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10/23/10(Sat)01:12 No.12541137 File1287810765.jpg-(106 KB, 640x557, 3.jpg)
 A successful Stealth check put him at the base of a trellis on which a nasty-looking vine was growing, below a second-story window leading into the merchant's house, past the guards outside.
He flubbed the Acrobatics check to get up the vine the first time, and so lost a healing surge from being lacerated by the razor-sharp thorns. He succeeded on his second try and climbed up into the merchant's bedroom, using a Thievery check to silently open the locked window. There was a portly man asleep in a bed and a locked chest on the other side of the room. I asked him what he wanted to do, and he said he wanted to creep over to the man without waking him up. A successful hard Stealth check and he was in melee range. Scratch one merchant. Looks like he made his choice.
Then he said he wanted to open the chest. A successful hard Thievery check forced the lock, and he dug through the merchant's papers for a steel dagger the guy had been using as a letter opener. With the optional Weapon Breakage rules in effect, this dagger would be pretty useful, and Belkar pocketed it before slipping back out through the window, down the trellis again unharmed, and through the alley unseen.
The next morning, when he arrived back at the tavern where the party was staying, the thieves registered their disappointment, and warned him to stay clear of their affairs in the future. The assassins welcomed him, but asked him about what happened to the dagger. "I dunno lol" (successful hard Bluff check) and the assassin leader said "hm, looks like it was pilfered by the household help, I suppose." I gave him the Connected feat (reroll Streetwise checks) and his choice of a combat style feat for joining the guild and training with them (he still hasn't picked the style feat). He also kept the nonmagical steel dagger, which is actually a pretty nice piece of equipment to have in Dark Sun. |