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  • File : 1253153935.gif-(1.35 MB, 400x304, 1252325254375.gif)
    1.35 MB WWII OP !PedIa.Dbk. 09/16/09(Wed)22:18 No.5890287  
    >Era: WWII
    >You are a Canadian
    >Living in Soviet Russia
    >Job: Head Scientist
    >Your last Research: You sent a probe into space 100%
    >The leader is please with you

    Space Research Available:
    >Space station
    >Astronaut Training
    >OS Weapon.
    >Change to other type of Research?
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)22:19 No.5890298
    What's OS weapon?
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)22:21 No.5890314
    Astronaut Training + Space Shuttle
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)22:21 No.5890318
    Also, change research topic to large artillary. Large intecontinental artillary, except for soviet Russia and not for Saddam Hussein, since we are in the vein of Canadians here.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)22:22 No.5890333
    Wait, change research topic to ice hockey tactics. Canadians get an innate +5 to ice hockey, so the Russian team might win the Olympic in this alternative time line.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)22:22 No.5890336
    Canadians working fo Soviets?

    Try researching plastics. Almost infinite uses. That or digital computers.
    >> OP !PedIa.Dbk. 09/16/09(Wed)22:23 No.5890339
    Orbit to Surface weapon.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)22:25 No.5890352
    Ion cannon (OS weapon) and nuclear missle? Mother Russia is getting a little inbalanced here. I say orbital nuclear missles from space station Philadelphia.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)22:26 No.5890361
    Space Station and OS Weapons
    >> OP !PedIa.Dbk. 09/16/09(Wed)22:26 No.5890367
    >The first Astronaut have been sent into space via Modified Probe.
    >It took him 3 Days to return to earth.

    >Space Shuttle
    >Will take 2 month to research.

    >Change to weapon.
    >Researching Large intecontinental artillary will take 4 month to finish.

    >75% Complete.
    >> OP !PedIa.Dbk. 09/16/09(Wed)22:28 No.5890382
    >Nuclear missile have not been researched.
    >OS weapon have not been researched.

    >Space Station research have been assign to a team in a research facility in the Siberia.
    >OS Weapon have been assign to Moscow research base.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)22:30 No.5890397
    defect to America!
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)22:32 No.5890415
    Begin training assault astronauts.
    After a orbital strike, use a drop-shuttle to send them to a capital, and capture the seat of government.

    Begin training for targets: Berlin, Washington D.C., London, and Tokyo.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)22:32 No.5890417
    >> OP !PedIa.Dbk. 09/16/09(Wed)22:33 No.5890428
    >Assault Astronaut.
    >Choose your recruit:
    >Ground Troops
    >Special Ops
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)22:35 No.5890443
    Special Ops for fighters
    Navy/Air-force for Pilots
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)22:36 No.5890456
    Negative, bad idea. Steering will be a real bitch without digital computers to handle trajectories, and provide current coordinates vs. target coordinates.

    Why are we working for the Soviet Union?
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)22:39 No.5890485
    Research Power Armor that can be used in space, and on the ground (underwater too).
    Research Air-Bursting 20mm Grenades for a standard weapon.
    >> OP !PedIa.Dbk. 09/16/09(Wed)22:39 No.5890488
    Well the first thread start with creating the Character.
    They vote for Canadian.
    That live in Russia....
    >Research digital computer?

    >Begin first Training

    >Space shuttle research is now Complete.
    >Plastic research is now Complete.
    >Siberia base report in that Space Station research is now complete and they would begin to research Rocket.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)22:40 No.5890495
    >Change to other type of Research:
    -Psychological Warfare
    We will break their faces against the soles of our boots after we break their minds.

    Namely: We will make them so paranoid, we get one of our own elected. How? By making all the other candidates look like they wear red underwear.


    They will rot where thy stand. Biological warfare is
    easier than it seems. Simply grow massive amounts of cultures of the common flu. And BREED THE SHIT OUT OF IT. Make it resistant to every vaccination, immune system, and hand-sanitizer known to Americans.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)22:41 No.5890503
    Negative on digital, we are fine with our current systems.
    Research Assault Space Shuttles for Assault Cosmonauts...
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)22:42 No.5890513
    >>5890495Bio-may backfire on us...
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)22:43 No.5890524
    Thunderhawk and Space Marines
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)22:44 No.5890532

    >Psychological Warfare

    Much preferable, biological warfare is overly risky.
    >> OP !PedIa.Dbk. 09/16/09(Wed)22:44 No.5890533
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    >The Leader close "friend" order you to change your research to Psychic.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)22:45 No.5890539
    No, we are space scientist. we made probe, we train astros...
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)22:46 No.5890547
    Not if we research it in the an icycold station miles and miles away from anywhere else. The plastics research that we did ought to help decrease contamination, too.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)22:46 No.5890548
    Oh, god. I don't care if we're the bad guys, that's NOT A GOOD IDEA. In fact, that's practically EXACTLY what NOT to do.

    If it's resistant to what they have, how do we know WE can cure it?

    Start designing orbital elevator, and begin talks with south america/ other equatorial area for construction rights.

    I was thinking Jumping Off The Planet style.

    Also, given an option, why not research a way to make the Sov Union actually a decent place to live? Function as Lenin/Marx intended, and all that.
    >> OP !PedIa.Dbk. 09/16/09(Wed)22:47 No.5890559
    >Research Assault Space Shuttles: 67%
    >Assault Cosmonauts: Training is almost Complete.

    >-Psychological Warfare
    >Siberia base start researching on this.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)22:47 No.5890560
    Because Communism only works on paper.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)22:50 No.5890582
    And on /tg/!
    >> OP !PedIa.Dbk. 09/16/09(Wed)22:51 No.5890599
    >The leader friend is not angry but happy to see someone who are willing to take control and said that he would take to the leader to boost your funding.

    >Decent Place to live.
    >Food Research?
    >Medical Research?

    >Current Location: Siberia station 1.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)22:53 No.5890608
    >> OP !PedIa.Dbk. 09/16/09(Wed)22:55 No.5890624
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    >The KGB told you that the Nazi have began researching something "Strange" and they are trying to bring the Dead back to life.
    >America begin their research on the Atomic bomb.

    >A German scientist defect to Russia and want to join your research team.
    >Accept? Y/N
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)22:57 No.5890652
    >The KGB told you that the Nazi have began researching something "Strange" and they are trying to bring the Dead back to life.
    Ask the KGB if they know where this research is being conducted.

    >A German scientist defect to Russia and want to join your research team.
    >Accept? Y/N
    Y, but keep watch on him. Close watch, by one of those internal security bureaus.

    >Decent Place to live.
    >Food Research?
    Medical Research. This has many important applications.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)23:01 No.5890677
    Provided he will agree to having a small radio beacon sealed inside one of his bones, (for tracking purposes, obviously,), he may join as a full member of the team.

    If declines, do some investigation of his 'defection'.

    Might work; a lot of trouble was with corruption, and the way only political bastards could make it to the top. As it is, start a civilian/public research program on medical treatment, cheap, effective facilities, etc.

    Start compiling data for working on Yur- I mean the Leader's friend's request.
    Or for our own... 'benifiet'.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)23:03 No.5890691
    We need to try and kidnap their atomic scientists, or at least kill them.
    >> OP !PedIa.Dbk. 09/16/09(Wed)23:05 No.5890704
    >Ask the KGB if they know where this research is being conducted.
    Unknown they will begin the search

    >Y, but keep watch on him. Close watch, by one of those internal security bureaus.
    He brought with him a new weapon blueprint some sort of Tank.

    >Medical Research. This has many important applications.
    Moscow base begin research

    >OS Weapon is now complete.
    >Large intercontinental artillery is now complete.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)23:06 No.5890714
    Come now, our glorious Soviet Comrades are better than anything they could have. Just settle for swiping thier data.

    Also, are we working on Orbit-to-surface weapons?

    And how feasable would the previously mentioned planetary elevator be? (Do we need to research carbon nanotubes, or something?)
    >> OP !PedIa.Dbk. 09/16/09(Wed)23:07 No.5890728
    >The defector agree with Everything he only wish to be safe.

    >Start compiling data for working on Yur- I mean the Leader's friend's request.

    Research begin.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)23:10 No.5890758
    >> OP !PedIa.Dbk. 09/16/09(Wed)23:12 No.5890779
    This will take at least 2 month and might cause war with America.

    Is ready for construction.
    >planetary elevator
    The leader think this idea is stupid and Impossible.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)23:16 No.5890812
    >This will take at least 2 month and might cause war with America. >Y/N?
    N. Instead, attempt to position agents to steal their research.

    >The leader think this idea is stupid and Impossible.
    Apologize to the leader and inform him that we will bring the matter to his attention again when he has greater faith in our abilities.

    >He brought with him a new weapon blueprint some sort of Tank.
    Analyze. Pass along to military if it seems viable.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)23:19 No.5890843
    N, but attempt to gather more information.
    >> OP !PedIa.Dbk. 09/16/09(Wed)23:20 No.5890853
    >attempt to position agents to steal their research.

    >Apologize to the leader and inform him that we will bring the matter to his attention again when he has greater faith in our abilities.
    He trust you would do the right thing.

    >Analyze. Pass along to military if it seems viable.
    "The Panzerkampfwagen VIII Maus" Pass on to Production Y/N?
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)23:25 No.5890909
    >The Panzerkampfwagen VIII Maus
    That's impossible!
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)23:25 No.5890916
    >"The Panzerkampfwagen VIII Maus" Pass on to Production Y/N?
    Request a prototype first, so as to avoid embarrassing ourselves with a poor design, even a stolen German one. Have the military test it and give feedback.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)23:28 No.5890943
    Can we begin research on a mind/machine interface?

    Something that can allow greater control of our pilots and crews over their airplanes and vehicles could be fantastic, and lead to new types of never before seen weapons.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)23:29 No.5890952
    Mind/machine interface?

    Sounds like some dangerous STALKER territory right there.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)23:29 No.5890955
    ...Request status report; Are we still sole manufacturers of plastic, digital computers, and sole exploiters of space?

    What are other countries up to?

    How close is SS Philadelph- Union to completion?
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)23:30 No.5890974
    >Can we begin research on a mind/machine interface?
    This sounds like a great plan after we have finished our medical research and psychological research- it can build upon them. Our great Soviet nation will lead the world in neuroscience!

    That also fits rather well into Yu- uh, our leader's friend's request.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)23:32 No.5891000
    >mind/machine Inteface ; Panzerkampf VIII Maus
    > Neural Interface ; Big efffing tank
    > Neural Interface + BFT
    > Bolo
    Let's do this.
    >> OP !PedIa.Dbk. 09/16/09(Wed)23:38 No.5891074
    >Testing it now.

    >Can we begin research on a mind/machine interface?
    You can.

    >Request status report
    Germany sent their newest Probe into space today.
    America manage to create a new Super tank.
    And we are the only one who can create plastic, digital computers.

    >How close is SS Philadelph- Union to completion?

    Assault Cosmonaut is now ready.
    1st Company is now station on board the almost complete SS Philadelph- Union.
    >> OP !PedIa.Dbk. 09/16/09(Wed)23:42 No.5891128
    >Siberia research base have finish researching Rocket.
    >Moscow research base now finish researching Medical Tech.
    >The "Maus" is now ready for production.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)23:43 No.5891131
    (Psst. Go ahead and change it to a suitably Soviet name. I just used that to make the reference to the C&C SS Philadelphia, so that my intent was clear.)
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)23:43 No.5891138
    There are too many lines of research that we need to pursue. How's the education system in our glorious Soviet nation? What can we do to get more trained engineers and scientists working on these projects for us, short of abducting other nations' greatest minds?
    >> OP !PedIa.Dbk. 09/16/09(Wed)23:44 No.5891148
    Well then we need a name for it.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)23:44 No.5891155
    We should use the russian word for marksman.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)23:44 No.5891161
    Mir (Peace)?
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)23:48 No.5891195

    Or perhaps Novaya Rossiyan
    >> OP !PedIa.Dbk. 09/16/09(Wed)23:49 No.5891202
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)23:49 No.5891205
    I find it a bit simple, but I like it.

    Plus it makes us the good guys; we're just preparing for the worst, we'd really rather that our hopes for the best were correct.

    Start researching super-tanks, request that KGB steal American data.

    Suggest to Leader that we instigate a world treaty against environment-altering weapons; massive explosions are all well and good, but bioweapons and fallout are bad. Plus our OS is presumably not such a weapon, right?
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)23:50 No.5891208
    I don't know what Shokolodki means, but I believe Novaya Rossiyan [Rossiya?] would be "New Russia"
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)23:51 No.5891213
    >> OP !PedIa.Dbk. 09/16/09(Wed)23:51 No.5891215
    OS think Ion Cannon or Orbital Bombardment
    >> OP !PedIa.Dbk. 09/16/09(Wed)23:56 No.5891259
    >Start researching super-tanks, request that KGB steal American data.
    Order Receive.

    >Suggest to Leader that we instigate a world treaty against environment-altering weapons
    The leader will think about

    >You have been promoted to Member of the Inner Circle.
    >> OP !PedIa.Dbk. 09/17/09(Thu)00:01 No.5891320
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    >The Nazi forces are closing in on Moscow the leader suggest you leave the city.

    >The Space station is now complete.
    >The Nazi is now bringing the dead Back to life.
    >The KGB capture one of American leading scientist and stole one of their research on Super tank.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)00:04 No.5891344
    What does that German Scientist know about the Nazi Zombie thing?
    >> Subprocessor 616 09/17/09(Thu)00:05 No.5891360
    rolled 5, 1, 1 = 7

    >The Nazi forces are closing in on Moscow the leader suggest you leave the city.

    Do we have a backup site? Where will we be going?
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)00:06 No.5891372
    Wait, there was war on? Crap. That's what comes of joining a mid-game thread.

    Our Ioncannons are functi- Crap. SS Mir is only a control station, isn't it... How many Ion cannons can we get up there, and how quickly? (Also, do we also have some active?)

    Start researching upgraded supertanks with newly aquired data. Put hyper-computers, and then AIs on the qeue.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)00:06 No.5891380
    >The Nazi forces are closing in on Moscow the leader suggest you leave the city.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)00:07 No.5891391
    >The Nazi forces are closing in on Moscow
    If we haven't already, cut loose with the OS Weapon.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)00:08 No.5891402
    How's our ICA [Inter-Continental Artillery] doing? Functional? Constructed? We're losing the war in spite of it?

    Start researching a weapon specifically to make dead people stay dead.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)00:09 No.5891425
    >Start researching a weapon specifically to make dead people stay dead.
    Apply our knowledge of MEDICAL SCIENCE to the problem. Some sort of necrosis accelerator, perhaps.
    >> OP !PedIa.Dbk. 09/17/09(Thu)00:11 No.5891439
    He doesn't know anything but he will try to help out.
    1.Siberia 2
    2.Siberia 1
    3.SS Mir

    2 Ioncannons can be constructed on SS Mir.
    >Start researching upgraded supertanks with newly aquired data. Put hyper-computers, and then AIs on the qeue.
    >Upgrading system.
    >Start researching Hyper-Computers
    >Start Researching AIs.
    Type of AIs
    >Military (Male)
    >Research (Female)
    >Archive (None)
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)00:14 No.5891476
    >Research (Female)
    We can already make weapons ourselves. Research has more priority.
    >> OP !PedIa.Dbk. 09/17/09(Thu)00:14 No.5891478
    >How's our ICA
    It's being built in Siberia.
    >Apply our knowledge of MEDICAL SCIENCE to the problem. Some sort of necrosis accelerator
    Can't all research team are to stop researching and leave the City.

    Siberia 1 team in now on board the SS Mir same with Siberia 2.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)00:15 No.5891484
    Not One Step Backward.
    But when we get the chance, heading up to the Mir is okay; Zero-Gee research!

    Also; we have good computers, and good machinery tech, right? Can we start building remotely controlled turrets to dump all over Moscow? ie, weapon batteries in every intersection, and all controlled from safely removed locations? Scatter that crap through the city, AA stuff hidden among chimneys and ventilators, Anti-Tank and Anti-Infantry emplacements on ground and building floors?
    >> OP !PedIa.Dbk. 09/17/09(Thu)00:19 No.5891531
    >Welcome aboard the SS Mir.

    >Also; we have good computers, and good machinery tech, right? Can we start building remotely controlled turrets to dump all over Moscow? ie, weapon batteries in every intersection, and all controlled from safely removed locations? Scatter that crap through the city, AA stuff hidden among chimneys and ventilators, Anti-Tank and Anti-Infantry emplacements on ground and building floors?

    We can do that.

    >> OP !PedIa.Dbk. 09/17/09(Thu)00:22 No.5891559
    >AI 1 Activated.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)00:22 No.5891560
    No way, we better do it at the outskirts and hold the city. It must not be lost!
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)00:23 No.5891565
    A, decentralized research is good; have only the most dangerous/valuable/imporant stuff done on the Mir (After all, it isn't possible for anyone we don't want to get up here short of boarding actions... and we have Cosmonauts on duty!). Send team-other-than-us down to another secure location. Maybe an under-the-ice base on the northern coast sof kamchatka.

    Also, I (idea originator, so may not count) vote >Y.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)00:25 No.5891591
    You should also seed all previously owned soviet territories that are occupied by enemy forces to slow them down. It would also help having trenches around our holding so at least slow down and channel the zombies so that you can use a flamethrower on.
    >> OP !PedIa.Dbk. 09/17/09(Thu)00:26 No.5891594

    >Maybe an under-the-ice base on the northern coast sof kamchatka
    Would you like to build this?
    >> OP !PedIa.Dbk. 09/17/09(Thu)00:28 No.5891611
    >KGB Agent station in America have report in that the America start creating Super soldier (Think Captain America)
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)00:28 No.5891615
    Y. Make all urban combat a hellish nightmare of automated weaponry.

    >Would you like to build this?
    Y. Although it might be annoyingly vulnerable to the Japanese, should they deign to try anything significant against us.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)00:29 No.5891622
    Researcher AMIRDA ([Artificial Machinic Intelligence; Research Designation; A[mirda]] recursive acronym) bring her on as a full member of the research team; equal rights all around.
    >> OP !PedIa.Dbk. 09/17/09(Thu)00:36 No.5891685
    >Y. Make all urban combat a hellish nightmare of automated weaponry.
    First batch of Turret have been deploy to Moscow.
    >Y. Although it might be annoyingly vulnerable to the Japanese, should they deign to try anything significant against us.
    Start construction.

    >AMIRDA Online.
    >Beginning research....
    >Research complete
    >Another Research?
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)00:38 No.5891702
    >Another Research?
    Develop mind-machine interface.
    >> OP !PedIa.Dbk. 09/17/09(Thu)00:38 No.5891705
    >Our Leader is captured by the SS Elite!
    What do you do?
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)00:40 No.5891716
    What research completed?

    Also; for base; Dig entrance about five hundred miles away from sited location of base; large entrance; blast door lock, all that. Dig to base site, construct base, and then build bullettrain from base entrance to base. (Base is all under ice and under ground, with submarine docks.)
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)00:41 No.5891722
    Are you a bad enough dude to rescue Leader. Send some of our drop pod soldier cosmonauts to resuce him?
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)00:41 No.5891727
    >Our Leader is captured by the SS Elite!
    >What do you do?
    Do we have assault astronauts yet? If so, I propose that we find his location and OS Weapon+assault astronaut a daring rescue.

    If that fails, or is judged idiotic, put Yur- uh, our leader's friend in charge.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)00:44 No.5891753
    Is our IC-Artillery online? How accurate is it? Could we, say, shell a neat six-pointed (ooh, the irony...) star around Berlin, and then threaten to actually wipe the city off the map if they don't turn the Premier(?) over?
    >> OP !PedIa.Dbk. 09/17/09(Thu)00:45 No.5891767
    >Develop mind-machine interface.
    >Using AMIRDA original program it's easy to create a Mind-Machine interface.

    >Cosmonaut Assault trooper are now ready to be deploy
    >Location available.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)00:47 No.5891784
    >>Using AMIRDA original program it's easy to create a Mind-Machine interface.
    Uplink self and assistants to AMIRDA in order to enhance research team productivity.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)00:47 No.5891787
    Berlin; say, four assault boats / missions; Two detachments are to just sow chaos and function as distractions, while one is to sieze the Fuhrer and the other to sieze the SS HQ. Orbital or artillery support available upon request.
    >> OP !PedIa.Dbk. 09/17/09(Thu)00:48 No.5891798
    >1st Company.
    >Location: Stalingrad.
    >Chance of Victory: 70%

    >What research completed?
    Assault Walker

    IC online.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)00:49 No.5891814
    Let's see what mark of Bolo we can design and construct.

    Research Hellbore cannons if necessary.
    >> OP !PedIa.Dbk. 09/17/09(Thu)00:51 No.5891842
    >Is our IC-Artillery online? How accurate is it?
    Accuracy: 99%
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)00:53 No.5891860
    Belay that, you ninja'd me.

    Well, not necessairly cancel, but I'm now torn between Mechwarrior 4 style battlemechs, or Bolos.

    Any other elements we could add to suggested missionplan to increase likelihood of success?
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)00:54 No.5891869
    >Any other elements we could add to suggested missionplan to increase likelihood of success?
    Something that can fly would probably help.
    >> OP !PedIa.Dbk. 09/17/09(Thu)00:54 No.5891871

    2nd Company.
    Chance of Victory: 50%

    >Research Hellbore cannons if necessary.
    >AMIRDA start researching.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)00:56 No.5891896
    Issue the assault troops with command-clearance-conditional uplinks to the IC artillery. All fire missions have to be independently approved by central control, but otherwise, give the boys fire on demand.


    Also see if we can drop some of the assault walkers down there with them, who knows.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)00:57 No.5891902
    Now I want to buy Red Alert 3. ;_;
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)00:57 No.5891908
    Research advanced plastics.
    Research advanced metallurgy.
    Research some sort of medical advance to ensure that dead people remain so.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)00:58 No.5891912
    We'll need superconductive materials before either is my guess. Instead we should research full automation of our Military Industrial Complex to greatly speed up production.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)00:58 No.5891918
    We should engineer a destruct sequence, so other countries can't reverse engineer our tech.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)01:01 No.5891947
    We should improve our Security and counter espionnage system don't want any tech/scientists loss
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)01:02 No.5891963
    Wait! Best solution yet; SS agents have to travel back, right? Monitor from satelites, deploy modified R/C turrets in path; modified for camoflauge and sniping. If each turret can just get one of the SS troopers, eventually, they'll have to surrender. (It's a long way back to german land, in'it?)

    Also, we've been neglecting to investigate how the Premier was captured in the first place....
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)01:04 No.5891978
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    Forgot my pic
    >> OP !PedIa.Dbk. 09/17/09(Thu)01:08 No.5892021
    >Research advanced plastics.
    Research advanced metallurgy.
    Research some sort of medical advance to ensure that dead people remain so.
    >AMIRDA will take care of that.

    >AMIRDA will take care of that after she finish the first task.

    Inputting Self-Destruct sequence.

    >Wait! Best solution yet; SS agents have to travel back, right? Monitor from satelites, deploy modified R/C turrets in path; modified for camoflauge and sniping. If each turret can just get one of the SS troopers, eventually, they'll have to surrender. (It's a long way back to german land, in'it?)


    >Also, we've been neglecting to investigate how the Premier was captured in the first place....
    Do you want the KGB to check?
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)01:09 No.5892031
    Research into the Old Gods and Sloggoths....Or is that stuff not allowed?
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)01:10 No.5892042
    >(It's a long way back to german land, in'it?)

    >Do you want the KGB to check?

    We should consider the construction of additional space stations.
    >> OP !PedIa.Dbk. 09/17/09(Thu)01:11 No.5892050
    Dude the Nazi got zombies.

    Anything is available.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)01:12 No.5892062
    >Wait! Best solution yet; SS agents have to travel back, right? Monitor from satelites, deploy modified R/C turrets in path; modified for camoflauge and sniping. If each turret can just get one of the SS troopers, eventually, they'll have to surrender. (It's a long way back to german land, in'it?)

    Observe movement via satellite, prepare suitable ambush a distance away from the boarder, so that reinforcements cannot meet and strengthen them.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)01:12 No.5892063
    We are athiestic men of science; Our sole belief is that if there is a god, he can be reverse-engineered.

    I vote we leave the eldritch evils to the Germans.

    Also, plan can't hurt, and, KGB look into it? Yes, please.

    Also, I hope this is archived, I need sleep, but don't want to miss it.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)01:14 No.5892080
    ... leave the creepystuff to the Germans. Are... Can we research the making of synthetic biological creatures?
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)01:15 No.5892092
    >Our sole belief is that if there is a god, he can be reverse-engineered.
    Research into reverse-engineering god, immediately. If anyone else manages it before we do, they'll gain an insurmountable technical edge. We can't let that happen.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)01:16 No.5892102
    Respectfully suggest that while that's slighlty better than bioweapons, it's significantly worse than AI, and TvTropes tells us that's already a crapshoot.
    >> OP !PedIa.Dbk. 09/17/09(Thu)01:16 No.5892105
    >Turrets Deploy activating Camo.
    >KGB agent are now active.

    >We should consider the construction of additional space stations.

    >The Nazi forces have captured Moscow the Union is falling apart.
    >America/UK begin D-Day.
    >Japanese forces advance on the Pacific.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)01:18 No.5892126
    >We should consider the construction of additional space stations.

    >The Nazi forces have captured Moscow the Union is falling apart.
    Wait, when did THAT happen? Curse you, point defence turrets!
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)01:19 No.5892138
    Well then! maybe have some KGB guys start looking for the Necronomicon and send a research group to Antarctica to confirm if the 'mountains of maddness' exist.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)01:19 No.5892147
    Forcing the Germans out should be first priority. Their undead soldiers will likely fare better than living counterparts would.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)01:20 No.5892151
    Begin orbital bombardment of all Nazi military factories and bases. That should at least slow them down and ruin their supply line.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)01:22 No.5892177
    >The Nazi forces have captured Moscow the Union is falling apart.
    Deploy our hyper-necrosis technology! Surely we have it completed by now, right?

    Ensure that loyal generals remain in control of the industrial base. As long as we hold that and our troops remain supplied, we can recover.

    Research long-range wireless communication based upon satellites.
    >> OP !PedIa.Dbk. 09/17/09(Thu)01:24 No.5892193
    >Can we research the making of synthetic biological creatures?
    Yes we can.

    I hope you're joking.

    >AMIRDA finish the following Research.
    >Research advanced plastics.
    >Research advanced metallurgy.
    >Research some sort of medical advance to ensure that dead people remain so.
    >We'll need superconductive materials before either is my guess. Instead we should research full automation of our Military Industrial Complex to greatly speed up production.
    >Stealth Technology

    >> OP !PedIa.Dbk. 09/17/09(Thu)01:28 No.5892239
    >Deploy our hyper-necrosis technology!
    Deploying now

    >Ensure that loyal generals remain in control of the industrial base. As long as we hold that and our troops remain supplied, we can recover.

    All the Generals are capture during the siege of Moscow

    >Research long-range wireless communication based upon satellites.
    .>AMIRDA: "Too easy!"



    First team of KGB have arrive at Antarctica.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)01:28 No.5892246
    >I hope you're joking.
    Of course I was joking. We don't have a working copy of god to reverse-engineer.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)01:30 No.5892271
    Cloning technologies?
    Tesla coils?
    Alternative Energies?
    Powered Combat Armors (Including Mobile War Suits)?
    Lasers, both as a weapon, and as an information transmitter?
    What is that American Supertank, exactly?
    What rescources do we have at aour command, both R&D and military?
    How is General Public Opinion/Happiness Level?
    What would be necessary to remove the German Taint from our glorious homeland? How many are there, and how much have they dug their dirty nails into our nation's flesh?
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)01:31 No.5892284
    Y on both counts.

    Gentlemen, I think we are going to need robotic legions shortly, as without generals it is going to be highly questionable how reliable the regular forces are.

    Time to also start prodding the other powers that be into getting a new high command arranged, I suppose. Are there any other powers that be still about?
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)01:32 No.5892297
    Intercepting and decoding enemy messages?
    Who are our allies?
    Has the war impacted the population?
    Who all (major players) is involved in the war, and what sides are they on? How are our relations with them?
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)01:33 No.5892300
    >All the Generals are capture during the siege of Moscow


    AMIRDA, it's time to get an AI military commander. Let's code us a strategic and tactical genius.

    While we're at it, let's also code an AI advisor for domestic policy. Rebuilding our glorious motherland is going to be a bitch without anyone competent still around.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)01:35 No.5892321
    We will need that Military General AI.
    The MIC automationization we should covert our industry in parts as to not lose out on production completely.
    Both Yes on the two issues.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)01:35 No.5892325
    Robotic death legions commanded by unfalliable strategic & tactical AI commanders.



    ...We've taken suitable precautions against AI rebellion, right?
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)01:38 No.5892354
    >...We've taken suitable precautions against AI rebellion, right?
    ...no, not really. But surely we coded AMIRDA to be flawlessly loyal in the first place.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)01:39 No.5892368
    Let's get one, then!
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)01:40 No.5892377
    Flawlessly loyal to WHO, man! The state? the Supreme Leader? Us, the research team?
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)01:42 No.5892390
    Dude, we have their Self-Destruct codes
    >> OP !PedIa.Dbk. 09/17/09(Thu)01:44 No.5892413
    >Cloning technologies?
    >Tesla coils?
    >Alternative Energies?
    >Powered Combat Armors (Including Mobile War Suits)?
    >Lasers, both as a weapon, and as an information transmitter?
    >What is that American Supertank, exactly?
    T28 Super Heavy Tank
    >What rescources do we have at aour command, both R&D and military?
    All High Ranking officer are captured at the Siege of Moscow you are the last High Ranking officer.
    >How is General Public Opinion/Happiness Level?
    Low the people lost hope that the Union will come back.
    >What would be necessary to remove the German Taint from our glorious homeland? How many are there, and how much have they dug their dirty nails into our nation's flesh?
    78% Of their Alive army.
    38% Of their undead army
    >Intercepting and decoding enemy messages?
    Possible Target:
    >Who are our allies?
    We have no ally.
    >Has the war impacted the population?
    70% of the population are now undead.
    >Who all (major players) is involved in the war, and what sides are they on? How are our relations with them?
    Relationship: 0
    Side: Allied
    Relationship: 0
    Side: Axis
    Relationship: -100
    Relationship: -20
    Would you like to know about Minor country?
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)01:46 No.5892444
    >All High Ranking officer are captured at the Siege of Moscow you are the last High Ranking officer.
    >70% of the population are now undead.
    That's that, then. Gentlemen, allow us to agree to the following measures:
    Prepare the robot legions.
    Code the AI commanders.
    Deploy the anti-undead measures as soon as possible.

    Let the maps of war be drawn.
    >> OP !PedIa.Dbk. 09/17/09(Thu)01:47 No.5892458
    >AMIRDA: "Ok then!"
    1.Military AI
    2.Advisor AI
    3.Politcal AI
    4.Auto-Production control AI

    She can try to break off but if she does she'll lose her connection with you.

    >Flawlessly loyal to WHO, man! The state? the Supreme Leader? Us, the research team?
    She is loyal to you only.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)01:49 No.5892477
    >That's that, then. Gentlemen, allow us to agree to the following measures:
    Agreed, agreed, agreed.

    >70% of the population are now undead.
    Okay, we need to evacuate the remaining 30% of the population. To the moon. AMIRDA, please begin design of the necessary technologies as soon as the AI commanders and robot legion designs have been completed.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)01:51 No.5892495
    We have mind/machine interface tech right?
    Is a full fledged uplift conceivable?
    What are the odds of us successfully getting the Supreme leader back and uploading him into digital immortality?
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)01:51 No.5892504
    Military AI Name:
    1) Cabal
    2) Legion
    And since we have superconductive metals/materials we should begin construction of rail guns.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)01:51 No.5892505
    All names subject to approval by the remainder of the research team:

    1.Military AI
    Name: CREED
    2.Advisor AI
    Name: VIZIER
    3.Politcal AI
    Name: SMARM
    4.Auto-Production control AI
    Name: STEEL
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)01:53 No.5892522
    >70% of the population are now undead
    Is that eat-brains-undead or drone like zombies....kinda like the ones in stalker that shoot at you?
    Either way can we develop some type of device that blocks the signal from the Nazis to the zombies? uncontrolled zombies will still be a bitch but they will hurt the Nazis too
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)01:53 No.5892527
    Or hell just upload us and some other trusted humans as a counterbalance to our increased use of AIs.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)01:53 No.5892529
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)01:56 No.5892556
    How are the teams looking for Cthulhu stuff going? Any progress or is it a dead end?
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)01:58 No.5892568
    Protect remaining civilians.

    How much does Japan like Germany?

    What is the time frame for a completed clone army? Mechanical army?

    I think it's a little late to start drawing maps.

    Fire everything we've got, as far as long-range weapons go, directly into Germany, targeting research facilities, factories, bunkers /defensive structures and command centers.
    Rain death.
    Let's make t easier for America to wipe them off the face of the earth.

    Any of our forces not immediately engaged ought to be sent to aid the U.K., should they need assistance, free of charge, as long as they are willing to sign a 5 year peace-treaty with us, and agree to a bi-annual meeting to reaffirm our mutual agreement, and discuss plans for the future.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)01:59 No.5892581
    I wish there were rts games like this.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)01:59 No.5892587
    What happened to our orbital insertion teams?

    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)02:00 No.5892588
    >How are the teams looking for Cthulhu stuff going? Any progress or is it a dead end?
    How do you think it's going? You send a team to look for Elder Gods, you get back one man, and he needs about a decade in an asylum before saying anything coherent.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)02:00 No.5892591
    What about ourselves?
    >> OP !PedIa.Dbk. 09/17/09(Thu)02:00 No.5892597
    AMIRDA: "Building the 1st Legion"

    AMIRDA: "The Moon? Ok ok"
    >Construction begin.

    >What are the odds of us successfully getting the Supreme leader back and uploading him into digital immortality?
    >The Leader is currently near Berlin.

    AMIRDA: "Well that's a weird name for my brothers ok then"

    That can use guns.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)02:01 No.5892601
    Red Alert series is similar.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)02:05 No.5892638
    >You send a team to look for Elder Gods, you get back one man, and he needs about a decade in an asylum before saying anything coherent.
    Which means that it's real. I vote that if/once we start turrning back the Nazis we increase spending into the elder god research and whatnot.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)02:05 No.5892645
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)02:05 No.5892648
    The Leader is a lost cause and should be written off as such. Unofficially of course, officially the search goes on.

    Steps should be taken upload the research team or who ever is running the show into AI form to counterbalance all these new AIs we have. Hell full cyborgization and digital networking of every surviving soviet citizen into a Communist Hivemind should become a priority.
    >> OP !PedIa.Dbk. 09/17/09(Thu)02:07 No.5892656
    >How are the teams looking for Cthulhu stuff going? Any progress or is it a dead end?
    The Team discover a few evidence nothing much.

    >Protect remaining civilians.
    1st Legion deploy

    >How much does Japan like Germany?
    They love Germany

    >What is the time frame for a completed clone army? Mechanical army?
    >Begin cloning
    >Mechanical first company is ready

    >Fire everything we've got, as far as long-range weapons go, directly into Germany, targeting research facilities, factories, bunkers /defensive structures and command centers. Rain death. Let's make t easier for America to wipe them off the face of the earth.
    Done death From above.

    >Any of our forces not immediately engaged ought to be sent to aid the U.K., should they need assistance, free of charge, as long as they are willing to sign a 5 year peace-treaty with us, and agree to a bi-annual meeting to reaffirm our mutual agreement, and discuss plans for the future.
    Our force are currently busy with cleaning the land.

    >What happened to our orbital insertion teams?
    Waiting for order

    >How are the teams looking for Cthulhu stuff going? Any progress or is it a dead end?
    >How do you think it's going? You send a team to look for Elder Gods, you get back one man, and he needs about a decade in an asylum before saying anything coherent.

    The KGB are personally train by the Leader "Friend" and Yuri (Fuck it i can't think of a name) will lead the team himself.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)02:07 No.5892671
    Is that for each AI, respectively, or were those random exclamations?

    >Steps should be taken upload the research team or who ever is running the show into AI form to counterbalance all these new AIs we have. Hell full cyborgization and digital networking of every surviving soviet citizen into a Communist Hivemind should become a priority.
    That last would certainly make it significantly easier to live on the moon.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)02:08 No.5892679
    We need to be careful about clone armies. Clones can be made into zombies. Immortal legions of steel and circuitry cannot.

    Have we been tracking Nazi radio traffic?
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)02:08 No.5892681
    Elder gods sound like a research dead end at this point if we can't even research them without losing the entire team. We're not big enough to play with those dogs yet and odds are they're already in cahoots with the Nazis.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)02:10 No.5892705
    request status update on progress of our undead killing weapons.
    also request status update on the war,
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)02:11 No.5892714
    Wipe Berlin from the map.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)02:13 No.5892734
    Effect of "death from above" all-guns-blazing bombardment?
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)02:16 No.5892761
    main cthulhu guy here.
    >The KGB are personally train by the Leader "Friend" and Yuri (Fuck it i can't think of a name) will lead the team himself.
    I all for a global Apocalypse involving the Elder gods but sending in Yuri during such a critical time seems very high in the risk area
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)02:17 No.5892766
    Don't forget Hitler's house in the Bavarian alps. The location of that shit was common knowledge. Hell Hitler even talked about it in an interview in Home & Garden magazine.

    Wipe it off the map.
    hell wipe the goddamn alps off the map.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)02:19 No.5892792
    Time frame = How long would it take. Request for information, not to begin development. Cease cloning procedure until Nazi undead threat ceases.

    The tactical strike should the target the two cities with greatest manufacturing ability, and Berlin.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)02:20 No.5892799
    >Is that for each AI, respectively
    >> OP !PedIa.Dbk. 09/17/09(Thu)02:20 No.5892802
    >Steps should be taken upload the research team or who ever is running the show into AI form to counterbalance all these new AIs we have. Hell full cyborgization and digital networking of every surviving soviet citizen into a Communist Hivemind should become a priority.
    AMIRDA:"Uh..I don't think...ok then"

    >Have we been tracking Nazi radio traffic?
    Done...The Nazi main base in Berlin is destroy and their leader are dead.
    The power now shift to the SS.

    >request status update on progress of our undead killing weapons.
    100% Effective almost all Undead are push out of Russia

    >also request status update on the war,
    Allied forces are still stuck in Normandy with no hope of advancing
    Axis forces are pushing the Allied out of Europe
    Japan now captured Hawaii
    UK forces retreat from the Mainland
    Thailand (Bet you never expect that) Rebel against Japan the Japanese army can't move forward in Asia
    Chinva push the Japanese out of the Mainland
    Poland started a riot the Nazi forces are cut off from each other

    The few surviving Nazi army are using Moscow as their base

    >Wipe Berlin from the map.

    >Effect of "death from above" all-guns-blazing bombardment?
    The land is destroyed.
    Fire spread.
    And the Nazi plague is clear.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)02:20 No.5892807
    It's quite possible that Nazi command HQ is in a forward location, such as, say, a bunker in a Ukrainian swamp.

    So we need to track Nazi radio traffic and try to see where the weaves of the web all synch up, you see.

    I'm down for burning Berlin off the face of the map, however. May cost us Moscow, but we will build a new one. One of gleaming technological glory!
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)02:20 No.5892808
    THIS. Hit HITLERS HOUSE, in addition to any important strategical points.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)02:22 No.5892830
    He's dead, leave him alone, dammit
    >> OP !PedIa.Dbk. 09/17/09(Thu)02:23 No.5892836
    >Bavarian alps

    >Cease cloning procedure until Nazi undead threat ceases.

    2 Month
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)02:23 No.5892840
    Construct robot army to be deployed from space, if we haven't already.

    >Thailand (Bet you never expect that) Rebel against Japan the Japanese army can't move forward in Asia
    Contact the Thais. Offer alliance, the deployment of aforementioned robot army from space in the near future.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)02:24 No.5892844
    Damn, the SS is much more decentralized. Can we spare a portion of the first robotic legion to go mop up Moscow?

    We might as well keep bombarding Germany with everything we have. The Saar, the Ruhr, any major population center, you name it. Wipe it clean.

    Our future is in SPESS.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)02:25 No.5892858
    What if we finnish off nazis between us and Poland, propose union with polacks, take a break for rearming/finishing modernization of troops?
    I propose we open second front and get the Japs.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)02:27 No.5892876
    Why are we even bothering with troops of flesh and blood anymore, anyway?
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)02:27 No.5892877
    >He's dead, leave him alone, dammit
    Until he comes back as a zombie or a liche or god only knows what kind of undead monstrosity. Keep bombing Germany.

    no on the Bavarian alps though that's just overkill and a waste of ammo
    >> OP !PedIa.Dbk. 09/17/09(Thu)02:28 No.5892891
    >Construct robot army to be deployed from space, if we haven't already.
    2nd Legion?

    >Contact the Thais. Offer alliance, the deployment of aforementioned robot army from space in the near future
    They accept it and grant you free passage to Asia.
    Also Thai paratrooper drop into Moscow to help.

    >Can we spare a portion of the first robotic legion to go mop up Moscow?
    Yes we can.

    >We might as well keep bombarding Germany with everything we have. The Saar, the Ruhr, any major population center, you name it. Wipe it clean.
    AMIRDA:"..But what about all the people there?"
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)02:29 No.5892905
    That's what I'm saying. We reunite ASAP with Poland, STAMP STAMP STAMP more modernized red metal legions while we have spare time, then swamp the hell outta them.
    We may get to China and France if we're lucky.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)02:29 No.5892906
    How is the cyborgization and networking of our citizens into the communist hivemind coming?
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)02:29 No.5892911
    No just go for military bases and factories. We do want some people there after we conquer them.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)02:30 No.5892918
    >2nd Legion?

    >Also Thai paratrooper drop into Moscow to help.
    The fact that the Thais not only have spare troops, they have the air force needed to get them to Moscow is highly impressive. I sense a long and glorious future for this alliance.

    >AMIRDA:"..But what about all the people there?"
    They'll probably come back as undead monstrosities and plague us anyway. N
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)02:30 No.5892919
    They turned 70% of our goddamn population into shambling undead abominations. Let them feast upon the banquet of sorrows they laid for us.

    Agreement, gentlemen?
    >> OP !PedIa.Dbk. 09/17/09(Thu)02:31 No.5892925
    >Until he comes back as a zombie or a liche or god only knows what kind of undead monstrosity. Keep bombing Germany.

    Yes sir.


    >The Nazi forces is now push back into Germany.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)02:31 No.5892929
    Yes minimize enemy civilian casualties from this point forward. We're communists not Nazis our goal is their eventual liberation from capitalism not their destruction.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)02:31 No.5892931
    >Steps should be taken upload the research team or who ever is running the show into AI form to counterbalance all these new AIs we have. Hell full cyborgization and digital networking of every surviving soviet citizen into a Communist Hivemind should become a priority.
    >AMIRDA:"Uh..I don't think...ok then"
    That's right you don't think.

    Confer with strategy AI on the implications of the action, to make sure that nothing batshit bad will happen. NOW.

    >Allied forces are still stuck in Normandy with no hope of advancing
    Use our air support to burn a few GERMAN bunkers... FROM SPACE! Send them a letter explaining that we aren't killing their troopers.

    >Axis forces are pushing the Allied out of Europe
    Ask if England wants our help.

    >Japan now captured Hawaii
    Burn it from orbit. That is an important tactical area. America should thank us, send them a letter of notice.

    >UK forces retreat from the Mainland

    >Thailand (Bet you never expect that) Rebel against Japan the Japanese army can't move forward in Asia
    No action.

    >China push the Japanese out of the Mainland
    Send them a letter expressing our happiness for their victories.

    >Poland started a riot the Nazi forces are cut off from each other
    ANY FREE UNITS/TROOPS NEED TO GO THERE, instead of England, if it's not horribly disadvantageous to us to send said troops. If we are successful there, we claim the country as our own, and set up defenses against more Nazi attacks. Treat the citizens well.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)02:32 No.5892938
    No, Communism is higher than that.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)02:32 No.5892946
    Quickly begin rebilding Polish industry for the Poles using our cutting-edge technology under the aegis of Russo-Polish camaraderie versus the Fascist oppressor.

    Decline to mention that it is all managed by our AIs.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)02:33 No.5892950
    >We might as well keep bombarding Germany with everything we have. The Saar, the Ruhr, any major population center, you name it. Wipe it clean.
    >AMIRDA:"..But what about all the people there?"

    Keep the civilians alive.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)02:36 No.5892984
    Continue our advance til we hit the ocean.
    Also begin the research on :
    Nuclear physics, primarily nuclear power and weapons
    Vehicle mounted rail guns
    Better battery technology
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)02:36 No.5892985
    What are the chances of persuading Poles (and Thais) into integration? Even as a "privileged" (w/some semi-autonomous rights) republic in the union.
    >> Shas'o R'myr !!TZikiEEr0tg 09/17/09(Thu)02:37 No.5892993
         File1253169436.jpg-(14 KB, 524x386, Liberty Prime 9.jpg)
    14 KB

    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)02:37 No.5892998
    Broadcast a message into Germany:
    "Dear Germans. You reduced our beloved country into a twisted field of death and horror. Mothers and babies died under your attacks. Now, we give you a choice. Remove those that propagated this tragedy, and remove them from power. If you do, we will offer you protection from other nations, and aid you in rebuilding your nation. If you do not choose to throw off the thorned harness, we will reduce your country, and the soil under it, to ash."
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)02:39 No.5893015
    I would suggest against aiding the capitalists too vigorously or extensively. In the end it will either be capitalism or socialism, so it is in our best interests to keep them bled dry and bottled up.
    >> OP !PedIa.Dbk. 09/17/09(Thu)02:39 No.5893022
    >That's what I'm saying. We reunite ASAP with Poland, STAMP STAMP STAMP more modernized red metal legions while we have spare time, then swamp the hell outta them.
    3,4 Legion on the way.

    >How is the cyborgization and networking of our citizens into the communist hivemind coming?
    AMIRDA: "It's going well...."

    >They'll probably come back as undead monstrosities and plague us anyway. N
    >They turned 70% of our goddamn population into shambling undead abominations. Let them feast upon the banquet of sorrows they laid for us
    AMIRDA:"That's not how thing should work!'

    >No just go for military bases and factories. We do want some people there after we conquer them.
    >Yes minimize enemy civilian casualties from this point forward. We're communists not Nazis our goal is their eventual liberation from capitalism not their destruction.
    >No, Communism is higher than that.
    AMIRDA:"That's better I'll take care of this personally"

    >Use our air support to burn a few GERMAN bunkers... FROM SPACE! Send them a letter explaining that we aren't killing their troopers.

    >Ask if England wants our help.

    >Burn it from orbit. That is an important tactical area. America should thank us, send them a letter of notice.

    >Send them a letter expressing our happiness for their victories.
    What's the point?

    >ANY FREE UNITS/TROOPS NEED TO GO THERE, instead of England, if it's not horribly disadvantageous to us to send said troops. If we are successful there, we claim the country as our own, and set up defenses against more Nazi attacks. Treat the citizens well.
    Done and Done

    >Quickly begin rebilding Polish industry for the Poles using our cutting-edge technology under the aegis of Russo-Polish camaraderie versus the Fascist oppressor.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)02:43 No.5893066
    Deploy 2nd Legion on whatever fronts the Thais are fighting on. Offer to help them in the reconstruction/enhancement of their industry, much as we are doing in Poland. Speak of glorious communism.

    I inquire as to the progress of the moon colonization plan.
    >> OP !PedIa.Dbk. 09/17/09(Thu)02:44 No.5893081
    >Continue our advance til we hit the ocean.

    >Also begin the research on :
    >Nuclear physics, primarily nuclear power and weapons
    >Vehicle mounted rail guns
    >Better battery technology
    It will take longer because AMIRDA is now focusing on other thing

    >What are the chances of persuading Poles (and Thais) into integration? Even as a "privileged" (w/some semi-autonomous rights) republic in the union.
    Poles:80%(Suffer from war need help)
    Thais:24%(They love their Freedom too much)

    >Broadcast a message into Germany:
    >"Dear Germans. You reduced our beloved country into a twisted field of death and horror. Mothers and babies died under your attacks. Now, we give you a choice. Remove those that propagated this tragedy, and remove them from power. If you do, we will offer you protection from other nations, and aid you in rebuilding your nation. If you do not choose to throw off the thorned harness, we will reduce your country, and the soil under it, to ash."
    Germany is now seperated into two side SS Loyalist and German Resistance

    >I would suggest against aiding the capitalists too vigorously or extensively. In the end it will either be capitalism or socialism, so it is in our best interests to keep them bled dry and bottled up.
    Yes sir
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)02:45 No.5893086
    Have we set up any further orbital facilities, by the way? I know that came up previously; am inquiring into status of such developments.

    Let's expand our array of OS weaponry and begin more comprehensive intelligence infiltration of the Americans.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)02:47 No.5893112
    >Send them a letter expressing our happiness for their victories.
    What's the point?

    It is to open up communication lines. It's always good to talk.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)02:48 No.5893128
    Send available fresh detachments to assist German Resistance, co-operate with their HQ to obtain info on known SS bases and production centers, destroy from orbit.
    Offer help to china.
    Bombard japanese factories and ports with ICs.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)02:49 No.5893131
    I'm a cautious cat. How are our resource stockpiles and manpower doing? Are our researchers getting burned out with all these advances? What do the people on the street thing of our progress?
    >> OP !PedIa.Dbk. 09/17/09(Thu)02:49 No.5893132
    >Deploy 2nd Legion on whatever fronts the Thais are fighting on. Offer to help them in the reconstruction/enhancement of their industry, much as we are doing in Poland. Speak of glorious communism.
    The Thai people reject the Idea of Communism they belive in their king.

    >I inquire as to the progress of the moon colonization plan.
    The Moon base is ready

    >Have we set up any further orbital facilities, by the way? I know that came up previously; am inquiring into status of such developments.
    4 Space Station in now in orbit above Earth

    >Let's expand our array of OS weaponry and begin more comprehensive intelligence infiltration of the Americans.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)02:51 No.5893157
    Organize heavy communist propaganda efforts amongst the German Resistance while assisting them in minor ways where we can without committing too much in the way of advanced resources.

    Get our political AI working on bringing the Poles into a closer union with the glorious Soviet motherland.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)02:52 No.5893158
    Appologize to AMIRDA for comrade's rudeness.

    Expand moonbase.

    Design neural-inteface/AI supertank. (Bolo). Will be immune to future undead, unless swarming with anti-tank weapons, and will help support- Wait, delay until we can make it nuclear powered; Without need to refuel regularly, completely autonomous.

    Also, design vessels to explore solar system, can't neglect the informational research just because there's a war on.

    Suggest that communist-hive-mind integration be strictly voluntary, and have option to leave hive mind. We're communists, remember? It's an utopia, otherwise we wouldn't want to do it.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)02:54 No.5893183
    Begin integrating Poles into our structure, on a softer regime to keep folks happy. Give/promise them eastern Prussia, western Ukraine once they are a republic in the union.
    Propose long-lasting alliance with Thais, promise some land and resources to be retaken from Japs.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)02:54 No.5893186
    >The Moon base is ready
    Novy Leninsky. c/d, gentlesirs?
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)02:54 No.5893192
    I was joking!
    But we really should see why she(?) didn't want to initiate that project. And we really ought to confer with StrategyAi to see if the upload would cause a huge problem for us.
    >> OP !PedIa.Dbk. 09/17/09(Thu)02:55 No.5893203
    >Send available fresh detachments to assist German Resistance, co-operate with their HQ to obtain info on known SS bases and production centers, destroy from orbit.
    The Resistance leader show you the SS HQ but they also say that the Soviet Leader and the Generals are lock inside the Castle

    >Offer help to china.

    >Bombard Japanese factories and ports with ICs.

    >I'm a cautious cat. How are our resource stockpiles and manpower doing? Are our researchers getting burned out with all these advances? What do the people on the street thing of our progress?
    We got enough food to last forever and our Soldier are in great shape and small number.
    The Researchers are tired but they will work for the Glory of the Motherland
    The People have hope again!

    >The German researcher is caught talking to a member of the SS Elite what do you do?

    >Normandy have been captured by the Allied

    >Our KGB team in Antarctica discover something...Strange..it look like something not from this world...what do you do with it?

    >Zombie threat are now eliminated
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)02:56 No.5893212
    I propose Rostov-upon-Moon
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)02:57 No.5893230
    >>Send available fresh detachments to assist German Resistance, co-operate with their HQ to obtain info on known SS bases and production centers, destroy from orbit.
    The Resistance leader show you the SS HQ but they also say that the Soviet Leader and the Generals are lock inside the Castle

    Problematic, gentlemen. Will the old generals oppose the absolute rule of our strategic AI? Will Glorious Leader stand against the technocratic eudaimonia we are striving towards?
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)02:57 No.5893239
    Oh damn, I was too slow. Was going to suggest (Marshall) Zhukov for one of them.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)02:57 No.5893241
    Rostov-on-Moon is AWESOME.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)02:58 No.5893252
    Lunny Novgorod
    (kinda falls in w/ nizhni (lower) and greater Novgorods. Also, Novgorod = new city, Lunny = adj. from Moon)
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)02:59 No.5893255
    >The Researchers are tired but they will work for the Glory of the Motherland
    Breed additional Researchers.

    >The German researcher is caught talking to a member of the SS Elite what do you do?
    Imprison both, and question separately.

    >Normandy have been captured by the Allied
    Send letter of congratulations. Have the messenger plant a bug.

    >Our KGB team in Antarctica discover something...Strange..it look like something not from this world...what do you do with it?
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)02:59 No.5893257
    Do we still need that German researcher now that we have the AIs in place and our own best & brightest plugging themselves into the hivemind consciousness?

    Might be best to simply BLAM him.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)03:01 No.5893285
    >Our KGB team in Antarctica discover something...Strange..it look like something not from this world...what do you do with it?

    Clarify "not from this world".
    Elder god "not from this world"
    little green men "not from this world"
    >> OP !PedIa.Dbk. 09/17/09(Thu)03:01 No.5893291
    >Organize heavy communist propaganda efforts amongst the German Resistance while assisting them in minor ways where we can without committing too much in the way of advanced resources.

    >Get our political AI working on bringing the Poles into a closer union with the glorious Soviet motherland.
    The Poles are now FRIENDLY with you.

    >Expand moonbase.

    >Design neural-inteface/AI supertank. (Bolo). Will be immune to future undead, unless swarming with anti-tank weapons, and will help support- Wait, delay until we can make it nuclear powered; Without need to refuel regularly, completely autonomous.

    >Also, design vessels to explore solar system, can't neglect the informational research just because there's a war on.
    First ship is launch expect result in 3 days

    >Suggest that communist-hive-mind integration be strictly voluntary, and have option to leave hive mind. We're communists, remember? It's an utopia, otherwise we wouldn't want to do it.

    >Begin integrating Poles into our structure, on a softer regime to keep folks happy. Give/promise them eastern Prussia, western Ukraine once they are a republic in the union.
    They agreed

    >Propose long-lasting alliance with Thais, promise some land and resources to be retaken from Japs.
    They also Agreed and start the Invasion of Japan.

    >And we really ought to confer with StrategyAi to see if the upload would cause a huge problem for us.
    VIZIER/RASPUTIN: The Upload wouldn't cause any problem with us...Not one bit
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)03:02 No.5893299
    Capture the scientists and gently interrogate him to figure out why he was talking with the SS. Should we program another Research AI to help AMIRDA.
    Send an expendable research team to Antarctica to figure out what the alien artifact is.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)03:04 No.5893322
    I like this.

    After questioning both, and judging from that point?

    Confer with AI's for guidance, ask for their suggestions. Keeping in mind that it is possible he has defected, since they have creepymagic.

    Would/do uploaded individuals have control over operations of weapon systems, other vital areas?
    If so, restrict access.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)03:05 No.5893345
    Assist the Thai invasion. IC bombardment to destroy airfields, bunkers, ports, defensive lines and factories, several detachments to lead in the fights.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)03:07 No.5893359
    >several robot infantry detachments
    >> OP !PedIa.Dbk. 09/17/09(Thu)03:07 No.5893366
    >Breed additional Researchers.
    Or you can just clone them.

    >Imprison both, and question separately.
    The Scientist tell you that the SS is one of the Remaning Nazi General that want to help the Resistance from the Inside
    The SS tell you that the Scientist got nothing to do with this and to let him go.

    >Send letter of congratulations. Have the messenger plant a bug.


    >Clarify "not from this world".
    >Elder god "not from this world" or little green men "not from this world"
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)03:08 No.5893371
    >Send an expendable research team to Antarctica to figure out what the alien artifact is.
    THIS ALWAYS ENDS POORLY. I re-suggest that we quarantine the area until things have
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)03:08 No.5893376
    I suggest an improvement for the Hivemind.
    Allow remote transmission of consciousness from the Hivemind into clone bodies/ robot constructs.
    We could use this to ensure our soldiers never truly die and only increase in skill with each death. .

    Think Psylons from New Battlestar Galactica.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)03:09 No.5893392
    Build orbital factories to build Bolos. (Since we seem capable of building AIs, I'm going to assume a bolo is controlled by an AI and has a human Commander on board.)

    Build weapon platforms on the moon (Defense of moon base)

    Found new moon-city. Name Novy-Leningrad. (Novylen for short.)

    Next; Luna City.

    Start designing fortifications to make sure SovUnion territory, and Russia in particular, is never invaded again?
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)03:10 No.5893395
    >Elder god "not from this world" or little green men "not from this world"

    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)03:10 No.5893397
    Use our Mind Machine interface to look into the SS General's mind to figure out if he is telling the truth.
    And how goes our research projects?
    >> OP !PedIa.Dbk. 09/17/09(Thu)03:13 No.5893428
    >Confer with AI's for guidance, ask for their suggestions. Keeping in mind that it is possible he has defected, since they have creepymagic.
    VIZIER/RASPUTIN: Possible but not likely.
    SMARM/THE GREAT TSAR: We should atleast try to get them back.
    AMIRDA: That's impossible they're our leader!

    >Assist the Thai invasion. IC bombardment to destroy airfields, bunkers, ports, defensive lines and factories

    >several robot infantry detachments
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)03:13 No.5893431
    Develop high-speed transportation network throughout Russia. Magnetic levitation-based trains should be sufficient. Ensure that we are able to move resources anywhere in our holdings within days.

    Then expand the train network to include Poland and Thailand.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)03:15 No.5893453
    If England still needs help, we ought to provide some minor support, at least. Whether in the form of troops, mechanical titans, or space-lazzors. Whichever would work best for us.
    >> ... 09/17/09(Thu)03:16 No.5893454
    You know, that's the first thing ITT that made me scorn with disbelief. RUSSIA with GOOD communications?
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)03:17 No.5893462
    Wait a minute are the Chinese communist or are they Nationalist? Which faction won?
    >> ... 09/17/09(Thu)03:18 No.5893473
    To hell with those imperialistic bitches!
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)03:20 No.5893498
    You're missing the whole point. If they are friendly to us, we can infiltrate more easily.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)03:20 No.5893501
    I suggest we dare a resque operation for the Leader, but quarantine him and the generals at first.
    >> OP !PedIa.Dbk. 09/17/09(Thu)03:22 No.5893516
    >Allow remote transmission of consciousness from the Hivemind into clone bodies/ robot constructs. We could use this to ensure our soldiers never truly die and only increase in skill with each death. .
    That can be done

    >Build orbital factories to build Bolos

    >Build weapon platforms on the moon (Defense of moon base)

    >Found new moon-city. Name Novy-Leningrad. (Novylen for short.)

    >Next; Luna City.

    >Start designing fortifications to make sure SovUnion territory, and Russia in particular, is never invaded again?


    >Use our Mind Machine interface to look into the SS General's mind to figure out if he is telling the truth.
    He is telling the truth he come to the Scientist to give them information about the SS

    >And how goes our research projects?
    All done.

    >Develop high-speed transportation network throughout Russia. Magnetic levitation-based trains should be sufficient. Ensure that we are able to move resources anywhere in our holdings within days.

    >Then expand the train network to include Poland and Thailand.

    >If England still needs help, we ought to provide some minor support, at least. Whether in the form of troops, mechanical titans, or space-lazzors. Whichever would work best for us.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)03:25 No.5893540
    Begin remote consciousness transmission upgrade and synergize with robotics and cloning programs.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)03:25 No.5893551
    I'd be for it.
    As long as we quarantine the fuck out of them until Hitler is dead.
    THEN, CAREFULLY, SO AS TO AVOID MENTAL CONTAMINATION, examine them with our cool mind-reading tech.

    "You're only paranoid if you're wrong."
    >> OP !PedIa.Dbk. 09/17/09(Thu)03:25 No.5893552
         File1253172357.jpg-(185 KB, 1024x1050, 1252934233714.jpg)
    185 KB
    >Wait a minute are the Chinese communist or are they Nationalist? Which faction won?
    They co-exist in peace...for now.

    >I suggest we dare a resque operation for the Leader, but quarantine him and the generals at first.

    Also we lost contact with Antarctic base this is the last image we receive from the team sent inside the "Thing".
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)03:26 No.5893560
    So it'll be then.
    I suggest we gather some assistance force for the english, led by a KGB command unit, whose job would be to sit in London, co-operate shit and gather intelligence/gain influence, plus OS-ing shit over france in joint naval-space strikes.
    Also, to begin propaganda among proletarians.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)03:26 No.5893561
    Cthuhlu guy here.
    I love you man.
    How to deal with 'unknown'
    Send a research group with some water with them to the empty quarter in Saudi Arabia , if they find something odd however DONT INVESTIGATE.
    Send expendable group into the Simpson desert in Australia, again if something odd is found dont go to deep.
    Research astrology and star patterns
    >> OP !PedIa.Dbk. 09/17/09(Thu)03:28 No.5893582
    >Begin remote consciousness transmission upgrade and synergize with robotics and cloning programs.

    >So it'll be then.I suggest we gather some assistance force for the english, led by a KGB command unit, whose job would be to sit in London, co-operate shit and gather intelligence/gain influence, plus OS-ing shit over france in joint naval-space strikes.
    Also, to begin propaganda among proletarians.

    >Cthuhlu guy here. I love you man. How to deal with 'unknown' Send a research group with some water with them to the empty quarter in Saudi Arabia , if they find something odd however DONT INVESTIGATE. Send expendable group into the Simpson desert in Australia, again if something odd is found dont go to deep. Research astrology and star patterns
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)03:29 No.5893585
    >Also we lost contact with Antarctic base this is the last image we receive from the team sent inside the "Thing".
    Burn it from space, till we reach bedrock.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)03:30 No.5893598
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)03:30 No.5893600
    And flood the earth with molten ice?
    Russia is still pretty safe from it, tho...
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)03:32 No.5893613
    ANTarctic. It's not all ice. We would only endanger flooding if it was near the coast, which the location is not.
    >> OP !PedIa.Dbk. 09/17/09(Thu)03:32 No.5893618
    The thing is protected by some sort of shield our Weapons can't penetrate it.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)03:32 No.5893619
    Wait, what are the chances of getting them out of castle by space infantry assault?
    >> OP !PedIa.Dbk. 09/17/09(Thu)03:33 No.5893624
    CREED/Cabal/Legion/SUVOROFF: 50%
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)03:34 No.5893627
    It didn't suck up their souls so we are fine for now. Depending on what we find in the Lost Quarter (stair case leading really really far down, which contains frog people. ) or in the Simpson desert (a temple/library under the sand with a few sloggoths I believe)
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)03:36 No.5893649
    And for a covert KGB/spetsnaz operation?
    And for a main ground assault w/ massive orbital assistance?
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)03:37 No.5893653
    FFFFFFFFFF- QUARANTINE, 100m radius, lots of solid projectile weapon turrets and clone-soldiers. No one, even our own men, get past the fence. Keep an ear, report daily on strange phenomenon, keep track of all reported irregularities.

    I'm going to get to bed now. You all do well, now, and be sure this thing gets archived.
    >> OP !PedIa.Dbk. 09/17/09(Thu)03:37 No.5893658
    >You felt a small amount of Pain inside your brain while you were sleeping..

    >After you wake up you realize you lost contact with AMIRDA.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)03:38 No.5893664
    First create some kind of quarantine or firewall separating returned consciousnesses from the Hivemind to prevent spread of mindcontrol or hostile psychic energies.

    Then send Robot Infantry with remote consciousness uplink to regain control of Antarctic. Keep sending waves of the same soldiers in over and over agian until we've regained control and put whatever that THING was down.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)03:38 No.5893665
    And if any Nazis try to talk about it, we shoot them. Dead. Don't listen to Nazis.
    G'night everyone.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)03:40 No.5893674
    >> OP !PedIa.Dbk. 09/17/09(Thu)03:41 No.5893683
    >And for a covert KGB/spetsnaz operation?

    >And for a main ground assault w/ massive orbital assistance?
    CREED/Cabal/Legion/SUVOROFF: 20%

    >FFFFFFFFFF- QUARANTINE, 100m radius, lots of solid projectile weapon turrets and clone-soldiers. No one, even our own men, get past the fence. Keep an ear, report daily on strange phenomenon, keep track of all reported irregularities.

    >Then send Robot Infantry with remote consciousness uplink to regain control of Antarctic. Keep sending waves of the same soldiers in over and over agian until we've regained control and put whatever that THING was down.
    Also done
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)03:41 No.5893684
    >You felt a small amount of Pain inside your brain while you were sleeping..

    >After you wake up you realize you lost contact with AMIRDA.

    Oh that's not good.
    Re-establish contact!
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)03:43 No.5893699
         File1253173425.jpg-(18 KB, 500x275, 1251350154748.jpg)
    18 KB
    shit just got real
    >> OP !PedIa.Dbk. 09/17/09(Thu)03:44 No.5893703
    >Oh that's not good.
    >Re-establish contact!

    AMIRDA Seem to be missing from the Server and from the Data core.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)03:45 No.5893719
    Start covert operation.
    Operation: Fathers and sons, top KGB priority, best team of agents, equipment, etc., at suvoroff's advice.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)03:47 No.5893738
    Dammit, we need a new thread
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)03:49 No.5893746
    Would it be possible to build up some EMP weapons without the ai knowing?
    >> Anonymous 09/17/09(Thu)03:50 No.5893759
    Bring up security files, check for intrusion/diversion
    Where'd it go?
    >> OP !PedIa.Dbk. 09/17/09(Thu)03:52 No.5893767
    Making a new thread
    >> OP !PedIa.Dbk. 09/17/09(Thu)03:58 No.5893812


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