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11/23/09(Mon)17:47 No.6836834 File1259016441.jpg-(166 KB, 1024x768, rso.jpg)
Each turn is split into 3 phases:
Replenishing - You gain 1SP on each of your turns during this phase, you gain +1SP on each of your turns for each spell card in reserve during this phase, you draw 1 card phase (except on the very first turn), you play replenishing events during this phase, you apply any special effects during this phase.
Battle: Ooh boy, battle is complex. I'll give it it's own entry, suffice to say that if you don't have a spell in the battlefield on your turn you can't attack. More on this later.
Preparation: You can play ONE spell from your hand into reserve, you can play any number of spells from reserve into the battlefield as long as you can pay their SP cost, you can play any number of support cards as long as you can afford their SP cost.
After three phases, you end the turn.
So, here's how our first turns went:
I started, drew no cards for the first turn and gained 1SP. Nothing in my hand to play event wise and no specials to worry about so we passed onto battle, no cards in the battle field so we passed onto preparation. I played Magic Sign - Milky Way into reserve from my hand but couldn't afford the SP cost to send it into battle, next turn that card will give me +1SP so I'll earn 2SP during my next rep phase.
He did mostly the same as me, he gained SP drew a card (second turn onwards players draw cards) passed on battle and played Bounded Field - Curse of Dreams and Reality to reserve. Only his spell cost a mere 1SP, so he could play it to the battlefield this turn. Next turn he won't gain SP for that spell as it's no longer in reserve but he will be able to attack me. |