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  • File : 1257724875.png-(23 KB, 420x300, cq01.png)
    23 KB CronQuest Dr. Cronqvist !EU6eCvmgI6 11/08/09(Sun)19:01 No.6623771  
    A clever scientist stands in his office. His name is Dr. Joachim Cronqvist. He is the head engineer for Metallic Sonata Inc. It is head job to come up with weird puzzle shit commonly employed by various architects in the world he inhabits.

    In his office are his computer, a window, and a motivational poster.

    What is his next action?
    >> Patriarch Ted 11/08/09(Sun)19:02 No.6623785
    rolled 56 = 56

    Retrieve arms.
    >> Thou Dog 11/08/09(Sun)19:02 No.6623789
    ...and use arms to turn on computer.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)19:02 No.6623793
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)19:03 No.6623798
    Do a Barrel Roll
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)19:03 No.6623805
    Read note.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)19:04 No.6623813
    Steal all of the work files and secrets from the computer. Escape through the window.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)19:04 No.6623817
    Use computer to log on to 4chan /tg/ and start a quest thread.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)19:05 No.6623826
    >> Dr. Cronqvist !EU6eCvmgI6 11/08/09(Sun)19:05 No.6623837
         File1257725148.png-(24 KB, 420x300, cq02.png)
    24 KB
    As head enginner, collecting the data was no problem!

    You leave the screen on this thread, ensuring that your superiors will know not to fuck with you! Should you ever decide to take your cocky ass back to this office.
    >> DOOMRIDER !NANNANNANA 11/08/09(Sun)19:06 No.6623842
    rolled 1 = 1

    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)19:08 No.6623866

    Leave via the window so security doesn't see you stealing the files and escaping.

    Sell the secrets on the black market.
    >> Patriarch Ted 11/08/09(Sun)19:08 No.6623873
    rolled 82 = 82

    Admire the poster. Dam Russians are crazy.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)19:09 No.6623887
    Do a flip
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)19:10 No.6623890
    Download the internet
    >> Dr. Cronqvist !EU6eCvmgI6 11/08/09(Sun)19:10 No.6623892
         File1257725436.jpg-(144 KB, 750x600, spetsnaz motivational.jpg)
    144 KB
    Ms. Bartley put this poster up to encourage the employees to try their hardest.

    All it made you do was carry around a fuckton too many survival tools.

    Such as this length of rope...
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)19:10 No.6623896
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)19:11 No.6623903
    Rappel out the window with the rope like the SWAT teams do.
    >> Patriarch Ted 11/08/09(Sun)19:11 No.6623907
    rolled 14 = 14

    ROPE acquired. Logging it in your inventory system! Now, for the last bit. Look outside.
    >> Dr. Cronqvist !EU6eCvmgI6 11/08/09(Sun)19:11 No.6623908
         File1257725501.png-(14 KB, 420x300, cq03.png)
    14 KB

    ...which you use to make your escape!

    Take that, soulless office!
    >> Patriarch Ted 11/08/09(Sun)19:12 No.6623917
    rolled 63 = 63

    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)19:14 No.6623937
    Hum the mission impossible theme
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)19:14 No.6623941
    Let go and pray.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)19:14 No.6623945
    let go of the rope.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)19:14 No.6623948
    Use your telepathy to take the motivational poster you left in the office.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)19:15 No.6623950
    Bust in the window under you when you hit the end of the rope!

    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)19:16 No.6623965
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)19:16 No.6623975
    >> Patriarch Ted 11/08/09(Sun)19:18 No.6623990
    rolled 2 = 2

    Is there a zombie behind you?
    >> Dr. Cronqvist !EU6eCvmgI6 11/08/09(Sun)19:18 No.6623992
         File1257725919.png-(14 KB, 420x300, cq04.png)
    14 KB


    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)19:18 No.6623997
    THEN use your telepathy to retrieve the forgotten motivational poster!...

    >> Patriarch Ted 11/08/09(Sun)19:19 No.6623999
    rolled 57 = 57

    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)19:20 No.6624008
    Aim for water...
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)19:20 No.6624009
    Catch rope with feet.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)19:20 No.6624016
    Flap arms.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)19:21 No.6624024
    What is that? AW FUCK IT'S THE WITCH.

    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)19:22 No.6624035
    Look down and scream incoherently.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)19:22 No.6624037
    Too bad he didn't clean up the /etc/crontab file before he left.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)19:22 No.6624040
    Steal some guy's car.
    >> Dr. Cronqvist !EU6eCvmgI6 11/08/09(Sun)19:25 No.6624072
         File1257726322.png-(16 KB, 420x300, cq05.png)
    16 KB

    You try all of these.

    Oh shit.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)19:25 No.6624079
    Fall on a carriage with a baby in it, killing the baby.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)19:26 No.6624087
    Try and grab onto a window ledge... or guttering or... anything!
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)19:27 No.6624093
    Grab the ledge of one of those windows! Preferably the window of that hot coworker you've got a thing for.
    >> DOOMRIDER !NANNANNANA 11/08/09(Sun)19:27 No.6624096
    rolled 6 = 6

    Cast a quickened featherfall.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)19:28 No.6624100
    Flap your wings!
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)19:28 No.6624114
    Wait, grow wings, first!
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)19:29 No.6624119
    Wow. I was just reading this thread, curious to see where it would go. I wasn't posting or suggesting, because I figured my fellow anons would have it under control. And now Dr. Cronqvist is about to die. Is this some way of punishing me for lurking?


    >> Patriarch Ted 11/08/09(Sun)19:29 No.6624129
    rolled 52 = 52

    To be fair, he's a terrible doctor.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)19:31 No.6624154
    Build a plane while falling to save you from the fall.
    >> Bill Murray !!WYG9L8p7tJh 11/08/09(Sun)19:31 No.6624155

    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)19:32 No.6624164
    Maybe he's just eccentric. Nothing wrong with some unusual methods.
    >> Dr. Cronqvist !EU6eCvmgI6 11/08/09(Sun)19:33 No.6624182
         File1257726807.png-(16 KB, 420x300, cq06.png)
    16 KB

    You manage to grab a window!

    Looking in, you're filled with a sense of dread, but you're not sure why...
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)19:33 No.6624185
    Call for Superman!
    >> DOOMRIDER !NANNANNANA 11/08/09(Sun)19:34 No.6624194
    rolled 6 = 6

    First Man: Hey, did you see that?
    Second Man: Uhm?
    First Man: Did you see somebody go past the window?
    Second Man: What?
    First Man: Somebody just went past the window. That way. (indicates down)
    Second Man: (flatly) Oh. Oh.
    (Second Man returns to his work. First Man looks for a little. As he starts to work again another body goes hunling past the window.)
    First Man: Another one.
    Second Man: Huh?
    First Man: Another one just went past downwards.
    Second Man: What?
    First Man: Two people have just fallen out of that window to their almost certain death.
    Second Man: Fine, fine. Fine.
    First Man: Look! Two people (another falls) three people have just fallen past that window.
    Second Man: Must be a board meeting.
    First Man: Oh yeah. (another falls past) Hey. That was Wilkins of finance.
    Second Man: Oh, no, that was Robertson.
    First Man: Wilkins.
    Second Man: Robertson.
    First Man: Wilkins.
    Second Man: Robertson.
    (Another falls.)
    First Man: That was Wilkins.
    Second Man: That was Wilkins. He was a good, good, er, golfer, Wilkins.
    First Man: Very good golfer. Very good golfer. Rotten at finance. It'll be Parkinson next.
    Second Man: Bet you it won't.
    First Man: How much.
    Second Man: What?
    First Man: How much do you bet it won't? Fiver?
    Second Man: All right.
    First Man: Done.
    Second Man: You're on.
    First Man: Fine. (shakes; they look at the window) Come on Parky.
    Second Man: Don't do it Parky.
    First Man: Come on Parky. Jump Parky. Jump.
    Second Man: Come on now be sensible Parky.
    (Cut to letter.)
    Voice Over: Dear Sir, I am writing to complain about that sketch about people failing out of a high building. I have worked all my life in such a building and have never once.
    (Cut to film of man falling out of window. Cut back to set. First Man has hands in the air jubilantly.)
    First Man: Parkinson!
    Second Man: Johnson!
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)19:34 No.6624196
    Climb in and drink whatever may be in that glass cup.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)19:34 No.6624197
    Climb on in.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)19:34 No.6624203
    Go in anyway. Whats the worst that could happen?
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)19:37 No.6624234
    >Go to tgchan
    >> Dr. Cronqvist !EU6eCvmgI6 11/08/09(Sun)19:37 No.6624235
         File1257727032.png-(17 KB, 420x300, cq07.png)
    17 KB

    Upon closer inspection, you realize this is the office of Drolta Bartley! Head of PR, she believes she can pull rank on everyone! Not you though, mister head engineer! Unfortunately, she's also a real bitch. And you're somewhat meek.




    ...where the fuck is she.

    Also the glass is empty, traces of water rest within.
    >> Dr. Cronqvist !EU6eCvmgI6 11/08/09(Sun)19:38 No.6624254
    (taking a short break for foods, will resume soon)
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)19:38 No.6624255
    Shit on Drolta's desk.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)19:38 No.6624256

    smash shit up. throw the table out the window.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)19:39 No.6624260
    look at motivational
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)19:39 No.6624261
    Put the glass in your inventory, you never know what it might come in handy for.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)19:39 No.6624266

    Ambush RAPE
    >> DOOMRIDER !NANNANNANA 11/08/09(Sun)19:39 No.6624280
    rolled 2 = 2

    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)19:41 No.6624302

    Bust into her computer & FUBAR her /etc/crontab file.

    Gotta keep up yer moniker.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)19:44 No.6624337
    Back up all the files on the computer on to your handy USB stick.
    You'll be able to use it later to blackmail Drolta if there are some nude picks on there!
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)19:46 No.6624379
    unplug her computer monitor, then casually (but quickly) stroll out.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)19:56 No.6624557
    Use the phone to call over twenty large pepperoni
    pizzas under the name of Drolta.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)19:57 No.6624580

    Import this message as her email out-of-office message & set her client to "away" mode.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)19:59 No.6624600

    >> Dr. Cronqvist !EU6eCvmgI6 11/08/09(Sun)19:59 No.6624601
         File1257728393.png-(20 KB, 420x300, cq08.png)
    20 KB

    You do your best to do all of these, your meek strength however, is not enough to destroy the desk, and Bartley keeps all her shit on her laptop, which she must currently have with her. The most you can do is shit on the desk, flip it, and the kick her office phone.

    Another job well done.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)19:59 No.6624602
    I vote this.

    Also, infect system with virus.

    And by system I mean entire company network.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)20:01 No.6624625
    Well, nevermind then.

    Wait until she returns; reenact that scene from Fight Club.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)20:01 No.6624626

    Fuck it.

    Go back to your office.

    What were we working on?
    >> Dr. Cronqvist !EU6eCvmgI6 11/08/09(Sun)20:01 No.6624631
         File1257728509.jpg-(91 KB, 750x600, safety at work motivator.jpg)
    91 KB

    Another helpful reminder, afterall this company has been around since the pre-LucasArts days. Who knows what sorts of dangerous puzzles lie deep within the catacombs of the building?
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)20:03 No.6624666
    Hide behind door... ready to rape!
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)20:04 No.6624672
    Use the phone's intercom feature to scream. With a megaphone.

    Ears will bleed.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)20:06 No.6624702
    Use your handy Drillpod™ to drill all the way down to the lobby. Then go grab a burger at the local Harvey's.
    >> Dr. Cronqvist !EU6eCvmgI6 11/08/09(Sun)20:07 No.6624721
         File1257728876.png-(18 KB, 420x300, cq09.png)
    18 KB

    That bitch won't know what's coming.

    If you know what I mean.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)20:10 No.6624751
    Time passes.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)20:11 No.6624752
    Set a trip-wire that sets off a mini-flamethrower, and put a bear trap right in front of the door.

    Bitch won't know what hit her.
    >> Dr. Cronqvist !EU6eCvmgI6 11/08/09(Sun)20:12 No.6624767

    Sadly you don't have that stuff with you, your wire was left behind. Too late anyway, she approaches.

    She does not look happy.

    >> Dr. Cronqvist !EU6eCvmgI6 11/08/09(Sun)20:13 No.6624777
         File1257729217.png-(21 KB, 420x300, cq10.png)
    21 KB
    Sorry bout that.

    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)20:13 No.6624781
    Threaten to reveal company secrets if she doesn't give you a year's worth of paychecks.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)20:14 No.6624797

    Kill it. Yeah, I said that.

    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)20:15 No.6624803
    Try to bare her to the ground and bash her skull against the floor.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)20:15 No.6624804
    Cronq HUG Bartley
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)20:17 No.6624838
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)20:17 No.6624841

    Maybe rape isn't the best idea.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)20:18 No.6624845
    If the skull is able to be properly smashed, procede to stick penis in and out of brain matter until ejaculation is achieved.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)20:20 No.6624878
    Shoot Bartley in the leg and take his wallet.

    Then shoot him in the leg again.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)20:21 No.6624898
    I doubt we have a gun.
    >> Dr. Cronqvist !EU6eCvmgI6 11/08/09(Sun)20:22 No.6624908
         File1257729764.png-(21 KB, 420x300, cq11.png)
    21 KB
    You give her a tender hug.

    She seems to have gone from fury, to confusion.

    She is worried for your mental state.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)20:23 No.6624919
    Quick, while we have the advantage of initiative!

    Get those paychecks!
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)20:24 No.6624930
    Push her up against the wall.
    Attempt fornication.
    >> Dr. Cronqvist !EU6eCvmgI6 11/08/09(Sun)20:33 No.6625038
         File1257730389.png-(18 KB, 420x300, cq12.png)
    18 KB

    It's not she keeps paychecks with her, so I'm going to assume that was code for something.

    She had gone from confused, to confused fury.

    This does not bode well for you, especially as the stench of your own shit is sort of killing the mood.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)20:34 No.6625052
    Just throw her out the window.
    >> Patriarch Ted 11/08/09(Sun)20:36 No.6625074
    Not my fault you threw yourself out a window. Now you lost your chance for sex, AND your job.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)20:38 No.6625103

    Throw yourself out of the window. Isn't the slight risk of death worth escaping from an awkward situation? Plus, paychecks/sex seem a remote possibility.
    >> /co/rpulen/tg/entleman 11/08/09(Sun)20:40 No.6625118
    the window looks like it's blocked by the flipped desk...
    >> Dr. Cronqvist !EU6eCvmgI6 11/08/09(Sun)20:40 No.6625129
         File1257730847.png-(21 KB, 420x300, cq13.png)
    21 KB

    This bitch'll either fly or turn into a statue.

    Let's hope it's the latter.
    >> Dr. Cronqvist !EU6eCvmgI6 11/08/09(Sun)20:43 No.6625161
         File1257731003.png-(20 KB, 420x300, cq14.png)
    20 KB
    Agh fuck she has your hand.

    Time to take another trip outside.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)20:44 No.6625166
    Make sure you go down with her. We've got to finish the job ater all.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)20:44 No.6625180
    Take off trousers.
    Time for some free-fall fuck.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)20:44 No.6625181
    Sky battle.

    When she is defeated, latch back on to the building.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)20:45 No.6625188
    Grab the ledge with your feet. Tell her that if she wants you to pull her up she has to agree to be your slave forever.
    >> Dr. Cronqvist !EU6eCvmgI6 11/08/09(Sun)20:46 No.6625199
         File1257731194.png-(16 KB, 420x300, cq15.png)
    16 KB

    You have some time to choose an option, it's a huge fucking building.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)20:47 No.6625214
    This, but be a man about it and catch the ledge with your teeth.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)20:47 No.6625218
    It just clicked.

    On Cronqvist.

    That isn't hair.

    Those are ears.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)20:48 No.6625235
    Oh god she's a furry. Let her fall to her grave. Take pics and post on 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)20:49 No.6625241
    Take trousers off. Try to sky-rape.
    >> Patriarch Ted 11/08/09(Sun)20:50 No.6625255
    Shit we're furry.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)20:50 No.6625263
    Ditch her, she's dead. Just get back inside the building.
    >> Dr. Cronqvist !EU6eCvmgI6 11/08/09(Sun)20:55 No.6625311
         File1257731720.png-(13 KB, 420x300, cq16.png)
    13 KB


    It is however the first time you used your teeth.

    Bartley, even if you never miss her, you will always remember her tasteful choice in office decor.

    Side note, I never meant to mislead you, I thought it obvious Cronqvist was a mouse. Hrm. Sorry for any confusion.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)20:56 No.6625329
    Get inside. We have work to do.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)20:59 No.6625358
    Now go back up to her office and make it look like a suicide.
    >> Dr. Cronqvist !EU6eCvmgI6 11/08/09(Sun)20:59 No.6625367
         File1257731968.png-(12 KB, 420x300, cq17.png)
    12 KB


    Back inside... your own office? The fuck is this shit?
    >> Patriarch Ted 11/08/09(Sun)20:59 No.6625373
    Eh, It happens. At least we're not female. I know what happens to female mice.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)21:00 No.6625385
    Get in anyways, pretend to do work. When they look for her killer, they won't suspect you. You have an alibi.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)21:01 No.6625392
    You ARE what happens to female mice.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)21:01 No.6625394
    Go make it look like a suicide. this is kind of important.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)21:03 No.6625415
         File1257732191.jpg-(17 KB, 387x225, 12.jpg)
    17 KB

    Unless there's CCTV or someone saw you go into her office moments before she was thrown out of the window.


    What happens?
    >> Patriarch Ted 11/08/09(Sun)21:04 No.6625437
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)21:05 No.6625446
    Yes a CCTV or someone seeing you go in... from outside.
    >> Dr. Cronqvist !EU6eCvmgI6 11/08/09(Sun)21:09 No.6625492
         File1257732567.jpg-(53 KB, 750x600, cq poster.jpg)
    53 KB

    Pretend to work in this office or go back to her office?

    You're getting somewhat nervous, you try to calm yourself by looking at the motivational poster.

    ...this is... not one of Ms. Bartley's approved posters.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)21:10 No.6625503
    Leave. The commotion means that nobody will see you leave.

    Sell the computer files to the rival company.

    (I mean, there's always a rival company. Come on.)
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)21:10 No.6625507
    Look at odd motivational poster with my name on it and wonder who the fuck was watching me before i jumped out the window.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)21:11 No.6625522
    Fuck, it's probably an assassin about to use your confusion as an advantage. Get out of there NOW.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)21:15 No.6625553
    Look out window to make sure racoon bitch went splat.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)21:15 No.6625570
    Run. Run little man, Run.

    You are stuck in a Glen.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)21:17 No.6625586
    Take X-Lax to spew shit everywhere to find assassin!
    >> Patriarch Ted 11/08/09(Sun)21:17 No.6625587
    If only if only the namefag sighed.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)21:20 No.6625629
    But your bowels must be all but empty from shitting on her desk!
    >> Dr. Cronqvist !EU6eCvmgI6 11/08/09(Sun)21:20 No.6625634
         File1257733257.png-(10 KB, 420x300, cq18.png)
    10 KB

    In a mad panic, you do all three! As you jump out the window, Bartley's corpse is nowhere to be seen.

    That bitch was taking notes.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)21:22 No.6625653
    Immedatly try to get back in on the next floor as apparently we just jumped out of the forth floor and don't have long to get back in.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)21:22 No.6625655
    Slide down the side of the building to slow yourself down enough to hit the ground safely. Sell secrets. Buy sword and gun.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)21:24 No.6625675
    Check your inventory first. What the heck is he carrying right now?
    >> Dr. Cronqvist !EU6eCvmgI6 11/08/09(Sun)21:25 No.6625702
         File1257733554.png-(14 KB, 420x300, cq19.png)
    14 KB

    Your inventory consists of:

    1 Length of Rope
    1 Spetsnaz Knife
    1 Glass
    1 Pouch of Forest Camouflage Facepaint
    1 Jump Drive


    Oh son of a shit.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)21:26 No.6625709
    Knife that bitch while you still have a chance!
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)21:27 No.6625715
    Prof your undying thanks for the rescue. Say you'll do anything asked, anything at all, just as long as you are allowed to repay them.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)21:28 No.6625729

    Is it worth attempting to fornicate again or has the moment passed?
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)21:28 No.6625737

    Then throw on some face pain and get stabby!
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)21:28 No.6625742
    I don't think there WAS a moment, Steve.
    >> Dr. Cronqvist !EU6eCvmgI6 11/08/09(Sun)21:36 No.6625828
         File1257734199.png-(17 KB, 420x300, cq20.png)
    17 KB
    You seem to be in this floor's women's restroom.

    You guess anyway, it is much cleaner than the one you usually use, yet somehow more unsettling.

    You're unsure if this is due to the air fresheners, the knowledge you do not belong here, or the angry coworker who seems to want to end your life.

    Perhaps the worst of it though is the huge window in a bathroom, were this floor not so high up this would be a serious breach of privacy.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)21:36 No.6625829
    quickly set the jump drive to a random destination while she's strangling me and push to "go" button
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)21:37 No.6625838
    Catch next window down, get onto 4 chan and get /b/lackup!
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)21:37 No.6625842
    See if she strangles you or pulls you in. If the former, make stabbity stabs at her arms so she'll let you go.

    Also: Spetsnaz mouse!
    >> Patriarch Ted 11/08/09(Sun)21:37 No.6625844
    Try to explain that you tried to save her life, and explain that the building is a trap. We're all trapped here, and you are just showing her the truth.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)21:39 No.6625864
    is it possible to knock her unconscious with your mad Spetsnaz skills and then tie her up?
    >> Steve 11/08/09(Sun)21:41 No.6625878

    So... is now a good time?
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)21:41 No.6625881
    Tell her you don't understand, you were just doing what the memo asked. Feign ignorance and honest misunderstanding. Ask her "you mean you don't... you don't really love me? It was all a lie?"
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)21:42 No.6625895
    It looks like she wants fisticuffs. I suggest you begin boxing.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)21:43 No.6625903
    Thinking from an old point-and-click adventure game:

    Open door to stall. Look inside.

    THat is, if the angry coworker would let you. If not, load from last save.
    >> Dr. Cronqvist !EU6eCvmgI6 11/08/09(Sun)21:44 No.6625913

    "You mean you don't-" POW
    >> Patriarch Ted 11/08/09(Sun)21:45 No.6625920
    >> Dr. Cronqvist !EU6eCvmgI6 11/08/09(Sun)21:45 No.6625922
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    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)21:45 No.6625924
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)21:45 No.6625926
    Ow. What the fuck? Hitting a coworker? I'll see that corporate hears about this!
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)21:46 No.6625945
    Since you're sitting down anyway...

    Fight back by quickly pulling her skirt down! Make her lose her balance!
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)21:46 No.6625947
    Okay I think we deserved that one.
    >> Patriarch Ted 11/08/09(Sun)21:47 No.6625962
    Two options, over power coworker and rape, or take the beating, and wake up in your office.
    >> Dr. Cronqvist !EU6eCvmgI6 11/08/09(Sun)21:49 No.6625983
         File1257734981.png-(18 KB, 420x300, cq22.png)
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    "Ow what the fuck? Hitting a coworker? I'll-" WHAM

    You ready your knife.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)21:51 No.6625996
    Yell out 'self defense' as you attack her.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)21:51 No.6626008
    Cut cut cut.
    Disable her limbs.
    Push back out window.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)21:52 No.6626009

    Wait, we can still complain to HR! Can't you smell the payoff to avoid a lawsuit?
    >> Patriarch Ted 11/08/09(Sun)21:54 No.6626028
    Don't use the knife. Dont use the knife. This is what he wants you to do. Dont use the knife.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)21:56 No.6626046
    yell out RAPE! RAPE!
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)21:57 No.6626054
    This is not an entirely unreasonable reaction. Still, we must defend ourselves.
    Without using the knife, preferably.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)21:58 No.6626066
    USE Spetsnaz Knife ON Angry coworker's skirt
    >> Dr. Cronqvist !EU6eCvmgI6 11/08/09(Sun)21:59 No.6626081
         File1257735561.png-(18 KB, 420x300, cq23.png)
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    Your girlish cries echo in the empty bathroom, your assailant stops, it doesn't take the head of the PR department to know she could be in deep shit.
    >> dice1d100 11/08/09(Sun)22:00 No.6626094
    sing the macarena out loud
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)22:00 No.6626096
    Awesome! Now

    TALK TO coworker
    ASK FOR pity sex
    >> Patriarch Ted 11/08/09(Sun)22:01 No.6626103
    Explain to her this.

    If she doesn't believe you. I think it's time to jump out the window.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)22:01 No.6626111
    throw her out the window
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)22:03 No.6626130
    Run, crying out of the bathroom, crying and yelling something about "I thought you said you loved me... but not like this! sniff! I can't believe I trusted you!"
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)22:04 No.6626143
    Gonna second this.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)22:05 No.6626155
    Well, I'm going to second this.
    So there.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)22:06 No.6626163
    Dr. Cronqvist is becoming more emo by the minute
    >> Dr. Cronqvist !EU6eCvmgI6 11/08/09(Sun)22:06 No.6626165
         File1257735988.png-(17 KB, 420x300, cq24.png)
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    "Has it ever occurred to you that creating weird puzzle shit for a living might be... evil? Think about it, our company motto has word Satan in it, that is just a bit too creepy for my tastes. This place is a trap, both physically and spiritually, and I've had enough, come with me, and we'll escape from this place."

    Her disoriented state works to your advantage, she bought every word of it.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)22:07 No.6626176
    Yes, now try to get ot the exit as fast as you can. Five bucks says it won't be there.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)22:07 No.6626177
    Leave the building, sell the company secrets to the rival company, buy some weapons.

    Metallic Sonata is going down.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)22:07 No.6626180

    Look around for a crowbar. Become a free man!

    Free...Man. Get it?
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)22:08 No.6626189
    take elevator/stairs to first floor and leave
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)22:08 No.6626192
    Also, free more coworkers.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)22:09 No.6626197
    Check your new party member's inventory. I am especially interested to know if she's carrying any security cards (to go through doors) or keys (car keys, for one == car).
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)22:10 No.6626204
    Look inside the stalls! Someone might be listening!
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)22:10 No.6626211
    >> Steve 11/08/09(Sun)22:14 No.6626244


    Erm, sorry.
    >> Dr. Cronqvist !EU6eCvmgI6 11/08/09(Sun)22:16 No.6626261
         File1257736612.png-(21 KB, 420x300, cq25.png)
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    You take your former enemy/rival and go to flee this horrible place!

    Her inventory consists of:
    1 Laptop
    1 Set of Car Keys
    1 Cellular Phone
    1 Pair of Rubber Gloves
    1 Medical Quarantine Mask
    1 Jump Drive
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)22:19 No.6626282
    Get out. Get in car. Resume plan to overthrow Metallic Sonata.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)22:19 No.6626287
    Get to her car and drive away, stop by each other's homes to grab supplies.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)22:20 No.6626293
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)22:21 No.6626299
    Er, so. How much does our mouse doctor know about the company? Any chance he or his companion have enough Hacking skill to get sensitive information that he can use?
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)22:21 No.6626302
    You should probably put the knife away while fleeing.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)22:21 No.6626308
    Oh yes
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)22:23 No.6626319
    She has a phone. Any trusted friends we can call for backup?
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)22:25 No.6626348
    >> Dr. Cronqvist !EU6eCvmgI6 11/08/09(Sun)22:35 No.6626458
         File1257737742.png-(17 KB, 420x300, cq26.png)
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    You put away your knife, and get into Bartley's car. You both stop at your house first, where you can pick up any supplies that might lie around a common household. Due to your own natural paranoia however, a large amount of survivalist supplies are also available, such as army rations, various camouflage, and an unnecessarily large amount of water purification tablets.


    You have created some of the best weird puzzle shit on earth, including the 'weird number guessing doorman puzzle' and the infamous 'portal laboratory' puzzle.

    However, you sometimes sympathize with the subjects of your genius, and wonder what life would be like in their shoes...

    Your jump drive holds a large amount of stolen documentation, you have not had a chance to browse it yet.

    Dusk falls.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)22:44 No.6626542
    Now go to her house for additional supplies.
    Maybe you can stay the night~
    >> Dr. Cronqvist !EU6eCvmgI6 11/08/09(Sun)22:44 No.6626544
         File1257738294.png-(19 KB, 420x300, cq27.png)
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    You next stop at Bartley's home, which is much more extravagant than yours, despite you allegedly making the same amount.

    No time for jealousy, time to fuck shit up!
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)22:46 No.6626558
    Does she have any useful supplies?
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)22:46 No.6626560
    load up on supplies and drive off to a local media network.

    Release the answers to all puzzles everywhere.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)22:49 No.6626583
    Wait. What are we doing? We had a nice job in a cushy office designing neat puzzles for people to solve. Why would we throw that away? Think about it man.

    And while we're at it lets grab a snack (from her fridge).
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)22:50 No.6626599
    we're too far in to quit now. Keep going and push on through to the other side!
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)22:51 No.6626607
         File1257738667.jpg-(85 KB, 1024x768, cronquest_menu.jpg)
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    I love this thread!

    Here, OP, to show my appreciation. Keep going; this shit is entertaining me at work.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)22:51 No.6626608
    Continue living that prison of monotony? Over my dead body!
    >> Dr. Cronqvist !EU6eCvmgI6 11/08/09(Sun)22:52 No.6626628
         File1257738767.png-(19 KB, 420x300, cq28.png)
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    Her home also houses common items, along with pretentious cheap art. She also has a variety of items related to safety, including many home improvement tools and a closet full of first aid kits.

    She is beginning to question this however, now that she has had some time to think she recalls that Satan is never mentioned in the motto and you're full of shit. You'd better pull some classy fast talking to keep this revengance train rolling.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)22:53 No.6626643
    Puzzles KILL people.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)22:54 No.6626652
    Fuck, I bet most of the customers are evil guys in big mansions wanting to buy things to cripple or kill the good guys trying to right the wrong that they have perpetuated, and by allowing this to happen, every worker there has become an accessory to this.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)22:56 No.6626670
    Use her laptop to connect to the internet; hack into the company's computers and try to steal their most protected files.

    There's got to be some shit there that we can uncover.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)22:57 No.6626695

    Puzzles get solved. If the BBEG wanted to kill people, wouldn't they just shoot them? This work saves lives! Don't throw it all away... also, she still isn't in the mood? Just making sure.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)22:59 No.6626710
    Puzzles have a lot more class to them.

    Every BBEG wants to be the classiest motherfucker on the block. They're going all out, all the time. Otherwise they wouldn't be a BBEG, they'd be a smalltime random encounter.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)23:02 No.6626750
    How many times have you had to build a puzzle with some bullshit sollution that requires some trial or error nonesense, yet kills the person attempting it if they fail?
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)23:04 No.6626777
    For each band of heroes that barely scrapes their way through mazes full of weird puzzle shit, at least 3 others die horribly before making it a quarter of the way out.
    >> Dr. Cronqvist !EU6eCvmgI6 11/08/09(Sun)23:05 No.6626793
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    Your words help your case.

    She's beginning to feel more trusting of you.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)23:07 No.6626812
    Upload the files to the internet. EVERYWHERE.

    Make sure that anybody can get their hands on them.

    You might not make any money off of it, but Metallic Sonata will take some crippling losses because of it.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)23:07 No.6626819
    Now go to the local media and release all the answers!
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)23:12 No.6626877
    Let's not get hasty.
    We need to find out what information we snagged before we do anything.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)23:13 No.6626889
    This man speaks truth
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)23:13 No.6626890
    Good call. Investigate the information. We may have to go back for more.
    >> Dr. Cronqvist !EU6eCvmgI6 11/08/09(Sun)23:20 No.6626954
         File1257740440.png-(88 KB, 832x627, cq30.png)
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    Wow, it looks like they keep a record on all the department heads and a ton of other dirty stuff.

    This is getting more and more ominous by the minute.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)23:22 No.6626969
    Scan that shit for traps, treasures and secret doors. Make a backup immediatly before opening anything.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)23:22 No.6626975
    Answers, Illegal Stuff, Secret Shit, Solutions, The Truth and ToDo List are all highest priority. The rest can be sorted through when these are done.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)23:23 No.6626987
    copy everything to bartley's laptop, and check them all. pay special attention to Porn Directories.txt
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)23:25 No.6627013
    Oh yeah. Because "porn directories" is a code word for "secret stuff", amirite?
    >> Dr. Cronqvist !EU6eCvmgI6 11/08/09(Sun)23:26 No.6627037
         File1257740798.png-(62 KB, 825x624, cq31.png)
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    After checking for traps and clicking off the wifi switch, you open up Answers.txt.
    oh fuck
    >> Dr. Cronqvist !EU6eCvmgI6 11/08/09(Sun)23:27 No.6627051
         File1257740860.png-(56 KB, 819x621, cq32.png)
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    B-but we were so thorough!

    Let's... open up Illegal Stuff.

    oh shitbitch
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)23:27 No.6627056
    Shit. Something's up. Try the next one, but keep a weapon nearby..
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)23:28 No.6627060

    Maybe we should've checked the porn file first
    >> Dr. Cronqvist !EU6eCvmgI6 11/08/09(Sun)23:29 No.6627072
         File1257740941.png-(68 KB, 823x624, cq33.png)
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    On... to... um... Secret Shit... and uh...

    Wait what?
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)23:30 No.6627080
    It's a form letter-equivalent!
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)23:30 No.6627087

    Who's Fortner?

    Now might be a good time to have Bartley check her contacts list on her phone, contact this Fortner, and possibly get him Fortner on our side.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)23:30 No.6627090
    They just predicted whoever would be most likely to open what!

    Good news: You're safe for now.

    Bad news: They're EXPECTING a rebellion.
    >> Dr. Cronqvist !EU6eCvmgI6 11/08/09(Sun)23:34 No.6627141
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    Solutions seems to hold an answer to every puzzle ever created by the company.

    It is somewhat depressing to have your life's work summed up in a txt file.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)23:35 No.6627155
    Keep that one, for sure. Move on to the next one.
    >> Dr. Cronqvist !EU6eCvmgI6 11/08/09(Sun)23:38 No.6627186
         File1257741495.png-(57 KB, 821x624, cq35.png)
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    The Truth seems to be another dummy file.

    Strange though, for the department head of weird puzzle shit you don't actually remember meeting these people.
    >> Dr. Cronqvist !EU6eCvmgI6 11/08/09(Sun)23:41 No.6627217
         File1257741691.png-(60 KB, 824x630, cq36.png)
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    Looks like everything here that looks suspicious is just there to psyche us out.

    What evil mastermind so blatantly names their shit that anyway?
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)23:42 No.6627228
    porn directory plox
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)23:43 No.6627236
    Are you saying this guy is on to something?
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)23:43 No.6627249
    Obviously they know that Cronqvist has a strong thirst for knowledge.
    Bartley has a strong moral compass.
    Fortner is a very curious individual.
    Zead is loyal, and would hate to find out that the company he worked for is such a monster.

    So we know that Fortner and Zead are the two most likely to defect.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)23:44 No.6627258
    Any way we can contact those two?
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)23:45 No.6627264
    And obviously Henry is related to the Boss.

    Henry and Zead are looking less able to convince than Fortner.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)23:46 No.6627281
    Let's check Porn Directory, and then move onto the files named after employees.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)23:47 No.6627297
    Open up the file with your name on it.
    >> Dr. Cronqvist !EU6eCvmgI6 11/08/09(Sun)23:47 No.6627302
         File1257742071.png-(67 KB, 824x626, cq37.png)
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    Fuck yes.

    Now which employee to start with?
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)23:49 No.6627323
    Let's go Cronqvist, Bartley, Fortner, Zead, and Henry, then whatever other miscellaneous employee files they have.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)23:50 No.6627326
    oh god those trap names
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)23:50 No.6627330
    Ours of course, out of a mix of paranoia and curiosity.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)23:51 No.6627339
    Uhhh, I was wondering. Wouldn't it be safer for Cronqvist and Bartley to be checking this stuff while they're in a car and on the move?
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)23:51 No.6627352
    Internet is disconnected; it cannot be traced for the time being.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)23:53 No.6627382
    True. But wouldn't someone be checking an access log and trace it, then send in some corporate hitman to her place?

    Besides, at this point we should also be stocking up on guns and ammo already
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)23:56 No.6627427
    Copy and paste a few backups of this. Text files, word documents. Take a few screenshots and store it in some .gifs if you need to. Print out hardcopies! We can't afford to lose this information.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)23:56 No.6627429
    Cronqvist was the one who accessed the files. They'd go to his house first. But then they'll notice Bartley is gone. So we have a limited amount of time. Once we open Cronqvist's file and Bartley's file, we can leave.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)23:58 No.6627454
    I second these
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)23:58 No.6627459
    Once done, trap Bartley's doors and windows. Head to gun store, load up, contact Fortner, possibly Zead and Henry.
    >> Dr. Cronqvist !EU6eCvmgI6 11/09/09(Mon)00:00 No.6627476
         File1257742806.png-(87 KB, 830x632, cq38.png)
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    They seem to be profiles of the employees.

    Some of this information is incredibly upsetting.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/09(Mon)00:01 No.6627487

    Make sure Bartley sees all of this. It'll reinforce our idea that our company is fucked up, and will make it easier to have post-small-victory sex.

    While driving, try to get a blowjob.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/09(Mon)00:02 No.6627498
    check the to do list.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/09(Mon)00:04 No.6627525
    oh hey, autosage. grats, op. What you gonna do now?
    >> Anonymous 11/09/09(Mon)00:07 No.6627556
    Check Bartley's.
    >> Dr. Cronqvist !EU6eCvmgI6 11/09/09(Mon)00:08 No.6627567


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