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!!O1JS15Z6lxy 11/06/09(Fri)16:21 No.6594763 File1257542494.jpg-(45 KB, 480x500, 3df-ms06j-dodai.jpg)
 >We've been doing pretty well with the 120mm + heat hawk for now, see if we can't get our leg rockets replenished.
You go for a standard loadout. Since Zolomon has decided to switch to a Machine Gun, Strauss opts for a Bazooka.
Move outside.
Outside you are put on the out patrol ring. You all meet third company as it's coming back in, which is a somewhat strange sight, as they're all seemingly riding on those Ground Attack craft you saw earlier.
The craft gently glides to a stop and the Zaku jumps off. Apparently he expects you to take his place and go flying off. Not willing to look a fool, you tentively step up to the red plate like craft. There's a *clank* as you step onto special footplates and they magnetise your feet to the Dodai.
"Good morning sir, we'll just be going on quick air patrol, don't worry sir, we wont be going all that high, and if we come up against any fighters we'll call for the Dopps. If we see any ground forces we can either bombard them from up here, or you could Dee-Eff-Ayy them."
You aren't sure what a DFA is, but you have bigger problems as the Dodai blasts off with it's multiple nuclear pulse thrusters, and you try to keep your composure. |