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!!wIBFz2sCL4+ 11/01/09(Sun)21:14 No.6528126 File1257128092.jpg-(58 KB, 400x400, ms-09.jpg)
 >>6528055 Forget Goufs. Doms are better, and were produced at the same
Model number: MS-07A Code name: Gouf Unit type: ground combat mobile suit Manufacturer: Principality of Zeon Operator: Principality of Zeon First deployment: UC 0079 Accommodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso Dimensions: head height 18.2 meters Weight: unknown Powerplant: Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, output rating unknown Propulsion: rocket thrusters: total output unknown Equipment and design features: sensors, range 3600 meters Fixed armaments: shield, mounted on left arm Optional hand armaments: 120mm machine gun, drum-fed, 100 rounds per drum; heat saber, battery powered, hand-carried in use; 120mm assault rifle
Model number: MS-09 Code name: Dom Unit type: mass production ground combat mobile suit Manufacturer: Zimmad Company Operator: Principality of Zeon First deployment: UC 0079 Accommodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso Dimensions: head height 18.6 meters Weight: empty 62.6 metric tons; max gross 81.8 metric tons Powerplant: Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, output rated at 1269 kW Propulsion: "ground effect" hover jet thrusters: 58200 kg total Performance: maximum thruster acceleration 0.71 G; maximum ground running speed 90 km/h; maximum ground hovering speed 240 km/h Equipment and design features: sensors, range 5400 meters Fixed armaments: scattering beam gun, mounted in torso; heat saber Type2, battery powered, stored in recharge rack on back, hand-carried in use Optional hand armaments: H&L-GB03K/360mm giant bazooka, clip-fed, 10 rounds per clip; ZMP-50D/120mm machine gun, drum fed; VAL-RB-T27/880mm rocket bazooka; MMP-80/90mm Ver.8 machine gun |