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!hoaRoCu48g 08/18/10(Wed)13:55 No.11727869 File1282154151.png-(2 KB, 377x230, Eittensmoor.png)
 Name: La royaume la plus chevaleresque de Eittensmoor Government: Monarchy Size rating: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 (7) 8 9 10 Army Rating, Effectiveness: 0 1 2 3 (4) 5 6 7 8 9 10 Army Rating, size: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 (8) 9 10 Navy Rating: 0 1 2 3 4 (5) 6 7 8 9 10 Main ethnicalities: Elvenfolk, West Tieflings, Trollfolk
Commonly refered to by the common folk of other kingdoms as 'the most stuck up kingdom of Eittensmoor', While being one of the more stable kingdoms in Europa, she is also the most arrogent, the Elvenfolk being eccentric and self centered and looking down upon other kingdoms for not having glory similar too Eittensmoor. Although ruled by a single king, the various provences have various rulers, dukes, duchesses, Counts, Barons, Princes, Captain Regents, if there is a noble title, you can be sure to find it in Eittensmoor. Despite looking down upon the other kingdoms, they do not look down upon the people themselves, with those intergrated into the kingdom such as West Tieflings and Trollfolk being Considered Equal in the eyes of the Elvenfolk Majority, and can even be just as arrogent. The people themselves are vibrant and colorful, literally, with everybody trying to out do each other in fashion be it their house, garden, food, hair, clothes or even skin, with some Nobility using Southern toxins to permnantly change the hue of their skin, and although the colors aren't as strong as the red of the tieflings or Green of the Goblins, it is still easy to spot somebody whos undergone it. These eccentric overtones even exist in the military, being the first armed forces in the world to have a uniform. |