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!!857o4GkKJgy 08/06/10(Fri)13:33 No.11554610 File1281116038.jpg-(134 KB, 850x509, sample-6093c2b4475164b2542ac20(...).jpg)
 >>11554329 >>11554322
You fire another burst of beams at him from your Beam Carbine, you're going to need to reload in another 2 bursts, and you don't think he's going to give you the time to that. Your fire forces him to dive out of the way and you take the oppourtunity to get behind the church he was using for cover previously and decide to reload now.
"Elaine, Jolyne, try to flank him from the north and the south, I'll keep his attention."
To punctuate that sentence you toss a Cracker Grenade behind you to keep him on his toes.
"Zolomon, you think you can let Hovis and Calvin take up the slack and get over here?"
You break cover in time with the Gundam, both of your beam shots go wide and you both dive behind some more buildings.
"I dunno boss, they're doing okay for their first time in PeeDees, but I don't think they're ready for that."
"Do what you can then, keep them off our backs whilst we try to either put this guy down, or get him to retreat."
You prime another Cracker and toss it in the Gundam's general direction. You then flank around the buildings it was using for cover, and come face to face with it as it scrambles away from the Grenade. It's leaps like a scalded cat through the adjacent warehouse to avoid your burst of fire. Whereupon it leaps into the sky to avoid the beam shots of Elaine and Jolyne as they flank him from both sides. He lands back behind the church.
Suddenly, you see Bernard's Zaku Kai leap up from it's hiding spot. It tosses a flash grenade, and the bright flare sillouettes the building. Bernard grasps his chain mine and using his thrusters spins in the air, the long line of explosives trail as he swings them around, intended to entangle the Gundam, but at the last moment it lurches to the side, and rolls on top of the church. Which instead of the Gundam, the Chain-Mines wrap around instead. There is a massive succession of explosions... |