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!!SHtmW8nGled 09/07/10(Tue)01:26 No.11987023 File1283837209.jpg-(19 KB, 300x350, 1257749344833.jpg)
 >I must apologize in advance, I don't do this very often, nor do I participate in many QUEST threads. Bare with me.
>>11986811 >>11986827 >Express THANKS, offer FOOD
The two women seem grateful, but are reluctant to accept your offer. The shorter one, Fyna, runs a hand through her boyishly short hair, smiling wryly. "We appreciate it, but Nieve probably has something waiting for us back at our place." The taller Viera seems bolstered by this, and ushers Fyna towards the door. "Right, right, we have to get back to the others. Anyways, it was nice to meet you, I'm sure we'll see you around, have a nice day, you know, the works." With that, the taller of the two exits the apartment, leaving Fyna on the landing. She sighs, looking somewhat apologetic.
"Don't let Elma fool you, she always puts on the high-and-mighty act around men. Why don't you come by after you get situated? I'm sure the girls would like to meet you-- even if they don't act like it."
With that, Fyna gives you a wink and a jaunty wave, and follows Elma back to the Vieras' apartment. You stand in the doorway, trying to take everything in. You have a feeling that things are going to get very interesting very quickly.
You make a mental note of your current inventory: >CELL PHONE >CAR KEYS with NOVELTY BOTTLE OPENER KEYCHAIN >Four bottles of LIQUOR >WELCOME PACK, which includes coupons and information about the apartment complex
This is, of course, not including your personal effects, which are still packed in their respective boxes and cases. |