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10/22/09(Thu)08:39 No.6383452 File1256215184.jpg-(376 KB, 800x1211, Aya Crows Leaves.jpg)
 Aya here is an NPC wizard with the Magic Missile, Scorching Burst, Winter's Wrath, Thunderlance, Ice Storm, and Expeditious Retreat powers, all modified to deliver force damage to represent the sheer momentum of the battering winds she creates. Ice Storm was further altered into her Illusionary Dominance power, which was something I believed she could not exist without. The Devastator template was added to her; Spell Shaper was made to instead simply add "targets enemies" to her close and area powers, and Endless Power was adjusted to recharge when bloodied, as I am not a fan of rolling for recharges. Additionally, the Those Who Hear monster theme was given to her, granting her the Aura of Madness and Mind of Movement powers for even greater mobility and battlefield control.
It was suggested to me that Aya be bestowed speed 8 and immunity to slow effects. I had accepted this and integrated this into her statistics, though I felt this to be a tad too powerful. As such, her base race was stripped down to something which simply granted her +2 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom, and the githyanki racial power, and she was not given a second wizard utility power.
>Illusury Dominance is going to be a complete fucking bitch to deal with. Unless you're using a mat and can shade the squares affected, you won't remember them. On MapTool, create zones using the template tool as you usually would. In real life, prepare a handful of paper squares which should cover a three-by-three-square area on your mat, and simply place them under the miniatures of the characters affected. |