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05/26/10(Wed)20:26 No.10077401 File1274919972.jpg-(131 KB, 465x666, 1265528570598.jpg)
 COLLECTIVE CLASS LIST: /tg/ - Todark Grimbeard, Male LN (LG?) Dwarf Paladin of Aesur, out to bring some justice to the world. /an/ - Acatis Finetu, Female Elf Druid, Blissfully ignorant of others' suffering, too busy caring for animals /lit/ - Orson Wilde, Human Male Wizard (Archivist?). LN, really intelligent and insufferable. /sci/ - Ein Hawking, Male Alchemist /mu/ - Jack Blackrock, Male Bard /fit/ - Atlas Bareback, Male Human Monk /sp/ - Male CN Barbarian /k/ - Kolt "The Desert Eagle", Male CN Ranger, obsessed with his multitude of weapons and their upkeep, critiques other people's gear relentlessly, was part of a special ops unit. /po/ - Kuten Fold, Female Paper Artificer. Can kill with paper cuts. /m/ - Gurren, Male(?) CG Warforged Warlord, has tendency to shout out names of attacks and make inspiring speeches mid-combat, has a knack to pull tricks out of his sleeve at exactly the right moment, has killer sideburns and a tendency to go a tad insane. Hangs out with /a/ /v/ - Pokey Mann, Male CN Halfling Rogue/Barbarian, makes bad jokes and pranks on other party members and enemies alike, has anger issues, and hates /a/ with little to no real reason. /a/ - Yami Yaiba, male/trap Elf Swordsage, carries 5 swords, 3 of them are katanas, one wakisaki and one giant bastard sword. /co/ - "Doctor Spoiler", Male NG Human Paladin, worships not a deity but the concept of JUSTICE, looks strikingly like a medieval Batman /ck/ - Cattie Dumas, Female Battlechef/Barbarian, worships Grond Koour, makes some bitchin' food /tv/ - Homer Sein-feld the Lost, male Diviner. /t/ - CN Male Swashbuckler, owns a boat with which he plunders the world's treasures from the greedy kings and monsters that own them /adv/ - Factotum /x/ - "X" (real name unkown), Female Alienist, extremely paranoid, practices small rituals for little to no reason, thinks that paranormal things are behind every dark corner and plot |