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!!O1JS15Z6lxy 10/30/09(Fri)19:31 No.6500496 File1256945480.jpg-(436 KB, 789x1000, Shin_Musha_Gundam_by_sandrum.jpg)
 Several minutes later, the attack begins.
Flights of Fly mantas begin to make short passes on the town. They start dropping bombs, trying to elicit a reaction.
Zaku squads start to fire back on the move, firing in short controlled bursts. Then the tank squadrons start to enter the fray. Bitter urban fighting opens up.
There are tanks everywhere, it's almost impossible to find cover, a street with no tanks on it.
Periodically you see green flares fly up from elsewhere and then a massive succession of explosions as Depp Rogg bombers level the area.
The three of you are covering each others back. In such close quarters, the blasts from Zolomons Bazooka are able to take out clusters of them at a time. You yourself account for at least twenty tanks, with Strauss doing equally well. The tanks continue to come in waves, and you continue to keep on the move as building are demolished in the fighting, or just to avoid Planes on strafing runs.
Zolomon quickly runs out of ammo, tosses the bazooka, and then pulls out his heat hawk.
You start giving him covering fire with your rifle and a cracker grenade, as he charges forwards. Scattering the tanks, he takes a couple of hits on the charge, leaving smoking holes in his Zaku, but it does nothing to slow him down.
He dives into the formation and slashes a couple. He then props the two of them up as a makeshift barrier. Fire hammers into their metal hulks, as you join him behind the barrier, using them as much needed cover.
You're combined fire deals with this particular wave, leaving you to wait for the next one.
At which point, one immobilised tank fires a red flare. Weird you haven't seen one of those yet...
KILLS You: 24 Tanks Strauss: 22 Tanks Zolomon: 16 Tanks