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11/07/09(Sat)00:18 No.6599888 File1257571099.jpg-(225 KB, 399x1417, continent copy.jpg)
 Okay, let me give a brief idea how to make realistic coastlines in Photoshop.
Okay, picture an existing continent in your head. Is it blob-shaped? FUCK NO. It's got jagged coastlines, peninsulas, archipelagos, all that good shit. So, you should start with a good shape. For this tutorial, I will assume you're using Photoshop CS3.
Start by setting up your tool. Get the pencil tool(yes, pencil, not brush) and set its size to 2. Now, go to the brush settings. In the Scattering part of teh options, set the scattering to 100%.
With that done, draw your continent. Make an interesting shape, avoid smooth transitions.
Next, fill the shape in.
Next, use an eraser(not a white pencil) with the same settings, and ROUGHLY go over the outside of the shape. This will create coastal islands and such. Also draw in any great lakes your continent has. If your continent is near a pole, it will have glacier damage in the colder areas. Do little loopies with the eraser to simulate that.
Next, fuck around with blending options. Here, I used embossing, texture overlay, and inner and outer glow. Continents are drier as you go in, so the inner part is a little brownish here. You may want a more gradual transition than what I have here.
Next, on a separate layer, you will draw mountain ranges the same way you drew your continent.
Apply an inner glow blending option, and drop that layer's Fill slider to zero, and you'll have your mountains.
There you have it. |