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  • File : 1260721243.gif-(14 KB, 450x450, SCIENCE! 6.gif)
    14 KB Lord Quest V - The Still at the feast, alchemy ones is on fire -ening Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 12/13/09(Sun)11:20 No.7116542  
    Lord Quest IV >>7116436 Cont.

    She's very impressed with your interest of alchemy, she's been studying it for a half year now, but only this month was able to convince her parents that she should acquire some basics for small experiments. Before that she dabbled in herbalism and archery (until her parents found out).

    Pic relevent to her interests, and her parent's fears.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)11:22 No.7116557
    Ask what experiments she wants to do. Offer out assistance.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)11:23 No.7116559

    She's rather sexually attractive, even solely considering her interests and gender.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)11:24 No.7116564
    Hey quest lord, do you think you might make it a little harder for us? Everything seems to be going right all the time right now. It's getting a bit boring to be honest.
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 12/13/09(Sun)11:24 No.7116572
    Seems to be two ideas. Looking at her parents, they seem a bit worried by all this alchemical talk, and other conversation has died down some. Continue talking alchemy or segue into something new?
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)11:24 No.7116573
    We have been rolling rather well, though.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)11:25 No.7116579

    Silence blasphemer!
    Wait until the Chantry uprisings and rogue gryphon attacks.
    Yes, gryphons with the rogue class.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)11:25 No.7116583
    Current party status:
    You are the Thomas Green. You are a lord of an area with 100 dudes.
    You have a Bard and a Scolarly type dude with you.
    You are at a feast where om nom nom nom nom, and a neighbouring lord has a daughter there, Sarah, that you are (possibly) interested in marrying.
    Also here is the lord himself, Sheff, who you have good relations with.
    Sheff's dog, who saved his life, and is the father of your own dog. Your dog is here too.
    Also Sheff's wife, sheff's 2 other children (both sons), and the lords of 2 other nearby provinces are here.

    Oh and there's food. Yay!
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)11:25 No.7116585

    fourthing this from beyond the grave, let's back off from the discussion with her wanting to continue it. Suggest after the hunt or sometime before we depart.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)11:25 No.7116586
    Segue into something new. This is Sheff's celebration. We don't want to make a scene.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)11:26 No.7116587
    Maybe talk about archery a bit. She said she dabbled in it.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)11:26 No.7116589
    Segue the fuck out of that shit bro.
    Segue it.
    Let's talk about HUNTING. fuck year.
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 12/13/09(Sun)11:27 No.7116599
    I kinda plan out things ahead of time, from what you guys say is the plan for months to come. Don't worry, I have a couple things coming up soon that won't be so happy. Lets just say a certain dorf is involved. . .
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)11:27 No.7116603

    Tell her that you'd like to talk more about her interests at a later date, indicate her parents presence to her subtly, then move onto something new.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)11:28 No.7116609
    Oh god...please don't tell me we have dorfy blood on our hands.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)11:28 No.7116610
         File1260721713.jpg-(20 KB, 321x267, coolface.jpg)
    20 KB
    rolled 5 = 5

    >We have been rolling rather well, though.

    They see me rollin'
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)11:29 No.7116613
    This is good when combined with a segue into hunting with her father.
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 12/13/09(Sun)11:30 No.7116625

    You smoothly change topic into hunting and archery, and she is a little disappointed with the change, but follows the conversation closely. The parents seem relieved, and conversation continues. Timeskip to hunt?
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)11:30 No.7116629
    Maybe suggest we can help her in a whisper.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)11:31 No.7116639
    Hunt seems good. I'd say we should use the Ring of Luck +1/month that we just picked up on this hunt, if the opportunity arises.
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 12/13/09(Sun)11:31 No.7116643
    She's across the table. Immediately on your left are both of her parents. . .
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)11:32 No.7116647
    Ehhh ... doesn't seem right to do this at a dinner table. Probably talk to her father about it during the hunt. Who knows? If she's a half-decent archer she might wanna come along with us. Bring whoever else wants to come, too. :)
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)11:32 No.7116650

    Why not? Use our ring for this trip though. When we come back home the month will probably be overt so it's as good a time as any.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)11:33 No.7116662
    So, Huntin'! Who's coming along with us?
    More people on the hunt the better. Sheff, Us, Sheff's dog (if possible), Our dog, either of the other 2 lords, any of Sheff's children who want in. We'll have ourselves a good ol' hunt. =D
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 12/13/09(Sun)11:35 No.7116677
    Ok, d20 to see how well you do in general conversation, with the +2 for the ring. High roll wanted, Alchemy Ones, stay out of it if you want this luck to keep on going. Then to the hunt.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)11:35 No.7116683
         File1260722136.jpg-(86 KB, 407x405, Troll-face-LOL-WHAT.jpg)
    86 KB
    rolled 1 = 1


    They see me rollin
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)11:36 No.7116684
    Sheff likes us. I'd say we're in with a good chance.

    It's a bad idea to make too much of a move on her without his consent.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)11:36 No.7116687
    Troll is evil, ignore the troll.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)11:36 No.7116690
    Oh man I'm glad I was in the bathroom for that one.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)11:36 No.7116691

    i guess sheff will organise, we will take stark and maybe let erik do his own thing see if he can pick up any rumours about whats happening around our lands from the servents of the other lords
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)11:36 No.7116692

    This makes me happy.
    Happier than I've been in a long time.
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 12/13/09(Sun)11:37 No.7116695
    Both of Sheff's children will be coming on the hunt. Sarah is staying home, as much as she'd like to come, her parents disapprove of her unladylike behaviour.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)11:37 No.7116697
    Quick question. How the hell do you roll?
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)11:37 No.7116699
    Seems like he did roll a d20 though.
    Dem trolls man! Dem fukken trolls!
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)11:38 No.7116708
    Put "dice 1d20" (without brackets) in the E-mail field
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)11:39 No.7116713

    dice+(number of dice)d(size of dice) in the email field without the brackets.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)11:39 No.7116718
    rolled 15 = 15

    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)11:39 No.7116720

    i think we just took a shit in the soup or something
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)11:41 No.7116729
    No, no, don't be silly. Our beard just spontaniously combusted.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)11:41 No.7116730
    Problem, Sheff family?
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)11:41 No.7116738
    Well, we were using the ring. So it's a 3 rather than a 1. Not much different, but it might be the difference between brainfarting and soupsharting.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)11:43 No.7116748
    "So I heard an amusing anecdote from my favourite peasant Baldric the other day. Everybody, everybody gather round and hear this story..."
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)11:45 No.7116765
         File1260722716.png-(29 KB, 336x336, awesome.png)
    29 KB
    rolled 9 = 9

    Stacked roll! Roll to see how much we fail, lower = more fail, higher = less fail
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)11:46 No.7116782
         File1260722809.jpg-(41 KB, 263x232, 1236627235261.jpg)
    41 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)11:47 No.7116787

    ring has to be used in the post that rolls so we didnt use it
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)11:47 No.7116788
    I think Quest Lord is asleep. >.>
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)11:47 No.7116795
    We did, quest lord said we did
    So we did.
    ... We did, didn't we?
    Dear god I hope we did.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)11:48 No.7116801
    No, he's just shitting himself laughing about how badly we just did.
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 12/13/09(Sun)11:48 No.7116802
    Shit, this legit? Alchemy Ones, that you again?

    You have a bit too much to drink and impress poorly. You're about to say something rather direct regarding Sarah, but the ring warms itself, and your head clears some. Getting hold of yourself you be a bit quieter. Lady Sheff, Sarah and Sylem aren't impressed, although the remaining lords have also drunk deeply and don't notice.

    (Fuck that ring saved you, in a BIG way.)

    You soon are underway for the hunt en route to the small woods just south of the town. Suddenly Erik stops gossiping with the smallfolk of the castle and runs up to you, pulling you aside with some urgency. It appears that Lord Sylem has a dwarf caged in his room, by the name of Urist. It's very likely the same merchant who visited your town earlier. How do you procede?
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)11:49 No.7116812
    >On the ring, the roller must say in the post if he is using it.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)11:49 No.7116816
    >Alchemy Ones, that you again?

    This one wasn't me. I was in the bathroom.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)11:50 No.7116825
    Go on hunt, can't leave hunt for Urist now can we?
    Maybe after the hunt we'll see to Urist.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)11:50 No.7116828

    >Lord Sylem has a dwarf caged in his room, by the name of Urist.

    shit just got real
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)11:50 No.7116829
    I don't see why we can't confront this Lord on the matter. If it's true, we buy him off him and then set Urist free.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)11:51 No.7116834
    Apologise profusely when you get the chance.

    Take Sylem off to the side and warn him about the caged Dwarf. About how it might bring the wrath of the Dwarves upon our heads if it is not released
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)11:51 No.7116838
    Who's on the hunt with us? (include dogs in this list)
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)11:51 No.7116844
    Oh what the fucking fuck?

    Let's remain very god damn clam and just rationally find out what in the bastard hells is going the shit on here.

    In a very genteel way of course.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)11:52 No.7116848
    rolled 18 = 18

    By the power of dice, if I roll a 20 we must go save Urist immediately, hunt and honor be damned!
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)11:52 No.7116850
    Wait, a troll who can manipulate fate?
    Is that you, Eldrad? You are such a dick!
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 12/13/09(Sun)11:53 No.7116854
    you did. And you saved yourself in a big way because of it. You aren't stupid enough to tell a baldric joke though, just loudly ask her father if you can court her, with some innuendo. The ring savd you there, you just were a drunken idiot for a bit. The mother isn't happy with you, but you didn't undo all the work with the alchemy talk with Sarah. Just some. If you didn't have that ring there (the roll was particularly to use it) well, I'd have you kiss your chances of wooing her goodbye. Luckily, the ring saved you.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)11:54 No.7116858
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)11:54 No.7116863

    sylem is a psycho we need to be careful, should try and find out what sort of relationship he has with sheff

    ask erik if he knows what realtions are like between sheff and sylem (if they are really friendly or he has been invited for diplomacy), if he is much of a hunter and if he is a betting man

    i reckon we could win urist from him by betting on who bags the better game in the hunt
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)11:55 No.7116870
    Can we apologise profusely to everyone involved. Say that you got caught up in the revelry and you normally wouldn't drink that much?
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 12/13/09(Sun)11:56 No.7116873
    Both Stark and Redfear, as well as Sylem's hound Kayn.
    Sheff, both his sons, Sylar and Lyann.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)11:56 No.7116878
    rolled 281 = 281

    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)11:57 No.7116887
    Hold a sec, people. We've heard the Sylem's are crazy, let's not piss them off just yet. Let's get the hunt out of the way and then confront the Lord on the matter.

    Also, I vote we become a bit less flaunting with the alcoholic beverage. I'm not saying be a teetotaler or anything, but god damn.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)11:58 No.7116900
    try to get into conversation with sylem during the hunt and mention that you hate dwarves, see what he has to say
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)11:58 No.7116903

    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)11:58 No.7116904
    Who's Sylar?
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)12:00 No.7116917

    we should get baldric to serve us water disguised as a jug of ale so we dont look like we cant handle our drink in the future
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)12:00 No.7116919
    If we had stole something of his we probably would have held it up and giglled about how clever we were. Now shut up.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)12:01 No.7116928
    I agree
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 12/13/09(Sun)12:01 No.7116936
    Erik states that he's a decent hunter, but is more given to bloodier persuits. Duels, Dogfighting, Melee, Scarbord (a game played with knives and dice, not favoured with nobility outside Sylar estate), etc. He is a gambling man though.

    He was invited more for diplomacy, he is the major millitary power in this region, and although relations with between Sheff and him are polite they're nothing amazing. Lyann is a close friend of Sheff's though.
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 12/13/09(Sun)12:03 No.7116950
    Feck, Sylem.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)12:04 No.7116955
    So Sylem's dog's hunting with us but not Sylem himself? I'm cool with that but it's a bit unusual.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)12:04 No.7116957
    Warn Sheff about the Dwarf when you are alone with him.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)12:05 No.7116966
    Sylem's there. It was just a typo.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)12:05 No.7116968
    Oh. That explains it. Never mind. ^_^
    Well, let's get hunting. Burn that +1 ring to see what sort of game we bag. :D
    Privately, express interest in courting Sarah to Sheff, if we haven't done so already with our roll of 1.
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 12/13/09(Sun)12:05 No.7116974
    A lot of ideas here, but which are you going with?
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)12:05 No.7116975
    No, Sylam is the one we need to warn.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)12:07 No.7116991
    Gamblin' man, eh?
    And we have a +1 ring of luck -and- a slightly better hunting skill?

    Hm. What could we offer him in a bet for the dwarf? I don't think we have anything to offer, really.
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 12/13/09(Sun)12:07 No.7116999
    Not yet. You want to use the ring for the hunt or for asking him about his daughter? Note you've sobered up some on your way here.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)12:08 No.7117002
    I think it's generally running along the Warn Sheff, talk to Sylam route.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)12:08 No.7117004

    lets chat with Sylam a bit before we make any rash decisions see if we can find out more about the circumstances of him having the dwarf
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)12:08 No.7117005

    Yes let's confront the number one military power in the region who also might very well be an insane psycopath
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)12:08 No.7117008
    We have some small amount of gold but he might be willing to gamble just for the ability to gloat against us.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)12:08 No.7117009
    I'd say we gamble for urist's freedom if we can offer something of equal value.

    Failing that we calmly and politely tell Sheff that, uh, Sylem may have one of our friends - a trader dwarf - held prisoner.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)12:09 No.7117017
    Use ring for hunt imo. Win hunt = impress everyone present.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)12:09 No.7117020
    I'd hold the ring in reserve for whatever we end up doing in regards to Urist.

    Hunting and wooing can be done at any time, but this is extra-important.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)12:10 No.7117034
    Should we really use up both our rings so soon?
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)12:10 No.7117037

    i dont think we should risk forcing sheff to shit up his diplomatic relations with a psycho warmonger for a dwarf, lets deal with this ourselves
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)12:11 No.7117042

    We don't want to cause trouble for Sheff or make ourselves look bad. Give him fair warning. Hell, maybe even ask him for advice. Sheff knows this guy better than we do.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)12:11 No.7117046
         File1260724309.jpg-(27 KB, 400x320, test_nucleaire_Nevada_Test_Sit(...).jpg)
    27 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)12:11 No.7117047
    Agreed, proceed with hunt as normal, but mention to lord Sheff that we heard rumors about dorfs and cages.
    (We didn't think he went for the kinky stuff but.....)
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)12:12 No.7117051
    We should at least advise him of whats happening, we don't want to potentially start a political incident on his soil without him being aware.
    >> Dreamscape !!SbnXxXER/Ds 12/13/09(Sun)12:12 No.7117064
    This. Let's at least find out WHY he's been caged.
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 12/13/09(Sun)12:13 No.7117072
    Note that he's on the other side of Lyann and that he's a major player in the area, but smalltime in the grand scale of things. It's not like he can bring down the wrath of Erondia on you. Sheff has a decently sized if moderately equipped army, and Lyann (Sheffs mate) also has an army of his own, and is an Erondian lord, same as Sylem. All of these people own much more land then you, but they only have a half dozen knights a piece and a good force of men-at-arms.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)12:16 No.7117099
    I still say we should try talking to him about Urist, and see if we can gamble for his freedom in a hunting contest somehow.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)12:16 No.7117107
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)12:18 No.7117119
    Well what's your plan?
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 12/13/09(Sun)12:18 No.7117130
    You have a quiet word with Sheff, and Sheff states that apparently the dwarf in question was a criminal and insulted Sylem over something after his arrest. He asks if you can vouch for this dwarf. He won't make a political indecent over it, but he says he's got your back is shit hits the fan. He suggests perhaps talk to Lyann first also, it's an open secret that there is no love lost between Lyann and Sylem.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)12:19 No.7117137
    Seriously, first and foremost talk the situation over with Sheff. We're his guest so itä's the polite thing to do and he can obviously give us more on information concerning Sylem and how to deal with him.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)12:19 No.7117146
    At least talk to Sylem about the dwarf, we don't need to accuse him or demand anything.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)12:20 No.7117148
    Then I guess we chat with Lyann.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)12:21 No.7117169
    We should probably speak with Sylem at some point, but for now we need to suss out the situation a little without tipping our hand.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)12:21 No.7117170

    In due time, first we want to make sure we have all available information at hand so we don't inadvertently trigger some shit.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)12:22 No.7117178
    rolled 20 = 20

    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)12:22 No.7117180
    Hm. Wonder what he did. See if anyone in the party other than Sylem knows.
    If not, talk to Sylem - might as well find out of Urist deserves the shit he's in, you know how dem dorfs are.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)12:22 No.7117190
    Aw shit.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)12:22 No.7117192
    Clearly this means we win Devil Went Down To Georgia style.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)12:24 No.7117210
    Urist was good to us though, and, to an extent if I remember rightly, he altered his trip because of us.
    >> Kaos Machina !xSZBqZMT.M 12/13/09(Sun)12:25 No.7117217
    Bye bye soul. I'll miss you.
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 12/13/09(Sun)12:25 No.7117218
    Lyann is quiet at first, contemplating the situation, and how he can wrest some gain out of it. You mention the idea of gambling for it, and Lyann likes this idea, and offers to do his best in manipulating Sylem into taking the bet. Alternatively he offers to have some "bandits" free the dwarf on Sylem's route back home, if worst comes to worst. Although Sylem is a sadistic bastard, and if Urist disappeared months ago, it's a wonder the dwarf is still alive.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)12:25 No.7117231
    lets rawk.

    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)12:26 No.7117239
    Is it even Urist though? At this point its just some dorf.
    And we all know how dorfs look alike
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)12:28 No.7117256

    if it isnt we get a free court jester
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)12:29 No.7117260

    okay so the bandits are gonna free the dwarf.. into our hands. But if sheff finds out we have him it will cause a fit.

    so either

    A) Keep the dwarf locked up and make him do our bidding, hiding him from everyone
    B) Present sheff with the Dwarf's head.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)12:29 No.7117264

    Sounds like we have both a primary and backup plan then. Also fostering a friendship with Lyann by using his feud with Sylem might be a good long term move. You can never be to friendly with your more powerful immediate neighbours.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)12:29 No.7117266
    Just in case this give us anything - maybe it should and maybe it shouldn - but...

    Wirt, with one leg, is from Dablio
    Thomas Green is /TG/, same as the land
    Sylar is from Heroes?
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)12:29 No.7117272

    make some passing remarks to Sylam that we are an amazing hunter and generally show off and see how he reacts
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)12:30 No.7117275
    We should at least check to make sure its *our* before we start a blood feud, though.
    >> Kaos Machina !xSZBqZMT.M 12/13/09(Sun)12:30 No.7117278
    Kill the bandits afterwords, claiming that we rescued the dwarf from them, making him indebted to us.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)12:30 No.7117279
    Also we should make sure it's Urist before acting at all.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)12:30 No.7117281
    thats no way to treat a good businessman.
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 12/13/09(Sun)12:32 No.7117300
    You offer a silent prayer to Byron, pledging that you will recover the dwarf or be damned forever in his sight. You also ask for his help on this venture.

    It's a dwarf, named Urist. In an area where dwarves aren't common. It's pretty damned likely.

    Indeed, if he was in Sylem's land it was because of you.

    Nope, I was thinking of using that reference until I decided Arkham Asylem.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)12:32 No.7117301
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 12/13/09(Sun)12:33 No.7117310
    Sheff has your back, he just doesn't want to do anything overtly and start a shitfight here.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)12:33 No.7117311
    Wow, are you even aware of what's going on?
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)12:33 No.7117316
    Thank Lyann for his consideration. Strike up a conversation with Sylem.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)12:34 No.7117321
    It's probably just that same troll who's been making shitty suggestions all throughout the threads.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)12:35 No.7117326
    No killing anyone!
    No killing Urist
    No killing Sylem
    No killing Bandits
    No killing anyone.

    See if we can gamble for the dwarf's freedom, based on how well we hunt.

    Tel Sheff we're gonna try to resolve this Peacefully and Legally with nobody hurt.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)12:35 No.7117327

    Thomas Green = /tg/?

    Wirt, with one leg, is Dablio
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 12/13/09(Sun)12:35 No.7117328
    So this? Challenge him to the hunt, and fall back on the 'bandits' if that fails. Lyann wants you to beat Sylem in the hunt, they're hardly friendly.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)12:35 No.7117336
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)12:36 No.7117346

    Yeah let's do the hunt, then depending on how that plays out we'll consider some "banditry".
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)12:36 No.7117347
    Any news on why Urist is a prisoner?
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)12:36 No.7117351

    go for it
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)12:37 No.7117353
    Can we pray to Artagus even without a temple around? Promise to make her a mighty offering when we get home?
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 12/13/09(Sun)12:37 No.7117355
    Ok, you strike up a conversation sith Sylem, who seems polite enough. You boast of your hunting skills some whilst talking. Mention dwarves?
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)12:37 No.7117362
    Fine by me, what are -we- gambling in this hunt? Can't have only Sylem having something to lose here.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)12:38 No.7117374
    rolled 6 = 6


    rolling for the hunt
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)12:39 No.7117380

    he was caught gong through Sylams lands so he could do stuff for us

    Sylams a dick and probably robbed him of all his stuff and said he was a thief
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)12:39 No.7117381
    Yeah, ask about what Urist did to become a prisoner.
    If it's something mundane (e.g. trespassing without any violence or theft) then ask if we can gamble for his freedom ... with a hunting contest. :)
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)12:39 No.7117386
    Might as well ask him how about this dwarf and how he got all up in his grill.
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 12/13/09(Sun)12:39 No.7117387
    You can, but you just prayed to Byron, who is a gambling god, and also enjoys a hunt. He's a popular god because he's pretty chilled, and generally supports being manly and having a good time.

    None yet. Ask Sylem?
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)12:39 No.7117395
    Yeah, but isn't Sheff's youngest son called Sylar? Still works, doesn't it? But, oh well.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)12:40 No.7117399
    Yes, ask about the charges.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)12:40 No.7117401
    I'd suggest hanging back a little and seeing where he takes the conversation. If it doesn't go where we want it to we could then dissemble and mention how peaceful and uneventful these lands are. Except for this one duplicitous Dwarf you ran into.

    Or some bullshit. Iunno.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)12:41 No.7117410

    yer say we heard he has a dwarf with him and ask why
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)12:41 No.7117414
    Don't try to bullshit Sylem. Be frank but polite.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)12:41 No.7117416
    >his two sons, Alik and Ren
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 12/13/09(Sun)12:42 No.7117418
    Sylem states that he was evading taxes, by only trading with the peasantry for food, and not getting profitable goods from the towns. It is clear that Sylem doesn't like dwarves, and unconciously rubs the back of his neck when you bring the subject up,

    dont get ahead of yourself, the hunt hasn't started yet. Luckily.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)12:42 No.7117420
    rolled 13 = 13


    let's just steal the little fucker.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)12:42 No.7117423
    Inform him that we have heard he has a prisoner of a dwarf. Say that you would enjoy a bet for control of it.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)12:43 No.7117425
    Spot check for Sylem's neck?
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)12:43 No.7117434
    protip: roll only when told to
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)12:44 No.7117440
    Bring up the idea of a bet for control of the Dwarf.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)12:44 No.7117444
    Before getting ahead of ourselves just plain ask Sylem if there's any way the dwarf can be released. Money for example. We really shouldn't take risks unless we have to.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)12:45 No.7117449
    rolled 17 = 17


    second this
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)12:45 No.7117452
    That doesn't seem like an actual crime though. If Urist had avoided taxes on goods he had actually bought or sold that would be understandable but this... is trying to dictate what free merchants must trade?

    Is this legal?
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)12:46 No.7117458
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)12:46 No.7117461

    It's feudalism. The lord decides the law.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)12:47 No.7117470

    the guy is a psycho no doubt this is pretence for robbing the dwarf of his goods, also remember Urist was trading for food because we asked him to
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)12:48 No.7117476
    Fuckit. We prayed - and rolled a twenty - we gave our brother a holy artifact, we have a temple of a hunting goddess in our back yard...fuck this, we're gonna go hunting and beat the socks of [strike]The Joker[/strike] Sylem.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)12:48 No.7117477
    Tax evasion?
    Oh whatever. Say we'll gamble for his freedom based on whoever downs the biggest game - We win, we get Urist as a slave (who we immediately set free, but don't tell this to Sylem). He wins, we pay him however much gold is and equal wager to Urist.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)12:49 No.7117483

    Also if it comes to betting, try to make the suggestion come from Sylem himself. We don't want to seem to eager. Especially if we consider taking a more direct approach later on.
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 12/13/09(Sun)12:49 No.7117486
    You ask if you culd buy the dwarves freedom, but he declines, laughing at you, "You hopped up border-kights, you think you could buy the smallest whim from me?" Continuing on from your talk earlier, you suggest a hunting competition. Maybe Urist as the stakes? Against some cash?

    Sylem snears, saying that a border lordling like yourself could never have enough to wager. Lyann comes over, and unsubtly states that Sylem's still hurting from their last hunt together, when Lyann brought down 3 stags, and Sylem didn't get a kill. He murmurs to you, asking if you can take him? and despite the last hunt's results, not to underestimate him.

    His lands, his rules. Near the border, the lords have almost autonomy over their laws. It is however something that you've never heard of before, and seems a bit shady.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)12:50 No.7117497
    We can take him.

    In Byron we trust.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)12:51 No.7117504
    Shit yeah we can take him.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)12:53 No.7117517
    I'm going to laugh if we roll a one and end up head shotting Sylem.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)12:53 No.7117525
    rolled 7 = 7

    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)12:53 No.7117527
    Lets do this thing. Do we get any bonuses for our prayers to Byron?
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)12:54 No.7117532

    so Lyann might stump the cash for this hoping that we humiliate Sylam, sounds like a good deal, i say go for it

    tell Lyann we can take Sylam any day of the week
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)12:54 No.7117533
    waiting for the call to roll.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)12:54 No.7117537
    He didn't say roll yet.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)12:54 No.7117539
    Maybe we can offer him the ring of luck?
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)12:54 No.7117541
    Don't forget to use the ring on this too.
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 12/13/09(Sun)12:55 No.7117552
    It's on

    You nod, and then Lyann pipes up again. I'll wager Mainholme against this kids dwarf. But furthermore, if you lose, you have to end your petition to Duke Numeron over Mainholme. Deal?

    Sylem, looks contemptuously at you, and snarls, "it's on. Bigest single kill wins." and rides off into the woods. You apologise to Sheff, and with a nod to Lyann take off in the opposide direction.

    Roll 2d20 for the hunt. One each, first 2 count. And use your ring?
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)12:56 No.7117557
         File1260726974.jpg-(29 KB, 395x317, Fffuuu.jpg)
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    rolled 15 = 15

    Use ring.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)12:56 No.7117563
    rolled 3 = 3

    Using ring.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)12:57 No.7117568
    rolled 13 = 13

    Come on, natural 20!
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)12:57 No.7117574
    Not sure if good.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)12:57 No.7117578
    rolled 20, 18 = 38

    use ring
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)12:58 No.7117584
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)12:58 No.7117585
    Where's my reaction image of an angry guy with his eyeballs pressed up against a computer monitor?
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 12/13/09(Sun)12:58 No.7117592
    rolled 9, 13 = 22

    16, nice roll. :)

    Not so nice roll.

    Total score 21 (with bonuses)

    He has 2d20 with some penalties. Go.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)12:58 No.7117595
    >Roll 2d20

    >rolled 20, 18 = 38

    this is the one done correctly
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)12:59 No.7117602
    rolled 20 = 20

    Trip and fail, guy. This can't be harder than alchemy.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)13:00 No.7117607
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)13:00 No.7117608
    rolled 4 = 4

    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)13:00 No.7117612
    rolled 8 = 8

    dear god. I have to roll a 1 don't I?
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)13:01 No.7117618
    >with some penalties

    There's only three difference. HOPEFULLY, that will be enough.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)13:01 No.7117619
    rolled 4 = 4

    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 12/13/09(Sun)13:01 No.7117623
    I wanted people to do the one each, but he got 22, before penalties. 19 after. You narrowly win, with a massive stag, against his slightly less impressive stag kill. You thank you faithful hound for tracking this mighty beast.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)13:01 No.7117625
    gj alchemy dude
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)13:02 No.7117629
    Fuck yes
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)13:02 No.7117630
    >rolled 9, 13 = 22

    that was Sylams roll
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)13:02 No.7117632
    rolled 10 = 10

    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)13:03 No.7117642
    At least it made the contest interesting, right? Right?
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)13:03 No.7117643
         File1260727382.jpg-(17 KB, 256x368, 1233335582910.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)13:03 No.7117651
    Thank Byron. ^_^
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)13:04 No.7117662
    rolled 9, 12, 17, 10 = 48

    We rolled 24, which after penalties would be 21, i.e. fucking tie. i.e. roll again. Though this is obviously the DM's quest, I figure I'll roll 4d20 just to see what would've happened - Green's rolls first, Sylem's rolls 2nd.
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 12/13/09(Sun)13:04 No.7117663
    Sylem is obviously irratable, but unwilling to go back on his word with the other lords around. Lyann tells one of his retainers to run back and free Urist.

    And I"m ending it for tonight, it's 4am, I gotta SLEEEEP. Someone archive this on the way out please?
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)13:05 No.7117671
    Oh thank Christ. I didn't even see.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)13:05 No.7117672
         File1260727538.jpg-(138 KB, 700x394, 1256607121624.jpg)
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    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 12/13/09(Sun)13:06 No.7117677
    BAD END! Luckily it didn't come to that.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)13:06 No.7117682
    On it.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)13:07 No.7117695
    Someone else archive this.
    Okay, we've rescued Urist. Shit yeah.
    Brofist with Lyann.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)13:08 No.7117705
    Sleep well, Sir.

    Thank you for the quest excellent enough that I stayed up until 5am without realising.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)13:10 No.7117717

    thanks quest lord you rock
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)13:11 No.7117722
    Lord Quest V: The Sit On Your Arsening is archived.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)13:12 No.7117733
    Nooo, someone just barely beat me to it. With a less cool name.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)13:14 No.7117756
    Oh man. That shit was intense. My heart is actually beating quickly. If I have a heart attack, tell my meatbread... it was the death of me.
    >> Kaos Machina !xSZBqZMT.M 12/13/09(Sun)14:03 No.7118289
    This was awesome. Gonna come back for next thread.

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