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12/09/09(Wed)13:17 No.7062895 File1260382635.jpg-(573 KB, 765x980, Gulag_by_LinaLightning.jpg)
 After Ludyenko expressed anti-revolutionary sentiments, and refused orders during battle to fire upon necessary targets inside of Minsk, it was decided that disciplinary action had to be taken, before counter-revolutionary sentiment spread. Captain Kalinin ordered, , that fifty lashes would have to be doled out to Ludyenko, and Lieutenant General Aralov added that his rations should be restricted, and he be chained into his Boyar until further notice.
Unfortunately things have become complicated when the rest of the team decided to take their meals in the hangar with Ludyenko. We have no proof, and the guards set to watch them swear up and down they have seen nothing, but I'm tempted to think that the others are feeding Ludyenko extra food. Sometimes, while doing my rounds through the base, I've found some of my pilots no longer sleeping in their bunks, but again, in the hangar, to keep Ludyenko company I suppose.
When I've found them, I've strictly warned them away from doing it, but out of fear of having more of my unit inoperable from raw and bloody backs, I have held back from punishment, but this situation will only escalate as long as Ludyenko is punished. He is still insisting that he did no wrong (Though admirably wishing to be put back into the fight), and as of such I can not lift the punishment, but what manner of punishment is it if his team mates are there to support him? The miserable rebels even baked a cake for Ludyenko's 17th birthday! Out of desperation I write to you, General, in the hopes of guidance.
-Letter to Lieutenant General Aralov, from Commissar Andropovich. A reply in red was written at the bottom, now indistinguishable from age. |