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!hoaRoCu48g 06/25/10(Fri)00:12 No.10725765 File1277439129.png-(197 KB, 1175x581, New Riata58.png)
 Year 462 of our holy mother, june
An emissary has been sent down street with 10 marine guards too the Bernician settlement to organise trade rights and improve the relations. We should hear back from them in around a month
Mean while, captain Petrovski lead search parties looking for the bandits, each comprised of 4 marines, 2 scouts and a hound or wolf. Eventually Petrovski himself found the bandit camp, which would be a mistake. Numbering 30 in strenght, the search party was quickly under attack and forced to make a fighting retreat, and was able to bunker down on a hill where they exchanged fire with the bandits.
Another one of the search parties passing near the area heard the gunfire and raced back to the settlement to warn the baron. The baron immediately set out with 20 marines to relieve Petrovski and his besieged men. By time the baron had arrived, the only men alive was petrovski and a scout, the scout who would later die of his wounds. They also discovered that Petrovski And his unit, despite being wiped out, and fought off the attack single handedly with over 20 bodies at the bottom of the hill and 5 at the top where the bandits had seemed to charged. Captain Petrovski suffered Multiple gunshot wounds and several slashes, and is under care in the dukes fort. -4 marines -2 scouts -1 dog
bandit problem no longer existent. |