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  • File : 1260200723.jpg-(32 KB, 404x311, best setting.jpg)
    32 KB Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)10:45 No.7040236  
    Great setting, or best setting?
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)10:46 No.7040240
    This....not sure if troll or not, but I think I agree. This WOULD make a pretty awesome setting.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)10:52 No.7040258
    Magical Items that bind to you and you have to gamble them to get more magical items all the while your arch nemesis is plotting to collect some pretty sketchy items and join them together to create a BBEG?

    Sounds solid.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)10:55 No.7040268

    Not to mention the dimensional shifts that occur during your contests for those magical items and the wacky power sets
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)10:59 No.7040279
    May want.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)11:05 No.7040302
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    do want
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)11:08 No.7040311
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    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)11:14 No.7040346
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    Is better
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)11:20 No.7040363
    A little too generic....
    >> Strangeplay Creed !BQ3sED2yVs 12/07/09(Mon)11:28 No.7040385
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    Delicious BBEG...
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)11:48 No.7040448
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    I've got most of the Shen Gong Wu statted out in 3.5 D&D (I added a couple as flavour for a campaign, and worked out the rest for fun).

    If anyone was interested, I could post them.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)11:57 No.7040489
    Please do
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)12:00 No.7040498
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    I was about to say the same about Trudvang
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)12:06 No.7040518
    Changing Chopsticks
    Price: 15,000gp
    Body Slot: Held
    [Caster Level: 5th
    Aura: Faint; (DC 17) Transmutation
    Activation:: Swift (Command)
    Weight: -

    These simple wooden chopsticks, when invoked, will reduce the wielder and all equipment they hold up to four size categories to Fine Size. Each size category smaller you get you gain a -2 Penalty to strength(minimum of 1), a +2 bonus to Dexterity, +1 size bonus to Armour Class, +1 size bonus to Attacks, -4 size penalty to grapple checks, +4 size bonus to hide checks. Land speeds and Swim speeds for medium or smaller creatures are reduced by 15ft to a minimum of 5ft, fly speeds are reduced by 10ft to a minimum of 5ft(if the creature possesd a fly speed). Creatures smaller than Small size have no natural reach and do not threaten any squares.

    Because of thier magically reduced size physical and magical attacks made by the reduced character deal no damage and their maximum line of sight and effect for all spells, items, or special abilities is limited to 60ft.

    The Changing Chopsticks can keep the wielder reduced for up to 10 rounds per day. These rounds need not be continuous. The same command will return the wielder to their full normal size.

    Prerequisites: Craft Shen Gong Wu, Craft Wondrous Item, Reduce Person
    Cost to Create:/b]: 12,500gp, 1,200xp
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)12:08 No.7040525

    Great setting, not a fan of the system that can't decide if it wants to be rules light or rules heavy and ends up being a mess inbetween.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)12:08 No.7040526
         File1260205717.png-(352 KB, 512x384, vlcsnap-4872076.png)
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    Eye of Dashi
    Price: 20,000gp
    Body Slot: Held
    [Caster Level: 9th
    Aura: Strong, (DC 19) Evocation
    Activation:: Standard(Command)
    Weight: -

    The Eye of Dashi is an offensive Shen Gong Wu designed to deliver powerful jolts of electricity. As a standard action you can invoke the Eye of Dashi to fire a burst of lightning as a ranged touch attack that deals 3d6 points of electricity damage. This attack has a maximum range of 100ft.

    Xiaolin Element(Fire): By spending a stunning fist attempt when activating the Eye of Dashi, a Xiaolin Dragon Apprentice of Fire can generate a helix bolt of energy as a ranged touch attack that deals 3d6 points of electricity damage and 2d6 points of fire damage. Mundane objects struck catch fire automatically, creatures and magic items struck by this attack must succeed a reflex saving throw(DC 13) or catch fire.

    Xiaolin Element(Wind): By spending a stunning fist attempt when activating the Eye of Dashi(as a Full Round Action), a Xiaolin Dragon Apprentice of Wind can use the eye to activate a Call Lightning effect, which lasts for no more than one minute. After which the eye is temporarily drained of power, and will not not function again for 24 hours.

    Prerequisites: Craft Shen Gong Wu, Craft Wondrous Item, Call Lightning
    Cost to Create: 10,000gp, 1,000xp
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)12:09 No.7040529
    Falcon's Eye
    Price: 25,000gp
    Body Slot: Eyes
    Caster Level: 6th
    Aura: Moderate; (DC 18) Divination
    Activation:: Standard (Command)
    Weight: -

    On command, this lens gives its possessor the ability to see into and through solid matter. Vision range is 20 feet, with the viewer seeing as if he were looking at something in normal light even if there is no illumination. The Falcon's Eye can penetrate 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, or up to 3 feet of wood or dirt. Thicker substances or a thin sheet of lead blocks the vision.

    Using the Falcon's Eye is physically exhausting, causing the wearer 1 point of Constitution damage per minute after the first 10 minutes of use in a single day.

    Prerequisites: Craft Shen Gong Wu, Craft Wondrous Item, True Seeing
    Cost to Create:: 12,500gp, 1,000xp
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)12:10 No.7040534
    Fist of Tebigong
    Price: 25,000gp
    Body Slot: Hands
    Caster Level: 9th
    Aura: Moderate, (DC 19) Evocation
    Activation:: - or Standard (Manipulation)
    Weight: 5lbs

    The Fist of Tebigong is a useful Shen Gong Wu which provides several benefits in combat. First, while wearing the Fist of Tebigong you gain a +4 Enhancement bonus to Strength. The fist increases the damage of your unarmed strike and slam attacks(if you have them) as though you were one size category larger than your actual size, and attacks with your Unarmed Strike or Slam attack are treated as One-handed weapons for the purpose of determining modifiers for disarm and sunder checks. This increase in damage does not stack with other effects which increase the damage of your unarmed Strike and/or Slam as though you were a larger size such as Improved Natural Attack or a Warforged Battlefist.

    Up to three times per day, as a standard action, you can strike the ground with the Fist of Tebigong creating a series of shockwaves that can upset foes. Make a trip attempt at 1d20 + Character Level + Str +4 against each creature in the area of effect.

    Xiaolin Element(Earth): By spending a stunning fist attempt when activating the Fist of Tebigong's trip attempt(as a Standard Action) you can generate a powerful earthquake by striking the ground. All foes standing or flying less than 10ft above the earth in a 10ft radius burst centered on you you are struck by a powerful upward blast of earth suffering 2d6 points of damage as well as the normal trip attempt.

    Prerequisites: Craft Shen Gong Wu, Craft Wondrous Item, Telekinesis
    Cost to Create:: 12,500gp, 1,000xp
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)12:11 No.7040541
         File1260205906.png-(195 KB, 512x384, vlcsnap-4878285.png)
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    Golden Tiger Claws
    Price: 200,000gp
    Body Slot: Held (Weapon)
    Caster Level: 15th
    Aura: Strong; (DC 22) Conjuration
    Activation:: Standard (Command)
    Weight: 2lbs

    The Golden Tiger Claw is a golden emblazoned weapon much like a punch dagger, but featuring three slightly curving blades. When used in combat the Golden Tiger Claws strike as a +2 weapon, deal 1d4 points of slashing damage, and threatens a critical hit on a roll of 20 for x3 damage. A monk may treat the Golden Tiger Claws as a special monk weapon.

    The true power of the Golden Tiger Claws is their ability to transport the wielder anywhere they wish to go. As a standard action the wearer can cut a hole in thin air with a wave of the claw and teleport to a nearby destination as though by Dimension Door. Up to three times per day the wielder may do the same, but can transport to any location as though with Greater Teleport.

    Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armour, Craft Shen Gong Wu, Craft Wondrous Item, Dimension Door, Greater Teleport
    Cost to Create:: 100,000gp, 8,000xp
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)12:12 No.7040549
         File1260205966.png-(329 KB, 480x360, vlcsnap-4892592.png)
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    Helmet of Jong
    Price: 25,000gp
    Body Slot: Head
    Caster Level: 5th
    Aura: Faint; (DC 17) Divination
    Activation:: -
    Weight: 2lbs

    The Helmet of Jong is a heavy steel helm designed to protect its wearer, granting them preternatural senses. The wearer can see and react to foes on either side with ease, and they cannot be flanked. Their heightened senses allow them to feel the presence of foes, and they gain Blindsense in a 10ft radius around them.

    Prerequisites: Craft Shen Gong Wu, Craft Wondrous Item, Creator must posses the Uncanny Dodge ability
    Cost to Create:: 12,500gp, 1,000xp

    Price: 40,000gp
    Body Slot: Feet
    Caster Level: 1
    Aura: Strong 12; (DC 21)Transmutation
    Activation:: Standard (Command)
    Weight: 1lbs

    These boots, when activated, allow you to spurn the effect of gravity, granting you a fly speed of 30ft (Perfect). Additionally, you may walk across any flat surface, even vertical surfaces or water, as though they were flat ground. Even if tripped or otherwise upset, you will hover in the air with the power of the boots rather than falling.

    Prerequisites: Craft Shen Gong Wu, Craft Wondrous Item, Fly
    Cost to Create:: 20,000gp, 1,600xp
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)12:14 No.7040551
    Longhi Kite
    Price: 54,000gp
    Body Slot: Back
    Caster Level: 10th
    Aura: Moderate; (DC 20)Transmutation
    Activation:: Standard (Command)
    Weight: 10lbs

    The Longhi kite appears to be a decorative wooden and silk kite in the shape of a flying dragon, though it has a pair of sturdy woven straps that appear to fit over the shoulders of a medium or small creature. When worn on the back, the Longhi Kite allows its wearer to fly; speaking the command word causes the Longhi Kite to grow sturdy dragon wings that empower her to fly with a speed of 60ft (good maneuverability).

    Prerequisites: Craft Shen Gong Wu, Craft Wondrous Item, Fly
    Cost to Create:: 27,000gp, 2160xp
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)12:15 No.7040557
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    Lotus Twister
    Price: 35,000gp
    Body Slot: Held(Rod)
    Caster Level: 9th
    Aura: Moderate; (DC 19) Transmutation
    Activation:: Swift Command
    Weight: 2lbs

    The Lotus Twister rod, when activated, turns the wearer's limbs to rubber. The wielder gains a +4 competence bonus on opposed trip, disarm, and grapple checks thanks to his agile limbs, and as a standard action they can deliver any melee attack or natural weapon attack at a range of up to 15ft including special attacks such as trip or disarm attacks.

    He can grant himself up to three times the normal vertical reach to pull himself up to high places, such as when making a vertical leap, and his rubbery frame grants him a +5 competence bonus on climb, jump and tumble checks as well as a +20 competence bonus on escape artist checks.

    The Lotus Twister functions for a total of ten minutes each day, and any single Activation: counts as using up a full minute regardless of how much time is actually spent using the Shen Gong Wu. These minutes need not be continuous.

    Prerequisites: Craft Rod, Craft Shen Gong Wu, Polymorph
    Cost to Create:: 17,500gp, 1,400xp
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)12:16 No.7040560
         File1260206164.png-(167 KB, 512x384, vlcsnap-4870402.png)
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    Mantis Flip Coin
    Price: 25,000gp
    Body Slot: Held
    Caster Level: 5th
    Aura: Faint; (DC 17) Transmutation
    Activation:: Swift (Manipulation)
    Weight: -

    Mantis Flip Coins are one of the most basic Shen Gong Wu. By flipping the coin in a free hand and speaking the Command Word(typically the name of the coin) the wielder of this Shen Gong Wu gains a +10 Competence bonus to Jump and Tumble checks. Additionally, you suffer no penalty to jump checks for not taking a running start. Maintaining the benefits of the Mantis Flip Coin is a Free Mental Action each round, however you must continue to hold the coin in hand. You cannot wield weapons with the hand that holds the mantis flip coin, but you can hold objects or make unarmed strikes.

    Prerequisites: Craft Shen Gong Wu, Craft Wondrous Item, Jump
    Cost to Create:: 12,500gp, 1,000xp
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)12:16 No.7040563
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    Monkey Staff
    Price: 30,000gp
    Body Slot: Held(Weapon)
    Caster Level: 7th
    Aura: Moderate; (DC 18) Transmutation
    Activation:: -
    Weight: 4lbs

    The Monkey Staff is a +2 Quarterstaff that makes its wielder more dexterous, but gives them a simian appearance. When the monkey staff is in hand you gain a +2 competence bonus to Strength and Dexterity, a +10 competence bonus to climb, jump, and tumble checks and you can travel through treetops with ease as though you had the Brachiation Feat(Complete Adventurer, pg 106).

    If you have the Weapon Finesse feat you may apply it to all attacks made with the Monkey Staff even though the Monkey Staff is not a light weapon.

    While the staff is held, the wielder slowly begins to manifest simian appearance traits such as long, thick hair on their forearms and chest, a prehensile tail, elongated teeth, a muzzle-like face, and long, clawed hands and feet. They suffer a -4 penalty to charisma based skills due to their unusual appearance.

    Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armour, Craft Shen Gong Wu, Craft Wondrous Items, Polymorph
    Cost to Create:: 15,000gp, 1,200xp
    >> G. D. 12/07/09(Mon)12:18 No.7040568
    Well, damn. I never thought of this as a viable campaign setting before, but... damn.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)12:19 No.7040570
         File1260206356.png-(271 KB, 512x384, vlcsnap-4898882.png)
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    Orb of Tornami
    Price: 15,000gp
    Body Slot: Held
    [Caster Level: 9th
    Aura: Moderate; (DC 19) Conjuration
    Activation:: Swift Command
    Weight: 1lbs

    This crystalline blue orb, when held aloft and the name spoke, produces a prodigious jet of water as either a stream, fountain or geyser: "Stream" pours out 1 gallon per round, "Fountain" produces a 5-foot-long stream at 5 gallons per round, "Geyser" produces a 20-foot-long, 1-foot-wide stream at 30 gallons per round.

    The geyser effect causes considerable back pressure, requiring the holder to make a DC 12 Strength check to avoid being knocked down. The force of the geyser deals 1d4 points of damage but can only affect one target per round. The Orb of Tornami will cease its production of water as either a free mental action by the wielder, or if the wielder releases it.

    Alternately, as a Standard Action, the wielder choose to produce a single powerful jetstream of water that can knock an opponent backward. This is a ranged attack. Medium or smaller foes struck by this jetstream must make an opposed bullrush check at the wielder's BAB +10. Whether successful or not, any foe of up to large size struck by the Jetstream must also succeed a Reflex Save (DC 14) or be knocked prone.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)12:19 No.7040576
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    Xiaolin Element(Water): By spending a stunning fist attempt when activating the Orb of Tornami to produce a Jetstream or Geyser a Xiaolin Dragon Apprentice of Water can produce a jet of frozen Ice instead. If used with the Geyser then any foe struck by the geyser suffers 2d6 points of cold damage and must succeed a Fortitude saving throw(DC 14) or take a -2 penalty to strength for one minute to do the numbing cold. If used with the Jetstream the foe must make an Opposed Grapple Check instead of a Bullrush. Failure means the foe is encased in a block of ice and is unable to move for 1d4 rounds(however, he is protected by the ice and any attack directed at him must break the ice(hardness 0, 30HP) to deliver any damage. Each round the foe is so entombed he suffers 1d6 points of cold damage.

    Prerequisites: Craft Shen Gong Wu, Craft Wondrous Item, Create Water, Control Water
    Cost to Create:: 7,500gp, 600xp
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)12:20 No.7040579
    Almost forgot to mention, several of these refer to Xiaolin Feats and the like, which I have created to add to the mix... I'll post them when I run out of Shen Gong Wu.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)12:22 No.7040584
    Serpent's Tail
    Price: 40,000gp
    Body Slot: Held (Rod)
    Caster Level: 6th
    Aura: Moderate; (DC 18)
    Activation:: Standard (Command)
    Weight: 3lbs

    By grasping this rod in hand and speaking the command word, the wielder can shift to the ethereal plane(as though with the Ethereal Jaunt spell) although they remain fully visible to both Ethereal and material creatures. While grasping the Serpent's Tail the wielder can move, as though flying, at a speed of 60ft.

    The Serpent's Tail has three charged renewed each day at dawn. Becoming ethereal uses up one charge. The wielder can remain ethereal in this way for up to one minute each time.

    Prerequisites: Craft Rod, Craft Shen Gong Wu, Ethereal Jaunt
    Cost to Create:: 20,000gp, 16,000gp

    Shroud of Shadows
    Price: 45,000gp
    Body Slot:Back
    Caster Level: 3rd
    Aura: Faint; (DC 16) Illusion
    Activation:: Standard (Command) and Swift(Mental)
    Weight: 1lbs

    This plain looking black and grey cloak can sheathe its wearer in a veil of invisibility. When activated it grants the wearer Invisibility, as the spell. At the beginning of the wearer's turn, as a Swift action, he or she can choose to have the invisibility function as Greater Invisibility until the beginning of his or her next turn instead. This ability functions for up to 10 rounds each day. They need not be continuous.

    Prerequisites: Craft Shen Gong Wu, Craft Wondrous Item, Invisibility, Greater Invisibility
    Cost to Create:: 22,500gp, 1,800xp
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)12:23 No.7040591
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    Star Hanabi
    Price: 20,000gp
    Body Slot: Held
    Caster Level: 9th
    Aura: Moderate; (DC 19) Evocation
    Activation:: Standard (Command)
    Weight: -

    Much like the Eye of Dashi the Star Hanabi is an offensive Shen Gong Wu designed to attack your foes. As a standard action you can invoke the Star Hanabi to fire a burst of searing pyrotechnics as a ranged touch attack that deals 2d6 points of fire damage. This attack has a maximum range of 100ft. Any foe who takes damage from this attack must also make a fortitude saving throw (DC 14) or be dazzled for one round.

    Xiaolin Element(Fire): By spending a stunning fist attempt when activating the Star Hanabi, a Xiaolin Dragon Apprentice of Fire can produce a more potent jet of fire. This meteoric burst deals 4d6 points of fire damage to the selected target, and all adjacent targets take 1d6 points of splash damage. All foes who take damage from this effect must succeed a fortitude saving throw (DC 13) or be dazzled for one round.

    Prerequisites: Craft Shen Gong Wu, Craft Wondrous Item, Pyrotechnics
    Cost to Create:: 10,000gp, 800xp
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)12:24 No.7040596
         File1260206641.png-(158 KB, 480x360, vlcsnap-4888311.png)
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    Sword of the Storm
    Price: 50,000gp
    Body Slot: Held (Weapon)
    Caster Level: 9th
    Aura: Moderate; (DC 19) Transmutation
    Activation:: Standard (Command)
    Weight: 2lbs

    The Sword of the Storms is a powerful Wind element Shen Gong Wu, and allows its wielder to command the very air. While the blade of the Sword of Storms is immaterial and will deal no damage(it is technically a Scimitar), it will allow its wielder to produce a Gust of Wind or Wind Wall effect at will as a standard action. Up to three times per day, as a standard action, its wielder can generate a single powerful gust of Hurricane Force winds in a 60ft cone(See DMG for Details on the effects of such strong wind, pg 95).

    Shen Gong Wu Combination; Eye of Dashi: By combining the Eye of Dashi with the Sword of the Storms, they grant the wielder the ability to Fly (60ft, good maneuverability) at will as a standard action. Additionally, as a Swift action each round, the wielder can manipulate the winds around them, directing them as a Control Winds spell. This combination drains the powers of the Shen Gong Wu, however, and after no more than ten minutes of such activity both Shen Gong Wu are temporarily exhausted of powers, and are inert for 24 hours. They Eye of Dashi cannot activate this ability if it is currently inert from from activating the Xiaolin Element(Wind) special ability above.

    Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armour, Craft Shen Gong Wu, Craft Wondrous Items, Gust of Wind, Control Wind, Wind Wall.
    Cost to Create:: 25,000gp, 2,000xp
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)12:25 No.7040600
         File1260206714.png-(343 KB, 512x384, vlcsnap-4875367.png)
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    Tangle Web Comb
    Price: 15,000gp
    Body Slot: Held(weapon)
    Caster Level: 5th
    Aura: Faint; (DC 17) Conjuration
    Activation:: Free(Mental) or Standard (Command)
    Weight: -

    What appears to be a simple hair-comb at first glance is a powerful tool. As a free action at the beginning of each round the wielder of the Tangle Web Comb can choose to make attacks with the Tangle Web Comb's hairlike fibres as either a +2 Bola, Whip, or Net. Any creature who takes damage from an attack from the Tangle Web Comb must succeed a DC 12 reflex save or become entangled by the strong fibres it produces.

    As a Standard Action the wielder of the Tangle Web Comb can also attempt to engulf a foe in the fibres of the Web Comb. This requires making a ranged touch attack (with a maximum range of 60ft). Any creature struck by the fibres must succeed an opposed grapple check or be pinned by the fibres. Those who succeed the check are simply entangled. The Grapple check uses the Wielder's BAB, with a +5 bonus from the Tangle Web Comb, and is treated as a medium creature. A creature Pinned by this effect may continue to make grapple or escape artist checks against the same value each round to escape, though the fibres will lose potency and fall away on thier own after 1d4+1 rounds.

    An entangled creature can escape with a DC 20 Escape Artist check (a full-round action). These fibres have 5 hit points and can be burst with a DC 25 Strength check (also a full-round action).

    Prerequisites: Craft Shen Gong Wu, Craft Wondrous Item, Evard's Black Tentacles
    Cost to Create:: 7,500gp, 600xp
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)12:26 No.7040604
         File1260206764.png-(294 KB, 480x360, vlcsnap-4907863.png)
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    Tongue of Saiping
    Price: 20,000gp
    Body Slot: Neck
    Caster Level: 5th
    Aura: Faint; (DC 17)Divination
    Activation:: Standard

    This amulet, in the shape of a speaking mouth, allows you to communicate with animals. Holding the amulet up to your mouth and speaking through it(a standard action) translates your words into the speech of animals as a Speak with Animals spell. You can make a single diplomacy check each round you use the Tongue of Saiping, with a +10 Competence bonus, to convince any animal who hears your voice to come to your assistance. Most animals start out indifferent to you unless you have attacked or otherwise threatened them, in which case they may be unfriendly or hostile. Characters with 10 or more ranks of Handle Animal may substitute a Handle Animal check in place of the diplomacy check.

    Regardless of thier attitude toward you, most animals will tire or forget about you after 10 minutes, leaving to return to thier normal lives.

    Prerequisites: Craft Shen Gong Wu, Craft Wondrous Item, Speak with Animals
    Cost to Create:: 10,000gp, 800xp
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)12:27 No.7040607
         File1260206842.png-(263 KB, 480x360, vlcsnap-4890389.png)
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    Third Arm Sash
    Price: 15,000gp
    Body Slot: Belt
    Caster Level: 7th
    Aura: Moderate; (DC 18) Transmutation
    Activation:: - or Standard(Command)
    Weight: 1lbs

    The Third Arm Sash is, as its name implies, a belt that grants you an agile third arm at your command. While wearing the sash the arm acts of its own accord in most cases, aiding you automatically and granting you a +2 competence bonus on opposed disarm, and grapple attempts, as well as Climb checks. Additionally the hand can simply hold an object for you such as a lantern, however it cannot wield a weapon or shield, and while it holds an object it does not provide its normal competence bonus to opposed combat checks. Objects held in the Third Arm Sash are easy to access, and you can transfer an item to or from the Third Arm Sash as a free action.

    As a standard action, however, you can also command the sash to attack a foe. This is a Slam attack, 1d10 damage with a 15ft reach. Alternately you can choose to trip or disarm a foe with this attack. These special attacks do not provoke attacks of opportunity. You can also order the sash to grab or manipulate an object within 15ft such as opening a door, pulling a lever, or grabbing a ledge to pull you up. The Third Arm has an effective strength score of 19, and can use your BAB, feats, and skill ranks when interacting with or attacking objects and creatures(when attacking it adds one and one-half times its strength bonus, or +6, to damage). Attacks from the sash are considered delivered by a medium creature, no matter the size of the wielder.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)12:28 No.7040608
    Xiaolin Element(Earth): By spending a stunning fist attempt when activating the Third Arm Sash to attack, trip, or disarm a Xiaolin Dragon Apprentice of Earth can cause the arm to be encased in stone when it delivers its blow, increasing the damage as though the slam were delivered by a creature one size category larger(thus dealing 2d8 damage). If used for a trip or disarm attempt, the arm adds a +4 size modifier as if it were a large creature.

    Prerequisites: Craft Shen Gong Wu, Craft Wondrous Item, Animate Objects
    Cost to Create:: 7,500gp, 600xp
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)12:28 No.7040611
         File1260206939.png-(213 KB, 480x360, vlcsnap-4887781.png)
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    Two Ton Tunic
    Price: 20,000gp
    Body Slot: Body
    Caster Level: 8th
    Aura: Moderate; (DC 19) Abjuration
    Activation:: Immediate(Command) or Swift(Command)
    Weight: 2lbs/100lbs*

    Two-ton Tunic are magical robes enchanted to transform into armour with superlative defense, but the drawback is their substantial weight. With a simple utterance of the items name, the Two-ton Tunic transforms from a cloth robe to a powerful armour. Speaking the command word again will return the Two-ton Tunic to its robe form. A wearer can activate the Tunic in response to an attack(such as being charged by a foe) as long as they are able to see and react to the attack and are not flatfooted or immobilized. The Two-ton Tunic can remain in operation for up to 20 rounds each day, and each transformation of the tunic to Armour counts as one round. These rounds need not be continuous.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)12:29 No.7040614
    The Two-ton Tunic, as an armour, grants its wearer a +6 armour bonus to AC, a maximum Dexterity bonus of only +2, Damage reduction 5/Adamantine, and an armour check penalty of -8. It reduces its wearer's speed as if it were a medium armour, and even characters who speed would not normally be reduced by medium armour, such as a Dwarf, will find their speed affected. It has an inherent Fortification ability which allows its wearer a 25% chance to turn any critical hit or sneak attack against him or her into a normal hit. A monk(or similar class) who activates the armour finds they retain their Flurry of Blows class feature while wearing the armour, nor do they suffer any non-proficiency penalty for wearing the Two-ton Tunic. While the Two-ton Tunic is active, it grants a +4 competence bonus on opposed trip, bullrush, and overrun checks as well as any check or saving throw to prevent being knocked down, knocked back, blown away, or otherwise forcefully moved. Any creature who fails a trip, bullrush, or overrun check against a creature wearing the active Two-ton Tunic is struck by a resounding force and suffers 2d6 points of damage and must succeed a fortitude save (DC 14) or be stunned for one round.

    Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armour, Craft Shen Gong Wu, Craft Wondrous Item, Resilient Sphere
    Cost to Create:: 10,000gp, 800xp
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)12:32 No.7040626
         File1260207153.png-(162 KB, 449x336, MalaMalaJong-1.png)
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    That should be all of Season 1's except, of course, for:

    Shen Gong Wu Combination:
    Mala Mala Jong
    This Demonic Golem servent is crafted by combining the powers of 8 Shen Gong Wu: The Two-ton Tunic, Third Arm Sash, Eye of Dashi, Hemet of Jong, Fist of Tebigong, Shroud of Shadows, and Jet Bootsu, all brought to life with the powerful Heart of Jong. The Shen Gong Wu take the place of the creatures limbs (Fist of Tebigong and Third Arm sash for left and right arms, Jet Bootsu for feet, Helmet of Jong for a head, and the Two Ton Tunic for a body.) It also wears the Eye of Dashi as a necklace and the Shroud of Shadows as Cloak. Its body is composed of living green flames.

    Mala Mala Jong functions as an Iron Golem with the added benefits of an intelligence score of 10, Fast Healing 10 and it's normal breath attack is replaced by the ability to breath a 60ft cone of Hellfire (see Book of Vile Darkness for information on Hellfire) that deals 5d6 points of damage, reflex save for half (DC XX) at will. Additionally, Mala Mala Jong can instinctively make use of all of its component Shen Gong Wu in combat. Even if reduced to 0 hitpoints or less, unless the Heart of Jong is removed from its body, it will reform within 1d4 rounds at full hitpoints.

    Mala Mala Jong is loyal only to the being who placed the Heart of Jong in its chest, bringing it to life.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)12:36 No.7040636
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    Chosen of the Dragon [Xiaolin]
    You are a martial artist favoured by the ancient Xiaolin dragons.
    Prerequisites: Wis 13, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist
    Benefit: You gain one additional use of Stunning Fist per day for each Xiaolin feat you posses.

    Xiaolin Dragon Apprentice [Xiaolin]
    You have shown courage and skill, and are worthy of advanced Training.
    Prerequisites: Wis 13, Chosen of the Dragon, Evasion, Wholeness of Body, Must be endorsed by a Xiaolin Dragon Master
    Benefit: When you select this feat choose a Xiaolin Element(Earth, Fire, Water, or Wind). By sacrificing a Stunning Fist attempt while using certain Shen Gong Wu you can activate a more potent ability(see individual Shen Gong Wu's description for details).

    Additionally, when using any Shen Gong Wu's powers any Save DC increases by one for each Xiaolin Feat you posses.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)12:37 No.7040638
         File1260207431.png-(347 KB, 512x384, vlcsnap-4944597.png)
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    Xiaolin Element Strike,
    Judolette Flip [Xiaolin]
    You channel your ki into a whirlwind of flames.
    Prerequisites: Wis 13, Cha 13, Chosen of the Dragon, Xiaolin Dragon Apprentice(fire)
    Benefit: As a standard action you can create a whirling cloak of brilliant flames around you. Any creature in a 10ft burst, centered on you, takes an amount of fire damage equal to your unarmed strike damage plus one and one half times your positive charisma bonus(if any). Any creature who takes damage from this ability must succeed a willpower save (DC 10 + 1/2 Character level + charisma modifier) or be dazzled for one round. This ability expends two uses of your Stunning Fist Ability.
    Special: Judolette Flip is a supernatural ability.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)12:37 No.7040642
         File1260207475.png-(356 KB, 512x384, vlcsnap-4945845.png)
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    Xiaolin Element Strike,
    Seismic Kick [Xiaolin]
    You can channel your Ki into a powerful stomp attack.
    Prerequisites: Wis 13, Con 13, Chosen of the Dragon, Xiaolin Dragon Apprentice{Earth)
    Benefit: As a standard action you can deliver a powerful kick into the ground that creates a rapidly traveling fissure of churning earth. This is a 60ft long line 5ft wide. Any creature or object standing on the ground suffers an amount of damage equal to your unarmed strike damage plus one and one-half times your positive constitution bonus(if any). Any creature that suffers damage from this effect must also succeed a reflex save (DC equals 10 + 1/2 character level + Constitution modifier) or be knocked prone and become dazed for 1d4 rounds. This ability expends two uses of your Stunning Fist Ability.
    Special: Seismic Kick is a supernatural ability.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)12:38 No.7040644
         File1260207535.png-(347 KB, 512x384, vlcsnap-4944236.png)
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    Xiaolin Element Strike,
    Tsunami Strike [Xiaolin]
    You funnel your Ki, creating a powerful jet of water that can crush or freeze your foes.
    Prerequisites: Wis 13, Dex 13, Chosen of the Dragon, Xiaolin Dragon Apprentice(Water)
    Benefit: As a standard action you can create a whirling helix of water or ice(your choice) that strikes out in a 60ft line. When using the Tsunami Strike your attack deals an amount of damage equal to your unarmed strike damage plus one and one-half times your positive Wisdom bonus(if any). If using the Water strike this is untyped damage, if using the Ice strike it's considered Cold damage. If a creature takes damage from this effect they must succeed a Reflex saving throw (DC 10 + 1/2 character level + wisdom modifier) or be pushed back 10ft and dazed for one round in the case of the water strike, or be coated in a sheet of ice and stuffer a -2 penalty to strength and dexterity for 1d4 rounds in the case of the Ice Strike. This ability expends two uses of your Stunning Fist Ability.
    Special: Tsunami Strike is a supernatural ability.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)12:39 No.7040647
         File1260207578.png-(279 KB, 512x384, vlcsnap-4944892.png)
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    Xiaolin Element Strike,
    Typhoon Boom [Xiaolin]
    You focus your ki into your hands, creating a powerful whirlwind.
    Prerequisites: Wis 13, Dex 13, Chosen of the Dragon, Xiaolin Dragon Apprentice(Wind)
    Benefit: As a standard action you can slam your hands together, creating a powerful blast of winds. This attack is a 30ft cone. Any creature within the area is slammed by winds, and suffers an amount of damage equal to your unarmed strike damage plus one and one-half times your positive dexterity bonus(if any). Any creature who takes damage from this ability must succeed a fortitude saving throw(DC equals 10 + 1/2 character level + Dexterity modifier) or be stunned for one round. This ability expends two uses of your Stunning Fist Ability.
    Special: Typhoon Boom is a supernatural ability.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)15:59 No.7041364
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)17:28 No.7041745
         File1260224884.jpg-(219 KB, 650x979, xwuya3.jpg)
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    Since I didn't have anything else to do, I started tweaking some of the 2nd and 3rd season Wu, as well as working on the improved Xiaolin Powers (Wudai warrior elements and weapons)....

    Also more Wuya becasuse, damn...
    >> MR. RAGE !D9l9S8Lio6 12/07/09(Mon)17:35 No.7041772

    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)17:40 No.7041798
    Dragon X-Kumei Formation [Xaolin]
    By combining your Ki with that of fellow dragons, you can increase each other's power.
    Prequisites: Wis 13, Chosen of the Dragon, Xaolin Dragon Apprentice, any Xaolin Element Strike
    Benefits: If you start your turn adjacent to an ally with the Dragon X-kumei Formation feat who embodies a different Xiaolin Dragon Element than you, you gain a +1 morale bonus to attack and damage rolls for one minute for each element type other than your own. For example, if you were a Xiaolin Dragon of Earth and started your turn adjacent to a Xiaolin Dragon of Water and a Xiaolin Dragon of Wind who both had the Dragon X-Kumei Formation feat you would gain a +2 morale bonus to attack and damage rolls for one minute.

    Special: You only take advantage of this feat once per encounter. This is a Supernatural ability.

    Wudai Dragon [Xaolin]
    Your focus and dedication make you resolute in the face your foes.
    Prerequisites: Wis 13, Chosen of the Dragon, Xaolin Dragon Apprentice, Quivering Palm, Must be Endorsed by a Xaolin Dragon Master.
    Benefit: You gain Damage Reduction 2/-.
    Special: This Damage Reduction stacks with any other untyped damage reduction you posses from class or racial features(such as the Barbarian) but does not stack with damage reduction acquired by magic or exceptional items or spells.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)17:44 No.7041816
    Wudai Element Strike,
    Wudai Crater [Xaolin]
    You can use your Ki to manipulate earth and stone.
    Prerequisites: Wis 13, Con 15, Chosen of the Dragon, Xaolin Dragon Apprentice(Earth), Wudai Dragon
    Benefit: As a full round action you can summon and launch a sizable boulder as a ranged attack for each Xiaolin feat you posses. Each boulder deals 2d8 points of crushing damage(but strikes as a +1 weapon for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction) and threatens a critical hit on a natural roll of 20 for x3 damage. This attack has a maximum range of 100ft and no range increment. Each boulder may be directed at a different target This ability expends five uses of your Stunning Fist Ability.
    Special: Wudai Crater is a supernatural ability.

    Wudai Element Strike,
    Wudai Mars [Xaolin]
    You can use your Ki to manipulate flames.
    Prerequisites: Wis 13, Cha 15, Chosen of the Dragon, Xaolin Dragon Apprentice(Fire), Wudai Dragon
    Benefit: As a standard action you can produce a flurry of flaming bolts as a ranged attack for each Xiaolin feat you posses. Each flaming bolt deals 2d6 points of fire damage and threatens a critical hit on a natural roll of 20 for x2 damage. This attack has a maximum range of 100ft and no range increment. Each bolt may be directed at a different target. This ability expends five uses of your stunning fist ability.
    Special: Wudai Mars is a supernatural ability.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)17:45 No.7041822
    Wudai Element Strike,
    Wudai Neptune [Xaolin]
    You can use your Ki to manipulate water and ice.
    Prerequisites: Wis 13, Dex 15, Chosen of the Dragon, Xaolin Dragon Apprentice(Water), Wudai Dragon
    Benefit: As a standard action you can direct guyserlike sprays of ice as a ranged attack for each Xiaolin feat you posses. This attack deals 2d6 points of cold damage and threatens a critical hit on a natural roll of 20 for x2 damage. This attack has a maximum range of 100ft and no range increment. Each guyser may be directed at a different target. This ability expends five uses of your Stunning Fist Ability.
    Special: Wudai Neptune is a supernatural ability.

    Wudai Element Strike,
    Wudai Star [Xaolin]
    You can use your Ki to manipulate wind.
    Prerequisites: Wis 13, Dex 15, Chosen of the Dragon, Xaolin Dragon Apprentice(Wind), Wudai Dragon
    Benefit: As a standard action You can summon buffeting gusts of wind as a ranged attack for each Xiaolin feat you posses. This attack deals 2d8 points of bludgeoning and slashing damage(but strikes as a +1 weapon for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction) and threatens a critical hit on a natural roll of 19-20 for x2 damage. This attack has a maximum range of 100ft and no range increment. Each gust may be directed at a different target This ability expends five uses of your Stunning Fist Ability.
    Special: Wudai Star is a supernatural ability.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)17:46 No.7041827
    Wudai Orion Formation[Xaolin]
    By combining your Ki with that of fellow dragons, you can greatly increase each other's power.
    Prerequisites: Wis 13, Chosen of the Dragon, Xaolin Dragon Apprentice, any Xaolin Element Strike, Wudai Warrior, any Wudai Element Strike
    Benefit: If you start your turn adjacent to an ally with the Dragon X-kumei Formation feat who embodies a different Xiaolin Dragon Element than you, you each my chose to improve your unarmed damage die-type by one step as though you were one size category higher and gain Damage Reduction 10/Adamantine and magic for one minute.

    Special: You can gain the benefits of this feat only once per encounter. This is a Supernatural ability.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)17:47 No.7041835
    Black Beetle
    Body Slot: -
    Caster Level: 9th
    Aura: Moderate, (DC 19)Abjuration
    Activation: Standard (Command)

    This small obsidian charm, in the shape of a beetle, feels cool to the touch despite the hot surroundings.

    The Black Beetle is a protective Shen Gong Wu which makes it's wearer resistant to heat and flame. When activated, the Black Beetle changes to envelope the wearer as a Psychoactive Skin(Magic Item Compendium page 169) completely engulfing the wearer from head to toe into in a form of flexible, but chitinous-looking skin. This skin surrounds the wearer and all of their equipment, but will pull back out of the way when needed, such as when reaching for an item in a backpack or attempting to eat or drink.

    While the Black Beetle is active the wearer is rendered immune to extreme temperatures as though shielded by Endure Elements, and gains Fire Resistance 30. The chitinous nature of the armour grants the wearer a +3 enhancement bonus to their Natural Armour score (Creatures without a listed Natural Armour bonus are considered to have a bonus of +0).

    Prerequisites: Craft Shen Gong Wu, Craft Wondrous Item, Barkskin, Endure Elements, and Energy Resistance
    Cost to Create: 35,000gp, 2.800xp

    (also, I'm out of screenshots, I don't feel like digging out my dvd with my episodes on it to take more).
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)17:48 No.7041840
    Crouching Cougar
    Price: 50,000gp
    Body Slot: -
    Caster Level: 10th
    Aura: Moderate, (DC 20)Transmutation
    Activation: Standard(Command)

    This simple golden statuette resembles a large hunting cat.

    When activated the Crouching Cougar transforms a mechanical Cougar or Puma. The Crouching Cougar can carry up to two medium or small creatures.

    Unlike the other travel Shen Gong Wu, the Crouching Cougar is more lifelike, and it functions in all respects as a Heavy Warhorse, except for the following benefits: Hardness 10, Natural Armour bonus to AC increased to +10, Type is Construct and it has no constitution score(but it's Hitpoint total is unchanged).

    The Crouching Cougar can cut easily through underbrush and rough natural environments, and their movement is not reduced when moving through areas of Light Undergrowth or similar difficult terrain.

    The Crouching Cougar can be used for a total of twenty-four hours in a given week. This time can be dived as it's user sees fit, but any activation of the Crouching Cougar counts as using up an hour's worth of time.

    Prerequisites: Craft Shen Gong Wu, Craft Wondrous Item, Animate Object
    Cost to Create: 25,000gp, 2,000xp
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)17:49 No.7041843
    Gills of Hamachi
    Price: 35,000gp
    Body Slot: Neck
    Caster Level: 5th
    Aura: Faint, (DC 17)Transmutation
    Activation: Standard (Command)

    You see a scale-patterned necklace with what appear to be twitching fish gills.

    The Gills of Hamachi, when worn, transform the wearer into an aquatic creature.

    When the Gills of Hamachi are activated, the user is covered in green scales, they grow webbing on their hands and feet, and gills along their neck. While so transformed the wearer can breathe water just like air, and is protected from cold and pressure while underwater. Also, they gain a Swim speed equal to their base Land Speed or 30ft, whichever is lower.

    The Gills, however, replace the wearer's normal ability to breathe air. As a such a character wearing active Gills of Hamachi who is out of the water must attempt to hold their breath until they can immerse themselves in water again.

    Prerequisites: Craft Shen Gong Wu, Craft Wondrous Item, Water Breathing
    Cost to Create: 17,500gp, 1,400xp
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)17:50 No.7041853
    Glove of Jisaku
    Price: 25,000gp
    Body Slot: Glove
    Caster Level: 5th
    Aura: Faint, (DC 17)Transmutation
    Activation: Standard(Command) or Full Round(Command)

    You find a heavy, mitt-like glove buried at the bottom of a mound of debris.

    The Glove of Jisaku attracts small objects easily to it's user. At will, as a standard action, the wearer can cause any single unattended object within 30ft weighing up to 5lbs to fly directly to his gloved hand as though with a Mage Hand spell, though it can affect even magical items.

    As a full round action which provokes attacks of opportunity, the Wearer can attempt a more potent effect, sending waves of energy out to forcefully steal objects from nearby creatures. This affects a disarm attempt(1d20 + Wearer's BAB + Wearer's Charisma modifier) against any unsecured item with wielder wishes weighing 5lbs or less within 15ft. This does not affect secured items such as worn armour or equipment, only hand-held objects or unattended objects.

    All objects picked up by Glove of Jisaku land in your square at the end of your action.

    Prerequisites: Craft Shen Gong Wu, Craft Wondrous Item, Telekinesis
    Cost to Create: 12,500gp, 1,000xp
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)17:50 No.7041859
    Juju Flytrap
    Price: 30,000gp
    Body Slot: Held (rod)
    Caster Level: 10th
    Aura: Moderate, (DC 20) Conjuration
    Activation: Standard(Command)

    The short, ornate rod you find at the back of the room is adorned with a delicate carving of a flower at the tip. It buzzes briefly, as if alive, when picked up.

    The Juju Flytrap is a summoning Shen Gong Wu, which produces dense clouds of biting insects.

    Up to three times per day, as a standard action, the wielder of the Juju Flytrap can activate it to spew forth a dense cloud of insects which fill a 20ft radius spread 20ft high at a point you designate within 100ft. This cloud of insects obscures all vision, including Darkvision, beyond 5ft. A creature within 5 feet has concealment (attacks have a 20% miss chance). Creatures farther away have total concealment (50% miss chance, and the attacker can稚 use sight to locate the target). At the begining of your turn, as a swift action, you can command the insect cloud to move up to 15ft in any direction. Any creature who begins their turn within the area of the insects must succeed a Fortitude Saving throw (DC 15) or be nauseated for one round.

    A moderate wind (11+ mph) disperses the insects in 4 rounds; a strong wind (21+ mph) disperses them in 1 round. Otherwise they will disperse on their own after 10 rounds.

    Prerequisites: Craft Rod, Craft Shen Gong Wu, Summon Swarm
    Cost to Create: 15,000gp, 1200xp
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)17:52 No.7041872
    Lasso Boa Boa
    Price: 20,000gp
    Body Slot: Held(Weapon)
    Caster Level: 10th
    Aura: Moderate, (DC 20)Transmutation
    Activation: - or Standard(Command)

    This coiled lasso is made to resemble a coiled serpent with a large, golden head at one end, and a tail-piece at the other.

    The Lasso Boa Boa functions as a +1 Lasso in most respects, except that it adds it's Enhancement Bonus plus the number of Xiaolin feats it's wielder posses to the Escape Artist or Break DC necessary to escape. Even if cut away or burst, the Lasso Boa Boa will regrow to it's prior size as long as the head and tail pieces are intact, but it takes a full twenty-for hours for it to repair itself.

    If the Lasso Boa Boa is cast to the ground and command word spoken it grows to become a giant constrictor snake(Monster Manual pg 280) by the end of the round. The Boa obeys all commands of the owner. (In animal form, it retains the +1 enhancement bonus on attacks and damage possessed by the Lasso form.) The serpent returns to lasso form (a full-round action) whenever the wielder desires, or whenever it moves farther than 100 feet from the owner. If the snake form is slain, it returns to lasso form and cannot be activated again for three days.

    Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armour, Craft Shen Gong Wu, Baleful Polymorph
    Cost to Create: 10,000gp, 800xp
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)17:53 No.7041877
    Mind Reader Conch
    Price: 30,000gp
    Body Slot: Head
    Caster Level: 5th
    Aura: Faint, (DC 17)Divination
    Activation: -

    You find a beautifully engraved conch shell which seems to constantly emit faint susurrations that could be waves, or whispers.

    This useful Shen Gong Wu, when held to the ear either by hand or via it's thin silver chain, will repeat the surface thoughts of anyone it's directed at, allowing it's wearer to use Detect Thoughts at will as though the effect were always active. If a creature succeeds it's Willpower save against this effect to shield it's surface thoughts(DC 13) their thoughts are shielded until such time as the wearer realigns the Conch(a Standard Action that provokes attacks of opportunity), allowing them to start over again.

    Prerequisites: Craft Shen Gong Wu, Craft Wondrous Item, Detect Thoughts
    Cost to Create: 15,000gp, 1,200xp
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)17:54 No.7041882
    Moonstone Locust
    Price: 60,000gp
    Body Slot: Held
    Caster Level:10th
    Aura: Moderate, (DC 20)Conjuration
    Activation: Standard(Command)

    This ornately engraved figurine appears to be a locust sitting atop a crescent moon made of marble.

    The Moonstone Locust is a sister Shen Gong Wu to the Juju Flytrap. While the flytrap's insects are mere nuisances, the Moonstone Locust creates a cloud of deadly stone locusts.

    As a standard action the wielder of the Moonstone Locust can summon a swarm of Locusts(Monster Manual pg 239) into any point within 30ft. Once summoned, this Stone Locust swarm will obey commands from the wielder of the Moonstone Locust and lasts for up to a minute. The Moonstone Locust can only be activated once per hour.

    These animated Stone locusts are the same as the ones presented in the Monster Manual except for the following: They have no constitution score, which means their HP is 6d8(27hp average) and their fortitude save is +5, they get an additional special quality,Destruction Maw(Ex): Swarm damage from a Stone Locust Swarm is considered magical and adamantine for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction and hardness.

    Prerequisites: Craft Shen Gong Wu, Craft Wondrous Item, Summon Swarm
    Cost to Create: 30,000gp, 2,400xp
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)17:55 No.7041891
    Ruby of Ramses
    Price: 45,000gp
    Body Slot: Special
    Caster Level: 5th
    Aura: Faint, (DC 17)Transmutation
    Activation: Standard (Command)

    You see an exceptionally large ruby mounted in a platinum setting displayed prominently in the statue's hands

    The Ruby of Ramses is a powerful tool which lets the wielder manipulate objects with his mind.

    The Wielder of the Ruby of Ramses can activate a Telekinesis effect at will.

    Prerequisites: Craft Shen Gong Wu, Craft Wondrous Item, Telekinesis
    Cost to Create:22,500gp, 1,800xp

    Thorn of Thunderbolts
    Price: 80,000gp
    Body Slot: Held(Weapon)
    Caster Level: 10th
    Aura: Moderate, (DC 20) Evocation
    Activation: - and Standard(command)

    This elaborately forged dagger crackles with energy.

    The Thorn of Thunderbolts is a +2 Shocking Burst Dagger infused with with the power of thunder.

    As a standard action, the Wielder of the Thorn of Thunderbolts can project a Thunderbolt, a 60ft line that deals 5d8 points of electricity damage with a reflex save (DC 15) for half damage.

    Prerequisites: Craft Shen Gong Wu, Craft Magic Arms and Armour, Lightning Bolt or Call Lightning
    Cost to Create: 40,000gp, 3,200xp
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)17:55 No.7041895
    Silk Spitter
    Price: 25,000gp
    Body Slot: Held(Weapon)
    Caster Level: 5th
    Aura: Faint, (DC 17)Conjuration
    Activation: Attack or Standard(Command)

    This black and gold projectile device appears crafted to resemble a spider.

    The Silk Spitter is a weapon approximately the size of a Light crossbow. By aiming the weapon as you would any other projectile weapon and pulling the trigger(a ranged attack action) the Silk Spitter will fire a thick strand of sticky webbing. This webbing is a stronger than Silk Rope(5hp, Burst DC 25) and attacks with the webbing will allow the wielder to trip, disarm, or entangle their foe at the attacker's choice.

    Tripping or Disarming a foe is resolved as if the Silk Spitter were a One-handed Weapon, and the Silk Spitter confers a +4 competence bonus on such actions. A foe struck by an entangling attack must succeed a reflex saving throw (DC 15) or be entangled. They suffer a -2 penalty on their saving throw for each additional Entangling Attack they've suffered in the same round. An entangled creature can escape with a DC 20 Escape Artist Check, or by breaking the Silk bonds(DC 24 strength check)

    The Silk Spitter can be fired normally as many times per round as your base attack bonus would allow, the feats Manyshot and Greater Manyshot work with the Silk Spitter. The Silk Spitter has a maximum range of 50ft when used to attack and no range increment.

    Additionally, as a Standard Action, the wielder of the Silk Spitter can either project a sticky Web, as the spell, or a climbing thread. When used to produce a climbing thread the Silk Spitter automatically reels the wielder up, allowing them to traverse up to 50ft in any direction, even vertically,as a standard action as long as there is a solid surface for the Silk Spitter's thread to anchor to(this movement provokes attacks of opportunity as normal).

    Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armour, Craft Shen Gong Wu, Web
    Cost to Create: 12,500gp, 1,000xp
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)17:56 No.7041903
    Silver Manta Ray
    Body Slot: None
    Caster Level: 10th
    Aura: Moderate, (DC 20) Transmutation
    Activation: - or Full Round(Command).

    This simple silver statue of a Manta Ray seems particularly lively, as though it could come to life and swim away at a moment's notice.

    The Silver Manta Ray normally appears as a small silver statue. By placing the statue on the ground and speaking the command word as a Full Round Action, the statue transforms into a large carriage with a fully sealed interior which is built to resemble a Manta Ray. The Silver Manta Ray can seat six medium or small creatures, including a driver. Operating the Silver Manta Ray is relatively simple, but a character who is piloting it can take no other actions in a given round.

    The cabin of the Manta Ray is fully sealed when the manta is in use. It is always filled with clean, breathable air, and holds it's temperature steady at 68 degrees regardless of outside temperatures.

    The Manta Ray can fly at a speed of 120ft(Good Maneuverability) and Swim at a speed of 60ft. It can operate for up to 6 hours in a single day, and no more than two days in a single week. A Silver Manta Ray is restored to full hitpoints after reverting to Statue form and remaining that way for at least twenty-four hours. If reduced to zero hitpoints while transformed, the Manta Ray reverts to statue form, automatically ejecting its passengers (but providing them with a Slow Fall spell effect) and will remain that way for one full week. The Silver Manta Ray has Hardness 10 and 200HP, and a maximum load capacity of 1,600lbs.

    Prerequisites: Craft Shen Gong Wu, Craft Wondrous Item, Animate Objects, Water Breathing, Overland Flight
    Cost to Create:: 50,000gp, 4,000xp
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)17:57 No.7041909
    Tunnel Armadillo
    Price: 75,000gp
    Body Slot: Special
    Caster Level: 10th
    Aura: Moderate, (DC 20)Transmutation.
    Activation: Standard(Command)

    This small copper statue resembles a large armadillo or perhaps a badger.

    The Tunnel Armadillo is a transport Shen Gong Wu. When set on the ground and activated it transforms into a mechanical carriage large enough to seat four medium or small creatures with a large mechanical drill assembly at the front.Operating the Tunnel Armadillo is relatively simple, but a character who is piloting it can take no other actions in a given round. It has hardness 10 and 150HP, and a maximum load capacity of 1,000lbs

    The cabin of the Tunnel Armadillo is fully sealed when it is in use. It is always filled with clean, breathable air, and holds it's temperature steady at 68 degrees regardless of outside temperatures. The Tunnel Armadillo is also immune to all fire damage, both magical and mundane, and it can travel into and through lava with no penalty.

    The Tunnel Armadillo can move of it's own power and travels at 60ft per round both rolling on the ground or burrowing through it. The Tunnel Armadillo, however, is not maneuverable and can take only a single turn each round of no more than 90 degrees when traveling. Because of it's rugged design, the Tunnel Armadillo can smash through things like underbrush, rocky terrain, and walls with ease and these do not impede it's speed.

    The Tunnel Armadillo can operate for a total of ten hours each week, and spending twenty four hours sealed in it's statue form will fully restore it's hitpoints. If the Tunnel Armadillo is reduced to zero hitpoints while transformed it will eject it's passengers and transform back to statue form for one full week.

    Prerequisites: Craft Shen Gong Wu, Craft Wondrous Item, Animate Objects, Move Earth
    Cost to Create:37,500gp, 3,000xp
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)17:57 No.7041912
    Wings of Tinabi
    Price: 20,000gp
    Body Slot: Held(Shield)
    Caster Level: 10th
    Aura: Moderate, (DC 20)Transmutation
    Activation: - or Standard(Command)

    You see an ornately embossed shield which seems to shimmer brightly even in the low torchlight.

    The Wings of Tinabi appear as a set of metal wings with a single handhold at the back which allow them to function as a +2 Heavy Shield of Blinding.

    In addition, as a standard action, the wielder can command the wings to open, which allows them to fly extremely quickly, but in an erratic pattern. The wielder can travel at a speed of 120ft(clumsy maneuverability) on command for up to ten minutes each day, broken up into minutes or rounds as the user sees fit. When used to fly, the Wings of Tinabi leave a brilliant trail of rainbow light behind the wearer which can be easily noticed from up to 500ft (Spot check DC 10).

    If the wielder focuses they can move slowly, allowing them to travel at at a speed of 90ft instead with Average maneuverability provided they succeed a DC 20 Concentration check.

    Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armour, Craft Shen Gong Wu, Fly, Searing Light
    Cost to Create: 10,000gp, 1,800xp
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)17:58 No.7041917
    Woozy Shooter
    Price: 60,000gp
    Body Slot: Held
    Caster Level: 6th
    Aura: Moderate, (DC 18) Enchantment
    Activation: Standard (Manipulation)

    A strange horn hangs on the wall at the back of the room, giving off wisps of incandescent purple smoke

    The Woozy Shooter clouds the minds of your foes with a dense, mind-altering, purple haze.

    Lifting the Woozy Shooter to your lips and blowing creates a 60ft cone of purple smoke. Anyone in the area of effect must succeed a willpower saving throw (DC 16) or be Confused, as the spell, for one minute. Characters get a cumulative +2 bonus to their saving throw for each time they've been subjected to the Woozy Shooter's effects in the last 24 hours. The effects of the Woozy Shooter are not cumulative, and multiple applications overlap, not stack.

    Prerequisites: Craft Shen Gong Wu, Craft Wondrous Item, Confusion
    Cost to Create: 30,000gp, 2,400xp
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)17:59 No.7041921
    Wushu Helmet
    Price: 50,000gp
    Body Slot: Head
    Caster Level:
    Aura: 13th
    Activation: - and Immediate (command)

    This rounded silver helmet looks like it would provide excellent protection

    The Wushu helmet is a defensive Shen Gong Wu designed to deflect attacks. While wearing the Wushu Helmet you are protected from attacks which would normally strike vulnerable areas as though by a Heavy Fortification effect which negates all sneak attacks and critical hits, rendering them into normal hits.

    In addition, the Wushu Helmet has three charges renewed each day at dawn. By activating the helmet and expending a charge as an immediate action, you can nullify the damage of a single attack or spell, reducing it to zero. You must announce you are using this effect after you are hit by an attack or successfully affected by a spell or special ability, but before the damage is rolled. This effect does not negate any effect of an attack or spell other than damage, unless that effect requires the target to be damaged. For example, if you negated the damage of a bite attack it would also negate an injury poison, but negating the damage of an Ice Storm spell would not negate the penalties imposed due to being in the area of effect. The protection of the Wushu Helmet applies only on the round it is used, so a character who remains in the area of an ongoing effect, such as an Incendiary Cloud will take damage as normal on successive rounds.

    Prerequisites: Craft Shen Gong Wu, Craft Wondrous Item, Limited Wish, Wish, or Miracle
    Cost to Create: 25,000gp, 2,000xp
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)18:04 No.7041947
    Wushan Geyser
    Price: 90,000gp
    Body Slot: Head
    Caster Level: 15th
    Aura: Strong(DC 22), Enchantment
    Activation: Swift(Command)

    You find a gold-enameled helm set with a large gem in the style of the samurai resting on the floor. It's appearance seems to evoke a memory you can't quite bright to light.

    The Wushan Geyser is a mind-affecting Shen Gong Wu designed to facilitate escapes or stealth.

    Activating the Wushan Geyser creates a fountain of energy from the gem at the top that blanks the minds of your foes. All creatures within 15ft when the Wushan Geyser is activated who fail a Willpower saving throw(DC 17) will have the last five minutes of their memory erased.

    The erasure completely obliterates this span of time, leaving the creature without even sense that time has passed between their last memory and the present. The effects of the Wushan Geyser will leave most creatures confused and disoriented, especially if they were in combat at the time.

    The Wushan Geyser can be used twice per day.

    Prerequisites: Craft Shen Gong Wu, Craft Wondrous Item, Modify Memory
    Cost to Create: 45,000gp, 3,600xp
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)18:05 No.7041952
    Fancy Feet
    Price: 30,000gp
    Body Slot: Feet
    Caster Level: 10th
    Aura: Moderate(DC 20), Transmutation
    Activation: - and Swift(Command)

    You find a pair of sandals with stylized wings hanging from a peg at the back. They appear sturdy and suitable for quick movement.

    The Fancy Feet are a mobility focused Shen Gong Wu designed to allow the wearer to move in short bursts of incredible speed allowing them to move from one place to another without fear of reprisal.

    When the Fancy Feet are activated the wearer can traverse terrain seeming instantaneously. Until the end of the turn you move so quickly that characters cannot take attacks of opportunity against you for leaving a threatened square unless you enter another square threatened by the same character. Even then, you gain a +4 circumstance bonus to AC against those attacks of opportunity caused by that movement as well as against readied attacks.

    Additionally, while worn the Fancy Feet grant the wearer a +10ft enhancement bonus to their speed.

    Prerequisites: Craft Shen Gong Wu, Craft Wondrous Item, Haste and Longstrider or Expeditious Retreat
    Cost to Create: 15,000gp, 1,200xp
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)18:06 No.7041958
    Shadow Slicer
    Price: 19,000gp
    Body Slot: - (held)
    Caster Level: 3rd
    Aura: Faint(DC 16), Illusion
    Activation: Standard (Manipulation) or Swift(Mental)

    This small clockwork timepiece keeps excellent time, down to the second. As you look closer, you see each of the hands casts a shadow both in front of and behind it..

    The Shadow Slicer is a handheld watch or similar timekeeping device that enables it's wielder to produce up to five illusional duplicates at a time with the press of a button. These duplicates function as the Mirror Image spell for as long as the Shadow Slicer is held. If you put the Shadow Slicer away(or spend a Swift Action to concentrate on this effect) you can leave behind up to three of these duplicates who will simply stand in place(rather than following you) as idle decoys. These special decoys function as though created by Minor Image

    Prerequisites: Craft Shen Gong Wu, Craft Wondrous Item, Mirror Image, Minor Image
    Cost to Create: 9,500gp, 760xp
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)18:06 No.7041960
    Kuzusu Atom
    Price: 100,000gp
    Body Slot: Held (Rod)
    Caster Level: 10th
    Aura: Moderate, (DC 20) Transmutation
    Activation: Standard(Maniuplation)

    You can see the end of a golden rod at the base of a large pile of dust. The head appears to be an elaborate lotus which constantly casts off a soft, ivory white cloud of smoke.

    The Kuzusu Atom is a dangerous weapon capable of destroying almost anything. Simply by touching the Kuzusu Atom to another object as a standard action (A melee touch attack) you affect that object with a Disintegrate effect(Caster Level 10th). This effect can only damage objects.

    The Kuzusu Atom also has three charges, renewed each day at dawn. By pointing the Kuzusu Atom and invoking it's power(a Standard Action) you can produce one of the following effects:

    1 Charge: By expending one charge you can project 60ft line of green-gold energy. Any creature or object struck is subject to a Disintegrate effect at 10th caster level.

    3 Charges: By expending all three charges you can create a 30ft cone of green-gold energy. This cone attack will affect all objects, attended or not, with a Disintegrate effect at 10th caster level. Creatures within the cone take 5d6 damage with no saving throw, but are not at risk of being disintegrated.

    Prerequisites: Craft Rod, Craft Shen Gong Wu, Disintegrate
    Cost to Create: 50,000gp, 4,000xp
    >> Aku 12/07/09(Mon)18:07 No.7041963
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    My God. This is awesome.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)18:11 No.7041978
    Denshi Bunny
    Price: 75,000gp
    Body Slot: Special
    Caster Level: 6th
    Aura: Moderate, (DC 18) Transmutation
    Activation: Standard(Command)

    You find a small amber statuette of a rabbit. It seems to crackle with barely restrained energy

    The Denshi Bunny, much like the Black Beetle, functions as a Psychoactive Skin(Magic Item Compendium page 169) completely engulfing the wearer from head to toe. The wearer appears to be made of crackling electricity. This skin surrounds the wearer and all of their equipment, but will pull back out of the way when needed, such as when reaching for an item in a backpack or attempting to eat or drink.

    While active the Denshi Bunny grants the wearer DR 10/Magic and Electricity Resistance 30. Additionally, whenever the wearer attacks with or is struck in combat by a natural weapon or unarmed strike the wearer delivers a jolt of energy to their opponent dealing 1d6 points of electricity damage.

    Additionally, as a full round action, the wearer can transform into bolt of living lighting and travel at incredible speeds. This Bolt Travel ability will allow you to travel up to 500ft in a single round as a 5ft wide line of electricity. You may travel in any direction, even straight up, but you must travel in straight lines. You may, however, make up to three turns of no more than 90 degrees while traveling in this way(for example streaking straight up and then making a 90 degree turn to travel through an open window). Any creature or object of small or larger size who's square you pass through in this form suffers 6d6 points of electricity damage(Reflex save DC 13 for half). Only objects which completely block your path, such as solid walls, can bar your passage in this form, and then only if you cannot deal enough damage to blow through them.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)18:11 No.7041979
    ...I need to do a campaign with this oh god
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)18:12 No.7041981
    The Denshi Bunny functions for up to ten minutes each day, broken up into minutes or rounds as the user sees fit. Using the Bolt Travel ability, however, uses up one full minute of time for Denshi Bunny. If this would reduce the remaining time left to less than one minute then the wearer transforms back to normal immediately at the end of his movement.

    Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, Craft Shen Gong Wu, Lightning Bolt or Call Lighting and Polymorph
    Cost to Create: 37,500gp, 3,000xp
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)18:13 No.7041985
    Mikado Arm
    Price: 45,000gp
    Body Slot: Wrists(See text)
    Caster Level: 6th
    Aura: Moderate, (DC 18) Transmutation
    Activation: Standard(Command)

    Mixed amoung the detritus and debris you find a charm in the shape of a crossed pair of golden arms which seem to radiate strength.

    The Mikado Arm is a Shen Gong Wu designed to give you invincible upper body strength. When invoked, the Mikado Arm crest transforms you own arms, making them visibly larger and more powerful. Invoking the arms this way will form bands of energy around your wrists, which take up the wrist slot; if you already have an item in your wrist slot, the item's function is suppressed harmlessly while the Mikado Arm is active. While using the Mikado Arms you gain an effective strength score of 30(and thus an effective positive strength bonus of +10) for all attacks and actions made with your hands or arms. This includes melee attacks(both armed and unarmed), grapple checks, as well as for Strength checks and Swim and Climb checks. Spells, items, and effects which increase or decrease strength do not affect your effective strength score for the Mikado Arm, but still apply for other effects such as encumbrance or other skill checks. Attacks with your unarmed strike are counted as armed, and overcome Damage Reduction and Hardness as though they were Adamantine, but are not otherwise enhanced.

    Additionally, you can use the power of the Mikado Arm to block incoming attacks, knocking them aside. You may choose to add your positive strength bonus, rather than your Dexterity bonus, to your AC when using the Full Defense action. Your Maximum Dexterity bonus for armour or encumbrance does not limit the strength bonus the Mikado Arm can grant to your Armour Class.

    Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, Craft Shen Gong Wu, Bulls Strength, Heroism
    Cost to Create: 22,500gp, 18,000xp
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)18:19 No.7042012
    I love you.
    Please let me have your babies.
    and also put this into a .doc file for us to consume.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)18:20 No.7042015
    .. Ok, I think that's all the ones I have fully completed.

    I've got a handful of "raw" shen gong wu who's basic function I have mapped out, but I havent sat down and crunched numbers for cost, magic aura DC's, etc...

    Also missing are several of the more Iconic Shen Gong Wu (reversing Mirror, Ring of Nine Dragons, Heart of Jong, etc) which pretty much fall into the Artifact range in terms of power... I haven't really sat down and worked them out, except as a barebones list of abilities.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)18:21 No.7042019
    I love you so much, if i was an angel i would rip off my halo and give it to you
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)18:37 No.7042111
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    There you go, pretty much everything that's in this thread in a .txt file.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)18:41 No.7042129

    Human Wuya makes me feel funny

    In my pants
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)18:49 No.7042164
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    She has that effect on everyone, I think....
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)19:03 No.7042229
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)19:19 No.7042291
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    ... well, that was interesting, in a way I guess.

    Not sure what he was trying to get across other there....
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)20:18 No.7042572
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    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)20:34 No.7042644
    So, did this show have a definite ending? I didn't really get to see much of the later seasons, after they got their funky new, blue ninja-monk costumes.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)20:45 No.7042691
    Does the txt include the bare bones ideas and those artifact ideas?
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)21:04 No.7042781
    This is awesome and you should feel awesome.

    If you ever run this, you've gotta keep /tg/ updated.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)21:15 No.7042817
    oh god oh god oh god
    im getting nervous just looking at this picture.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)21:21 No.7042845
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    No, it's just the Ones posted here...

    I've actually got the Artifact level items more or less worked out, so I'll post them and then fix up a "Works in Progress" text file and post it .
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)21:22 No.7042854
    Ok, thanks, man.
    Eagerly anticipating.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)21:38 No.7042915
    Sapphire Dragon
    Body Slot: -
    Caster Level: 21st
    Aura: Overwhelming; (DC 25) Transmutation
    Activation: Standard (Manipulation)

    The Sapphire Dragon is a last resort weapon who's very use is as potentially dangerous to the user as his enemies. Resembling a small statuette of a dragon barely a foot tall, the Sapphire Dragon is normally held inert by a dense layer of black paint, pigment, or soot. To activate it, you merely have to wipe away enough of the material to expose the sapphire statue underneath to light, a which point it awakens, assuming the shape of a Mature Adult Red Dragon, save that it's made of sapphire blue gemstone. This dragon is identical to the Mature Adult Red Dragon presented in the Monster Manual except for the following:

    Type changes to Construct (Augmented[Dragon])
    Do not recalculate Hitpoints, skills, or saves.
    It gains Damage Reduction 15/Adamantine and Magic
    It gains a second Breath Weapon:

    Breath Weapon (Su)
    The Sapphire Dragon has two types of breath weapons, a cone of fire, and a petrifying cone of sapphire flames.

    If the Sapphire Dragon uses it's petrifying cone, any creature within the area of effect must succeed a fortitude saving throw (DC 26) or be petrified, becoming a sapphire statue. This saving throw DC is Charisma based.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)21:39 No.7042920
    The Sapphire Dragon, however, has it's own mind and has only one goal, the subjugation of everything around it. It will attack any living creature it sees, petrifying them if it can otherwise destroying them. The truly dangerous aspect of this dragon, however, is it's ability to animate the statues of it's petrified victims and command and control them to attack their former comrades. These sapphire statues function as Animated Objects of their size with SR 20 and DR 10/Adamantine and Magic.

    If Slain, the Sapphire Dragon reverts to it's staue form for 1d4 days, and all petrified beings revert to normal(though any creature destroyed while in it's petrified form will still be dead when it reverts back). During this time the statue can be covered once again to prevent the dragon from rising.

    The Sapphire Dragon's only real weakness is smoke. A dense cloud of smoke can weaken the Sapphire Dragon, imposing a -4 penalty to attacks, saves, skill-checks for each size category (that is -4 for a medium cloud, -8 for a large, -12 for a huge cloud, etc). If engulfed by a cloud of smoke of a larger size category than it is, the dense smoke will force the Sapphire Dragon to revert to it's statue form while it exists within the area of the smoke and for 1d4 rounds after.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)21:41 No.7042926
    Reversing Mirror
    Body Slot: Held
    Caster Level: 21st
    Aura: Overwhelming; (DC 25), Abjuration
    Activation: Swift(command) or Immediate (Command)

    You find a fine silverbacked mirror the size of a small shield. It's emblazoned with the dragon Xiaolin Crest.

    The Reversing Mirror is a powerful tool in the right hands, and it can turn the tide of battle with ease. The reversing mirror can be invoked in one of three ways by simply holding the item up and calling it's name:

    Turning: The Reversing mirror can turn back upon it's user any spell, spell-like, or supernatural ability in a similar manner to the Spell Turning spell, however it can turn back even touch range, area, and effect spells and abilities.

    If used against an ability with an area or effect(such as a Fireball or a Red Dragon's Breath) the Reversing Mirror does not negate any area of effect, but it does protect it's wielder from the attack and subjects the originator of the reflected attack his portion instead.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)21:41 No.7042929
    Undoing: The Reversing Mirror can break the ongoing effects of any Shen Gong Wu, as well as any Spell, Spell-like, or Supernatural ability as though with Mage's Disjunction. You have to target each effect individually to dispel it. This effect only applies to effects and cannot directly target magic items, but can end their effects(for example, invoking the Undoing ability against the Moby Morpher would revert the target back to their natural form, but would leave the Morpher unharmed).

    Reversal: Possibly the most powerful ability of the Reversing Mirror, it can reverse the powers of a Shen Gong Wu, allowing it to grant the opposite of it's normal effect. For example, the Changing Chopsticks, which normally shrink their wilder to size of a grain of rice, could be used instead to expand them to size of a giant. This effect is unpredictable, however, and it can be difficult to master.

    *Combination: The Reversing Mirror, in combination with the Serpent's Tail, can be used to restore life and flesh to incorporeal creatures. It will return a Ghost to life as though with True Resurrection, though this ability can only be used once a year on a given being.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)21:43 No.7042938
    Moby Morpher
    Body Slot: Wrists
    Caster Level: 21st
    Aura: Overwhelming; (DC 25) Transmutation
    Activation: Standard(Command)

    You find what appears at first glance to be an onyx inlaid shield set with a large ruby. Further inspection reveals it to be a pair of bracers which fit seamlessly together.

    The Moby Morpher is a powerful tool which imbues it's wielder with the ability to transform themselves and those around them into whatever they can think of, assuming new shapes as though with the Polymorph Any Object spell.

    Additionally, the wearer can enhance his own body in any of the following ways: he can assume any size from Dimunitive to Huge, add any natural weapon to any limb, increase his total number of dexterous limbs(that is limbs that can be use din combat or to perform skills) by as many as 4, or Gain any alternate movement ability of his choice (Climb, Burrow, and similar abilities operate at the wearer's base speed, flight is a three times base speed, with good maneuverability). Activating one of these changes is a standard action, however the wearer can put any number into effect they wish in a single action.

    Shard of Lightning
    Price: 200,000
    Body Slot: Held (Rod)
    Caster Level: 20th
    Aura: Strong; (DC 25) Alteration
    Activation: Standard

    The Shard of Lightning appears to be a glass sphere entwined in a brass and black enamel helix mounted to a sturdy handle. Close inspection allows you to see a wildly arcing spark of electricity inside the sphere.

    Holding the Shard of Lighting in hand and speaking the command word will allow the user to move at incredible speeds, duplicating the effects of a Time Stop spell at will.

    Prerequisites: Craft Rod, Craft Shen Gong Wu, Time Stop
    Cost to Create: 100,000gp
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)22:01 No.7043002
    Looking great
    Thanks for your efforts
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)22:02 No.7043008
    I always thought of XS as a cracked-out game of Exalted.

    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)22:02 No.7043009
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    And here's the bare bones ideas for stuff like the Sphere of Yun, Zing Zom Bone, and some other stuff... much of it is incomplete, though, and you'll find some entries are fragmented, missing information, or just cut off completely...
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)22:04 No.7043013
    thanks bro
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)22:04 No.7043015
    It is. Dumbass archived it with SHAOlin instead of XIAOlin.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)22:17 No.7043067
         File1260242268.jpg-(167 KB, 503x800, wuya2.jpg)
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    It's sort of archived on suptg:

    They're having some fiddly annoying trouble with their archive page at the moment, though..

    Also, despite the amount of work I put into this, I never really planned to base a whole campaign around it... because that would entail having all monks (or monk/something cross classes) and then the monastery and all that...

    I made them originally to spice up a campaign. The players found one Shen Gong Wu (Fist of Tebigong, actually), and though it radiated magic at first, it did nothing till it Activated during a fight. A few day later the players were Attacked by the Heylin side while a group of monks came to their rescue, and the players and monks worked together to stop a Heylin plot to create Mala Mala Jong.

    They gave the fist of Tebigong over to the monks for safekeeping, and went on their way. But they'd earned some new allies.

    And new enemies.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)22:20 No.7043084
    That sounds pretty good
    Reading through these I was thinking of having my players encounter a monastery of githzerai with some of this stuff
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)22:37 No.7043153
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    I really tried to strike a balance between duplicating the effects from the show and keeping the items playability and power in line .

    Most if not all of these would, I hope, fit pretty well in just about any campaign with "normal" magic item allowances.
    >> Sommunist !CvgOA2wCo2 12/08/09(Tue)00:42 No.7043581
    Whoa, thought I was on /v/'s main board there.

    Excuse me.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)01:51 No.7043784
    My buddy ran a few sessions of it as 3.5

    We were all required to take monk levels, but the no-multiclass monk rule was removed. Then he gave us some ad-hoc elemental powers.

    My rogue-monk wind-elemental dude got the mantis coin, shit was so cash.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/09(Tue)06:58 No.7045387
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    While you're all i the mood with this can someone stat me?


    I'm lonely....

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