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  • File : 1257664476.png-(166 KB, 600x670, MC quest 1.png)
    166 KB MC Quest That one guy who's really into MC 11/08/09(Sun)02:14 No.6614165  
    Out of fucking nowhere, a flash of light and billowing smoke fills your room. After coughing a lung out and letting your eyes refocus, you find a godly-lookin' dude floating over your monitor.

    "Hey man, you've had a pretty shitty life. Here, have this mind control orb." he says, and tosses you a glowing ball.

    "No holds barred on its powers as long as you hang on to it. There might be some consequences on what the people you'll be ordering around will do, but you're a smart enough kid. Just be sure not to lose it. Remember, have fun with it!" He winks, then in a much smaller flash of light and puff of smoke, he disappears.

    You now have a glowing mind control orb on your lap. What do you do?
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)02:15 No.6614177
    Make three holes, go bowling.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)02:17 No.6614195
    Build Rapture. Mind control leader's bastard child.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)02:18 No.6614206
    OMG yes, this
    >> That one guy who's really into MC 11/08/09(Sun)02:24 No.6614263
         File1257665067.png-(82 KB, 700x571, 2.png)
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    After much drilling (you find that, to your surprise, the orb can change size at will) you now have a sweet-ass bowling ball and head to the bowling alley. Now you're standing at the parking lot, wondering what to do or the reason why you picked this particular alley.

    What next?
    >> That one guy who's really into MC 11/08/09(Sun)02:35 No.6614427
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)02:39 No.6614476
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    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)02:42 No.6614512

    >> That one guy who's really into MC 11/08/09(Sun)02:46 No.6614560
         File1257666416.png-(74 KB, 445x700, 3.png)
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    You trip over an action figure. You pick it up. You now have your mind-control bowling ball and an action figure. Other than that, you're still in the same situation as before outside the bowling alley.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)02:51 No.6614594

    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)02:52 No.6614616
         File1257666776.jpg-(62 KB, 640x480, 1229027123082.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)02:57 No.6614660
    >> That one guy who's really into MC 11/08/09(Sun)02:59 No.6614698

    You go in and start fucking up the lanes with your unstoppable mind control bowling ball and your uncomfortable action figure in your pocket. People start to notice you, the scrawny wimp, racking up strikes and turkeys and whatnot.

    What do you do now?
    >> That one guy who's really into MC 11/08/09(Sun)03:00 No.6614706
         File1257667226.png-(118 KB, 600x631, 4.png)
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    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)03:00 No.6614713
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    you realize its time for tila tequila so you run your weak pasty ass back home so u can masturbate into a sock.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)03:01 No.6614725


    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)03:02 No.6614737
    This is the best mind control quest ever.

    Seriously, we should start summoning animals for our purposes.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)03:05 No.6614778

    Do not stop until you play a perfect 300 game.
    >> That one guy who's really into MC 11/08/09(Sun)03:06 No.6614804
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    You leave the bowling alley 5 minutes after you go in, running home to catch some nubile Vietnamese whore on MTV. After doing your business, you look at the floor to see the items accrued so far.

    Happy Sock
    Action Figure
    Mind Control Bowling Ball

    You just finished bowling and watching a hot Asian woman on tv. What do you do now?
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)03:07 No.6614812

    summon cats and dogs.

    Make it rain them!
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)03:07 No.6614814
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)03:08 No.6614835
    >the orb can change size at will

    use orb on butthole
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)03:09 No.6614839
    Mind control the president into giving you a BJ on national television.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)03:11 No.6614870

    Quick, summon Mega Combat Violence Machine Z and take control to do battle with the monsters!
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)03:13 No.6614896
         File1257667988.jpg-(9 KB, 200x200, 114356.jpg)
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    your plain slightly pudgy friend arrives at the door hoping she can gain a +1 finger bangin
    >> That one guy who's really into MC 11/08/09(Sun)03:13 No.6614904
         File1257668018.png-(114 KB, 736x592, 6.png)
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    You poke your head out the door and use the mystical powers of the mind control ball, holding it over your head.

    One stray cat sees it and obeys your summons.

    Add a cat to your inventory of useless shit that isn't the MC ball.

    You're outside now with the things in your pocket and a cat hanging on the bowling ball.

    What now?
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)03:14 No.6614922
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)03:14 No.6614924
    Go find a girl, MC her, do some funny shit.

    OH I know, get like a sandwich, tell her it's her brain and then dig in and watch her go full retard.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)03:16 No.6614954
    Mind control yourself. Discipline is the greatest gift you can give.
    >> That one guy who's really into MC 11/08/09(Sun)03:18 No.6614993
         File1257668306.png-(128 KB, 600x631, 4.png)
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    You go back to the bowling alley. The stupid cat doesn't want to dislodge from the ball, so in frustration, you chuck it down the lanes anyway. You find out that anything touching the ball is impervious to harm (at least in the kitty's sake). People are gathering around you, this time to gawk and wonder why you left for an hour to come back with a cat. The manager is coming your way, not looking too pleased.

    What do you do?
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)03:18 No.6614998

    use combation of cat and MC ball to seduce the first person you see (that isn't you)
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)03:20 No.6615021
    Start mind-controling people to cling to the ball and roll it around katamari style
    >> KING KICKASS 11/08/09(Sun)03:24 No.6615085
         File1257668660.jpg-(119 KB, 810x1080, IMG_08661.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)03:24 No.6615091
    KA-TA-MA-RI Do your best!
    >> That one guy who's really into MC 11/08/09(Sun)03:43 No.6615415
         File1257669838.png-(83 KB, 500x580, 7.png)
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    Luckily for you (and me), the bowling manager isn't some fatass slob who hates his job. Instead, it's the emo/goth/scenester/loser chick from the local community college instead. You use the min control ball on her, afraid she might... kick you out of the bowling alley?... and use the first command that pops in your head to make her fall in love with you.

    Now you're the freak holding up a bowling ball with a cat in front of the manager's face, and people are beginning to whisper around you.

    What now?
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)03:45 No.6615442
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)03:46 No.6615465
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)03:48 No.6615492
    Hell yes this is the best plan ever
    >> KING KICKASS 11/08/09(Sun)03:49 No.6615516
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)03:54 No.6615617
    Find another girl. totally order them to make out.
    >> That one guy who's really into MC 11/08/09(Sun)03:57 No.6615664
         File1257670649.png-(86 KB, 500x534, 8.png)
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    Spazzing out like the aspie retard that you are, your logic IMMEDIATELY goes to making this situation into a videogame. You order the manager-girl to participate in your "Katamari" and she does so, sticking to your bowling ball. However, nothing else sticks to her or the cat and now it just looks like you're pushing her around places. The owner finally comes over and kicks you both out, you for being a weirdo and the manager-chick for doing this the third time this week. You're know out on your but with

    Happy Sock
    Action Figure
    MC Ball
    MC'd Cat
    MC'd manager chick

    What now?
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)03:57 No.6615666
         File1257670654.gif-(71 KB, 500x643, tumblr_ksmewcCT7O1qz9bwro1_500.gif)
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    Prepare the Lobster Rage Fist! Arm yourself with the deadliest martial arts technique this side of the Orient and no man or beast shall bar your path for long!
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)03:59 No.6615690
    Don't be a dick. Ask her what her name is. Get to know her a bit. You've already been enough of an ass to make her fall for you, the least you can do is be a gentleman about it.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)03:59 No.6615691
    No no no, you do Katamari by having other people grab onto the stuff that is already grabbing onto the ball.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)04:01 No.6615725
    Man, this has so much potential. Why's /tg/ gotta be so silly tonight?
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)04:02 No.6615742
    Use your mind control powers to fix any trauma and mental stress manager chick may be experiencing.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)04:03 No.6615763
    Clearly this man must encounter Rawk Lawbstar, and then proceed to plunge an arm fist deep into her as some manner of superweapon.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)04:04 No.6615774

    Too small, too easy.

    Total mind erase, then fuck her non-brains out.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)04:05 No.6615782
    Potential? This shit is achieving it's maximum potential. You got your sweet ass bowling ball, you got some quality sock time, you got some pussy, you got some more bowling, and you got a girl who will put up with your silly shit.

    Oh right and you got a bitchin' action figure.

    What more could you want?
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)04:06 No.6615806

    That is all.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)04:06 No.6615808
    Make her unable to speak in anything other than the third person. Make her think this is normal and that she's allways done it. Make her think she enjoys it. Make her think she enjoys being mind controlled.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)04:07 No.6615824
    >itt: /tg/ secretly has a mind control fetish

    Unng me too.

    Mind over matter, tell her she has bigger boobs.

    See if it works.
    >> That one guy who's really into MC 11/08/09(Sun)04:08 No.6615832
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    You do this. Now you know how to fight like a drunk guy with lobsters on his hands. Fast forwarded, you're in your house now, and the lobsters are dead because lobsters can't breathe air for long. Manager-chick is on the couch, still holding your ball with the cat while you went out for the 2 hours it took you to "master" (get drunk and find lobsters to duct-tape on your hands) your martial arts. You now have

    Happy Sock
    Action Figure
    MC Ball
    MC'd cat
    MC'd manager-chick
    Dead lobsters.

    What now, genius?
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)04:08 No.6615840
    This is what happens when some people have a fetish for something, and other people think it is silly.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)04:09 No.6615846
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)04:09 No.6615854
    now do this. Seriously. Responsibility.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)04:11 No.6615886
         File1257671496.jpg-(167 KB, 500x375, Cat Hate You Guys.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)04:11 No.6615887
    Yes but the beautiful thing about the mind control fetish is that the sillier it is, the hotter it is.

    On that note, I'm gonna have to second get her naked.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)04:11 No.6615892
    First things first. Maker her call you master.

    and get her hand off of the orb before she realizes she probably gets crazy mind powers from it.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)04:14 No.6615941
    Fuck with her head. Maker her think she's a crossdressing dude.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)04:18 No.6616001
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    Whatever you do, don't fuck with Doom.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)04:21 No.6616042
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    Make some Meatbread, share it with the girl.

    I guess the cat can have some too.
    >> That one guy who's really into MC 11/08/09(Sun)04:21 No.6616050
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    Sorry, >>6615846 beat you to it. If you guys haven't figured it out by now, I do the first post after if it isn't a comment. Anyway.

    You (finally) ask her to get naked. Since she loves you and shit, she doesn't complain, but she is starting to wonder out loud why she can't take her hand off the bowling ball and why she's doing this for someone she just met. Remember, the ball only works if you're holding it, and she's just doing this cuz she apparently puts out for people that seduce her.

    What now?
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)04:23 No.6616094
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    Antagonize some crabs.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)04:24 No.6616110
    Grab the ball, make her think she's a cat.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)04:27 No.6616162
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    >> That one guy who's really into MC 11/08/09(Sun)04:29 No.6616180
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    Oh look, there happens to be a crab right at your foot. It's your childhood pet, Mr. Crabby, who you've had since you were a kid. You kick it because that's just how you roll, by the way this day is going. The crab dies. You now have....

    Happy Sock
    Action Figure
    MC Ball
    MC'd cat
    MC'd NAKED manager-chick
    Dead lobsters
    Dead crab
    Psychological trauma from killing your beloved pet.

    What now?
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)04:29 No.6616181
    Right when we were making some progress...

    Dammit /tg/ you glorious bastards...
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)04:29 No.6616190
    Take the ball, tell her her boobs are bigger.

    See if they 'mind over matter' and grow.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)04:30 No.6616199

    Take the chick to your bedroom, recover mindcontrol ball, and proceed in sexings.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)04:38 No.6616314
         File1257673102.jpg-(60 KB, 750x600, 1257492094787.jpg)
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    Before you do anything else, you gotta go and troll a few message boards on the internet. You have a quota, after all.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)04:42 No.6616370
         File1257673323.jpg-(94 KB, 500x667, 04ed2e7ede1251790411.jpg)
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    Mind control yourself

    See how deep this rabbit hole goes.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)04:43 No.6616399
         File1257673430.png-(437 KB, 388x722, 1255817847162.png)
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    Equip Bees.
    >> That one guy who's really into MC 11/08/09(Sun)04:44 No.6616416
         File1257673484.png-(10 KB, 223x231, 12.png)
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    Unfortunately, manager-chick doesn't have THAT strong a mind. However, her turkey timers do pop up, so at least you have that going for you. You still have all your shit.

    What now?
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)04:45 No.6616422

    Order her to be your new maid and sex slave. Permanently. Proceed to get it on.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)04:45 No.6616425
    See, the problem with that is you wind up doing really silly things. I've always thought it best to pick the suggestions which suggest the most story potential.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)04:46 No.6616436
    While we do this make sure we really program it in there, make her think its all normal and natural and stuff so she doesnt wind up resisting or anything
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)04:47 No.6616459
         File1257673662.jpg-(252 KB, 700x525, 1256265506049.jpg)
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    Has some apples
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)04:47 No.6616460
    But on the flipside, it means OP instills in himself an obligation to draw things he may not normally ever draw.

    But in case you change your mind, tell girl she can no longer remember any vestige of her former life, and has a sort of a reverse opinion on wearing clothes, naked good, clothed bad.
    >> Gelatinous Rube 11/08/09(Sun)04:50 No.6616496
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)04:51 No.6616506
         File1257673875.jpg-(115 KB, 346x500, tell me your secrets grass.jpg)
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    >> Gelatinous Rube 11/08/09(Sun)04:51 No.6616513
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    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)04:52 No.6616514

    Maybe OP should just disregard the random suggestions like lobster rage fist and antagonizing crabs. They're pretty much completely unrelated, and obviously trolls by people who don't give a shit about MC.

    That said, have her dress up like Abraham Lincoln, fake beard and all.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)04:52 No.6616521
         File1257673952.jpg-(119 KB, 948x339, wizard fuck missile you boom.jpg)
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    >> Gelatinous Rube 11/08/09(Sun)04:53 No.6616535
         File1257674022.gif-(47 KB, 265x326, 1237380378188.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)04:54 No.6616550
         File1257674078.jpg-(66 KB, 437x333, according to this thing, y(...).jpg)
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    >> Gelatinous Rube 11/08/09(Sun)04:56 No.6616575
         File1257674163.jpg-(58 KB, 720x821, 1244537849544.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)04:56 No.6616582
         File1257674186.jpg-(18 KB, 366x380, oh shit what are you doing.jpg)
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    >> Gelatinous Rube 11/08/09(Sun)04:57 No.6616592
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    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)04:57 No.6616603
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    >> Gelatinous Rube 11/08/09(Sun)04:59 No.6616618
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    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)04:59 No.6616620
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    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)05:00 No.6616632
         File1257674417.png-(115 KB, 418x455, Rape_Clock_Teatime.png)
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    Tea time! Make some motherfucking tea!
    >> That one guy who's really into MC 11/08/09(Sun)05:01 No.6616643

    (I gave up on any kind of coherence for this shit a waaaaaaay back.)

    You proceed to get it on. Luckily, you had that maid hat/headband thing lying on your bed because you're a lonely neckbeard bastard who just buys shit like this over the internet. Add that to your list and change MC'd manager-chick to MC'd sex-maid.

    What now?
    >> Gelatinous Rube 11/08/09(Sun)05:01 No.6616644
         File1257674472.jpg-(23 KB, 400x300, 1235192264476.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)05:01 No.6616647
    C'mon OP, waiting for one last post then it's off to bed for me.

    [spoiler]And her too. Ha ha ha.[/spoiler]
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)05:01 No.6616652
    Make her research on the internet to determine what "elf pudding" in the 3.0 adventure module referred to- pudding made by elves, or pudding made out of elves. Have her post the results of her research in >>6614165. Proceed to order her to acquire some.
    >> That one guy who's really into MC 11/08/09(Sun)05:01 No.6616653
         File1257674499.png-(39 KB, 606x496, 13.png)
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    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)05:02 No.6616659
         File1257674538.jpg-(65 KB, 487x365, set_self_on_fire.jpg)
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    < This
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)05:02 No.6616660
    in the 3.0 adventure module "the sunless citadel".
    >> That one guy who's really into MC 11/08/09(Sun)05:04 No.6616692

    Jesus, you serious? Fine... let me look this shit up. Don't expect a pic for this, though.....

    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)05:05 No.6616702
         File1257674734.jpg-(118 KB, 631x475, Just_Do_It.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)05:07 No.6616723
    as much as I'd love to see how this turns out, I'm off to bed. Good luck with your quest, OP. I'll be eagerly checking the archives in the morning. Make it good, ok?
    >> That one guy who's really into MC 11/08/09(Sun)05:10 No.6616761
    "Dear Loserchan Boardgoers,

    My beloved master, in between his repeated intercourse of this slave's vagina and this slave's cleaning duties, requested that this slave research an item from a roleplaying game that you are mostly familiar with. Unfortunately, all that I found for this alleged elf pudding pertains to Christmas and figs. This slave now leaves you to your reading and discussions as this slave's master is calling for her, no doubt to plow her thoroughly moistened love canal.

    Yours truly,
    Mind-controlled Sex Maid Chick"
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)05:12 No.6616781
    now use our powers to give her a super high iq. Just because shes our sex slave doesnt mean she can't be super smart
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)05:13 No.6616790
    DO IT. This is important knowledge.
    >> That one guy who's really into MC 11/08/09(Sun)05:17 No.6616833
         File1257675440.png-(16 KB, 300x270, 14.png)
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    Happy Sock
    Action Figure
    MC Ball
    MC'd cat
    MC'd GENIUS sex maid chick
    Dead lobsters
    Dead crab
    Psychological trauma from killing your beloved pet.

    I'm afraid to ask, but what now?
    >> That one guy who's really into MC 11/08/09(Sun)05:19 No.6616858
    Actually, I have to go to bed. Maybe I'll continue this one day. Maybe.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)05:21 No.6616879
    Next course of action: Go to the OP's dwelling place and use the mind control orb to make him continue.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)05:27 No.6616948
    Anyone else archiving this?
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)05:55 No.6617242
    Damn it, I find this just as it ends.
    >> Devilist 11/08/09(Sun)05:59 No.6617287
    Yes just out of curiosity
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)06:02 No.6617319
    make girls comfortable with my pressence and watch them undress

    ..and in their 'intimate plays'
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)11:35 No.6619528
    Awww, this thing's still around? Sweet.
    >> That one guy who's really into MC 11/08/09(Sun)14:02 No.6620630
    Back and ready for more.

    What now?
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)16:00 No.6621770
    now ask her about her family. Lets make sure we deal with them so that no one comes hunting us down.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)16:03 No.6621801
    Go downtown and find a bunch of thug looking guys and drug dealers. MC them to rob shit and go about their illegal means of making cash.

    Tell them all to leave all of their earnings like.. under a specific tree or in a park or something. Go there later and pick up cash.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)16:22 No.6622036
    Bump for ops attention
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)16:45 No.6622273

    Come back OP~
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)16:59 No.6622400
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)17:14 No.6622555
    Please OP

    I miss you.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)17:29 No.6622682
    I am ronery without maiu MC wifu
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)17:43 No.6622808
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)18:09 No.6623089
    Bump for the MC god.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)18:49 No.6623597
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)19:17 No.6623984
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)20:16 No.6624816
    B-b-b-bump! OPs gotta see this eventually.
    >> I apologized on 4chan !!O1JS15Z6lxy 11/08/09(Sun)20:22 No.6624909
    rolled 13, 33, 40 = 86

    Look guys, just go here: http://www.ragsgame.com/Downloads.aspx

    and download & install RAGS Suit

    Then: http://hypnopics-collective.net/index.php

    Look up the MC Game Zone forum




    You may need to make a login first, but it's free and only needs your email (if that).
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)20:35 No.6625065
    Personally I just find it amazing that the OP was willing to go along with this for as long as he did despite the fact that the board is clearly not into his niche fetish.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)21:20 No.6625631
    Come on, OP. This shit was great. Come back!
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)21:53 No.6626023
    where'd he go? this was a decent drawfag
    >> WRYNOMOUS 11/08/09(Sun)21:59 No.6626085
    Pyroboy? Ha ha wat
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)22:34 No.6626446
    Still holding out hope.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)23:49 No.6627314
    bumping still
    >> Anonymous 11/09/09(Mon)00:47 No.6628067
    >> Anonymous 11/09/09(Mon)00:59 No.6628196
    Damnit MC guy stop watching venture brothers and get back in here.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/09(Mon)01:06 No.6628294
    I guess the OP just wanted some ideas for drawfagging cheap fap material. Still, for going along with all that random stuff he's a pretty good sport.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/09(Mon)01:31 No.6628596
    well fuck. I'll keep bumping. He did say in a different thread that maybe hed be back.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/09(Mon)02:05 No.6629084
    I am disapointed OP. You'd best continue this someday.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/09(Mon)02:55 No.6629590
    Fuck, I'm going to bed. Hopefully this'll be around still tommorow.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/09(Mon)10:07 No.6632983
    >> Anonymous 11/09/09(Mon)10:19 No.6633070
    Jeezus you guys are retards.

    Walk into local store.

    SDay, hey, I'm doing a charity for [stupid bullshit charity, can I have [amount].

    Mind control the guy into giving it to you, willingly.

    Do this to every fucking person, willingly.

    Bonus points; force hot chicks to give you their number, or just blow you on the spot.

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