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seven deadly setting
12/13/09(Sun)00:03 No.7109262 File1260680624.jpg-(46 KB, 604x339, 1235955868540.jpg)
 Each player race is represented by the seven deadly sins. Each race has one sin that they embody, and another causing their downfall. It can't be the same one, because "they were jerks and then we realized it" doesn't make for an interesting race.
Sins: Pride, Lust, Greed, Gluttony, Envy, Wrath, Sloth
Elves (Sloth, Pride): Elves are famed for having powerful empires, living for nearly ever, and still never managing to do a damn thing. Elfish defeat happens when a threat they can't handle eventually arises, and they're too proud to accept aid from the "lesser races" until their civilization comes crashing down around their perfect, pointy ears.
Orcs (Wrath, Lust): Orcs are, most of the time, your standard Proud Warrior Race, continually at war with everyone they contact. Their failing is Lust - surrender to emotional urges, e.g. the rape and pillage they leave behind and complete inability for diplomacy. Orcish incursions are usually halted by alliances of convenience, whose members would gladly kill each other in other circumstances, but are united against the depredations of the orcs.
Humans (Greed, Wrath): Humans (generic fantasy humans, at least) are the despoilers of the fantasy realm. If there's heavy industry to be had, humans are the ones doing it. Business is business, and business must grow! Strangely, though other races bitch CONSTANTLY about human depredations, they never actually get off their ass and do anything about it unless humans are the aggressors. And when humans are aggressors, they don't fuck around. We're talking scorched earth aggression here.
Dwarves (Pride, Greed): Dwarves are at their best when they take pride in their work and their families\clans\etc. However, Dwarves inevitably dig too deep and too greedily, unearthing forgotten terrors they cannot cope with. |