconfident that you won't succeed. That will lead to his fall.

    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)02:40 No.5497710
    Tell him he has something on his forehead and he should really probably have that looked at.

    Say it in as obnoxius a little girl voice as nameless can manage.

    Then tell him he looks like a dumb-head. Just to confuse him.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)02:41 No.5497720
         File1250577682.jpg-(186 KB, 1007x1000, MINIONS FUCK YEAH.jpg)
    186 KB
    Also look what my Google image search turned up. Tactical minions fuck yeah.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)02:41 No.5497722
    Is it just me, or does anyone else imagine HighLolider and the Scotsman discovering 4's stash of booze and getting drunk and just basically chillin out while the rest of the Minions assault the base?
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/18/09(Tue)02:41 No.5497725
         File1250577703.jpg-(164 KB, 600x600, That Laugh looks Uncomfortable.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)02:43 No.5497740
    Give nameless loli some candy after this, cause that shit was gold.

    Now end communication and have 3 seal all the doors away from his private sanctum so he cant escape until our forces decide its time to nab him.
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/18/09(Tue)02:43 No.5497745
    Well there goes any sense of me thinking my minions were unique.
    >> metalmetroid 08/18/09(Tue)02:43 No.5497746
    god i love psycological warfare.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)02:48 No.5497788
    In fairness, your minions are probably more efficient.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)02:48 No.5497791
    Patrick and Highlolider fucking kick in the door and kick his ass. That is all.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)02:52 No.5497822
    Exactly. They don't need 3 layers of tac-vests full of flashbangs and extra mags to go storm the enemy base.

    Our minions build a ramp with their fallen comrades and close to melee!
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/18/09(Tue)02:55 No.5497853
         File1250578513.jpg-(197 KB, 600x600, Let's Wrap This Up.jpg)
    197 KB
    It looks like you captured Number 4.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)02:56 No.5497863
    Our guys make due with a gas mask a parka and a rifle that they probably carry the extra ammo to in their coat pockets. Oh and an extra large can of FUCKING RAGE!
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)02:56 No.5497870
    Lets Nursify him!

    Thats nurse. Not doctor. Can not stress this enough.
    >> metalmetroid 08/18/09(Tue)02:57 No.5497876
    after changing 4 and giving him the new name "nurse" we need to invest in lasers that turn people into lolis. we must do this for PROGRESS!
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)02:58 No.5497887
    Loli Nurse. Sorry. Loli Nurse.

    We can easilly whip up a virus that does this no problem.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)03:00 No.5497909

    Cleary this virus simply needs a laser-based delivery system.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)03:00 No.5497912
    This image is awesome. Just thought you should know that. Also lolify his ass into our loli-nurse fix up DM and leave some minions around to clean up any stragglers in his base. After which it becomes Highlolider and Patricks TOTALLY AWESOME PUB. They manage it with a crew of minions since their both too busy getting hammered. This makes the people of Scotland love us and keeps us another form of cash flow.
    >> metalmetroid 08/18/09(Tue)03:00 No.5497913
    that would be bad, if the virus mutates and spreads to everyone, then the human population would die out.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)03:00 No.5497914
    Give him twin hair buns! On either side of her head!
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)03:01 No.5497926
    No mass lolification. Each one of our lolibots is special in her own way.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)03:02 No.5497933
    FUCK YEAH MINION PUB! We need an awesome name for it. Also make sure the nurse still has a scar on her face.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)03:02 No.5497938
    Mass shotafication?
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)03:05 No.5497970
    The pub on the Loch?
    The 8 Days at Sea?
    The One?
    Loli & McGruffin's Pub and Inn?
    The Determined Nessie?
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/18/09(Tue)03:05 No.5497975
         File1250579134.jpg-(98 KB, 600x600, Well That's Got To Feel Odd.jpg)
    98 KB
    Number 4 is now your Loli Nurse.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)03:07 No.5497992
    Outstanding. Now lets let out an evil laugh, have her work up some plans for upgrading DM, and make her do some menial task that nurses do, like changing urine bags and things.
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/18/09(Tue)03:07 No.5497995
         File1250579256.jpg-(100 KB, 600x600, Forgot The Scar.jpg)
    100 KB
    Sounds like the perfect plan. Whoops, forgot to draw the scar.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)03:10 No.5498019
    Treat him first. After that make him stronger, faster and more DETERMINED. He looks so manly already we just can't change that. Instead upgrade the inside of his body. Cybernetic eyes and the like.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)03:10 No.5498021
    More names.

    -The One and Eight.
    -The Four's Rest.
    -The Highland.
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/18/09(Tue)03:11 No.5498029
    I got to be honest here. I almost don't want to archive this just because of some of the more unsavory pictures. Anyone got a way to request some of the pictures being removed?
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)03:12 No.5498040
    Not that I know of, and giving in like that will just embolden them.

    To whoever archives this, include a note about the nsfw spam.
    >> metalmetroid 08/18/09(Tue)03:12 No.5498042
    photoshoop?... archive it anyway.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)03:12 No.5498043
    We need more pub names:
    The Loli's Claymore
    The FUCK YEAH pub
    The Beautiful 3
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)03:12 No.5498044
    Not that I'm aware of, short of contacting the guy who does the archives directly. I'm sure if we just ask nicely it shouldnt be too much trouble.

    Any chance on this, Sci? >>5497631
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)03:13 No.5498051
    Looks like its allready in the archives.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)03:13 No.5498052
    All of your work is glorious and deserves to be archived for those who missed out the first time.

    Why would you deny them that pleasure?
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)03:13 No.5498055
    Anyone good with Photoshoop?
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)03:14 No.5498058
    Archiving doesn't work that way
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)03:15 No.5498066
    This quest is CLASSY. It must remain so.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)03:18 No.5498096
    He was willing to put up the quest that got purged while the archives were down. I'm sure he'll be willing to remove the less savory posts from this one.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)03:21 No.5498126
    So thats...
    3, 4, 6 and 8, we've captured so far?
    Almost over halfway complete. Things are going rather smoothly for us.
    Lets hope we can nab a butler next time. We could use some good tea up in here.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)03:25 No.5498149
    Post more pub names people!
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)03:27 No.5498171
    -The Manky Bastard
    -The Redheaded Loli
    -The Pub.
    -The Scientist's Victory
    -Patrick's McDrinking
    -The Kaber That Pierces The Heavens Pub.
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/18/09(Tue)03:28 No.5498174
         File1250580518.jpg-(393 KB, 1200x900, What a Lovel- OH SHIT.jpg)
    393 KB
    The Beautiful 3 sounds just fine.
    Well I guess we could whip up some Holo-... OH SHIT!
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)03:28 No.5498175
    The Kaber Toss Pub sounds like a good one to me.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)03:29 No.5498185
    Can Patrick use falcon punch?
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)03:30 No.5498188
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/18/09(Tue)03:30 No.5498192
    Ironically, that's what I'm using now instead of MS paint. Mind you it's shitty-shop, but it still counts.

    I'm not even certain how to label it. Shit's extremely limited in every function ever. I just like it because it let's me save clean. Ms paint fucking blurs everything.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)03:31 No.5498193
    ALL OF IT.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)03:31 No.5498201
    We need eight days worth of tape.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)03:32 No.5498206
    At least.
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/18/09(Tue)03:33 No.5498215
    I couldn't resist having Nessie show up for a rematch. Didn't plan to draw it considering though. It's pretty late for me. Tell you guys what, if you still want me to draw Patrick McGruffin Wrestling the Loch Ness Monster, I'll start Bad Guy Quest 13 off with it.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)03:33 No.5498221
    Unless Highlolider gets in on it. In that case we can call it a day by sundown.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)03:34 No.5498230
    Sounds like a plan, Sci. It would make a good splash image if nothing else. Good one tonight dude. Looking forward to next time. Any idea when that's gonna be?
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)03:35 No.5498238
    I'd be happy with a shot of him and Highlolider standing over a comatose Nessie High-fiving each other.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)03:36 No.5498246
    I have to admit I rush home from work sometimes to see if this quest has started yet. Yeah I'm a loser.
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/18/09(Tue)03:37 No.5498261
    Depending on how shit goes, probably within either tomorrow or the next day. So Tuesday or Wednesday night.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)03:40 No.5498285
    Awesome Dude. See you then. Looking forward with Baited Breath.
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/18/09(Tue)03:44 No.5498334
    Somebody replaced the herpes with an enjoyable french man. We're classy again.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)03:47 No.5498360
    Ale and Wenches
    >> Anonymous 08/18/09(Tue)03:49 No.5498372
    Damn we're smooth.

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